New Mendeley Reference Manager for Desktop || 2023 || Beginner's Guide || Research Publications

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hello everyone welcome to esport for research as a researcher you are looking to use a reference management software so mainly is one of the best you know platform or a tool or I can say software which will help you to do manage the paper that you have downloaded or you can have a library then you can cite them in your paper and you can manage the references so it will help you to save the time that you are spending in rearranging the references and in a quicker manner you can write your paper so without wasting much of time let us start how you can do that I will take you to my desktop and so that you can able to understand uh in a real-time manner or in live video how you can able to install and you can you know perform different activities using mainly [Music] so when you type mainly or you are looking for this site you can get it in the Google platform also I will keep it in the description so this is the home page of it so first thing uh as a researcher if you do not have a account in elsewhere I would recommend to have it because there are different platforms that are connected with elsewhere platform so as mainly here so if you do not have nothing to worry you can create over here just create a free account like you can see over here even with the sign in it will take you to that page so uh let me show you so because I have already account you can see uh with that I will be signing in so before signing in we'll be seeing the different feature that are available with mainly so first thing you have to have a account here um you can create it you can able to create the same with the elsewhere platform in the sky platform even you can create it over here so all will be interlinked so now once I clicked on the solution you can see here the Mendler reference manager this is the desktop version that we're talking about that also say you can click on the download page it will take you to the download section even you can click it over here also in the download page so you have to select because I'm using Microsoft or Windows you know Windows uh or you can if you want to have for your Mac and for Linux also this version are available so for Windows uh I'll be downloading over here so you see I have already downloaded version update so I'm not doing it because I I can take it from that folder so once you have downloaded this then you can install it so how you can install it that that is very simple you have to uh you know double click on that and it will take you anyone who uses this system for all system only for me you can click you can select anyone and you can install it so now I have my you know a desktop version if I will take you to that later on before that in the solution um you see what else we have here another thing that we have here is site this get mendeley site from Microsoft app store because you once you have your desktop version and you you are writing something in the word file like the paper that you are Drafting and you want to cite the article that are with you and uh the referencing that you want to do or the bibliography so for that this this particular you know app is required so you have to click on get it so it will it is taking you to the Microsoft 365 to complete this process and now you see if I click on this it is now activated if you click on the references accept condition now it is shown over here I think you can able to see the logo of medley so this also will be exploring later on so this is one thing what else uh we need to do first we have to explore the solution that that what I was talking about what are the different solution that uh that we can get from mainly another thing from this if I click on the solution is you see here web importer so click on that web importer and get web importer for Edge I'm using as uh if you are using a Firefox another that also will be getting the web importer so let me get it at extension so you see now it is available here so you can see the logo over rear mainly so fine so I have my desktop version with me which I have already installed let me see I have installed or not or else what I will do I will install it okay for the demonstration I have on uninstalled it so now I'm installing it again so once you install it you see this is how it will look like the desktop version of it so first uh let us understand this desktop version that we have installed and uh and with that ah then we will try to understand once you're writing any paper so how you can able to cite it so first of all you may not be having or even this paper that you are seeing over here you may not uh have this number of paper initially or you might have if you have synchronized it with the scoopers and other you know platform so it will be shown in the all references pages so first thing you see here in this side in this side you have the all references recently added references recently read then the favorite then my publication you can keep you can have your collection also you can create new collection also where for let's say for a particular project or for a experiment you want to keep a name and under that you want to keep from here you want to select and keep those in that particular file so you can do that so let us do that so here I will keep um health healthcare related work I am doing so Healthcare I I have kept one collection and in the all references let me select few what I'll do this few and uh now I will organize it add to collection you see here organize add to collection and in the healthcare then I click on ADD so this paper now will be shown over here in this my new collection so you got it so all the references all the paper that you have downloaded or that you have uploaded over here in your portal is will be shown over here so first thing you do not have any paper so how to add here so you see add new so add new you can do it from your system the PDF that you have let me show you click on this let me add all this paper so you it is uploading this seven or eight paper that I have selected so now it is uploaded so all this paper is again now you know related to my Healthcare work so what what I will do again I will select them individually go to organize add to collection Select Healthcare add and if you click on the healthcare you see this has been added over here so this is how you can add so add from the system you can add manually also you can fill all the detail if you are going through any paper and you on know the paper type here basically you have to select this thing here paper type Journal paper then title everything you have to add manually why to do it people have you know suggested you but uh to do it manually the best way is to you know get this ID DUI over here then do a search and it will take you to the paper so if you like to see anything so let me quickly give you one paper I will take you to my Google Scholar one recent paper so what we'll do here we'll take this DOI over here you have here this DOI then then we'll come back you see now it has you know populated from this DOI or everything the author name then the journal lamb the year month abstract even you know in detail of it and now you want to edit so click on ADD entry so once you make uh you do the add entry it will be reflected in the all references you see so it is also part of your Healthcare research or research that you are doing so add to that collection so this is another option is from the file also you can upload like the Google Scholar as I I was showing you here in the gold scholar platform if you want to download all export you have the bibtex so this bibtex file also you can have and you can upload them in the reference management software or this manually reference manager so that you can do another function here what you can do is you can create a group also student or with the colleague and within that group you can invite them with the ID that they have associated with the elsewhere and um the paper that are there within that group they can view so what is the advantage of it I'll let let me take one example over here so this paper the this you know Healthcare I'm working and what I'll do uh you can see in the file section this this paper are you know published in open SS platform or the that has been uploaded the PDF file so it is a file available for download so you click on that and it will be downloading that file you know now it is shown over here and what uh you if you click on this this is basically the notebook option or facilities over here so click on the info you see uh that you know different tag also you can put over here or you want you are reading something and you are want to highlight a portion of it let me highlight it with yellow color or green color you know highlight that section with the green or even you want to put a note over here like uh please uh look into it um whatever note you want to keep so in The annotation now you know uh this this everything will be available so this is what later on once you come to this paper and you want to read again and you have read up to this so I have you know let me select this file and uh let me see read from this whatever you want to do you have The annotation over here so this is what the benefit of this notebook in the mainland so you can explode that feature also so the paper where where you know the file uh that is available so download in those cases you can do it um but you know looking or you are searching any paper basically and you have you have come across this uh position and now you see as I have installed endnote also here you have the view PDF because it is published in open SS platform via this web imported that we have added initially when I have started and that is where you know this is the another feature of it you have option of this mainly view PDF so clicking on this will help you to open that file the PDF file and from here itself you can add that file to the to the mainly reference manager you see so this file is now so next we'll we'll directly will go to one demo paper which I have opened over here and here we'll try to understand how to cite and uh as I have already installed the wave version of it and the plugin uh plug plugin also I have installed for this Microsoft Word and if you click on the references you see the this manly site should come once you have this over here click on that and for the first time when you will be using it you have to sign in here again with the Sam sign in email and password so you have to do the sign in so once you do the sign in it will again take you back to this word file let's say this is just a demo paper where you have written your you know paper and you want to cite so you see all the paper that are there in the all references is shown over here which you have recently added also so now you have to be sure you know the cursor where you are putting the cursor there this paper will be added so I have kept the cursor over here I want to cite here and I have selected this 2 let's say this two ah paper and here you see insert citation I think you are not able to see due to my uh image over there so you see insert citation over here so if you click on this insert citation you see now it has been inserted over here in which format you see citation style here if you see the citation style here it is APA the seventh edition format you can change that also if you want to keep it if you want to have it in I truly Vancouver or other you know nature so many formatters that are regular 11 you can search another style and you can have your custom style also like you are writing a research thesis or a report and your university has your own you know style so you can change that or you can add up to that your style also so if you want to change it you see this is how it can be done you know one two ah it is there and in the reference what we will do ah will we have to insert it this file so basically you see this slide sidebar many of the time I have come come across few queries like they are not able to you know they are going to the references and they are click on clicking on the bibliography so once they click this they have seen that there are no Source in the current document so what uh the correct way of doing it is in the mendeley itself you know let me remove it so the correct way of doing it is in the mainly itself where you have that logo go to this triple dot click on that and insert bibliography then continue you see over here it has been inserted this two references which is being cited now it is an IEEE format or many of the cases we have seen in the journal also one two in that way it is being cited so it is cited in this way so hope for it is now now clear how the references need to be cited you have to visit to the references section mainly this logo should be available or else you have to I'll reinstall it you have this mainly this this add-on to your Microsoft Office and then you can do it so this is the way and the references again you have to click on here you see the sidebar again I will highlight it this side you know bar you have to click go to this three Dot and insert references then you will get the reference system and citation changes you see here you are looking for change in style so these are different format sixth edition also available APA then 7 Edition which is recently launched I guess then the American Association 11 Edition then other format Chicago manual Styles 17 Edition all these are available so you have to update the citation style and you have to if let me update it and you you now you can let me cite this three paper here insert it first and below that you are inserting below that you what you are doing is you are inserting the references so you see this 3 is being inserted so this is how you have to do it I guess uh once you have all this you know the paper which you have downloaded you have get cover here so now it will be very easy to take those paper and to cite them in your article and it will save lot of time so hope uh uh this uh this video will help you to understand how to use it and many uh they do think that this this I have some you know uh they have to pay something to use it there is another one that is the premium case if you want to have it well and good if you have money you can do that sign up for premium uh I've already signed in so this page is coming so you see plus pro and Max this is basically for 5gb personal space 10 GB personal space and other unlimited Library space so if you are new new and you are you know using it for a particular one or two cases on for paper writing and all why to pay amount so you can use it freely without upgrading it to premium so thank you for watching this video please do like and subscribe to my channel if you have not yet subscribed and do share among your you know student or with your colleague and with your network so that uh they will also get benefited and do comment if you want to know other you know uh software on the other tool that uh you know that need to be explored uh thank you again
Channel: eSupport for Research
Views: 11,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mendeley Reference Manager for Desktop, mendeley, mendeley desktop, how to use mendeley, mendeley word plugin, mendeley web importer, mendeley tutorial, mendeley reference manager, mendeley software, mendeley reference manager tutorial, citation, how to use mendeley word plugin, mendeley referencing, references, mendeley referencing word, research, mendeley cite, mendeley word, how to use mendeley in word, how to use mendeley to reference, reference manager
Id: dZrXpWyy3jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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