NEW HYBRIDS IN CHAOS THEORY? - Will Hybrid Dinosaurs Return in Jurassic World Chaos Theory?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another Jurassic world Chaos Theory Theory video yep still sounds surreal but you guys seem to really enjoyed my last video on Chaos Theory where we tried to identify what animal arus was tracking in the teaser trailer for Jurassic world Chaos Theory so if you happen to have missed that then please go ahead and check out that video later as I can assure you it'd be something that you're very interested and would enjoy we've also done a major trailer breakdown for this teaser trailer so if you to happen to have missed that as well then all of the Hidden details and Easter egg can be found in that video so I highly recommend checking that out as well but for today we're delving deep into another speculative Theory video here where we try and work out out the possibility of hybrid dinosaurs making a reappearance in Jurassic world Chaos Theory I know I know some people right now will be upset by hearing this title but some people might be genuinely intrigued by the prospect me well I've covered a video over a year ago that explained my exact thoughts and opinions on what could happen with new hybrids returning at some points but don't worry we'll reiterate that in today's video for the sake of this Theory the Jurassic world franchise has had plenty of Cannon and non-canon hybrid dinosaurs throughout its history some even datting back to the early naughties era just after Jurassic Park 3 so it's only right to wonder if they're going to be returning once again in Chaos Theory So today we're going to be doing exactly that so be sure to get your snacks relax enjoy your g-fuel by using Code swerve with 20% off and there's actually a new flavor by the way passion paloa and honestly one of my favorites already it's really really good but for now it's time to learn as to whether or not hybrid dinosaurs will be returning in Jurassic world Chaos Theory right once again completely off script and we're back to making Theory videos for Camp cretaceus I know very excited um we used to do this a lot back in the day and we've recently been doing this for Chaos Theory as well so the first thing I want to talk about here is how hybrid dinosaurs have practically been the main focus of the Jurassic world era because as we can see throughout its lifetime you know hybrid dinosaurs playing around with genetic formulations and try to create a new species ever since Jurassic world released was the main F Focus we had this in Jurassic world we had this in Fallen Kingdom and we slightly I guess had it in Jurassic world Dominion as well but we also had this in Camp cretaceus however this is thanks to what happened back in the early ughs era just after Jurassic Park 3 hybrid dinosaurs were always eluded there were loads of fan-made hybrid dinosaurs put in two species together I believe at some point there was the ultimasaurus as well so yeah the hybrid dinosaurs have been around for a long time but in Jurassic Park 3 it was our first main step forward to having hybrid dinosaurs because Jurassic Park 3 introduced amalgamations and more specifically project Regenesis if you guys are unaware about what amalgamations are we'll touch up on it just a little bit here basically it's splicing two dinosaur DNA together but not entirely creating a new species it's a new way to fill in the gaps basically speaking there's probably a lot more to it so feel free to researched that but that's what happened with project Regenesis also known as the spinosaurus now loads of people have been saying that the spinosaurus is not scientifically accurate in modern day paleontology which is fair enough you know back then in 2001 that's what the spinosaurus would look like however if the spinosaurus was to return in the exact same format from what we see in 2001 then it can easily be explained by amalgamations that's the universe's explanation let's say because this dinosaur was let's say very off the hooks it was crazy it was just not normal in the head and yeah so that's because it was an Amalgamated dinosaur and that's what essentially happened they were trying to see what they could create and they created the spinosaurus in doing so in project for Genesis this then LED on to basically 14 years of no movies until we got Jurassic world but within that time frame we had Jurassic Park 4 being written then being scrapped being Rewritten again being scrapped again it was a mess basically but one of those scripts for Jurassic Park 4 the john s script originally had human dinosaur hybrids yeah I'm very glad that that's not true and that that hasn't come to light in Cannon so yeah although I wouldn't mind watching it as a alternate universe movie to be honest i' i' would be very intrigued by it but it probably won't be good let's just say that but yeah they were always playing around with the ideas of having hybrids even if it meant humans and dinosaurs but the Jurassic World movies introduced us to our first two Canon hybrids the indominous Rex and the indoraptor the indom Rex was a hybrid of mainly Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor but it had other dinosaur DNA in there like rugops Carnotaurus Therizinosaurus Giganotosaurus I think there was some crocodilian DNA in there as well there was loads of stuff in it in its formulation however the indoraptor was slightly more basic it basically just had DNA of a Velociraptor and it also had DNA of the indominous Rex and those were our first two Cannon hybrids into the franchise born in 2012 for the indominous Rex and born in 2017 for the indoraptor however in the 2015 movie Jurassic world there are some other dinosaurs that weren't used that were hybrids in some scenes throughout the movie you can see on a computer screen some other hybrid dinosaurs that were never made and unfortunately we never got to see them and they weren't actually alive at any point I actually made a video ranking them if you also want to check them out as well but soon comes 2020 where we finally had the release of Cam cretaceus which takes place between the year of 2015 more specifically December 2015 all the way up to Mid June 2016 and within this five season Thriller we had two new Canon hybrids once again the scorpus Rex and the spinos ceratops the scorpus Rex just like the indominous Rex was a mess it was actually our first ever hybrid dinosaur as well and then we also had the spinos catops which was just let's say for the kids sake very cute it was basically the amalgamation or the creation of a Spinosaurus and a sinoceratops that didn't really go too well and it was our first non-en non- maani hybrid as it was made by mantorp so given that cam cretaceus decided to make the very very bold move and add in more hybrid dinosaurs into the plot line and the whole entire story line of Jurassic it's interesting to suspect that maybe the same thing might be happening here with Chaos Theory after all you know animated series they aren't taken as seriously as the movies but they are still cannon at the end of the day so they can kind of experiment and you can kind of see that with Cam CA seasons 4 and 5 which let's say we're not going to talk about and hopefully the writers have learned from but yes in the animat series they can basically experiment just that little bit more so bringing in hybrids isn't entirely impossible but you must be wondering how how would this fit in into the major overall plotline of Chaos Theory well perhaps Darius and the others actually find some kind of illegal Market of hybrid dinosaurs being tortured and obviously this will now lead into another storyline of trying to find who created these hybrid dinosaurs how can they rescue the hybrid dinosaurs you know all the cliche stuff but why do I think it will be some kind of black market or something Shady going on well if you have been following the channel for at least two months now we've actually confirmed that a traps will be appearing in Jurassic world Chaos Theory thanks to the New York toy fair and so we assume that that storyline will then lead into what we see in Jurassic world Dominion as we know Chaos Theory takes place before Jurassic world Dominion so therefore if they were to look into the Shady business of atro raptors I wouldn't say it's too far-fetched to look into the potential Shady business of some kind with hybrid dinosaurs and this would actually give the opportunity to then introduce hyb dinosaurs that almost made it into the movies as we know a deleted scene of the sto catops was originally supposed to be in Jurassic world Clare and Owen were supposed to stumble upon it in the forest and that would be it but they'd make you question what other things Dr wub was created however the director's son made a very good claim that if the stos ceratops appeared in Jurassic world it would kind of take away the whole Spotlight from the indominous Rex a little bit so that's why the stos ceratops never made its way there but it even had models made for it so this is a perfect opportunity to reintroduce the seos ceratops in some way and officially make it once again onscreen Canon after all it is Canon we do know that it was supposed to be there however we never saw it alive this is the first time that we have a potential chance to see it alive now but this also gives the opportunity for other hybrid dinosaurs such as spinoraptor as it's easily a fan favorite let's just say that but nothing more to it however it seems very unlikely in my opinion from what I can work out out and the way that I can just try and think of a potential story line yes the story line is there but let's say they save the hybrid dinosaurs what happens after that in Jurassic world Dominion to the best of our knowledge we know that there are no hybrid dinosaurs alive in the world so I'm not too sure how likely the possibility of having hybrids in chaos theory is but I wouldn't say it's completely zero I would say that there is still a likelihood and our best chance is probably a flashback or a mention towards the 2018 incident involving the indoraptor in Lockwood's manner after all we know that's where campasia season 5 ended but there's always the possibility albe a small possibility that something new could happen since this is something new and is an animated series it's not completely out of the Realms of possibility that a hybrid dinosaur will appear again as I said earlier in my other videos I did mention that I wouldn't be surprised if hybrid dinosaurs do return to the franchise at some point that's simply because the DNA is out there anybody can replicate anything they want now and if the science is there then there's a high possibility that hybrid dinosaurs will be made again maybe not hybrids like the indoraptor or the scorpus Rex or the indominous Rex and it's definitely not ones that will be able to be shown off publicly and everything but maybe some kind of shady business is going on a new indoraptor or indoc Carnotaurus thing from Jurassic world alive is created maybe that could all happen because the DNA is now out and spreading across the world so hybrid Dinosaurs Aren't impossible anymore and it seems even more possible than in Jurassic world now so I wouldn't be surprised if hybrids do return in some way and Jurassic world Chaos Theory could actually be the stepping stone for that and we could see a hybrid dinosaur of some kind so I wouldn't say it's impossible to see a hybrid dinosaur in Chaos Theory I just say it would be highly unlikely just because we know that the fans want to focus more on natural dinosaurs and story lines on the mainland but after all hybrids are the main plot of the Jurassic world stories Jurassic world was driven because of the indominous Rex Fallen Kingdom was driven because of the indominous Rex and Raptor then we also have Cam Cretaceous with the scorpus Rex and spinos ceratops and then also getting DNA across to another company Jurassic world Dominion not so much it was just briefly mentioned and touched up on but hybrids are the main plot of the Jurassic world stories and that's the end of it but in conclusion it's not likely we'll see any new hybrid Dinosaurs the newest one we could probably see is spinoraptor but again that would just be fan service at that point but it would be most likely to see the stegoceratops if we were to see something quote unquote new in this franchise but the best way that we could see a hybrid dinosaur in chaos theory and something that I would be very open to and would love to see actually would be an opening sequence regarding a flashback to 2018 at the start of season 1 episode 1 involving the indoraptor we could see somebody that was at the Lockwood Mana where the indoraptor was being sold everything goes to basically and then we get a point of view of somebody running away after seeing the indoraptor and everything that happened with the stiggy Mok and then whoever we were following within that sequence could then escape and then we can see him return in 2021 where chaos theory is expected to take place and then be part of the main plot line as well something like that would be very very cool and probably our best way to see a hybrid dinosaur but in conclusion it doesn't seem likely we'll get one but at the end of the day this is something new it is an animated series and it is Cannon so we might eventually see some kind of hybrid dinosaur we just have to wait and see but in the meantime I'm intrigued to see what you guys think would you like hybrids or would you not like hybrids in Jurassic world Chaos Theory go down to the comments and let me know don't forget to like the video If you enjoyed And subscribe if you're new around here but most importantly make sure you're all staying safe out there and I'll see you all in the next one bye-bye hello hi you did you enjoy the video just a little reminder to press that like button and also subscribe I just want to thank my patreons for this month on screen right here as giving me that little extra support really does go a long way but anyways I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Swrve
Views: 284,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World, Camp Cretaceous, New Jurassic World TV Series, Jurassic World TV Series, What happens after Jurassic world dominion, Jurassic World Animated TV Series, Jurassic World New series, Jurassic World Chaos Theory, Camp Cretaceous Sequel, Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Sequel, Camp Cretaceous Sequel Series, What is Jurassic World Chaos Theory, Jurassic World Chaos Theory trailer, Hybrid Dinosaurs, Jurassic World Hybrids, Spinoraptor, Stegoceratops
Id: UV2gwJn2Zwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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