We have a wonderfully small number of clues. One is this ticket. Did you see this movie about vampires and such?
New moon? Yeah, I saw it with April. She was so hopped up on painkillers from getting her wisdom teeth out, I convinced her to see it with me.
The teeth! They're yours. You were super out of it. You kept yelling Team Voldemort at the screen and we were kicked out. I was furious. You only get to see the second Twilight film for the seventh time once. Senior year. How'd you get so old so fast? I didn't. It's not that old. I don't know. Is that a gray hair? No. No way. Happy birthday.
That's really funny I'm gonna take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together like a scrapbook full of memories. Oh, cool, yeah. I take them. I'm not in them. No, no, no, come here. You'll photoshop this if my nose looks big, right? Don't worry. I'm in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys. It's good. Oh, good. Cullen's here. Yay. Hot and dangerous. If you're one of us, then roll with us. Jacob! I'll leave you to talk. Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you. Well, I'm just filling out, Bella. Mm-hmm. Why are you slumming it? I was just buying a part for the Rabbit. You should really come take a ride when it's done. Is it fast? Um. It's decent Hey, I saw this the other day and thought of you. Catches bad dreams. Thank you. No problem. Good seeing you. Yeah, I'll see you later. So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't? Because I have nothing to give back to you. Bella, you've given me everything just by breathing. See, thank you. Okay. I'll see you at 7:00! Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing! Sorry, Bella. Happy.... Nevermind. You can't trust vampires. Trust me. I can take your man if I want to. Can take your man if I want to I can take your man's if I want to but lucky for you I don't want to I can take your man's if I want to but lucky for you. I don't want to You're my only reason to stay alive, if that's what I am. How dare you jettison my gift? Happy birthday, Bella. Thanks. Dating an older woman. Hot. (Stop it. Get some help.) What? This one is from Emmett. Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of- Hey, don't-don't hate the truck. You messin' with my truck? You messin' with my truck dipstick? Paper cut. ( oh no... JASPER NO! CONTROL YOURSELF BOI!! ) I'm gonna munch I'm gonna crunch It's still my birthday. So I ask one thing. Kiss me. Please, sir. I want some more. What? Please, sir. I want some more. I'm coming. Bella, I don't want you to come. You don't want me? No. You're just not good for me. Not good enough for you. Goodbye. I got her. Thank you, Sam. Impossibilities. Yes. I can't wait. There's definitely a possibility that the possibility has been going on. I feel like the possibility of all those possibilities being possible. Is just another possibility that can possibly happen. I don't know why you want to sit through all those zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross. Why are there that many zombie movies anyway? Is it supposed to draw a parallel about leprosy? My cousin had leprosy- it's not funny. You know? Like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? 'Cause, don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-referential cleverness, you know? Like, some girls like to shop. I think I know those guys. (We got beer, we got bikes!) Well they seem great, can we go? I'm just gonna see something. Hey! Um, what the hell's wrong with you? Just... curious. I thought that I saw something. You th- oh. You're.. insane, actually. Or suicidal. That "homeboy"? Could have been a psycho. I was about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame TV show. That was such a rush. Awesome. So you're an adrenaline junkie now? That's cool. You can go bungee jumping, you don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle. Bella! Where the hell have you been?! Oh wait be careful those things are actually really... heavy, so. Jake you're- like, buff. How did that happen? You're like 16. I don't get it. Age is just a number, baby. What are you, like 40 now? (You better talk to her before I do cause Ima hurt her feelings.) It's okay, it's just my boys. Hey, Jake.
Hey! I'm Quil Ateara. So the bike building story is true? Oh yeah. Yeah, I taught him everything he knows. What about the part where you're his girlfriend? We're friends? Ooh, burn! Actually, remember I said she's a girl and a friend. Embry, do you remember him making that distinction? Nope! So you guys have girlfriends? Awesome. Yeah, well Quil is actually taking his cousin to prom. Yeah, that's still a riot. You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny. (Yo, what's up dude? What's up dude? Come on, dog. Come on, swing. Take a f***ing swing!) Got 5 bucks on Quil. You're on. He likes you a little too much. Oh. Well, I'm really not into the whole cougar thing, you know. What's up with you and age? How old was that Cullen guy, anyway? (Wow. Oh wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.) Of course, what do I know? I'm just a terminal bachelor. Famous ladies man. Okay. (When I tell you that school's not important, be whatever you want to be. If you want to be a dog, *bark*, you know.) (I just wanna say, thanks to you, my hair grew back. I look like a floof. I got hair.)