NEW: Kuronami Skin Bundle is PERFECT, but...

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all right here's the newest bundle is the Konami now I need to go into the store I am hoping this isn't real but at the moment these are the prices now here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing all right I am going to go ahead and assume that these will be changed but the problem is will it be 9500 8700 or 9900 is completely unknown if the price stays 9500 or heck 9,000 or more this is insane and extremely disheartening because this but is crazy good this is the Spectre it looks great it actually looks fantastic this is the purple and bronze not my style but it's like kind of rever esque which is really really cool you got styling designs that are genius right we got the writing here and then the pointy Edge that comes out from the base like from an artistic standpoint I hope it's clear these are beautiful and the art team deserves a round of applause look at this white variant is M it's like pearl white it's so good it is actually so so good and that's where my frustration lies as we get into this last skin color which is like a dark black sorry it's pure black but then a dark red Hue looks amazing I mean look at this thing it looks like a freaking weapon at the bottom the magazine looks like a weapon it is so cool actually it's probably up there with like my top three or the top five bundles in the game now I love the way it looks and when we head in game it gets even better and you can shoot it it's gorgeous it is literally gorgeous can pull out the gun looks fantastic reload is super smooth shooting sounds F amazing literally amazing scope nice and unique and the inspect you got some music to jam to so overall it is a highly Premium skin and even more so when you consider the fact that finisher is interactable and makes the entire map change it completely rains my problem is Val hasn't been coming out with insane bangers when it comes to skins I mean the overdrive was very good but it's like they refuse to price these skins at any sort of reasonable amount which is unfortunate now this is what I think we will do if this is the correct price 2375 I I think a lot of you will buy this Vandal right and then you'll pick one of these beautiful variants which all look really really good and you'll roll with it I might just buy the Vandal equip it in white and that's it call it a day and that makes a little bit more sense cuz $23 is a little bit more stomach B than $95 you add tax and upgrades you're well over 100 USD is this new no but again once upon a time there were skins such as Prime at 71 100 that had just as cool reloads as this in my opinion of course to each their own but you know that's just my opinion now every time I go through a gun I'll show a different variant so the vendal I'll show the purple and bronze again I love the look don't get me wrong one of the best bundles in valorant huge amaz the whole Ninja theme like so good so good and I love how the finisher changes color they nailed everything even the pull out animation the reload near perfect is the price crazy though yes super cool though love the whing of the water the whole raindrop theme amazing actually amazing then we get on with the sheriff same idea I actually think this default variant looks kind of the least cool maybe something about the silver with valant Graphics just doesn't hit right with me but you know again to each their own here I could see people just buying the sheriff you got a lot of pointy edges going on here super super nice I I love it I I this white man look at look at the detail when it comes to the actual magazine here in the sheriff that is really cool looking and then of course the black and red so for the sheriff we're going to see the white jeez dude also when it's raining you can take cover and it stops raining which is super nice like the rain drops don't hit you is what I'm saying doesn't stop raining you just you can take cover from the [Music] rain very well done and last but not least when it comes to the guns they have the Marshall now the outlaw would have been amazing here and I I assume theyve they considered it they might have even designed it because you can easily imagine this being the outlaw but it was something to do with competitive integrity and people getting used to the original Outlaw sound first I don't buy it I don't think it's that deep if this was the outlaw probably sell more like hot kakes let's be honest it should have with the outlaw I don't really agree with their reasoning but it is what it is they got the blue and white we got the purple and bronze here Marshall looking fantastic I think K is going to enjoy this a lot first person I think about but I don't know that's just speculation this something about the oh apolog something about the white just dude something about the detail on the white pops heavy I'm not too sure why either cuz you think it all blend in more but no but this looks very slick too oh my God this actually looks really clean this one looks extremely clean so as you can see and here I am excited look at this swirl look at the Swirl at the scope look at the Swirl at the scope bada bing bada boom look at that reload looks fantastic Marshall's got a lot going on beautiful skin collection seriously beautiful skin collection beautiful pull out as well it's got basically everything going on look at that my goodness very well done very very well done now here's the thing as we get on to the melee first I'll show this is the Sprite it does animate this is the banner it is animated very nice Banner also and you have a buddy that every time you get a kill adds a little glow to it basically five for the Max and this does change color based off your variant now when it comes to the knife seriously an amazing knife we have the base metal and red this one I do like the base of this one for some reason I don't like but I think some people are going to find super sick something about the bronze looks rust kind of like it's rusted but I think some people are going to like that the white looks fantastic again I've been little bias it's just my favorite variant taste is subjective and the red and black also look good now this is where it's going to get a little bit unique we're going to look through all the variants when it comes to the knives as I can wrap up my thoughts so the animation's gorgeous it's literally beautiful I saw like not the leak but I guess the early release of it and it does look amazing there's even a little bit of distort while you're swiping so you looks like speed like like really high speed while you're while you're slashing I think it's amazing now my stance on this is it's still too hard I have been since Zed okay since the Spectrum Spectrum collection I've been against these extremely high priced right even Elder flame I always spoke out against them no matter how much I like them I just did there's a certain price shift where things get really really ugly like arcade bundle I argued heavily against it some people disagreed and that's fine if you look at this and I say it's a 95 USD or 100 USD and you're hype as heck then go for it enjoy it it's a beautiful bundle one of the best in Valance almost everything to me is perfect in this bundle almost all the variants all the animations it has everything you'd want out of a bundle I still would like to say that this should have been 8700 at Max it's still very expensive more than a AAA title game right that years and tons of billions of dollars goes into but just for a skin collection I think it's still expensive enough they'll still make a lot of money off of it and it'll feel at least like a good value to the community compared to the other bundles however I highly doubt it I think they're going to aggressively price this bundle extremely high I think it might just be 9500 I just have to keep saying maybe because this is an early build so they could change the price in my opinion over 90 yikes under 90 thumbs up is it worth super subjective good bundle yes let me know if you agree disagree with me down below
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 268,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: La-_9bjcWb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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