New Irrigation System!! // Rain Bird System Installation and Detailed Tour

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foreign [Music] [Music] well in today's edition of oh yeah I'll have that done this whole pile is an old bridge that was basically out at the front of the property it looks like they just pushed it all into one big pile probably when they redid that bridge a long time ago and I told my irrigation people that oh yeah I'll have that done before you guys get here well today they're supposed to be here and of course it's not done because that's about how my life's going right now too many things going on I'm attempting to move some of these beams out of here with the skid steer and I don't have a grapple bucket right now so I'm just chaining things up it's right over in here will be where this line needs to go through so I've got to get at least quite a few of these beams out of here [Music] this stuff right here is the bane of my existence and in terms of any opening ground that it can find it will come through survives the winter because it's actually a winter annual I'm pretty sure and uh so I'm not going to be too upset when I bring the skid steer right through here in a moment and tear this all up foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] they work on the new front yard they located the septic pipes and measured for placement of the sprinkler heads [Music] we then moved to the plot area to figure out placement there as well so this is the Zone here and the color of flags don't mean anything it's all I had okay so there's six spray heads here it's six six six six six six six and he wants he we gotta cut we got to make sure everything's straight and square but five what five inches Ryan yeah five inches outside the grass is where he wants the heads okay on on all the ones that are dirt like this okay so these feeders we're gonna take that way see the the green and yellow flag I want a set of valve valves there one two three four I think there's five valves in that box three of them are from right here so up here this grass isn't you know it's a little easier we can plow up there well the wind is starting up again but that's normal it's just about April here in Iowa getting started on the irrigation here this is going to be a pretty massive project because I'm doing a whole bunch of zones and all that fun stuff down on the plot so that I have a lot of control over everything but it's going to be definitely when you look at all these flags that they put in for heads and all the valves and all that stuff it is quite a project so that is why some of you have said oh you should have put in your irrigation by yourself and all that and as we started off this video to let you know about how much time I have right now pretty much not going to happen by myself so I had to call in some reinforcements here and these guys have really helped me figure out everything too and get it all mapped out correctly thank you [Applause] it doesn't take long with the right equipment and experienced crew to make great progress [Music] the plot areas where most of the work was going to be done foreign [Music] the stormy weather we've been having lately cut a few work days short but it wasn't long before it was time for the main line to be put in [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that main line needed to be connected to the well so the next day work began on digging that up to make that connection [Music] foreign [Music] once all the connections were made the sprinkler heads replaced in the ground and all the valves connected it was time to put in the controller and to start testing so I got a brand new irrigation system installed here over the last week in just a couple days so I know many of you have been interested to see how this was all going to be set up so today I thought I'd just go through that system and show you how things ended up so let's get started first off I want to say this is a Rain Bird system I want to thank Rainbird as well for donating some of the material for it they were gracious enough to provide me with some of that I'd also like to thank meston irrigation here they have helped me design this system Mike there has done a fantastic job to help me get all this figured out and mapped out and everything and then their guys did a really good job doing this work as well I've been very happy with everything so definitely if you're in the Des Moines Area go ahead and check those guys out so all of these flags that you see out here are heads and we ended up with 25 zones Yes you heard that correctly 25 zones I know that is a lot but I wanted to split this up as much as possible to have as much control as possible over every single little area that I've created with plots I wasn't really thinking about this necessary early when I was putting the plots in how much it would require if I was ever going to put in the in-ground irrigation but here we are so ended up with 25 zones and I'll explain sort of how that works so I guess we'll start right here at the well when we first moved out here or purchased this property we were told that there was maybe Rural Water out here which is essentially just a city water source that's brought out throughout the rural areas so we were told though that it was across the road somewhere so to bring it underneath there over to our property and hook up that was probably going to be pretty expensive but we actually found out that over here in the front section of the property there was already the main line for that Rural Water so we had put in this well thinking that this is probably going to be the main water source for our house but it didn't end up being that way because the real water source was there and we decided to go with that because hookup really wasn't too bad so that left our well for irrigation purposes or as a backup system this is only about 35 feet down and if you saw my video when we had this installed this is more of a well that was just dug down until they got to rock and they didn't go any farther than that we already had pretty good water at that point this is an eight inch casing so somewhere around 20 gallons per minute probably on the best side is what this well is producing now I would have loved to have more water than that if I could but you just never know what you're going to get with that so down here though this has been good enough for me last year to do all of my watering of the plots and I was hoping to be able to utilize this well for the same thing this year once the irrigation went in then also see if I could get it all the way up to the house and use it for that too now what that really means the irrigation wise is that we had to size down these zones so that we can run less sprinkler heads off of them just so that we're not over taxing the well so you'll see up on the front yard when we get to that point that we had to do a lot more zones to cover that area just to make sure that we're not over taxing the well and I'll also explain up there we have the backup system that we can use the Rural Water up there too just in case that the weld doesn't end up working out for some reason these things you just never know until you get into them and use them for a while so the other thing is I do not have a pressure tank on this well yet so that means that right now I'm just manually turning it on and off the pump that is down there with the power that is in right over here so that means that once I get a pressure tank and all of that then I will be able to run the system wirelessly off of a device which will be super nice but right now I have to manually turn on the pump right there so basically the way I split this up was just every single little plot that I already have has its own Zone here so these six main areas they all have heads here where you see these flags so there's three heads on this side for this one three heads on this side so you're going to get even coverage over this whole thing really the same goes for these smaller plots I wasn't sure if I was going to try to do some larger zones with those but I ended up going with putting in heads on each one of these corners and they're just spraying this way since these are really really small plots these are all going to be individually controlled as well exact same situation on the low cut plots wanted each of these to be able to be controlled individually just depending on what we find out needs more or less water as we go but they're probably going to be fairly consistent but having individual control again is going to be the best case scenario so here on this tall fescue plot that's larger I just went with rotors here and I'll explain these are the exact same rotors up on the front yard too same exact thing on this ryegrass larger plot got rotors in it then over here this is the drought testing that I'll be doing so these do not have individuals on these right at this moment I decided since I'm mostly just going to be letting this all dry out that if it ever does need water I can consistently put it across all of these but really the point of this over here is to let it be natural just whatever rainfall we get got a couple more zones over here for testing yet that has yet to be figured out exactly what's going there Kentucky blue Bluegrass testing plot right here it's a much larger area right in this big square and then of course I've removed that old bridge that was all in that section I worked the soil a little bit and that is all going to be one perennial rye grass zone right there one of the other things that I think is going to be really nice to have are these quick couplers which I never had at our old place this is connected into the irrigation system you just have a little key that goes into here turn that on lots of golf courses and sports Fields have these then you can hook up a garden hose right to that or there's different connections and that way if I want to spray something off down here in this area or I want to hand water something I have a connection point right here right into the irrigation and I don't have to go find a spigot or anything or a faucet of any kind it's just connected right there so the other thing that I've mentioned is that all this will be able to be controlled down here by an app eventually if I want to look at a Zone and turn something on I can do that for my phone we ended up running a two inch main line from the well so that thing goes all the way up to the west side of the building [Applause] [Music] the other thing that's changed up here from my old system is that I went with rotors on all of this front yard the reason being is that I liked my other sprinkler heads that were a little slower but because we have so many zones to cover if you think about it if you have a really low precipitation rate on those actual heads that you have in there and it takes you a half an hour or more to put down even a decent amount of water just because of how slow they are I needed something that was a little faster I'll just never get through these zones also I found myself last year when I was doing a lot of watering using more of the impact sprinklers to get down a decent amount of water in a faster method than I was using those slower heads that I used to have all right so this right here is where I can make the switch over from using well water or Rural Water just depending on what I want so this Main Line comes right through here and then goes back into the building over there right here I have a ball valve right now it's in closed position so anything from this main line coming this way from the well stops right here then coming from this direction right now is Rural Water that was connected to the building obviously so we have the Rural Water Source in the building we just tapped off of that line that comes down into here and also as I said can go all the way down the line so I could bring Rural Water all the way down to the plots as well but right now since I'm stopping it here the Rural Water is just going on to the front yard zones doesn't go any farther and then if I wanted the well water to come up through here and do these zones then I would open up this would close the backflow over there on the building turn off the water line there so that there's no Rural Water coming back out this way it's a nice system to have those two options and it's really all because of just a couple of valves that change the direction of where things are going now I am in the mechanical room and you can see this is the IVM controller there's a lot of different functionality to this that I'm going to be trying to learn over time the unfortunate fortunate part that I learned day one is that they do not have an Android app yet and so I'm gonna have to figure out an iOS device because although I have all Macs for everything I do not have an iPhone but the nice thing really about this that I loved off the bat is that you only need one wire to run down there to all those other zones and it connects I think this controller that I have can connect up to 60 zones on this thing with just the wire you don't need to run separate wire to every single one such a nice feature for that haven't even touched a surface here really learning this thing yet but I'll get more into that as we go I'm sure so that's a look at the new system there's going to be plenty more this season I'm sure as I dig into this thing and start using it so stay tuned for all that stay tuned for this front yard being planted really soon as well thank you so much for watching today we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care
Views: 84,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: irrigation system installation, irrigation system, irrigation, rain bird, rain bird irrigation, rain bird irrigation system, rain bird rotors, rain bird ivm controller, rain bird 5000 plus rotors, meston brothers irrigation, ryan knorr, ryan knorr lawn care, ryan knorr new property, spring lawn care, lawn, lawn care, lawn tips
Id: -M05tTfsfNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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