NEW Jurassic World Camouflage 'N Battle Indominus Rex Toy Unboxing & Review 4K /

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foreign Jurassic and I have an awesome new Mattel Jurassic world toy unboxing today I have the new dino trackers camouflage in battle indominus Rex I have been waiting for this one probably one of the coolest figures to come out this year as you can see this is an all new indominus Rex figure not something we've gotten previously from until it's an all new sculpt all new action features all that cool stuff if you've been tuned into my channel you saw me do a little video preview of it a couple months ago but now I have the figure in hand uh In the Flesh it looks even better and I cannot wait to unbox it review it I'm gonna do lots of comparisons to the other indominus Rex figure other big figures so we can get an idea of just uh kind of the size around this thing and of course we'll do all the demos of the awesome features it has too so let's go ahead and get started again this is the camouflage and battle indominus Rex it's part of the 2023 Dino trackers line here um Dino trackers meaning that it's gonna have that sort of like uh biome theming where we have the little can you see this little map Mountain over here so every figure this year sort of has an uh ascribed uh sort of Locale or environment they're giving indominus Rex here the mountains so that means the background behind the figure which you can't really see shows that uh you know a sort of a forested mountain area too so you've got the down trackers logo the Jurassic world logo blue and beta all that good stuff pretty standard on all the dino trackers packaging we also have on top that the figure has lights and sounds which of course we'll get to later a little preview of those lights and sounds as well as how you can do the action features with the tail and the button and they also show here the other available um sort of similarly sized figure which is the T-Rex which I do not have yet but I cannot wait to get my hands on but let's go ahead and pop this one out and take a look at it um because that's where the fun begins right so I'll go ahead and snip snip up here got it out we're probably yeah we're gonna have some pigs down here to take out for the uh the feet itself will be instructions too which I'm not as concerned about getting at here because I don't think I'm gonna need those let me just make sure I'm turning this the right way I think you can actually turn them either way yep and this one should I always have trouble with one of these every time one of them will pop right out looks like they're both gonna pop right out for me though which is fortuitous and then you can sort of get these feet positioned they always make the feet so they can fit in the packaging of course and then we'll go ahead and set the bar I don't think there's anything else in the Box there's no tracking Gear with this one like some of the figures have this here let me just make sure I got the foot rotated out yeah I think that's how you do it so there is the camouflage and battle indominus Rex um I freed out of the box you can see this is just you know before I go in on the details this is just a really really cool um silhouette of the indominus it's much leaner than the previous figures we've gotten the detail on the head is a little crisper a little sharper you don't have this big massive oversized head and it has you know sparing paint details too in terms of it's gray right it's got a darker gray finish on top it's got a lighter gray for the rest of the body they did go ahead and paint those toe claws which I appreciate um they did not paint the hand claws which I don't think they've done on any of the previous versions either so um no huge issue there um but yeah I mean it definitely has a minimal paint job but the uh figure itself or the sorry the dinosaur itself from Jurassic world really doesn't have a whole lot going on in terms of color either um but yeah just a really solid looking figure just from the looks of it and in detail wise let's go ahead and get in here and get up close and personal of course you have the really nice um scaling on the feet all that good stuff you also have um you know pebbly textures on the the feet on the um hips rather these big giant bumps lots of like little scales and spikes along the whole body which I'm guessing is pretty consistent with the animal overall in the film the hands look at those hands out here you can see it's got the big giant sort of like opposable thumb along with the other claws on both hands looking really nice um and then it's got uh some quills on the back that are actually made of a separate plastic it's almost pearlescent it's kind of cool it's kind of like pinky almost um but uh those are made of a different softer plastic so they're a little bit more I guess malleable they can't be posed but it just means that they're a little softer to the touch and they probably won't bang up as much um if they were just like painted hard plastic then the face I mean that's where this thing really shines let me see if I can pose it down to the camera a little bit better I mean look at that awesome face it's got the big giant cavities that have the darker color gray on them on both sides we open up this thing's mouth and we'll see that it's got a nice painted uh interior plastic uh upper and lower mouth with a big shiny tongue with lots of glistening detail on it and the teeth I just love on this thing because they're not painted teeth Mattel quit uh kind of quit doing painted teeth on these bigger figures which I am so grateful for because that painted teeth is just so prone to rubbing it's even hard to find it figured right out of the box that doesn't already have paint rub on the teeth but these uh these teeth are actually cast pla or casted plastic that are just kind of fit underneath um kind of where the roof of the mouth is and the top of the head same thing with the bottom and they're just rubbery they're a little bit bendier too so they can kind of take a little bit of abuse when it's biting things but the main point is they don't rub um they don't have any paint rub so I love that they did it on the super colossal figures too so really nice stuff got the little red eye there too um looking very menacing on both sides nice detail around the eye too with the little folds of skin and stuff so I just a really really cool looking um uh version of indominus just uh as a static figure but let's go ahead and talk about articulation action features and then of course I want to dive into some comparisons to the other figure so you saw me playing a little bit with the articulation on the arms I'm happy to report the arms are completely articulated um they have a nice smooth rotation on them almost looks like a hinged rotating joint so they can go out they can go in they can go all the way around they have full range motion so we can do all kinds of things without kind of being worried about an action feature and then it also has the same thing on the elbows where they have a full range of motion and they go up and down as far as and rotate as well so you can do you know all kinds of cool stuff and all kinds of cool poses which I definitely appreciate gives a little more Dynamic look on the Shelf and also if I'm going to be doing some toy photography um and then for all the Twitter photographers out there you're going to have a little bit more freedom um playing with these arms so it looks awesome and one of the cool things about indominus Rex has always been those big kind of menacing arms I did notice it has some sculpted quills here it would have been cool if they added like these softer quills down here too just to give it a little bit more Pizzazz but um they did do a little sculpt at least so there's something and then articulation on the legs we have independent articulation on each leg which is great you know sometimes they make figures that are tied with one hinge but this one is completely independent so you can do you know your running you can do oh wow previewing the action feature there um you can see oh that's so cool so we'll get to that in a second it looks awesome though um but you can um pose pose indominus here up and proper as opposed to down or down or even like uh let's see how far we can get it to bend down uh looks like that's about as far as it'll bend down I'm sure I could force the leg uh it's really this leg that's hanging up on the body and I'm sure that I could force it a little bit more but I would prefer not to do that with my brand new toy so no forcing today but I'm sure if you wanted to you can get this thing um dipping even lower because you can see how low this light goes really low so um something that I could play with off camera to make sure I'm not going to hurt anything um again that basically is all the basic articulation everything else is going to be tied to that really cool action feature which we can go ahead and play with um the first part of it is going to be the tail doing a rotating tail causes the uh the head to do a pretty wide rotation range no sound effects or lights activated with that it's kind of just meant to it's cool you can do it really slow and make it make indominus kind of look around quizzically which is cool but then if you pair it with the action feature it's got to do even cooler stuff so the action feature is activated by this little hidden button on the tail and pressing that button does a roaring effect but you see that light that green light inside too which is a little hard to see with my studio lighting here I mean you get an idea of it but I'll go ahead and dim the lights here in a second then we can really take a look at it but you can hear some nice roars lots of nice roars [Applause] foreign I do want to comment too how smooth this action feature is this button I mean sometimes you know you press buttons on these toys and it feels a little bit creaky or a little bit loose this is very smooth it's one of the smoother action features I've played with on a on a you know chomping dinosaur I know I always talk about the Jurassic world Dominion toys having a really smooth action feature with the push down action this is right in line with that in terms of like smoothness I'm feeling like you're never gonna break it just really really tight and snappy you can see how those teeth snap it shut too so um that's just the action feature again um with bright lights on but let's go ahead and dim the lights and take a look at what that looks like all right hopefully this is uh suitably dimmer um right and you're able to kind of appreciate the lighting feature without putting us completely in Pitch Black here so I'm going to go ahead and press that button again and we're going to take a look at what this looks like in the dimmer lighting so you can see that green really pulsating through the body flickering around you can also get an appreciation of how they've sculpted the plastic inside so that it's not just you're seeing screws and beams where they seal the plastic but you're actually seeing like texture inside the body kind of like how the figure would actually or the dinosaur would actually look camouflaging against some leaves sort of a jungly palm leaf effect and it glows really brightly and I love how it um kind of like flickers and pulsates too reminds me of the new epic attack lighting that does some really cool stuff too not just on or off or blinking but sort of a pull thing flickering sort of idea so I also love how it stays on for a little while and goes back and forth this looks really really cool um I love it and you can definitely get a better appreciation of it in the dark but I I mean on camera I know maybe it doesn't show up a lot when the lights are all the way on but I can tell you in person it actually looks quite it's quite apparent even with all the lights on but of course you're going to get a um you know more impressive effect the lower your lights are that looks really really cool um wow that's awesome yeah just again a close-up on sort of that pattern inside you get an idea of uh just all those little segmentations I mean it kind of looks like jungle leaves to me which is uh you know appropriate being this is supposed to be camouflaging you know against the jungle so appropriately named camouflage and battle indominus Rex there all right now that we're back with the lights completely on let's go ahead and move on to some comparisons I know everyone's probably dying to know what this thing looks like um next to the other indominus figure which I will get that one out of the way first but I have plenty of others in store this would be the very first indominus Rex figure that Mattel gave us back in 2019 um I believe it's called the uh let me see it's uh maybe like the destroy and devour indominus that sounds right I'm sorry I should I should know that off the top of my head or I shouldn't actually that would be ridiculous to know every single figure off top of my head but I believe it's something like destroy and devour hopefully I have that right but definitely let me know in the comments if I don't but uh this was an awesome figure when it came out definitely the best indominus Rex figure we had to date when you count uh the monstrosities that uh that Hasbro gave us um I had a pretty cool action feature in that it um actually swallowed figures whole down its throat um and then they would glow inside it also had this cool action feature where it would like grab figures too and it had a nice posability there too I don't think it had independently posed legs they well maybe it did I don't know um no they kind of want to post together because they had this also this this feature where it would like swallow things and move its head up and stuff or move its head down and you can also see its throat glowing which is always kind of weird because just the throat glowed um but you know it was for the time it was an awesome figure um and this new one you can see right off the bat is already looking a little bit more movie accurate in terms of proportions right the head and as much more lean the neck is definitely way smaller but overall the indominus the new indominus we have is is a smaller figure there's no getting around it it's objectively a smaller figure in terms of paint and all that this one feels a little bit medium gray versus this one's very light gray still have the painted toenails unpainted claw nails so nothing big there a detail wise I think this one has just as much detail packed in again it's just those sort of strange proportions it has for Action features that don't quite fit and then sort of like you know I kind of always had a short tail too versus this guy that has a little bit of a longer tail so proportionally this one's definitely winning but um size wise it's definitely a significantly small smaller you know head for sure you can get a an idea of the heads there let me see if I can hold them up there um I mean look how far back this one's head goes compared to this one before you get to the neck you can see the quills there that's just a much much beefier figure lengthwise they're actually the exact same length I don't know if you can see that in the camera um the tails on the old ones kind of flicking back making it look smaller but they're actually the exact same size length um and arguably sort of the same height maybe the older ones just a little bit taller but um you know it's a it's a bigger figure just that's beefier and all that stuff versus the new one but I like the new ones uh proportions much better so it's kind of a trade-off there so definitely way way way way smaller head but a more accurate head more accurate proportions all that stuff but there's a nice side by side so you can get an idea of just how much bigger the head on the new one is or that on the old one is compared to the smaller head on the new one but otherwise um you know uh other five proportions it seems to be basically the same size figure in terms of uh you know actual measurements but again the old one's going to be just a little bit beefier so that's the destroying devour indominus next to that uh that new camouflage and battle indominus I think it's a clear upgrade here in terms of paint in terms of detail in terms of uh action features in terms of really everything that matters um but some might have some concerns over the smaller size right so let's go ahead and see how this thing Stacks up against human Stacks up against other dinosaurs first up we're going to do a human we're gonna bring in the awesome new vehicle that we have from dinotrackers that really just goes right along with this toy as far as I'm concerned in terms of that Jurassic world era and this really cool unique film via or not film vehicle but a vehicle that you might as well have seen on film um coming in here and I'm gonna go ahead and pop this guy out best I can all right he's popped out uh and we can see you know how he scales up next to the indominus here which I think he scales up really really nicely the figures the figure is still huge it still looks like a super Predator next to him he probably goes uh a little bit below its knee um in terms of height um next to the head it's it's you know got to be able to uh foreign just fine is it as big as the other one in terms of ability to swallow no but it's still big enough to be sort of imposing in kind of large larger size like the uh like the film dinosaur there so I think it goes away nicely and it looks really cool next to this truck too I love that I'm gonna have to definitely grab some photos later of it facing off against this this vehicle so that's where how it Stacks up against a human pretty much how you would expect um more or less so we'll go ahead and get that off screen let's go ahead and bring in our first uh Contender which I'm going to bring in the new endoraptor the Donald tractors endoraptor um then the Raptor actually looks really big next to it but that's because this interruptor is a huge figure I mean it's definitely probably not supposed to even be in scale with what we see on screen in the film it's just a large figure that's it I could bring the human back just to show you just how massive this guy is um I don't remember it being that big in the film in terms of like the size of its head next to a human so this guy's just a little bit erroneously large anyway um for what it's worth but also a really cool figure I love the electronic eye I don't usually go up go for that stuff but it looks really slick on this guy so that's him next to the uh indoraptor there let's go ahead and bring in a uh another film Predator that isn't the T-Rex of course Jurassic world Dominion's Giganotosaurus um I know there's a lot of hate for this figure it doesn't stand straight ever you kind of have to pose it a certain way to get its it's looking sort of like it's sitting straight uh looking straight but you're never gonna get that's always going to have that Twisted body oh no mine falling over we'll move him over two for now um but one thing I think that's interesting is you know everyone said this endoraptor felt a little bit small um its head was a little bit small but really when you bring it next to this indominus it's almost like there's a um a new scale being being achieved by Mattel for a lot of these bigger feature figures where they've kind of condensed things and made them a little more detailed but they're not quite as big and bulky as the figures we've been getting now what that means is you put them next to some of the older T-Rexes and they look small but really when you get the humans involved they still look more or less appropriately bigger appropriately sized I should say but the Giga still feels a little on the small side um in terms of what we saw on screen Dominion but next to the indominus Rex here it actually looks really really nice they have very similarly sized heads for sure um they have the same rubber teeth effects so these two actually scale together really really nicely and as far as Dominion toys go we also have the Dominion T-Rex here I'm gonna get this guy off the table if I keep all these figures on the table I'm not gonna have any room to do anything here is the uh I think this is called the thrash and devour T-Rex which means that uh that I was calling that other indominus wrong probably the wrong name but that's okay um the thrashing of our T-Rex here uh you can see scale wise um pretty consistent size wise lengthwise it's actually a little bit stubbier than the nominus it's tail well I guess they're basically the same length there um same height all that stuff obviously meant to be the same scale this T-Rex is a lot beefier around the middle much wider body and a huge massive head probably one of the biggest heads on any of the Mattel T-Rex's for the Coraline so it's definitely way bigger than the indominus head in terms of width in terms of actual like silhouette it also is a much bigger head um you know I think in the movie indominus was meant to be bigger than the T-Rex so this guy's definitely starting to feel a little bit smaller next to some of these core figures um where he looked fine next to Giga more or less um which I think means he's probably more appropriately sized for a different size T-Rex than uh maybe the Dominion one I do have the Hammond collection Rex which I know some people out there will will appreciate the comparison here I think it's kind of Apple's oranges they're not really the same toy line so why compare them but I'm going to do it just for swap people out there that ask um it scales pretty nicely to this again the Hammond collection T-Rex feels a little bit bigger than the and the indominus which probably isn't movie accurate the indominus should be bigger but they have very similarly sized heads probably almost identically sized heads um so they scale nicely there um obviously you can see the uh Hammond collection T-Rex is a much longer figure as it should be it has the accurate sizing doesn't isn't constrained by smaller Tails have to be wedged into packaging it has a detachable tail so it's definitely a longer figure but not a taller figure and the head size is definitely not um you know dwarfing the indominus by any means and then lastly what I think is more appropriate size for this is one of these sort of featureless um these featureless T-Rex figures that Mattel gives us there's a million of these guys they have lots of different names epic Chomp uh this one's a extreme damage version there's all different kinds um but I would say this T-Rex scales the best um with this version of indominus because you can see the you know the heads are you know basically the same size but the indominus head is just a little bit bigger than the T-Rex put them next to each other the indominus is just a little bit taller um and I mean I guess lengthwise the indominus is much much much longer than the T-Rex but they just seem like they're a little bit more suited for a film accurate showdown in terms of one size versus the other so I'm I guess what I'm saying is the big takeaway here is this indominus is a little bit smaller than what you'd think um but if you pair with the right Figures it's definitely going to look um suitably massive the way it's supposed to and you get a human involved in there and it looks just fine too um again it's it's smaller but the trade-off here is we're getting really nice proportions and really nice compact details along with those really cool action features so I'll do one more big Roundup comparison just so you can see all the different sizes I won't be bringing the Hammond collection Rex back onto this one just because but we'll get both the Dominion rexes on there and we'll also get the Giga on there so you can see how it compares to all of these sort of latest super Predator figures um fits in pretty nicely again just a little bit more if you're trying to make it dwarf the other dinosaurs this scale T-Rex is going to be a little bit better so but I think with the Giga it basically lines up so pretty cool um again there's trade-offs with the size but I think you can probably find a pretty agreeable comparison with a a figure you probably already own in terms of the T-Rex so yeah this thing is such a beauty I did want to mention before I wrap this up it does have a scan tag that's embedded in its leg that's definitely a negative point on it for me I wish that you could just pulled it out the back like the rest of them but I'm guessing that was all tied up with the action feature um so it just pops down there you can see the scan tag you can see the little drastic park or drastic T-Rex symbol and there um otherwise yeah just possibly again it's a huge tag too wow but it pops back in it's definitely pretty noticeable um but you know you can always show the figure from this side if it really bothers you it doesn't really bother me I'm kind of used to those these are kids toys they do have those action features I'm here for the uh enhanced detail and proportions that's what excites me and this kind of stuff I can I can learn to forget about personally so um but yeah I mean this thing is just really really cool looking in person I hope I'm conveying that on camera it's got awesome action features really cool lighting effect inside and uh you know doesn't have a lot of paint on it but what it does use well it does have it uses very effectively to make something a little more I like that I like that a little Laura did but all in all to make something a little bit more impressive than the uh indominus figure we already got right I mean this used to be the coolest thing ever and then you put it next to this new one and it suddenly looks a little Dopey and uh kind of misshapen so Mattel's always improving which I appreciate and this new indominus is a testament to that and for all those people out there who are hopeful for one day getting a Hammond collection indominus I'd say if they use this as a base and add articulation we'd be in a great spot for that so really really cool stuff again this is the Mattel Jurassic world camouflage in battle Dino trackers whoo mouthful indominus Rex so a lot of things to track down there if you want to grab this one for yourself head to I have all the shop links you can order this one for yourself really really cool figure highly recommend but I think that's all I got for this review again I'm typical Jurassic thanks for watching and I'll see you next time thank you foreign foreign
Channel: Collect Jurassic
Views: 209,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: liTAleuu_Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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