New Lost Civilizations Documentary 2019 Cities Beneath the Jungles, Deserts and Seas

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[Music] [Applause] of all the ancient mysteries embedded in human history none of them captured the imagination as powerfully as those regarding lost civilizations although Atlantis may be one of the most iconic examples of lost ancient cities there are many other incredible historical tales just as mysterious and stunning from desert dunes to jungle cities of gold this documentary examines legendary lost cities that have yet to be discovered in some cases they may have been explored or discovered and removed from public attention recent discovery of lost city of the Kalahari Desert in 1885 William Leonard hunt became one of the first Westerners ever to set foot on this harsh terrain he would eventually launch an expedition into an uncharted area of the Kalahari Desert and would be the first to lay eyes upon mysterious ruins that have remained unexplained until this day this is a quote from his notes we camped at the foot of the mountain near a rocky ridge which looked like a Chinese wall after an earthquake it was the ruins of a vast rupture sometimes sanded in we carefully inspected the ruins almost a mile long they were a pile of huge hewn stones and here and there the traces of cement were clearly visible between them in general the wall had the shape of a semicircle inside of which approximately 40 feet apart were piles of masonry in the form of an oval the height of a foot and a half the word Kalahari comes from a local word meaning dry waterless place the Kalahari was a total extent of about 850 thousand square kilometers or 350,000 square miles most of it falling within Botswana a place like this could hide an ancient city under its sands for eternity there have been 40 expeditions to find this lost city since 1885 none of them were fruitful according to the Bushman and Khoikhoi living in this region there was a vast city here which was built by a mysterious ancient civilization and they were adamant they did not create it The Legend of the lost city has gathered strength over subsequent decades some researchers have attempted to draw comparisons to the archeological finds at Great Zimbabwe to explain the presence of this unknown civilization mysterious ruins have been found in many different parts of the Kalahari even north near the Caprivi strip and of humble and even more interesting is the extensive ruins discovered on satellites the map coordinates 30 degrees 0 minutes 21 point 64 seconds and 21 degrees 6 minutes 21 point sixty nine seconds when viewed on Google Earth show the lakebed ruins clearly in a seasonal lake that dries up and floods yearly the 40 by 20 mile region is littered with spiral formations earthworks and they even have Nazca lines style imagery but if the recently discovered ruins are not velocity and considering William Leonard hunt is the only one to have documented the place in any meaningful way and the vast stretches of harsh terrain involved if there really is a city out there then it's possible that it could remain buried and hidden as it has for thousands of years and just might for thousands more yet to come the lost city of the Grand Canyon over a century ago an incredible archaeological discovery was made in the Grand Canyon what did archaeologists find what evidence did they bring back did an ancient civilization have an outpost there was there a repository in the caves below the Grand Canyon these are the legendary claims that may just have an element of truth it all started in 1909 when purported Smithsonian Institution Explorer GE Kinkaid discovered strange caverns during an expedition directed by Smithsonian anthropologist si Jordan the entrance to the cavern was nearly inaccessible but Kincaid was able to get in to make an incredible discovery in a cross chamber near the entrance was the statue of a Buddha upon entering the cave the story tells of elaborate paths mammoth-sized rooms and underground citadel enough space to accommodate 50,000 people idols tablets copper instruments any remains of prehistoric animals and most shockingly the one that captures people's imagination Egyptian mummies Kincaid also found what he believed to be hieroglyphic writing like that found in the Peninsula of the Yucatan Mexico this was a significant discovery no doubt about it impossible to slip off the archaeological radar still the Smithsonian Institute will report it has no records on the subject so what happened how did we get from a remarkable discovery to zero evidence with no admittance of anything some have said that the entire discovery has since become the center of a major cover-up apparently to maintain the old status quo which is that the ancient Egyptians never ventured outside the tranquil waters of the River Nile one book ancient secret of the Flower of Life volume 2 page 302 claims that two backpackers on their weight found a pyramid made from the native rock they claim to have seen several cave entrances they stated that the cave entrances were at the height of 800 feet and that you climbed up hoping to get into what looked like the most promising cave but instead they found it had been sealed off with rocks they felt the entrance was human-made and that there was a six-foot circular pattern hewn into the ceiling if the discovery was real why is it so difficult to find the site Grand Canyon National Park encompasses more than 1.2 million acres and most of the park is inaccessible due to the predominance of cliffs and inhospitable to all but desert plants and animals if visitors go too far in the vast labyrinth of corridors caves and holes they're lost forever interestingly the area around 94 mile Creek and Trinity Creek has sites with names such as Tower of CET Tower of Rahm Horace Temple Osiris Temple etc in the Haunted Canyon area are such names as chips pyramid the Buddha cloister Buddha temple Manu Temple and Shiva temple could the lost city be in these places also it's worth noting that in 2001 researcher Jack Andrews said he had discovered the cave he explained its location as being above an approximate six mile stretch of the Colorado River in Marble Canyon at the border of the marble canyon and the Navajo Nation it's recently been publicly exposed that no helicopters can fly below the rim of the canyon to investigate the perilous journey of hiking up 800 feet even if you could find the location would be a logistical nightmare the tale of Kincaid's mysterious caves continues to incite speculation mystery and debate it is a spectacular documented story that captures the imagination and shows no real signs of waning clearly something happened there 100 years ago and clearly investigation is being blocked but why number three the lost city of Eldorado one of the most illustrious and legendary lost cities lies somewhere in South America is it a city an empire a part of a continent what we know about this incredible story is provocative compelling and captivating to a host of researchers who get drawn into the saga such a remarkable place has never revealed itself yet but in recent years with advances in ground scanning technology fantastic new discoveries have revealed abandoned cities and structures from unknown civilizations all over the Guatemalan jungle will Eldorado be next the Guatemalan Mayan sites discovered by line are our numbering 60,000 structures buried in the most hospitable jungle in the Americas the proverbial needle in a haystack is a lot easier to find when light our technology knows where the haystack is with respect to the El Dorado haystack pinpointing something tangible is proving elusive to start the journey we must first venture to South America where the first legends of the golden city originated 35 miles northeast of Bogota in the misty mountains of Colombia there's an ancient crater lake that claims to be the source of the El Dorado story the lake is known as Lake Guatavita and it's the epicenter of el dorado enthusiasts the Eldorado legend is the primary reason for these centuries long inspiration behind the exploration of a continent the stories been retold over many years and in many ways need published evidence was so convincing that the Spanish invaders believed wholeheartedly it was correct it further inspired many explorers including Walter rally to explore at length up and down the country searching for this lake analysis of old accounts and ancient texts revealed that the El Dorado of Colombia was never initially considered a city of gold at all for the musica tribe of central Colombia who have been known to exist since 800 AD El Dorado represented their tribal chief the gilded one archaeological discoveries and conquistador recollections of these stories indicate that the musica Chiefs would be covered in gold dust during initiation ceremonies and taken to the center of lake guatavita on a raft once in the center he would throw gold and gems and other precious items as an offering to the gods much gold and gemstones have been discovered at this location and some explorers even tried to drain the lake without much success but is this the exact location of El Dorado Colombia has a rich history going back huge epochs and gold artifacts are there at the center of all of them El Dorado is a Lost City concept has spread like wildfire across South America no archaeological research shows that at one time great swaths of the Amazonian forest was cultivated and there's evidence of great towns that seem to have been overcome by the jungle archeologists think these settlements were home to thousands of people but the coming of Europeans brought disease decimating the population interestingly recent satellite technology might be changing the notion of Eldorado altogether transforming it from a mythical city of legend into a precise location the discovery of over 450 earth and works found near Brazil's bowl of our border by UK university research teams is thought to be in a promising place for the lost city of gold the earthworks hint at an incredibly advanced civilization inhabiting the area between 200 and 1283 seee this ancient city's inhabitants are currently unknown yet the specific location building configuration and architecture resemble descriptions often referred to by Eldorado hunters these earthworks mirror the ancient cultures of Europe in their style perhaps someday the city of Eldorado will be discovered and the riches remember to be contained within will be found but for now it remains a mystery whether Eldorado is a real gold filled ancient city or merely a legend the gold undoubtedly puts this as a huge aspiration for lost city researchers number 4 the lost city of Aswan Estel on is the name of the long-lost homeland of the Aztecs the ancient Mesoamerican civilization also known as the Mexica aztlán means the place of whiteness in the Nahal language according to their origin myth the Mexico left a salon at the request of their ruler who'd Scylla poach Lee to find a new home in the valley of Mexico according to the legend on exactly May 24th 1065 seee the Aztec began an epic migration from their ancestral homeland Estlin which translated means place of reeds to the shores of Lake Texcoco in Mexico Central Mesa there they found the city of Tenochtitlan which in time spawned the vast Aztec empire famously encountered by Hernan Cortez according to now how to legend seven tribes once lived at Chico mo stock the place of the seven caves these tribes represented the seven now how groups eco-hula chocka Mexico tap anecca Tula who iike to lexicon and zou jamilka these seven groups left their respective caves and settled as one group near Estlin although the exact physical location of aztlán is still unknown other than it must have been located near estuaries many have speculated on its precise location since the 1960s researchers have also wondered whether Mexico eaten is the location of aztlán proponents of this theory point to the similarities between the layout of the streets in Mexico Chetan and Tenochtitlan friar Diego Duran circa 1537 259 who chronicled the history of the Aztecs wrote of Aztec emperor Moctezuma first attempt to recover the history of the Mexica by congregating warriors and wise men on an exposition to locate a salon according to Duran the team was successful in finding a place that offered characteristics unique to a salon in 1887 Mexican anthropologist Alfredo Chivero claimed that as salon was located on the Pacific coast in the state of Nayarit while contemporary scholars disputed this it achieved some popular acceptance Anwar de Matos Moctezuma presumes a salon to be somewhere in the modern-day states of Guanajuato Jalisco and Michoacan indeed scholars are consistent in naming the measures of 150 leagues from Tenochtitlan that were documented by the Spanish scribes taking notes from conquered Mexico as the distance to the place of origin this supposedly coincides @qi como stock Cairo del Culiacan which is indeed a humped mountain when seen from the South face we also have a document describing the legend of aztlán written by the aztecs themselves in nodal using the Latin alphabet this document called the annals of Talal to local is a codex manuscript written on bark paper and contains no pictures just text to this day the actual existence of an island known as a salon has not been confirmed many have searched for the land in hopes of having a better understanding of where the Aztecs came from and perhaps a better understanding of ancient Mexican history however like other lost cities it's not clear whether Estlin will ever be found number five Hanging Gardens of Babylon the real location of the elusive Hanging Gardens of Babylon has eluded researchers for centuries they were the fabled gardens which adorned the capital of the neo-babylonian empire built by its great king nebuchadnezzar ii 605 to 562 BCE he's famous for his conquests of Judah and Jerusalem his monumental building within the capital of Babylon his role in the Book of Daniel and his construction of the gardens which as legend has it he had made for his wife a meatus of media because she was homesick for the mountain Springs where she grew up one of these seven wonders of the ancient world they're the only wonder whose existence is disputed amongst historians the Hanging Gardens seemed magical in a way too fantastic to have been real yet so many of the other seemingly unreal structures of Babylon have been found by archaeologists and proven to have really existed the image of the gardens is impressive not only for its beauty but also for the engineering feat of supplying the massive raised gardens with soil and water the lush Hanging Gardens were extensively documented by Greek historians such as Strabo and I adore siculus between 1899 and 1917 a German archaeologist Robert cold away may have unearthed the Hanging Gardens he found something like what died adorn to see coalesce had described in the bottom of the Hanging Gardens there were three strange holes in the floor that would have worked well for a chain irrigation system this would have made it possible to water the plants recent excavations have found traces of aqueducts near Nineveh which would have supported such a garden Nineveh is only 300 miles away from Babylon Oxford University Stephanie daily also proposes they may have been in Nineveh the capital of Assyria and that they belong to another King Senna's sharif of Assyria this assumes an error that is as big as placing the Eiffel Tower in Berlin although it's not impossible Daly's been criticized not for her theory but for how she portrays it it would explain why there's no evidence of these gardens in Nebuchadnezzar's writings about his accomplishments or in the ground where some archaeologists continue to dig for it why haven't they been discovered first archaeological research is not finished in Babylon while much of the train has been identified there are still areas in which the remains of the Hanging Gardens may be hidden then the city of Babylon was not famous only for its Hanging Gardens but mainly for its ramparts it's curious that the gardens had supplanted the ramparts because they were much more impressive still according to documents of the time some scholars argue that the reason there's no record of them is precisely they were Gardens plants and flowers are living things that eventually die even if the structure on which the gardens were fixed remains it could very well be in unrecognizable ruins until they're discovered or proof of their existence emerges the world may never know whether the gardens existed or not even so they will forever remain as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world number six the Toyo's caves written references to the teos caves go back as far as 1860 but it's been known to the indigenous Schwar people for much longer the caves sit with ensure our territory and are one of the reasons why it has rarely been explored the shuara decide who is allowed access to their sacred land usually dispelling westerners as bad intentions in 1973 erich von daniken at the height of his fame following the success of Chariots of the Gods claimed that he had entered into a gigantic subterranean tunnel system in Ecuador which he was told span the length of the continent surely evidence that our ancestors were highly advanced the structure was believed to house a library in which books were made from metal this is in an area where today there's nothing but primitive Indian tribes with no written language in 1972 Moritz met with von Daniken and took him to a secret site entrance through which they could enter a large Hall within the labyrinth von Daniken never got to see the library itself just the tunnel system the cave is made up of massive blocks of stone which seemed to have been cut out using some sort of advanced machinery tens of thousands of years ago von Daniken immortalized the event in his book the gold of the Gods the passages all form perfect right angles sometimes their narrow sometimes wide the walls are smooth and often seem to be polished the ceilings are flat and at times look as if they were covered with a kind of glaze Marie said that passages like those through which we're going extended for hundreds of miles under the soil of Ecuador and Peru teos was also mentioned as the location of the notorious father Crespi's collection of mysterious golden artifacts often considered to be alien in appearance and Providence furthermore some of the metallic plates recovered from the cave are said to have been on display at father Crespi's Museum in Ecuador before the Vatican seized control senses death in 1982 nothing is known of the plates only the testimony in limited writings and images of Crespi with objects but there remain many unanswered questions where are the artifacts that were photographed and filmed in the 1970s consisting of gold carvings hieroglyphs and Sumerian figures why aren't they anywhere to be seen in the Central Bank of Ecuador storage rooms did someone take them if so where did they take them why would the Pope be number one suspect what was on them even today the cave of the Ty Osram Eanes the obsession of many explorers who seek to find in its interior the answers to the enigma surrounding the colossal blocks of stone that make up the caves walls and ceilings Neil Armstrong himself was paid in part to promote the great ty oast expedition that in 1976 explored the Ecuadorian Amazon at present three documentaries exploring these mysterious tunnels but as of now the metal library has eluded everyone number seven the lost city of Z human beings have always been drawn to the prospect of mysterious unexplored places in 1920 and Explorer by the name of Percy Fawcett became frantically obsessed with seeking out his modern-day Eldorado which he dubbed the city of Z he launched two searches for it in the early 1920s but was driven out of the jungle on both occasions by poor weather fever the locals and exhaustion it took more than three years of campaigning before he finally secured funding for a third mega mission in 1925 at the age of 58 Explorer Percy Fawcett with his son Jack and his son's friend rally rimmel headed deep into the jungles of Brazil he and his entire team would vanish without a trace and the story would turn out to be one of the most notorious news stories of his day The Legend of the lost city of Z is based upon a document now held in Rio de Janeiro's national library which supposedly was written in 1743 the document claims to tell the history of a group of explorers who found a lost city in the interior of the rainforest it happened it was documented and now has become the go-to source for lost cities in South America after reading this document dubbed boringly as manuscript 512 and hearing stories from some of the indigenous tribes about a lost city in the jungle it's plain to see why it convinced Colonel Fawcett that a lost city did indeed exist somewhere in the Amazon jungle although the manuscript describes the city in detail frustratingly it does not include a specific location the Amazon jungle was virtually the last unexplored land on earth the area was too extreme to live in putting even more interest in Fossett when he ventured into the jungle however the Kyrie Indians have recently been discovered in the Amazon thus proving the area is possible to live in all the while local runners would take letters back along the route news from the front was syndicated around the world and millions of readers followed until eventually the letters dwindled and ceased what happened to Fawcett in his expedition what secrets is the jungle privy to that have managed to evade us the disappearance of the Fawcett expedition remains one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century resolving the mystery after years and years is still status quo in total 13 expeditions worked hard to find the lost team about a hundred people lost their lives or disappeared searching for it what do you think happened to Percy Fawcett and his team number eight legendary Shambhala for thousands of years there's been a rumor circulating that somewhere in Tibet among these snowy Himalayan peaks and secluded valleys there's an untouched paradise a peaceful kingdom with a universal policy that's indescribable to most of the world this kingdom is known as Shambhala many describe it as a circular city in the shape of a lotus flower the name Shambhala derives from sanskrit texts and is thought to mean place of tranquility the myth of Shambhala first appears in early Kalahari Buddhist texts which specify that its capital is named kalapa and that the rulers are from the Kalki dynasty the hungarian scholar sun dorker oseco soma writing in 1833 provided the first geographic account of a fabulous country in the north situated between 45 degrees and 50 degrees north latitude during the 19th century Theosophical society founder Halina played plavix key alluded to the Shambhala myth giving it currency for Western occult enthusiasts Edwin Birnbaum PhD a lecturer author mountaineer and scholar of comparative religion and mythology writes that Shambhala is a physical place existing within the human realm but it's also a spiritual even supernatural place which many also believe exists within another dimension Nicholas Rorick claimed an entrance to Shambhala was connected via an underground passage Tula hasa the capital of Tibet Tibetan religious tax tell us that the technology of Shambhala is supposed to be highly advanced some have interpreted ancient teachings and concluded Shambhala inhabitants might have been using aircraft and vehicles that shuttle through a network of underground tunnels on the way to enlightenment Shambhala x' natives acquire such powers as telepathy the ability to move at high speeds and the ability to materialize and disappear it will the Tibetan Lobsang rambha told how he had visited this mystical place many times its location was high in the Himalaya Mountains rambha writes the following Tibet is the most convenient country of all for flying saucers it's remote from the bustle of the everyday world and is peopled by those who place religion and scientific concepts before material game throughout the centuries the people of Tibet have known the truth about flying saucers what they are why they are how they work and the purpose behind it all we know of the flying saucer people as the gods in the sky and their fiery chariots over many centuries numerous explorers and seekers of spiritual wisdom have embarked on expeditions and quests in search of the mythical paradise of Shambhala some of these adventurers in their hot pursuit disappeared forever while many have claimed to have been there no one has been able or willing to pinpoint its physical location on a man number 9 the lost continent of MU did an ancient and advanced race of beings purportedly inhabit a landmass which sunk into the ocean spreading the survivors to all corners of the earth yes do we have evidence yes who has it well James Church word in books such as the lost continent of MU 1931 wrote that the motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter islands to the Marianas Church word considered the nan modal site on Pompeii Island one of the seven sacred cities of MU today it's ruins sit on a swampy Lagoon filled with mangrove trees rising about 30 feet in height black volcanic stones weighing many tons are stacked crisscross like a child's frontier for it it's one of the more enigmatic sites in the entire Pacific yet archeologists cannot explain how it got there indeed stone monuments of mysterious origin dot the entire Pacific from Japan spectacular underwater site at Yonaguni to cryptic petroglyphs on Hawaii's Big Island menak uni ditch on Kauai is built from dressed and fitted stone slabs like something ancient Romans were directed very different from typical Polynesian style and of course there's Easter Island the centerpiece of many Lemuria theories it's hundreds of colossal stone statues and Britain language point to an advanced culture yet it appeared on the world's most remote spot why the legends of Easter Island speak of Hiva which sank beneath the waves as people fled while Samoans called a similar place Balu - it was stocked with trees and plants bearing fruits and flowers which were immediately replaced when picked on Balu two men could walk through trees houses and other physical objects without any resistance the mayores of New Zealand still talk about arriving long ago from a sinking Island called Hawaii a vast and mountainous place on the other side of the water yet there's another puzzling piece of evidence a map of the lost continent published by the Lemurian fellowship corresponds almost precisely to boundaries on the Pacific plate but the map first appeared long before geologists even knew of the plates existence how their detailed map places the capital just north of present-day Maui near the center of a vast continent stretching from Australia to the Rocky Mountains edgar cayce made a distinction between mu which floated off the coast of Baja California and Lemuria whose location is confusing to say the least according to Cayce the Indian or the Pacific coast of South America occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria either he meant Eastern or Earth's landmasses have changed a lot perhaps due to a pole shift or crustal slippage according to david childress and various esoteric sources the first civilization rose seventy eight thousand years ago on the giant continent known as MU or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52 thousand years it's sometimes said to have been destroyed in earthquakes generated by a pole shift which occurred some 26,000 years ago or at approximately 24,000 BC which is a nice tie-in with the processional cycle while Mew did not reach as high a technology supposedly like other later civilizations it is nevertheless said to have attained some advanced technology particularly in the building of long-lasting megalithic structures that were able to withstand earthquakes however it was the science of government that sometimes said to have been mused greatest achievement can an entire continent sink or vanish that's something most geologists say is impossible based on zero geological evidence actually it's basic geology yet they say based on history and mythology viewpoints out of dislike yet the event is widely supported by Pacific area mythology from Australia to Arizona number ten the Hopi legends down on the bottom of the seas lie all the proud cities the flying pot devotees and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil faced with disasters some people hid inside the earth while others escaped by crossing the ocean on reed rafts using the islands as stepping stones the same story of escape to dry land appears in the Popol Vuh epic of the quiche Maya and the Modoc tribe of Mount Shasta among others according to the Rosicrucians of San Jose California the destructive cycle began with volcanic eruptions earthquakes and collapse of subterranean gas belts magnetic waves started moving around the globe and Lemuria started to go under fortunately there was time enough for small groups to salvage part of Lemuria 'he's precious wisdom which was stored in crystals some colonists reached India and from their Mesopotamia and Egypt while others migrated eastward on crude rafts to the Americas forming the racial core of the earliest Indian tribes they believe California was home to history's oldest people pure Lemurians who later became the California Indians that would explain why America's oldest human artifacts were found on Santa Rosa Island off Santa Barbara dated about 25,000 BC the same time Lemuria may have slipped beneath the waves the intrigue and mystery of Lemuria New Atlantis and other lost continents and cities are kept alive by philosophers mystics futurists and the open-minded they allow us a glimpse into the ancient past and visions of the distant future where science fiction become science fact [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DTTV Documentaries
Views: 655,911
Rating: 4.6771855 out of 5
Id: gIae17dYa2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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