New Home Move-in CHECKLIST. What to do AFTER Moving into Your House. The ULTIMATE Move-in Checklist.

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hi it's ty the real-estate guy here to help you through the process of buying a home I'm sure you already know that I just released a video the ultimate new home checklist which focuses on the things you need to do before you move into your home so this is video number two and really a follow up to my first video this video will give you a checklist of things you need to do after you move into your new home some of the items on this list are extremely important I know that you're anxious to unpack those boxes and start organizing your home but some of the items I'll talk about below are necessary to protect you and your family and they need to be done as soon as possible so here's a short list of things to do before you unpack all those boxes and start arranging all those rooms remember if you're organized you can get these things done efficiently and this list will simplify the move-in process for you by the way if this is your first time seeing me you want to hit the subscribe button below and clean that little bell to stay up to date on the latest real estate tips and trends in today's video I'm going to give you a simple checklist of items you need to complete after you move into your new home I've personally guided more than 400 people through the home buying process and I've closed on multiple homes for myself so you can trust that I won't leave out anything of significance my goal is to help you avoid the common mistakes I often see people make when buying a home so let's get started number one change your locks this is by far the number 1 thing you should do for many people they'll spend the day going back and forth from the old house to the new one and a lot of people choose not to even sleep in the new home on the first night because the beds or whatever it is isn't set up do you really want all of your belongings sitting in a house that the previous homeowner could enter the turn of a key even scarier if you choose to sleep in the house that first night do you want the previous owners to have easy access into your home even if the previous owners seem like great people you never know who they've given a key to for your own safety and the safety of your family please make sure this is your number one priority as a side note if you're buying a new construction home you can skip this step because most builders have a system where once you use the key on the doorknobs and locks the keys that the construction manager or the different trades used to access the home will no longer work if you've purchased a new construction home just make sure you insert the keys into all the exterior doors lock and then unlock each door using that key number to set up a lockout plan while we're on the subject of keys you'll want to immediately set up a plan in case you accidentally lock yourself out of your new home once again this is something I do immediately especially because you don't want to accidentally lock yourself out when you have the movers or family and friends coming to help you unload the u-haul most people are busy and they don't have time to stand around waiting for a locksmith to arrive not to mention you may have installers like cable and or internet scheduled to arrive or deliveries things like refrigerators and washers and dryers there's a good chance the installers or delivery people won't sit around and wait and if that's the case you may find yourself moving these bulky items into your home and installing them all by yourself there are a few simple options you can immediately give a key to a trusted friend or family member you can buy yourself one of those number pad key boxes similar to the one realtors use and a fix it to your house somewhere or worst case scenario you could hide a key somewhere at the new home also I was going to talk about the garage key pad earlier but thought it fit here just as well if your new home has a garage key had you want to change that code right away you will most likely need a ladder to do this because you'll probably need to hold it a button up high on your actual garage door opener to change the code number three test your smoke detectors these days you can usually just push a button on the detector and it will trip loudly to let you know it's working on all their detectors you may need a light a match or you could just cook some bacon if for some reason the detectors aren't working or the home doesn't have smoke detectors at all you want to make this a day one priority if you need an installer or repairmen you'll want to schedule them in advance I know a family that moved into their brand-new home only to watch it burn to the ground on day one they had just moved all their belongings into their home and they lost everything to put it simply that would suck number four find all of your water shut-off valves most homes have a main water shot valve in the basement a crawlspace or the garage if for some reason you had an emergency leak or a water line burst you'll want to know exactly where to go to shut off the water in the entire home accidents happen during installations and when you're moving things into your new home so make sure you know where the main water line shutoff valve is remember that you can also find individual shutoff valves to your sinks toilets and other water lines like the one to your fridge make sure you know where to find these and that you know how they work number five locate the circuit breaker it's possible that as you're plugging in all your new things that you'll trip a breaker you'll want to know how to restore power and you don't want to be doing this in the middle of the night in Utah the breaker box is usually in the basement but for those of you who live in locations where there aren't basements you'll usually find the breaker panel in your garage or a hallway or a closet remember that all the items I just listed are things you need to do on day one you really shouldn't make an exception because unfortunately bad things happen even to good people like you but if you're prepared these unfortunate events will only be inconveniences instead of disasters or tragedy before I continue can I ask a quick favor would you please give this video a thumbs up I would appreciate it more than you know and that thumbs up will help others know that this video is helpful thank you okay moving on to number six set up a security system this is something to do at your own discretion obviously for me personally I won't know immediately if someone is in my house so I can protect my family I heard a statistic once that just having a security sign in your yard or in your window makes your house 90% less likely to be broken into so if nothing else by a sign and put it in your window or yard to take this a step further you could install additional security features like a video ring doorbell or security cameras I've done all three because my family's safety is my number one priority and I also want to protect my personal belongings from thieves number seven buy a safe and find an inconspicuous place to keep it when you buy a safe make sure it has a high fire rating remember that you're not just protecting your important documents and valuables from thieves I have a large heavy safe that both to the floor so can't easily be taken but even if you're in a tiny apartment you should go get something even if it's small and find a good hiding spot number eight ask friends or family members to help you unpack like I said in video number one it's great to have friends and family help you in love the u-haul but the real work starts when you begin the grueling process of unpacking each box and organizing your home I strongly recommend inviting one or maybe two close friends or family members for this part of the process having a friend or family member in the home with you while you unpack each individual box and organize can lift a heavy burden hours can quickly pass when you're surrounded by loved ones in good conversation not only is this a great way to connect but they could give you sound advice on where things should go and it's always nice to have a second set of hands when you're hanging things number nine add a water purification and softener system once again this is not something you need to do but it is something to consider a water purification system could be one of the best investments you ever make for the health of yourself and your family the water coming out of your faucet may be more polluted than you'd like to think a water softener on the other hand will most likely extend the life of your showerheads faucets and things of that nature you may want to see how hard the water is in the new location you're moving number 10 check your HVAC system I'd have a trusted HVAC company visit your home and give your system a good tune-up it's not fun to spend your hard-earned cash on things like this but it will save you money on your monthly utilities and it will extend the life of your system in the long run it'll most likely save you money congratulations your house has become a home now it's time to create memories one of the best ways to do this is to throw a party yeah I know what you're thinking that's gonna be a lot of work and you're still tired from unpacking and yes there are probably some things that still need to be done it's okay to just let go and leave them undone for a few more days it's also okay to take a few days to recover from the move-in but it's important to make your home a place where friends and family can gather and feel loved I have friends who don't invite people over because they don't want to put in the work that it takes to throw a party to me this is just sad I think that maybe they don't fully understand what a home really is or what a home really should be I'm not gonna go any deeper on this but please don't be that person now personally I wouldn't throw a huge party you may want to keep it more in so you can connect more deeply with your guests and also make it less chaotic well that's it please if I left anything out help the community by commenting below personally I would love to hear from you other than that thanks for watching for more great real estate and new home construction videos please hit the subscribe button below also you find me on instagram @ ty the real estate guy if you found this information to helpful please give me a thumbs up and if you know someone that's preparing to move please share this video with them also if you have questions or comments I would love to hear from you please type your remarks below thanks for watching and don't forget about below it'll make you feel good you
Channel: Ty Wilde Realtor & New Home Construction Specialist
Views: 27,663
Rating: 4.8783784 out of 5
Keywords: move in checklist, home move in checklist, house move in checklist, New Home Move-in CHECKLIST, What to do AFTER Moving into Your House, The ULTIMATE Move-in Checklist, new homeowner checklist, new homeowner tips, buying a home, first time home buyer, first time home buyer tips, first time home buyers guide, home, home buying 101, home buying process, home buying process explained, home buying process start to finish, ty wilde, Utah real estate, First time home owners
Id: SwI7fsc8nrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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