NEW McLaren 765LT MSO Special Delivery!

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well at the moment we are working on this 575 super america this is the actual this is the original ah the original gorgeous that is actual accessories you can start to see there's mold starting to grow on the side wow look at that so we need to take care of that and we're going to start cleaning the liver pizza so hello welcome back or welcome to if you're tuning in for the first time the nvn london lounge so a bit of backstory i always think it's good sometimes i get carried away assuming that everyone knows the backstories of where we are but uh effectively uh i'm a shareholder and director of mvn london here we are a paint protection film specialist we look after and basically do lots of various different forms of car care when we built this place we teamed up with um the interior designers called timothy alton and they put together this lounge and we're honored to be the only official timothy alton lounge outside of a timothy alton showroom atelier anyway so this is the lounge we had it because we wanted this to be an excuse destination for clients to sort of turn up to hang out eat share some drive coffee etc and also ultimately when they're collecting their car they can either do the hand over in the hand over bay over there or we can have it in the lounge if the client should wish and in this instance we have here the only carbon edition for gt which is destined for island so congratulations to the owner this is actually the first ford gt i've seen or at least seen uh here at mvn with mapped carbon wheels every car that i've seen so far has the glass but it's an honor to have this in here what a machine to have in your lounge it's gorgeous and uh just while jimbo the cameraman is down here by the floor for anyone wondering what all these bits are on the floor when we built this lounge uh the idea was to make it quite authentic and we always knew that we wanted a sort of original parquet flooring and all of these bits of paint here are actually from an original sports hall so we this is reclaimed wood there was the option to skim it back and take all of these bits of paint off but there's something about it that i just really like you know other cool features in here this sort of abstract installation here uh while it might look like art this is actually a bang and olson speaker system which is which is awesome and then over here we have our coffee station and uh this basically keeps us and the team going uh joe who is our uh front of house and all things nvn customer facing also just so happens to be a ninja barista we couldn't get a better guy for this job he is awesome come and check this out the majority of the association of this industry is with paint protecting cars we do do the odd super bike etc but check this out someone has dropped off a beautiful bike frame um and i think actually i've recently had a custom helmet painted when i see custom painted things now having just been through the journey of it myself and understanding how much work goes into it i could fully appreciate someone bringing their bike frame to us for ppf so that's pretty cool and we spent so long and those guys are so skillful creating hand-painted things that uh i think it's it's great to get these things looked after so uh not sure i'll get my helmet ppf i don't know actually getting in and out of a race car they're quite tight and sometimes you do like bang your lid against the uh car so maybe i'll speak to the team here and see if we can get that ppf i also gonna show you this under our detailing lights over there because there's some lovely exposed carbon bits so i think this would make a nice segue to go onwards out here and i'm going to bring the lid with me so that when we get to our detailing lights we can just jump to it so behold this is nvn london join us all right i reckon we start at the start follow me this way so weirdly this is where it ends this is what we would class as our sort of hand over bay funnily enough despite the fact that we're starting it where where the process starts this is where it ends but if we come around here this is where it literally starts so this is the wash bay ultimately this is where the cars enter now check out this this is just to set a spot of context for how seriously we take washing cars here so this is um effectively a reverse osmosis unit it's a quadruple filtration system and it takes out all of the particles out of the water and makes it completely neutral so we have a de-ionization chamber we have the reverse osmosis chamber we have the sediment filter and here we have the carbon filter and when it comes out of here through this system and into here this is literally the most neutral water it's like washing your car with evian now that might seem completely over the top the reason we do it is when you apply paint protection film to a car um it has to be the most neutral particle-free surface you could possibly achieve so that for the longevity of the paint protection film application you don't get any lifting or contaminants so that's why we go to the extra level of making this uh super carbon neutral water really all right while we're on the walk and talk let's point out some of the cars which we're fortunate enough to have in the shop today so this the eagle-eyed of you might uh catch on that that is a phantom drop head that's been converted to a hardtop coupe super niche come and check out the xj220 here this is actually an xj220s this is uh owned by the founder of gumball 3000 called maximilian cooper uh he's brought it here for some love some tlc so it's ready for the season ahead this has actually done several gumballs this isn't not a showroom queen this thing actually gets used gumballs if you've followed my channel over the years you'll know that they are intense rallies super rare the s's they didn't make many of them at all and it's effectively come in to get it back to near concore condition also like to shout out don law these guys here so don law they're the xj 220 specialist of the world and these guys have maintained and taken care of this car there will be no finer example xj220 unless it has the donald sticker on the back so if you're interested in those cars be sure to check it out this check these out do you know what i'm going to put my lid down max i hope you don't mind i'm going to put that there mate ultra rare 575 super america effectively a retractable hardtop version of a 575. um you might spot some swirls on here this is in the middle of its waxing process but this car is honestly it's so good to have this in here let me just draw your attention to the roof on this thing because that's really the distinguishing feature just check out the glass on this it has this incredible bubble shaped sculpture here the reason for that is and if you look closely on the edge of the roof it's all carbon fiber with a completely transparent top here this whole thing rotates right round it just goes back as one fluid motion and it sits inside this dish here so this effectively there is one big hinge and this glass which is absolutely gorgeous what it would take to replace that i dare even think but this is such the most graceful sculpture the whole thing rolls back and retracts seamlessly into that dish there naturally aspirated v12 absolutely gorgeous things and black cars black cars are some of my favorite colors on cars but they are a nightmare to keep clean and so the reason we have paint protection film is once it's done it effectively preserves and shrink wraps that car in time so you bring it here we make the black paint mirror finish definitely better than the day it left the factory and then we preserved that car in ppf now then we're going to talk about this in a minute anyone who hasn't been following the journey of the dbx i'll set some context shortly but uh this has been a project of mine literally day in day out working very closely with aston martin for the last 18 months so we'll touch on that shortly it's not only supercars and hypercars we're taking care of here behold the mighty little peugeot now there's a great story behind this car the client is planning on hitting up every european formula one race in his winnebago you guessed it he's going to be towing this car behind so when he gets there he can use it to drive around about but of course if you were to tow this thing behind a winnebago across europe effectively it's going to get battered so it's in for ppf so that when he rocks up to whichever formula one races he's rocking up to by the time he gets there it won't be absolutely destroyed and when he does give it a wash having ppf on it just glides right off all the bugs and non-existent stone chips thankfully will keep that thing looking trim but as far as stories go hitting up every european formula one race supported by your peugeot i want to meet this guy before we point you this way let's show you this way conti gt drop head the paint finish on them is so gorgeous you get in them you just get isolated in your own luxury vacuum they're such a beautiful place to spend time but imagine taking the top off that this summer it's gonna be amazing now then 718 spider for me these things are underrated i don't know what it is they don't seem to get the same love and exposure that the gt4 gets that's effectively what this is the gen 2 spider was effectively a gt4 with the roof taken off so imagine that the famous gt4 driving experience open air manual box just a phenomenal thing it's the same running gear too so this thing will handle and drive dynamically very similar to a gt4 sound like a gt4 but you can take off the roof okay check this out f8 tributeo you could think of this this literally has a 488 pistol engine in it so think of it as the blend of both worlds uh piece to performance with kind of 488 practicality if that's such a word basically a more compliant version of a piece to set up on the road beautiful thing uh this one i mean look all f8s all ferrari's obviously worth applying paint protection film too this is a very special triple layer paints in fact i think yeah here we go so underneath the bonnets of ferraris it will typically tell you what the paint name is and this is rosso fuoca one of the more famous absolutely stunning triple layer red paints the last time i looked at these paints as an option on a ferrari um they were around about 18 000 pounds just for the paint and i know that sounds wild and i'm not sure if the camera is doing it justice but the way that these paints show up the sculpture of a car particularly out in natural sunlight is incredible now the tricky thing with a triple layer paint um they refract differently to spend depending on who painted it because oftentimes these are hand sprayed um depending on the direction it was sprayed and how it was sprayed um will differ spray to spray so if you were to get a chip on this panel and you wanted to match it in to this panel it would be very difficult to achieve exactly the same tone so if there's ever a paint worth protecting triple layer stuff is super important despite the fact that i really love these cars let me just show you something which i really don't love which is the integration of the 360 view cameras what is that i think this is not the first time that i've pointed out this but surely ferrari you could have come up with a better way of integrating your flipping cameras into your wing mirrors it just looks like this big sort of knob sticking out of your wing mirror so weird this is a phenomenal spec 812 but first of all it's an 812 gts so this is gonna be fun for the customer this spring summer also if you come in closer this is a hand-painted scooter shield the significance of this is they're about 50 larger than the standard shield what i mean by standard shield is the actual badges which sort of sit in a recessed panel on here also depending on if you have a hand painted shield or a normal shield depends on a difference in the physical panel itself because to paint it they need a flat plain panel and for the badge itself they have to have a recessed section where the badge sits into it so to spec that is actually a disproportionately expensive optional extra i think these are five grand a corner and you can't have one so that's a ten grand option speaking of options the inside of this is absolutely incredible this is one of the best specs 812 or 812 gts's that i've seen basically anything that's not a gloss green is matte green and that matte green is actually matte green carbon fiber got my trusty detailers torch here we're going to literally highlight to you some of the most ridiculous details in this 8 12 gts okay so check this out paddle shifters exposed green satin carbon my particular favorite detail is something that you really can't see at first if i take away this torch this surround here of the rev gauge you guessed it green carbon fiber once you get the sunlight i mean look at that it's just the most incredible thing so yes this is why as a gts for me the spec is more important than on a coupe because you're literally going to be flooding the cabin with natural sunlight and all of this detail i mean check this out this thing is a cave of carbon what a thing what a machine honestly truly honored to have this here this actually belongs to the chairman of romans international the famous supercar dealer so go and check those guys out have some phenomenal cars and thank you very much for bringing your car to mvn sir m5 comp um contrary to popular belief we don't just have cars in for full ppf uh this has been in for ppf for the carbon roof but uh it's also just in for a wash imagine that we do also offer that off of that service despite the fact that we do the full extreme so if you want a solid wash feel free to call up turbo s it's cool so speaking of it's not just working on supercars hypercars or even super mini's apha what are you working on well at the moment we are working on this 575 super america um and at the same time we don't just take care of the car we take care of any accessories that come with the car so this is an original uh tool kit do you know i did wonder what's in there i thought you were going to say it was like logbook no no this is the toolkit this is the actual this is the original ah the original gorgeous that is honestly if you want to replace an original super america ferrari branded spanner i know that sounds ridiculous honestly mate if you look at the cost of accessories that originally came with the likes of an f40 if you wanted an f40 luggage set tens of thousands like so accessories like this for the overall value and sort of prestige of the car and super important and as well an original belt original belt yeah how great is that huh so you can see if you don't take you know care of these actual accessories you can start to see those molds starting to grow on the side wow look at that so we need to take care of that on the inside as well um and we're going to start cleaning the leather so what we do with this will give us a light spray wow yeah and it does have light spots of mould on here yeah that's something that we're able to bring back okay oh absolutely we'll take we'll take time uh and care with us and we'll give it a good old clean put some protection back on there and put it back look at that oh that has got some serious options on it it's got the roof scoop it's got a contrast yellow cage or orange cage even do you need that car move it do you want to join that brought forward a bit oh [Music] i mean that is a serious piece of machinery huh so this has come directly from the factory like fresh off the line straight into that truck straight here it is an honor to have this here there's not too many heavily ms owed 765 llt's around right now in fact there's not many 765lts full stop but to have this one here check out the roof scoop if we if we do it here he is okay okay so we've just had this dropped off yes this is one thing we've never really shared but obviously when a car comes in it's important the minute it rolls through the door right to check its condition of course what's the process here um before well before the driver actually drives off yeah we'll do a quick inspection around the car which we've already done yeah um and then we'll sign the sheets and just see there's no physical damage on the car wheels um underneath the car and no physical damage to the paint so normally what i would do uh first things first i would rather then bend down and hurt my back i'd go around and actually feel underneath just to see that there's no scrapes or physical damage which might have been picked up during transportation like coming on and off the truck 100 yeah so you've got to be careful just to make sure that there's no damage and once everything was all right then i would start to um check the wheels okay just to see that there's no scrapes and they all look good do you ever and i know we do this day in day out you know there's certain cars where you ever just go take yourself out of work mode for a moment and go into fanboy mode and go that's pretty special oh yes yeah oh without a doubt yeah this for me is one of those moments this is a special i mean we've had a couple of 765s in but this is heavily mso this is special yes this is definitely uh got a lot of a lot of msi features on then i will start to inspect the paint just see if there isn't no oh yeah this is cool so without me turning the light on this looks like a typical uh a flat color a flat black we would say a non-metallic color but as soon as we i don't know if you can see this as soon as we put the light on it look at the fleck yeah and that's got a bronze yes so without the torch just looks normal look at that and then mate that contrast carbon stripe phenomenal i think what is pretty special is if i come around here you'll notice that the badge is under the clear coat yes that is gorgeous so there's no sort of conventional fatter enamel badge on there it is under the clear coat that will be as like a few microns thick to be able to keep it underneath and i have to say as well it's completely smooth yeah amazing some cars you you have the different contrast and and you can feel yes where it slopes up and sure also check out the craftsmanship on the matching of these opposing carbon weave right that center line you know although this stuff is super important a lot of what makes the mso option so expensive is because the labor time to get these things to line up so well oh yeah it's a big deal oftentimes we get we get questions what's the point in detailing a brand new car right right now this is a prime example you've just seen this this is factory fresh from the production line in woking which is about half an hour away yes onto this truck straight here and this is factory condition pay now this isn't a go at anyone this is just the reason that we exist is to make this paint perfect because manufacturers don't have the time or facilities in-house like this no it takes days like a full job on this will be over a week a little bit more that's it if you leave that there then i can see and i can move my torch around so you can see what i'm describing so on this side panel which is this is a perfect example um of why new vehicles would need attention so if i move my torch around you can see these hologram little light flares yes little light flares and that's mainly it's because it hasn't been refined correctly so they haven't used the right combination of pad and polish and what you'll get you'll get a finish like that and what's when when the sun hits the vehicle what you want to see is the clarity the flake you know this orange flake it has in the black and you won't see that because all you'll see is these flats yeah these flares yeah what we've just highlighted these aren't these aren't criticisms oh this is no this is just industry isn't it no so we i mean you've got to think of it a manufacturer when they're producing these cars yeah they're not going to spend two three four days what you're about to do what i'm about to do the whole production line would stop yeah so they get the paint to an excellent condition i mean to 99 of the people out there this paint is perfect but this is where we differ you know and this is where that look 10 15 extra that we give um i guess it's in the name we are detailers after all right absolutely it's all in the detail and we can bring the paint you know the extra 10 15 more than the rest of the industry what they can do with pain yeah very cool all right well maybe the next time we're here we might see this af after after has done his work i'd love to perhaps do a comparison before and after or something but uh that was cool mate thanks a lot you know weirdly this is my favorite view of the whole building and yet on the vlogs i weirdly very rarely share it but sometimes to come up here at the end of the day and just look over the team and the cars which you've got in it's it's absolutely fantastic so anyway i think this is probably uh a pretty appropriate place to sign off as always thank you so much for watching hope to see you next time [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 256,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, Mr, JWW, cars, supercars, supercar
Id: nR_YcrbL8s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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