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hey this is your crab casino today we're checking out murder mystery you guys said that there's some new updates new maps new new bunch of new new so we're gonna check it out and I'm ready in a map right now I'm nervous as heck I don't know what the new new is oh wait I see the murder over there I think I saw the murderer over there let me see I forgot what they look like oh crap he's running to me wait is that the murderer out there where's the murderer what the murderer look like oh crap who'sa crap it's not one of them oh crap it's a Vette chick I'm moving over I'm moving over yep I better this is check where's the where's the freaking sure while she's killing them I'm running I'm running I'm running come on jump jump find the sheriff's gonna find the chef's gun you know the chick you know what the chick looks like and she's probably coming for you where is the sheriff's gun where did the sheriff die these coins are mad freaking loud where's the sheriff's gun holy crap she's covered for me I'm going in here I'm going in here why don't I have the speed of God with me oh my goodness who's the sheriff where's the sheriff no I tripped on this hole go down go down brand rendering yeah you can't catch me I'll check oh crap she's probably waiting on the other side for me isn't she she's where is the sheriff Quinn back full that's all gravy and everything I don't really care about that I'm trying to find the sheriff okay I'm going in here we're going in here does she see me let's go I'm gonna put this box there where she can't get me where's the where was the sheriff's gun unless the sheriff is still alive I'm trying to make sure the timer's out on her make sure she'll find me who was the sheriff and where you at [Applause] [Music] um but who was the shirt I gotta see where was she killed Eliza I'm innocent again well what don't know how don't like her oh but don't like him oh well well I'm definitely Q only cuz I don't know them and they all could be murders even her little rabbit could be a murder oh good oh my goodness that chick was the chair of last time she'd be the murderer listen nope nope nope nope uh-huh crap crap she's very interesting-looking in that purple lady well this guy's the murder this Tokyo guy's the freakin murder I bet he is watch him be the murder no one's died yet so I think that took you guys the murder I feel like he's been trying to find the perfect place for his victim yeah I think he's I think he's trying to find you know someone's trying to be like look I find the perfect place the person to murder that's the sheriff but I can't trust the sheriff either I've died before is she the murderer here's the sheriff yep she's the murder I say that because she's coming right for me she's coming right for me oh wait or was she not he kind of peeped it too she looks at pictures why is she trying why is he trying to shoot why is he trying to shoot the murder shoot the miner come on ah you missed I'm gonna go around no she's gonna kill you she's the murderer she was the sheriff last time I told you oh how do you Crouch Eddie Crouch she's like trying to hold up there then we get off this wall okay I was gonna say she can't kill all of us but she totally can she can just do a swipe and kill all of us oh okay she got her way she got our way get the gun get the gun got you were too slow come on can you get it can you get it she got it kill her kill her kill her crap shoot her oh she's waiting to get her outside here shoot it shoot her now sure oh come on Cohen boo boo boo you could get her now you could get her you can get it you can get her I've got you good job Gigi yay oh oh this is the nude hotel - well we gotta explore all right so this is a coffee shop at the opening of the hotel all right I'll look around I'm sore on a high level oh man I really like this hotel this hotel looks nice if there's a vending machine oh oh oh oh I almost forgot was playing this game we go inside here what's in here okay this is this is like oh this is like a room this is like a private suite here can you um up fridge we can hide in the fridge oh well I'm out I'm out we're gonna explore the open spaces cuz it's kind of scary in here oh okay that's a quick way down oh let me move let me move let me move let me get out of there so this is like though that time thinks she's the murder yes she got to be the murder cuz what you doing with that teddy bear disguise new knife okay so this is so lobby oh it's not her it's not her who is it okay oh I gotta be careful I don't know where they are crap I gotta be careful it's not teddy bear check it this guy it's gotta be this guy [Music] right yes it is let me see cuz that guy just died or is it this again I think it's that guy oh my goodness I think it's that guy oh my gosh or hurt I don't know they were both up there they were both up there when that guy died is it him as a him he's trying to I think it's him I think he's trying to single out that chick I'm seeing here I'm gonna go over here oh look if she dies and it's him oh crap okay so it's not this check it is that guy watch watch him kill this check cuz he thinks someone's looking he didn't kill her kill that kill a chicken where's the sheriff I think it's that guy I have not seen him commit murder but everybody run was dying who's the murderer let me check is it this guy this guy I had no idea again okay I'm gonna keep it moving keep it moving okay this this place is sort of freaking tiny No oh my gosh I don't know who to trust I don't know where to go oh crap [Music] it's a purple chick it's the purple chick the purple chicks the murderer sure kill a pratical chick there she is someone kill her so a shooter why didn't she kill everybody she was like great right there oh she's gonna kill him in there unless she's found another way around she found another way yeah crap she's got it yep she's gonna kill everybody in that room the sheriff's must be in there the sheriff must be in there did she kill the chair the sheriff didn't kill her she killed that come right here yep I'm out I'm going around today oh yes just where's she at crap she's come this way and gone this way yes okay Oh did someone else get the grande gun no no one else did all right crap get rid of get rid of this no come on they I hate this amount thing we got to get rid of it it sucks [Music] all right when you find a surprise mother innocent a I want to see newer maps beside like we saw the one hotel map excuse me which is pretty good oh well here is this chick again move away from me [Music] okay I've seen people like be the murderer twice in a row before those two people were they afk one of them is the murderer I'm ugly and proud okay good for you mm-hm check it was that chick that's the chick I thought it was did she kill the sheriff no she didn't kill the sheriff oh crap she's murdering everybody where's the sheriff oh she's she's coming this way she's coming this way she's coming this way I'm out I'm going back out I'm going outside all right are you guys the sheriff no oh that guy scared me are you the sheriff who was the chair can you can you guys kill kill her she's killing she's coming she's throwing her night somebody just ran behind it I'm out I'm out I'm out about going going going around this way okay all right did you kill the sheriff yeah I don't think she did so one of these guys is the sheriff run run run jump jump jump I almost peed myself she's coming foamy I'm out out out out jumping fish it's me yeah she is get this guy up here get this bird up here go in here yes ankles broken yeah get that guy in set going this way yes she's distracted this girl Stan I'm sorry so you had to die hope she just killed that guy I mean she's coming this way alright go up here oh I can go in here I don't want to go in there though but at least I know where people hide if I'm gonna kill someone where's who was the sheriff did sheriff die already let me I'm gonna go do some investigating let me go up here did the sheriff die up here Danny would die up here no I just timed out who's the sheriff she did kill the sheriff where did she I didn't go in the tunnels the tunnels she probably died in the tunnels yes I've been wanted to be the murder ray the law is still alone how do I since I have my controller I haven't got my weapon out cuz I want to kill people you know quietly and stuff Oh someone's live are they underground or what's fun of it I just need to find a way to bring down my weapon and not have anyone see me this guy seems to be alone no that's not it [Music] how do I bring out my knife when we go in here can you go in here no you can't oh yes you can oh okay good this is a good way for me to practice so with my controller I can't bring out my knife so I'm just gonna have to just kill people at two minutes I'm OH who'd they glue the shooting at the wrong person though I gotta figure out who's the sheriff though and kill that first okay we got fresh footsteps all right crap let me just go up here okay I can't play with my controller cuz this controller it's not yeah let's just go down to kill death the rampage I'm I'm right here rampage rampage come on come on come on come on come here you Estevez come why is it the animations so much slower now [Music] just wait time right by him come on come on let's go right in here [Music] oh let me good let me go to the places I got 18 seconds come on come on you know there's more people let's see in here I want to go in here come on get up come on come on I bet there's someone in here let me go oh that's a good way to end it I didn't get a victory but hopefully it shows how many people I killed I just want to know how many people are left let's see you let's see how do I see the oh you can't see them anymore I did get nine oh I don't like that so okay it's fine as things I like I don't like that you can't see who you've killed unless you can and I just didn't press the right button I hate the emotes thing we gotta get rid of it cuz even on my controller I cannot um okay this guy's upset cuz you got beat hold on hold on hold on don't be mad cuz wait cuz you got bees [Music] okay so I can put here it was a lot of fun to play murder mystery I do like some of the updates I like the new hotel map I like the whole victory thing that pops out when you shoot the killer the little thing of confetti I don't like the email thing we gotta just get rid of that and I don't like yeah I don't like the email thing and what else - it did not like okay I gotta go because I'm about to die yeah so I'm gonna get pay I love you guys if you like this video hug the wife a lot like button and until next time buddies -
Channel: AyChristeneGames
Views: 41,485
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: aychristenegames, aychristene, walkthrough, gameplay, kid friendly, family friendly, no cursing, no swearing, NEW HOTEL MAP | ROBLOX MURDER MYSTERY GAMEPLAY, ROBLOX MURDER MYSTERY GAMEPLAY, roblox, roblox murder mystery 2, murder mystery 2, roblox murder mystery, murder mystery, roblox roleplay, roblox gameplay, roblox video, roblox online game, roblox adventures, roblox murder, roblox game, roblox mm2, roblox mini game, roblox minigame, murder mystery 2 update, roblox youtube
Id: _EiXyY1qQ-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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