New Milwaukee & Harbor Freight Flashlights vs Streamlight, Nitecore, Coast

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welcome back to TTC and we're back we usually take a bit of a break during the summer season on flashlights because well the sun's doing a lot of that heavy lifting but today is all about new we've not been resting on our laurels in the offseason we bought the new Milwaukee 2000 Lumen flashlight the new Braun from Harbor Freight that's 18800 Lumen for third of the price Streamlight and nightore that have come out in the last year and we've had an allnew digital Touchscreen Light integrating sphere made for us assuming it works and we'll be checking that out as well as checking out Candela for the first time in case you want to see that too basically we're looking at two things today the red team wants 100 Buckaroo for this 2000 Lumin flashy boy what else can you get for that $100 like it and what else can you spend less for and still get similar performance and we've got the works as usual light output over time and of course the drop test because sometimes these Brands look great until they see the pavement and then it lights out let's dive in this this is Milwaukee's latest and highest Lumin handheld sort of normal flashlight size thing the 2161 D21 and it's 2 lumens it's about $100 and what we're going to be comparing each of the following lights up against to see if they are a good deal and that will tell us if this one's a good deal it does have replaceable swappable batteries and those need to be Milwaukee's USB 3.0 but they have a fair amount of products for these now and an independent charger where you can charge this guy with USBC a first from Milwaukee that we've seen this new red cable these have all been black micro USB up until now and what can I say it's bright 2,000 lumens should do that and it's a very even cast cone of Light which we sometimes prefer for automotive and their true view color matching color temperature as well that's a big bonus its casted light doesn't fall off to a crisp Edge but that looks quite nice close up but does it make 2,000 lumens up until now we've been using our unapologetically DIY light integrating sphere to measure these and it does work because we calibrated it to an actual Labs results but after our last episode testing headlight bulbs and that not being ideal how they had to measure those a company by the name of TK lamp was brought to our attention because they've just come out with an integrating sphere in a box thing that also has a power supply that powers the bulbs and measures Lumin output of headlight bulbs and their Lumin to power efficiency seriously you can just go on their website and buy one of these things believe me when we started out doing tests the closest option was about $10,000 plus software we would have just bought one of these instead and we're all about power to the people here not trusting specs that are written on the box so that's why I'm pointing this out absolutely no one has asked us to talk about this thing but that got me thinking and we also asked TK lamp could they make one tailored for flashlights a single emitter shooting down into the sphere with some added on features and we can test more headlights including hi ID s and projection housings if you want to see those let us know but this is our custom flashlight 13,000 Lumen capable integrating sphere that TK lamp pimped out for our needs and your enjoyment got to say this thing is pretty sweet USB powered so you can use a cell phone wall brick or even just a battery brick like we're using here and power it cordless large easy to read touchscreen display that's just baller lumens and Candela well it's lumens and Lux right now but we're going to be measuring that for from 1 M away so that will be effectively Candela and it's got three different opening sizes for different lights that are removed three different ways so you don't unscrew one when you're taking off another it's pretty smart these folks focus on headlight Tech but we're going to try to get them to offer a version like this for you flashlight super nerds if they make it we'll link it below no affiliation no Kickbacks just wish there were more TurnKey light detectors out in the world for consumers to easily check the specs they're being sold just basically got to make sure this thing me measures accurate and also matches our sphere and we're good to go so the first test is the top light on this specific work light we had a lab measure it to be 127 lumens and yeah 130 129 lumens on the low end that's pretty on point now for the highend and will it match our sphere as well to be able to compare to past models we purchased the interstate batteries flashlight a sort of favorite among our viewers because it advertises 8,000 lumens and made 9,000 420 for us on an episode few lights even made their claims after that same 30 seconds ANC fl1 wait time this is showing yeah 9,450 9,550 9460 we'll take that matches a lab check matches our sphere check and can do at least 10,000 or so of the 13,000 limit they told us check let's measure some Milwaukee with this meter long leg looking thing we can also set up this remote sensor for kandela / luux and how intense any one location of light it's pointing at is a more spot focused light re higher and a wide casting flashlight will be less but still scales up with more Lumen output the Milwaukee reads about 250 260 Lux from 1 meter which is Candela similar to its almost completely unrelated Lumin rating but so far nothing to compare to have no real idea but 2000 seems sort of low when it comes to that 2000 Lumin though Milwaukee does what it usually does at least with flashlights not their work lights and that's deliver what they're saying about 2,150 lumens in Turbo and that's as soon as it's turned on or after the ancf 132 interval something you're not often likely to see good stuff what if you wanted that type of light output and didn't feel like spending a Benjamin on a flashlight and I can get behind that Harbor Freight's new Brawn is the 59282 1800 Lumen tactical flashlight that's only 30 bucks and that's what it's delivering on high output and $30 because can't say the amenities go much beyond that it's micro USB and only 2200 mAh battery inside unlike most of the others which are USBC and much larger battery capacities it's light output and this may seem more like a filming frame rate thing and that is a lot of it but in person man the driver on this led well it's mainly concerned with being on at all not smoothing anything out because not only do you see some flicker in person way more noticeable at lower levels but this thing literally buzzes like a high Hertz well Buzz that you can sort of hear and even feel no joke when turning this on my brain was thinking I was getting a cell phone call literally vibrating it's on button also feels like a thin pinpoint maybe the top of a pen under a rubber cap very clicky now this doesn't automatically just make it a terrible light or something but it is a a priz difference we usually see better from cheaper Amazon options even at this price for example with this kind of build quality and feel we do wonder about those advertised specs when it comes to Candela this having a similar light spread as the Milwaukee just cooler in temperature we see similar light intensity from any one point and about 1950 Candela for lumens and this was a bit of a surprise 18870 and we confirm that with both spheres may not be the most pretty light but it is plenty of it that's so far 108 and 104% of advertised not how things usually go here especially for Harbor Freight flashlights nice okay and up next we have a light that's not $100 but does advertise 2,000 lumens in this case 2100 the coast XP 11R we paid $55 for it and it's the first light today that's the 21700 cell or basically larger cell type of flashlight though overall still smaller than the the Milwaukee which has their plastic encased 18650 inside but still not quite maybe EDC level here it also casts light wider than the already wide Milwaukee by having a more spherical Looking Glass lens and that can be useful in some engine Bays not just Illuminating what's right in front of the flashlight depending on what you're doing it is USBC which is good the threads that you turn to replace their particular Coast type battery are not anodized and are a bit rough left some shavings dust the first time we unthreaded this just little details like that are maybe what separate it from being that next level in eliminating buyers or Morse but it is a different price point because it casts that light nice and wide it also pays for that a bit in Candela if that's your jam 1400 that's going to be the lowest on the day but is that because maybe it's just lower output in general poked into the sphere after 30 seconds the answer is no around 2300 lumens from this guy I swear we have lights coming up today that didn't hit their Mark just not yet that's a very good 110% of advertised for 50 55 bucks so far liking this thing all right and now back up to around $100 105 sometimes sporting the same specs as that Milwaukee we have the Streamlight 89,000 protac 2.0 this one's also 2000 Lumen but it takes a very different strategy to get there it's what you might call a thrower it's hotter in the middle than bleeds off to the edges though not on a strict gradient it's sort of nice like two different light level super bright in the middle then sort of even around that these throw light understandably much further than lights we've shown thus far that spread out evenly and therefore should have higher Candela ideally much higher but I think what we like about this light most well actually I'm in love with this is it just turns on click it and it's on 2,000 lumens that's its high no turbo no turbo mode to fall out of this is high it's on this for 2 and 1/2 hours and then it dies if you half press the light it's 10 tap programmable but just out of the box High it does what it says 2,000 lumens then off I don't know why more lights can't be like this maybe it's a heat problem one of the reasons we didn't buy the new oite Seeker 4 Pro for this episode and this is in no way specific to olites they've tested quite well for us but most brands do this it's a 4,600 lum light that's crazy but you hold to enter turbo and then it's at that for a Max of 2 and 1/2 minutes then it's a 12200 Lumen light so you're really buying a 1 1200 Lumen light which if you set it to that 1200 lumens becomes a 600 Lum light outside of the actual tactical door busting down scenarios maybe scaring Wildlife it's a $140 1200 Lumen SL600 Lumen light stream light sometimes they get it and obviously this is highly subjective but it's not often we open a 2,000 Lumen light and that's all it is assuming that's what it is in the sphere and in runtime testing that could all fall apart let's see if all this rambling was worth it when we're talking kandela yeah we're in a new Arena here not very comparable to the others but very high that's for sure around 15,500 yeah this will do some tactical blinding type stuff even without 4600 lumens but how many lumens are we talking about of the advertis 2000 it's making 2600 and it also does that Milwaukee thing of being the same when turned on as 30 seconds later often you'll see a 5 to 10% drop man this is usually not where we are in episodes this much green on screen sometimes you strike it lucky last time we were looking at 2 to 4,000 Lumen lights we were getting 76 84% stuff like that all right and now upping the lumens but not the price we have the Nightcore p23i and also about $100 this is a 3,000 Lumen flashlight but to access that 3,000 Lumen you have to hold down the secondary switch the entire time at least as a default the two switches are sort of a nice design to make the light default to turbo on the main switch you have to hold down the second flat button while unscrewing the cap and after that it's in its second mode now in default to Turbo or strobe the shape this light cast is also a bit like lobular it has ceramic striking caps on the business end and those protrude enough to leave bite marks out of your illumination pattern can't say I'm the biggest fan of that but man if you're a fan of a thrower light with a spot focused High Candela beam this is your guy the center of this thing feels like it could cook some meat and the light feels like it could as well it's the only one that gets noticeably hot from testing 130 40° just from turning this on to Turbo it's toasty up front and while it's 5,000 Mah 21700 sty battery is just about the largest of the size range today it's also proprietary a growing Trend we're seeing among lights these days anxious to see that Candela though and boy does it not disappoint 44 47 yeah 46,000 Candela if blinding someone is your goal I think this is Mission successful as for total alumin output of that 3,000 it appears to be making 2800 we did not get full pop after the 30second timer I do wonder if any of its bite marks out of its beam accounts for some of this but testing right out the gate no Delay from that turbo it does see 3300 lumens so I think it's the heat we're experiencing pushing things down that's 93% the first below advertised on the day though I imagine if you're using this light in a surprising way and not after 30 seconds you're still getting 3,000 plus so your mileage may vary based on that importance to you okay we're going to wrap this up because I've already said a lot about lights this last guy is just a fun curveball what if your budget is $100 and you just maximize things like at your Harbor Freight well the newest most expensive option in flashlights from them is this the Brun 7,000 Lumen flashlight that's still just 70 bucks it's big it takes a double stack of 26 650s for 10,000 milliamp hours total it casts an even amount of light across its pattern and boy is it bright this is not a thrower but you're still going to be seeing stuff pretty far away just from sheer like output it's also got a cool glowing ring once it's off kind of neat little worried for the drop testing coming up with this one's weight but in Candela we're talking 4,250 not shabby for what it looks like and for total lumens that's what we want to see on this thing yep around 6,900 nice what's cool and weird about this light is it needs to heat up right into max it's closer to 6,000 and then grows from there so if any thing 30 seconds helps it in this category now let's take a look at runtime and the light they put out over that runtime we're going to show you the first four we tested first so here's Milwaukee Braun coast and Streamlight both the Brun and Coast behave similarly dropping down from around 18 to 2000 to 2 to 300 within a few minutes the Milwaukee on the whole is able to put out more light but that Streamlight man sure at this rate it's going to die out first that makes sense but around 3 hours that's pretty good soon thereafter followed by Milwaukee and then Braun not only does the Streamlight default to its adverti 2000 Lumen it spends its whole battery life in the 14 1500s while the others are at 2 3 600 well more accurately the Milwaukee actually drops down more than we're showing but by clicking it back into high not turbo but high it was able to keep up those lumens for 20 to 30 minutes after each time we pressed it so we just smoothed out the data to include all of it and that way you can compare it on screen but we also tried this method on the brawn and Coast with no luck they kick back down into low after just a minute or two and here's with both the high Lumin nightore and the big Brawn 7K the nightore because it does get hot and stays very high Lumin we actually run a low fan across these things when testing does die out quick just about an hour which is well above their half hour claim the big bronze 7K which is Big because of its battery does better than most and puts out a lot of light for a decently long time the nightore staying in Turbo was unexpected I thought that that was illegal so here's in high it's 1500 Lumen setting which is likely more useful for a lot of the time here it does drop down from 15 to 7 800 lumens and behaves a bit better than all the other lights of similar size outside of the Streamlight of course oh yeah and this this Coast it didn't even end here at 5 hours they say 5 hours but it's more like 7 hours just seven long hours at around 130 lumens that's what you get so this is what we get this one's advertised runtime of hours was 3 3 hours and 20 minutes here this 5 hours was seven because we couldn't keep it at any higher of a mode then this 2 and A2 yeah 2 hours 50 minutes good same for this one made 3 hours 10 minutes in high nice then this Harbor Freight 7K it only advertised 46 hours no other numbers 3 hours and 14 minutes if left in high in runtime minutes like light output totaled from each measurement interval that's 7,000 3.7k 8 12.2 9 .9 and 17.7 looking at battery size yeah 17.7 makes sense but this 12.2 is a surprise not really sure how they achieve this doesn't get super hot either super efficient this driver must be the 1800 Lumen Braun struggling due to this but you can swap in a different 18650 though that doesn't really help you in the Lumen category we've found and then we got charge time over here we're just going to update all these for you basically the Milwaukee charging at 1.9 amps and the 7K at 2.1 these did well whereas the others 0.8 0.9 amps quite slow something we feel Streamlight can always do some improving on there's charges in the tool with an actual just door that opens to the battery as well sort of funny maybe have a backup battery handy speaking of backups will you need a backup flashlight if you drop any of these on the pavement not something we often see tested understandably because it is painful to do but in the name of science we persevere we'll keep this brief because the new sphere really has pushed this episode long longer than we normally like to make these we start at 3 ft a couple drops each then 6 10 12 14 18 and then Milwaukee kicks the bucket at 12T first drop most Milwaukee flashlights are tanks we found this one is sort of the worst of the bunch we've tested so far though not all together that bad 6 out of 10 or surprisingly to us at least the Braun does the same 6 out of 10 same drop these two are usually on opposite ends of our durability testing the coast now let me take a minute to talk about this one is apparently and we must have not caught this in the fine print made out of unobtanium I don't even have a reference for which drop is from which height on this light because there were so many tries and retries from 18 20 ft and because it graduated to the unfortunate ceremony of spiking it on the ground because when you need data you need data okay and it did break a couple of times but that was just the glass in the front housing caving in from spiking this thing like a QB with 1 second left on the clock it still works in this condition no problem 10 out of 10 we've seen lights look a little bit better after this but none of them were aluminum body flashlights it is a tank moving on to Streamlight Streamlight made it into the second drop of 14 ft good enough for 7 out of 10 not bad Nightcore was another surprise for us must be that extra hard concrete today if your name's not Coast 10 ft 5 out of 10 wasn't expecting that on this one last up the big Brawn with the size and weight of this anything over 6 8 ft is considered good we've tested lights like this before and this is probably again more surprises the most durable of this size of flashlight 16 ft more than one drop at it 8 out of 10 very nice and all those scores look like this so what is our top pick probably and maybe you're not surprised the Streamlight protac 2.0 I just bought another one of these for myself 130% of advertised lumens 2,600 is plenty spot Focus for distance also not so much that you get a ton bounce back into your eyes when you use it up close on things lasted longer than advertised stayed at 14500 lumens for that time which we've not even been able to find in a normal siiz flashlight before it took us 17 episodes to find it I like it the Milwaukee gets our recommendation for an up close mechanics inspection light it's very nice and dropping down after some decent amount of time in lumens doesn't really matter for that sort of use the coast though while maybe yeah it's not a work light that you just leave on and leave it stationary for the performance and you just can't kill it at $55 yeah that gets a recommendation from us as well not a bad buy and if you're looking for a 7,000 Len light you can do a lot worse than stopping by your local Harbor Freight as it turns out this one does Buzz a little like it's younger sibling but nowhere near as bad I like it there you have it I think this is the cleanest flashlight episode we've ever had in the claims here maybe brands are just getting better these days find out next Time by subscribing thanks for watching
Channel: Torque Test Channel
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Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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