NEW Glide WEBHOOK ACTION lets you send data ANYWHERE

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hey everybody this is bob from edtechify and today we're going to talk about the new glide action web hooks so if you're not familiar with the web hook basically all it is is a url that's going to talk from one app to another app and so glide now provides you with a glide web hook that will let you pass information from glide to some other service and so our demo for today will be passing this information from glide to integromat if you're not familiar with integromat integromet is an alternative or a competitor to zapier which lets you connect app to app to do different automation across the web right and so once i get the information from glide into integromat i can do with it what i will and for our cases today we're going to send a simple email to ourselves with this information and imagine you can then take this information do whatever you want with it but just to verify that information is actually coming through we'll send an email to ourselves and that's going to be our hook all right so um here i have an app and this is going to be just a personal my card business card kind of app and i want to send this information who i am where i work maybe my contact card and my image in an email to myself all right so we're going to do is recover to components and we're going to add in a button and this button we can name it whatever we want i'm going to say email self real original okay period all right so under features we're not going to open up a link instead we're going to go to this new action called webhook and you see that the web hook requires a couple of things you see right now it says none but i can go ahead and add a new web hook and we're going to give it some sort of name to recognize it i'm going to say integromat since that's where i'm sending it there might be a better schema or or template maybe you should use i'll let glidespeak on that but so i'll say integromat and i'll say send self email that way i know exactly where it's going and what it's doing now this url this is going to be the url of integromat so we need to go to that platform that's going to accept the information and generate that url that glide's going to send the information to all right so here i'm going to go to integromat i've already signed in and in tiger match you create scenarios in zapier you create zaps so we're going to create a scenario in integromat and when you do so it's going to prompt you for which services you want to integrate and we're going to do three services even though there's only two apps the first thing we're going to integrate is glide and glide is again accepting that web hook so we're going to say web hook and we see that integromat has a web hooks module which is awesome the next thing we're going to connect this to is gmail so we'll say gmail and lastly we are going to pass along the image and maybe a couple files from glide into the email and everything in glide right now is saved as a link right whenever i upload an image or a video or a file those are all urls on glideside so we need to take those urls and convert them into a file that we can attach to the email so to do that we use this http module as a go between and i'll show you how to configure that as well great we're gonna hit continue and it is prompting us now to set up our first module so we're gonna choose webhooks as our first module and from here we're going to go and set up a custom webhook all right and you probably don't have any web hooks in here yet so we're going to add a new webhook we can call it whatever we want i'll say glide app and under show advanced settings we are also going to get the request headers this will allow us to also get in some password and authentication for filtering purposes later great we'll hit save and as soon as you hit save we now have an integromat hook url and you guessed it we're going to copy this and come back over here to our app and paste it into the url field of our web hook action save let it do its thing all right so now we have this action this webhook action attached to that integromat url module and this is the password we can use for filtering purposes um in order to verify that the information we're sending into integromat is indeed coming from glide and not coming from some other platform that hacked into our entirement account or something all right then last thing here is these values and these are the values you want to pass from whatever screen you're on to in tiger map and so maybe i want to pass my name my title my school my image my v card so let's add all those things so i'm going to add a value name his name great add a value and we'll do our maybe my role i'm going to pass along my school i'm going to pass along my image and maybe i'll pass along my v card all right all right so these are all of the things and now we need to make sure that our integromat can indeed accept or is listening to this button push right so when i push this button this information is going to get sent to this web hook in integromat and so you see right here um this little circling stop button uh it says here that integromat is now listening for the data and so all we have to and you have to initiate this which is that button push to send the data to the web hook all right so all i have to do is come over here to glide hit email self and we should see ah successfully determined excellent so in all um which is that's that's great so now we actually have our data being mapped within this webhook component all right and so now we can take this and pass it along to any app we choose right in this case we'll just do gmail for simplicity's sake so i'm going to add another module and i'm going to skip the http just for a second just so you see the difference let's go straight to gmail and we're going to send an email all right and again we this connection this is going to be your google connection so if you have not yet set up your connection to google you'll have to do that here add right and i've already added mine so that's why you see it's got my email address in there and here i can now configure my email right so my two under email address look this is the school the role the name the image and the v card from our glide app how cool is that uh you also see some other fields that got sent from glide as well all right the time stamp is the time stamp that we push that button the app id is the id of our app that was being sent from right the hook kind would be a string right or it's going to be a web hook action and you see under here under headers we should also have the ability to see our our keys this indented c key and so forth in our case we're just going to go ahead and send this information here now did i grab my email i did school role name image and you got well i need to know the email address don't i alright so i'm going to come back over here to my web hook and i have to redetermine my data structure all right so i need one more thing here don't i need my email i'm going to add a value and i'm going to get my current user's email address really i should choose i guess this email alright so email all right let's push the button again we should see a green check mark okay email there it is email okay now um you see when i hover over this email it says it's a collection and that's because this email actually contains a couple of values i can't just click this and get this params email because this is not the actual email address this is like the json email array so i have to click into this and actually get the email value that's going to be my robert. right because this type is going to be of type string i believe so i need the value so we see params email value add and then for subject we can call this whatever we want um i could say uh information from or i can say maybe my name and not just the pram name i need the value parentheses information awesome okay so the content here's where we can uh craft our email and again you said you can use html tags which is cool so i could say i'm going to be very very basic here i'm going to say just our name so the name value then i have to use html tags like a break and then i'll do my roll maybe my roll comes afterwards so comma space roll value then the break um and then my school maybe i won't be about that bolded right so i can use some html tags for bold not break like that then my school value break break and then um maybe i want an image so i can do a couple things either i can i can use some html to insert the image into there i could do something like image src equals and then my image value this should work like this all right so that could work or we can make that an attachment later i'll try both all right scroll down so you see attachments i can't just say add an attachment and then put in the the image url because it's a url you can't attach a url to email you need to attach a file to a url so we'll come back to this in just a minute but i'm going to hit ok and now watch this i'm going to run once all right so now it's waiting for some data so i'm going to come over here and email self boom all right i should see it go through look at that it was completed all right i'm going to check my email and i should see that email in my inbox look at that all right let's get rid of this the robert patil's information i click in here and look at that how cool is that all right so maybe i want to attach this image instead or maybe i want to attach my v card right so to do that we need that third module that goes in between here i'm going to go ahead and add a module and this is the http module this one here and we're going to get a file so basically what this this does it converts a url or some sort of information into the actual file type so then we can pass the file type along i'm going to connect automatically all right so let's let's expand my modules here alright so i need to remove and unlink this instead i need to unlock i need to link those together hopefully to unlink these that's right i want that let's zoom out a bit okay all right so now it's asking for the file right um so the url here i'm going to say if i want the image to attach i can do the image value but let's attach actually my v card so i'm going to do of this value of my vcard hit okay so this is basically taking that url value and passing along to a file and now when i come to my mail i can attach a get off my for my http right here's my http my content is going to be the um the data i believe right now the map it yeah okay so if i map it um the file name will be from the file name the data will be the data like that and hit add okay let's run this once again let's see what i get now email self let's check my email archive this i should get a new email in just a moment there it is and look i got an attachment this is my vcf my vcard attachment and if i click on this i guess it's because it's in a gmail it's not registering but if i was on my phone i'd be able to download this vcf right to my contacts all right so uh just using some so this is just one simple way to use the web hook action in glide um and i imagine this is not an email maybe you're sending your information to uh maybe you push the button and it gets shared to facebook or it gets shared to twitter or there's a social share of some kind right or uh you're triggering an action that then does some sort of automation in your house who knows um there's some very cool things we can do now with web hooks and glide if you have any questions feel free to email me at and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Robert Petitto
Views: 8,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wamstech, glide, glideapps, glide app tutorial, glide apps examples, webhook tutorial, app development, nocode app development, nocode movement, no code platform, low code development platforms, low code, low code no code, integromat webhook, integromat tutorial, glide app
Id: iayOIvW5Kp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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