New KF51 Panther Tank vs. Abrams X Tanks

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the Euro Satori 2022 event held on the 13th of June in Paris steinmetal presented a main battle tank that is destined to be a game changer for battlefields in the future the kf-51 panther on the other hand taking place on the 12th of October in 2022 during the ausa exhibition in Washington D.C General Dynamics land systems or glds also revealed its new generation of main battle tank with greater Firepower protection and Mobility to confront all new threats in the modern combat zone the Abrams X both mbts are the latest members in their own tracked vehicle family and in this video we'll discuss the comparison between the k-51 Panther and the Abrams X the k-51 panther Pioneers a completely new MBT concept that was developed from the ground up utilizing the most current technology setting new standards in lethality protection networking reconnaissance and Mobility similarly the Abrams X is designed as a concept of the latest generation MBT of the Abrams rather than the extension of the Abrams tank family the k-51 is armed with a rein-metal future gun system fgs and optimized sensor-to-shooter links this fgs is equipped with a 130 millimeter smoothbore gun and a fully automated ammunition handling system delivering Superior Firepower against all current and future mechanized targets the fgs on the kf-51 can fire kinetic energy rounds programmable air burst ammunition as well as corresponding practice rounds Furthermore with additional Armament choices such as the 12.7 millimeter coaxial machine gun and hero 120 loitering munition the panther offers precise Firepower for long range strikes and against numerous targets in contrast the Abrams xmbt is outfitted with a new xm360 120 millimeter cannon as its primary weapon however the xm360 like the smoothbore gun on the kf-51 was designed as fgs it can fire new mid-range Munitions Advanced multi-purpose explosives and advanced knowledge explosives or Advanced kinetic energy the Canon incorporates a Pepper Pot style muzzle break at the muzzle to help reduce recoil while the entire gun system uses composite materials and titanium to reduce gun system weight and total vehicle weight besides that the Abrams X is also fitted with a coaxial machine gun and at the top of the turret an xm914 30 millimeter chain gun is installed the xm914 is outfitted with a remotely controlled gun system that allows the crew to fire from within the hull while using a thermal imaging system to aim at night and through smoke the Abrams X includes a redesigned armor package on the hull and turret for excellent protection it also has an active protection system APS that can intercept anti-tank guided missiles and other modern contemporary projectiles by deploying and triggering a small Warhead at a safe distance from the shielded platform to defeat the dangers using a Shockwave effect in terms of protection the kf-51 panther has an incredible integrated survivability concept it features on and off platform sensors combined with active reactive and passive protection as well as a dedicated top attack protection system or taps the Taps deflects attacks from above while the rosy smoke obscurion devices keep the kf-51 from enemy sight in addition to the Panthers digital NATO generic vehicle architecture ngva allow it to develop extra sensors for detecting launch signatures and can be operated in a contested electromagnetic environment talking about reconnaissance and situational awareness the kf-51 is equipped with a panoramic seo-s-s Optical sensor and EMES main combat aiming device allowing the crew to observe and engage targets independently day and night using a stabilized daylight and infrared optic with integrated laser range finder a monitor in the combat compartment also provides the crew with a 360 round-the-clock view of the vehicle's surroundings integrated unmanned aerial reconnaissance systems adds the crew's situational awareness and crowded locations and near to the vehicle with this the crew can perform reconnaissance while wearing armor and exchange the results with other vehicles and weapon systems over a network on the contrary the Abrams X's most remarkable capability is its aperture camera systems or dos on the turret it has several armored Electro Optical on the Tank's Hull providing the crew with 360 degree sight for a significant gain of situational awareness the Abrams X also has radar sensors which are pointed upward towards the rear of the tank this makes Abrams X capable of detecting and neutralizing the threats from Top attack weapons moreover the advanced silent watch a novel feature on the Abrams X allows the tank to use its power hungry thermal sights without having to switch on the loud and thermally visible gas turbine engine thanks to the Tank's new Hybrid engine the Abrams X is powered by dl570p3 tracks which were specially designed for the Abrams diesel model and our development of the 570 po the new Hybrid Power track on Abrams X features a bigger battery pack which significantly improves fuel efficiency the new hybrid powertrain can decrease the vehicle's weight as well as fuel consumption by 50 percent while increasing and motorizing the sensors for extended periods of time as a result not only does the hybrid electric Drive complement better watch capabilities and some silent mobility of the Abrams ax but it also supports the US Army's climate and electrification initiatives in comparison the kf-51 panther Builds on the leopard 2's Mobility concept it has a maximum operating range of roughly 500 kilometers and a weight of only 59 tons making it significantly more mobile than the existing systems this puts the tank in a battle-winning weight category and it also fits the tunnel profile amovp4l without preparation something no other recent MBT upgrade can achieve as a result the panther excels in tactical as well as strategic Mobility however the Abrams is also as tactical as the kf-51 as the Next Generation MBT but with lower weight and increased mobility and transportability it is said to be lighter than the 55-ton Abrams m1a2 and its family therefore the Abrams X is believed to be the most mobile tank in the world the panther offers a revolutionary operational Concept in terms of controllability and networking by sitting three-person crew in the turret the commander Gunner and driver with an extra operator station whereas the Abrams X has three crew hatches at the front of the vehicle the Abram Zach's turret has been refurbished to have a reduced profile and is completely uncrewed it also uses automatic load the redesigned crew configuration allows all three crew members to sit side by side rather than at separate stations with the Gunner and Commander having panoramic sights while the Abrams X already has an unmanned turret the kf-51 panther is still planning it for a future variant with a totally remote controlled vehicle turret or perhaps capability for human machine teaming in conclusion both kf-51 Panther and Abrams X represent a new generation of combat vehicles behind Metal's kf-51 was designed to do more than just to upgrade the existing MBT Concepts the platform was completely rebuilt from the ground up future Innovation will soon enable this tank to operate for better autonomation and combat Effectiveness optimization the Abrams X on the other hand is more than simply a tank for the 21st century features like top attack active protection and a 30 millimeter chain gun are inspired by the crisis in Ukraine the Abrams ax with its reduced crew and autonomous capabilities can be a critical component in Lethal combat Networks so which tank do you believe will dominate in future battles well you decide that's all for today thanks for watching
Channel: Military TV
Views: 835,060
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Keywords: kf51 vs abrams x, main battle tank, kf51 panther, kf51, panther tank, kf51 panther tank, panther kf51, panther kf51 main battle tank, kf51 panther main battle tank, german panther tank, us army, rheinmetall panther kf51, abrams x, new tank, tank, kf51 main battle tank, new panther tank, tanks, kf-51 panther, abrams x tank, abrams x general dynamics, abrams x new tank, next generation abrams x, abrams tank, the abrams x tank, us abrams x, next generation abrams, abramsx
Id: usy0z1h32rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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