New Microchip Technology and The Death of Memory Explained

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Hi friends, welcome back to the channel last week  I conducted the webinar for tech investors and   there was a lot of interest in memory technology  but let me just tell you straight the memory   is dead. That it's a fact and it will affect  the entire industry and this is a huge problem   for NVIDIA Intel Apple AMD and pretty much every  chip maker and startup and this is really bad news   because memory is essential for every CPU and  GPU and every SoC now for the good news there   is a brand new memory technology which may solve  this problem and it brings us one step closer to   a measure boost in speed and reduction in cost.  it's super interesting let me explain ever since   transistors were invented in 1947 we've always  found ways to shrink them down year after year   and we did great job here because the first  transistors were in the range of centimeters   then micrometers and now we progressed to  mass producing chips at 3 and 4 nanometers   for example Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chip is  in 4 nanometer process note and the latest M4   chip is in 3 nm and recently TSMC announced that  they would be ramping up the production of chips   in the new 1.6nm process node and you know what  for a long time memory was also following this   beautiful trend but not anymore it's over now  and this is a huge problem for the the entire   semiconductor industry and here I'm talking about  the fastest so-called cache memory over the past   60 years SRAM has been the memory of choice for  applications where we need speed and fast access   time a typical SRAM cell is consists of latches  which are built of usually four to six transistors   it's basically two inverters connected back to  back with the idea that one keeps the level of   another alive and this architecture differentiate  it from DRAM so we love SRAM memory because   it tends to perform better and also drain less  power especially when it's idle it's the highest   performing memory and it's integrated directly  alongside with the processing cores it actually   stores the data very close to the processing  cores and here we still use the gigahertz range   clock so we can access this data in the range  of 250-500ps you see this memory is essential   and here I wanted to make a memory joke but I  don't remember which one XD and now it starts   to get even worse because the general trend is  that the amount of memory per chip is constantly   increasing if we look at the all recent chips  developed by Intel AMD Nvidia and Apple all of   them are adding more and more memory to their  chips for example Nvidia is adding more and   more cash into each of their new GPU and they're  making more and more cash XD the problem is that   cache memory doesn't scale as well as the logic  so it's keep eating up larger and larger parts of   the chips and this is really catastrophic for the  future now let's try to understand what exactly   goes wrong here? in comparison to all other types  of memory SRAM is a part of the chip die itself   and it's fabricated in the same process nude  as a chip logic the chip logic has more or less   followed Moore's law giving us approximately two  times the transistor density with each processed   node at the same price.. unfortunately memory  cells doesn't scale at the same rate it was at   some point a factor of 1.8 scaling and then 1.6  1.4 and with each process node this number has   gotten lower and lower until the point when TSMC  announced their N3 process node and at this point   it became crystal clear that SRAM scaling is now  officially dead the N3 node actually delivered   factor of 1.7 transistor scaling and a factor of  1.0 scaling of SRAM this means SRAM cells stayed   exactly the same size and as we can see from this  chart bit cell size has an area of 0.021um2 which   is exactly the same size as it's their N5 node  and what's really sad with their next improved   N3B process node it's scaled by just amazingly 5%  and this is actually not just the problem of TSMC   because Intel Samsung Global foundies everyone is  facing the same challenges.. to illustrate how bad   actually things are... imagine an imaginary TSMC  chip in 16nm and let's assume that 18% of the chip   area is dedicated to SRAM memory if we fabricate  the same chip the same design in N3 process node   now SRAM area would occupy more than 30% of  the chips die that's really bad but now let's   understand why this scaling doesn't work simply  put these memory cells are very special despite   the fact that these cells are constructed from  transistors they have unique structure that does   not conform to the normal logic design rules for  each new process node it must be redesigned using   special rules developed by fundies it's a highly  sensitive device which is very vulnerable to the   manufacturing process variations for example  two variations in the cell threshold voltage   or dopant fluctuations and any of such variations  can render the SRAM cell unstable and unreliable   affecting overall yield this situation will not  improve but most likely will get even worse when   we now transition from our FinFET transistors  to a new Gate-all-around transistor architecture   because now we have to replace the fins with the  nanosheets and this introduces many new technical   challenges so I would say at this point of time  it's inevitable that with each new process node   SRAM memory consumes more cheap area and driving  up costs from my experience in chip design I can   tell you that area is everything and engineers are  ready to go above and beyond.. extra mile to save   every single micrometer square of area because  area = money you know whenever we fabricate   chips we pay price per area and the major issue  here is that we actually can't do without SRAM   we cannot survive without enough SRAM because  if a processor core doesn't have enough SRAM it   has to retrieve data from further away and this  takes more power it consumes more power and also   slows the speed the performance let me know your  thoughts on this problem in the comments before we   jump in the new memory technology that may solve  this problem I want to show you something very   exciting. This is the brand new ASUS Vivobook S  15 and I was very excited to try it because it's   their first Copilot+PC laptop which is based  on the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chip in   4 nm it has a dedicated NPU neural processing  unit and it's capable of 45 TOPS with this new   chip they're bringing generative AI capabilities  to the laptop first of all it has a Copilot key   which I find very handy you can instantly access  the AI assistant which can answer your questions,   generate images and create presentations  for you. this is definitely the future of   tech! here they've also introduced AI powered  applications to simplify your daily routine   starting from StoryCube for organizing your  large multimedia library to Asus Adaptive   Lock that keeps your space safe by locking when  you're away. it also features Cocreator an AI   tool that allows you to draw images in Paint  and then enhance them with AI. I've been using   the Asus Vivobook S 15 for more than two weeks  now and what I can say apart of its sleek design   it's a really capable laptop so you can run LLMs  with up to 13 billion parameters on the device and   the specs on this laptop are great as mentioned  it has a Snapdragon X Elite chip which is an Arm   based chip paired with 16 GB of RAM a gorgeous  3K OLED display and 1 terabyte of SSD and it has   tons of ports like HDMI two USB C ports a Micro  SD card reader and two USB A ports I've taken it   with me everywhere I go and I'm really enjoying  it you get up to 18 hours of battery life so I   could even take it to my next transatlantic flight  and work nonstop. So it's a really beautiful piece   of hardware! Make sure to check check it out using  the link below. so when we realized that we cannot   scale SRAM memory any further we found another  option chiplets simply putting memory right on   top of the course it was a huge deal back in 2022  when AMD introduced their V-cache technology and   this was huge because with that we can managed to  add much more cash memory and here we must give   a lot of credit to AMD for their forward thinking  and of course some of the credit goes also to TSMC   because AMD used TSMC's 3D SoIC so-called system  and integrated chips packaging technology to make   this to work they basically stacked an additional  64MB of L3 cache right on top of the CPU die and   this additional cache gave a huge performance  boost to many applications including gaming   in general let's agree on one thing this idea  of stacking one thing on top of each other is   brilliant because this gives you an opportunity to  mix and match different dies or different chiplets   in different process nodes for example you can  build a chip in the most advanced process node   for the logic and on top you stack a memory die  in one of the older process nodes in this case we   can benefit from the speed and transistor density  and also power improvements in the core logic and   then use some bigger memory on top and this  memory can even be in the older process node   which means it will be more reliable and also much  much cheaper and we see this approach adopted by   more and more companies not only for the cache  but also for other types of memory as well as   for other blocks for analog circuits for example  because analog circuits also don't scale where   well at least not as well as digital in this way  we can combine different chiplets manufactured   at different technologies let's say at 3nm and  at 16nm and build a chip in the most efficient   way possible the truth is that chiplets are great  and they may help us to reduce costs and add more   cash but it's not really solving the problem  that's why for a long time now the industry   been looking for an alternative to current memory  technology so there are several emerging memory   Technologies including magnetic Ram ferroelectric  Ram resistive Ram Phase-change-memory and others   I used to work with ream resistive Ram in  the past but what is so interesting about   all these memory flavours that each of them has  their pros and cons for example some of them are   more optimised for area or speed some for power  some have faster access rates and higher band   with than others on top of that we know that each  CPU or GPU features several types of memory and   each of them have different requirements the main  differences are in their data storage mechanism   and the speed and speed as we know for SRAM is  essential because SRAM is the fastest with access   times in the range of a few nanoseconds and it  has to be low power DRAM of course is slower it's   based on just one transistor and the capacity and  here the excess time is in the range of tens of   nanoseconds and we all know flash memory flash  memory is the slowest it takes microseconds to   read the data from it and then we also have to  distinguish between volatile and non-volatile   memory so for example SRAM and DRAM are volatile  memory which means they only retain data when the   power is supplied so now it's clear that when  it comes to SRAM the most critical things are   latency area and Power consumption so in this new  paper published in nature researchers at Stanford   have developed a new PCM so phase change memory  material called GST467 that uses chalcogenide   in a superlattice structure and it's a great one  in terms of the properties we are looking for how   does this phase change memory work it's basically  a memory cell that consists of a glass material   which is sandwiched between two electrodes and  when we apply high current pulse to it it switches   between the crystalline and amorphous states and  the crystalline state represents a digital one   and amorphous state zero and then through the  data we simply measure the resistance of this   memory cell and this new memory technology has  really high potential because it checks all our   boxes first of all it has very fast access time  in the range of a few nanoseconds second it works   at a low operating voltage so it's compatible  with modern processors and then according to   the paper it has the smallest dimensions to date  0.016 micrometer square and it's actually denser   than for example TSMC's SRAM cells in 3nm process  node I've actually made some back of the envelope   calculations and from the area point of view  it's about 23% more area efficient and this is   brilliant the last important thing we always have  to check with a new technology is scalability and   in this case these PCM cells are compatible with  the CMOS manufacturing process so it seems it   could be a contender for the ultimate memory for  example it can be used for the L3 cache memory in   configuration with 3D stacking let me know your  thoughts about it in the comments and consider   sharing this video with your friends or colleagues  who might be interested another important point   here apart of the fact that this memory technology  is very dense it also a nonvolatile memory which   may be a big plus for many applications and on  top of that it has this unique property where   each cell each memory cell can store multiple  bits and this multi-level memory sounds like a   dream like a shortcut you know but not in this  particular case here we must consider that this   property makes sense for analog in-memory  computing applications only and I will not   go too much into the details here because I have  many older videos explaining how this technology   works I just want to mention that we can't use  this multi-level storage properties when we   talk about cash because then instead of a single  comparator we need to use ADCs and a lot of ADCs   and this will explode power consumption as well  as the latency which is so important here now   to the challenges of course this is a brand new  research and there are many technical challenges   remains until it can reach a widespread adoption  one of the challenges is integrating it in the   current CMOS manufacturing flow then reducing the  programming current for the cells and eventually   improving reliability but it's a great progress  so what I think is there is a clear ongoing trend   that we are putting more and more memory memory  into chips and this is becoming even more critical   with the rise of AI applications despite the  fact that SRAM memory is quite an old technology   it became the workhorse memory for AI in fact  many AI chips rely on SRAM memory placed close   to the course and exactly these types of cheap  architectures suffer greatly from this problem   I believe that SRAM technology as we know it  won't go anywhere for L1 L2 caches at least   for the next couple of decades so we will see it  consuming more and more of cheap area and money   afterward we will see new memory Technologies  coming first to DRM and then to L3 cache as   soon as they can achieve fast enough access time  in the range of a few nanoseconds let me know your   thoughts in the comments another way to address  this issue is to look for different options how   to bypass the cash of course this won't work  for a CPU for example but for some applications   it might be effective for instance in AI  training the training data is only used   once while the parameters should be accessible  on chip so here we could find some tricks to   operate without this classic cash memory as we  know it I think the current dead end situation   is SRAM will compel us to work on further  Innovations and it's going to be exciting   very exciting to follow so I hope you will stay  with this channel to stay up to dat with the most   important and critical trends in the microchip  technology now to support the channel check out   the new Asus Vivobook S 15 with the link below  or by scanning the code here thank you so much   for your support and for watching and I will  see you very soon in the next episode. Ciao !
Channel: Anastasi In Tech
Views: 100,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New memory, New technology, New Microchip, SRAM is dead, memory scaling, new microchip technology, PCM, Anastasi In Tech, Memory is dead, Huge problems of Cpus and GPUs, GPUs, New Breakthrough, Breakthrough
Id: x21QpvUjUTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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