New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez reveals his wife is battling breast cancer amid his ongoing trial

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the first witness in the trial of Senator Bob Menendez continues testifying this morning the New Jersey Democrat and his wife naen are accused of accepting gold bars and other gifts and exchanges for doing favors for foreign governments now we learned yesterday that naen Menendez faces another crisis before she goes on trial Scott McFarland has more on that part of the story Scott good morning yeah Gail good morning Senator Mendez announced his wife has stage three breast cancer her trials on hold in dep defitely as she under goes treatment but that Revelation came just one day after mendez's defense lawyer indicated they'll try to shift blame to Ms Menendez during this trial saying she kept him in the dark about the gift she'd been receiving the couple and two New Jersey businessmen are accused of engaging in a bribery scheme in which the menendez's allegedly collected lavish items as the senator provided official favors for the businessmen and the nations of cter and Egypt this morning an agent who was part of the raid of the Menendez home resumes his testimony in court Thursday he identified some of what was seized in opening statements yesterday a defense lawyer for one of the two businessmen try to minimize the impact of those gold bars arguing gold is also for sale at Costco all four have pleaded not guilty and Gail Menendez has not ruled out taking the stand in his own defense okay well now we know where we can get some gold bars Scott thank you before you go though we've we've heard that there was some very heated moments on Capital Hill last night it was in a house oversight committee meeting I just saw the tail end of it what happened there was a late night hearing over whether to recommend a resolution of contempt against the US attorney general and insult started flying it got uniquely ugly as Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor green answered a question from Dallas Democrat Jasmine Crockett do you know what we're here for you know we're here about I don't think you know what you're here for well you the one talking about I guess I think your fake eyelashes are messing up and I would like to move to to take down Miss Green's words that is absolutely unacceptable how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person are your feelings Hur her words down oh oh girl baby girl oh really don't even play baby girl I don't we are going to move and we're going to take your words down I'm just curious just to better understand your ruling if someone on committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond bad built Butch body that would not be engaging in personalities correct a what now calm down can you please calm down don't tell me to calm down because y'all talk noise and then you out contr cuz if I come talk about her problem they staged a vote as to whether to kick congresswoman green out of the hearing Republicans voted for her to stay Gail she declined to apologize for her comments woo oh God ladies and gentlemen the US okay Scott I I was told to keep my face on straight but that is very difficult John Tower when you look at the words that these are grown people in Congress the funny part is the congressman going a what now James Comber a what now uh and also you know it's better when somebody goes girl baby girl girl those are kind of fighting words in some areas jasine Crockett don't play
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 4,663
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Keywords: CBS Mornings Clips, CBS Mornings Politics, U.S.
Id: wpJ-4G1CwKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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