New Game, Who Dis? - The One Ring Episode 1

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[Music] three rings for the elven kings under the sky seven for the dwarf lords in the halls of stone nine for mortal men doomed to die one for the dark lord on his dark throne the land of mordor where the shadows lie one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them in the land of mordor where the shadows lie that's right it's lord of the rings i have been waiting i guess my entire life to do this i am very very excited i am joined today by uh four intrepid hobbiteers uh we've got kate thomas joe o'brien grant berger and alicia marie thank you all for being here this is very very exciting this is the new version of the one ring rpg that is being published by free league free league friends over free league and in fact we're doing a giveaway right joe of course always with uh with freely because they're because they are the greatest ever uh free league who ran this kickstarter uh for the one ring this fall i guess or maybe earlier in the fall uh well it was all year long but it wrapped up and um it's coming out for everybody so it's brand spanking new we're so excited to be able to to give it away uh but it is gonna take some time to get there if you get the hard copy so let me start with the core rule book we're going to give away a copy tonight of the core rule book the hard cover copy which should get to you if you're pulled if you're drawn in next year early next year january february we're hoping uh it's all based on shipping stuff which everybody's dealing with that crap right now but uh that is when that should come out and uh and we're very excited to give that away but we're also gonna give away tonight a slew of additional digital content so that we can get it right to you so one hardcover of the core rulebook and then we're also going to give away three digital copies of the starter set encore rule book combined uh in their digital formats and we'll give that to three winners tonight i should also say that the uh whoever wins the hardcover is also going to get a digital uh of the rulebook and the starter set as well so uh all told we're giving away a ton of stuff tonight uh thanks to free league and this this starter set that's what we're doing tonight right we're playing part of the starter set right yeah we're playing the first uh scenario in the starter set adventure there you go so it's gonna give you a sense of uh of what this this holds uh if you could bring it home to you to your home game so uh very excited thank you to free league if you want to enter the contest you got to go and chat right now go and chat brennan's going to drop a link in there follow the link enter to win and we'll announce the winner in chat uh by the end of this episode very cool thanks as always the free league the book is incredible i only have a pdf of it but the art is amazing i love the rules of what little i understand of them uh this is also by the way and we'll we'll explore them a little tonight uh hopefully but uh we also this is the this is the 20th anniversary of the release of the movie fellowship of the ring it was this month 20 years ago which is staggering more like old line cinema exactly i can't believe it's been 20 years i can't believe it i know i know and uh i do also to celebrate uh to coincide with this anniversary my movie podcast franchise fan guys to do with andy and tom we're doing our lord of the rings run through we have uh ellie on as a guest for one of the episodes that's available right now also by the way we'll be doing our uh it's the our second digital event talking about the alien movie franchise tickets are available on hopefully a link will drop into the chat at some point tickets are available that's on the december 16th at 9 pm eastern just throwing that out there nothing to do with lord of the rings just saying just a little self plug action little self plug you know i gotta push my stuff when i have it which is almost never so i think i've made clear over the years that we've done this and my friends like the entire time i've known how important lord of the rings is to me but i want to talk to each of you to see what your experience is with lord of the rings let's start with uh let's start with our our most recently costumed player joe joe what's your can you tell that it's a very recently cop i got on the call i didn't know it was going to be this this level well you came on with the t-shirt this is like you're like the cot you're like the old costumes from the 70s where it's just like latex and just like a picture of the hero like on a cover exactly lowest possible level of involvement uh but i didn't know that it was going to oh man i should have known with alicia marie being on but kate brought it too uh if you're listening to the audio of this you gotta at least take a peek at the youtube and uh and look at these ladies they look amazing yeah so i was like i gotta do something and so i ran and grabbed an old wig of mine uh but yeah i i mean it's it's hard to describe i mean i think that for it would be similar to what a lot of people experience i mean it has impacted my life in such an enormous way it changed my life it has changed my life so i i did not have the interest that i have before i got into lord of the rings and once i did i never looked back i've been obsessed with fantasy and adventuring and magic and and world building and all that stuff ever since coming across tolkien's work and uh i wish that i could know more i don't my brain is too tiny to to like actually be able to understand the depth of what is happening uh here with this work and you could spend a lifetime of scholarship just working on this uh this work so yeah it's it's really something that's incredible incredible to be a part of and i'm very very excited to to play the game i am too i knew that you had to to do this at least you had to be involved for sure yes uh what about grants grant what's your what's your history with lord of the rings and uh you you're not you don't have a costume at all what's going on i don't understand oh before we get to the history with lord of the rings we might want to talk about some wig options i got okay okay options options this one this one might be more appropriate for an elf based campaign i'll agree yeah okay save that for when we do yeah the elf party this one's for the jesus christ superstar i don't rpg him in lord of the rings oh he's a prominent figure a sub textual prominent subtextual figure he came came back is jesus the crucified oh wait let's get right and this is for my failed uh della cosplay that never saw that that's amazing this is my real wig here comes yes places it on top of his head yeah it's so hard to get it on his actual head what kind of wig is that it's great i think i mean look at the art in a little bit of the character i'm playing and i think it's kind of spot-on it is actually like super good oh you kind of look like a duracell battery joined the monkeys but uh um really it is appropriate it's really great so what is your history what is your what is your history with lord of the rings my favorite moments with lord of the rings were talking to two of the most important teachers in my lifetime in high school about it and you might be surprised they weren't the football coach it was my latin teacher and mr wilkes who worked in the audiovisual cave and wired up all the cameras in the back and every time i had like 15 minutes break or lunch i would go hang out with them and talk about lord of the rings and i got to know them very well right as the movies were going to come out and at hours speculating about what was going to be in the film and what was it and then hours talking about like you know things we missed that were in the book that weren't there and um it was it was really a delight uh my latin teacher came to my wedding and uh he got his master's thesis in like tolkien studies so um yeah i'm just like now with skid on the call in particular i've always surrounded myself with people who know and are scholars of tolkien in a way i could never be much like joe i wish i had all that room i had to like just have instant recall of like page 300 of the simarillion but i don't quite have that but i'm thrilled to be here it's the most joyful kind of fantasy setting for me because of the hop yeah and that that's the thing is like uh and i just want to say to you i have said this to you for years i've been like i just want to play campaign pathfinder d whatever campaigns that are just that are the lord of the rings like i'm just always looking to replicate that and it's really that sense of of hobbits or people like hobbits that are just good natured good meaning good willing people that uh are forced to go way beyond what you would think are their capabilities of endurance both physical mental emotional uh to save the world i think it's the coolest uh story ever and so yeah it's always been my favorite tale yeah agreed it is sort of the platonic ideal of of a dungeons and dragons adventure is this fellowship of the ring i mean that's like it's a classic like dungeon dive like at one point it's yeah this is what we all kind of absolutely well alicia i actually don't know like what you look amazing as always by the way as always uh especially when you guys see the arts before the characters i've got a problem alicia are you a big lord of the rings fan what is your history with lord of the rings oh shoot my shirt's falling open um actually it's interesting because i was sort of just like a normal kid at least i thought i was until i saw it and this is not of anything with tolkien but i saw um probably aging myself but i was a little kid when uh this movie willow came out oh my god it was like really really old and that was like my first introduction to like say like creatures that are like other types and elves and things and their lives and then my sister is actually the one who introduced me to lord of the rings and from there it was like us we would talk on the phone about things um uh i remember when i first saw a fellowship of the ring i was going through a really rough time and i loved the fact that um frodo kept being told you know the the you know the road is hard but you were chosen to go through it and i love that because i always think about that even when going to really rough times like this fall i've been going through a lot of mess i actually think about like how it's a rough road but you were the one who has to go through this and no one else can go through it for you i love that stuff it just hits really hard so yeah lord of the rings um it's just it's just it's the it's the benchmark of the rings i went to steven r donaldson so lord of the rings was kind of a i guess conduit if you want to call it it's an enabler type franchise that just opens you up to so many different worlds dungeon dragons included all of them so i'm so excited to be back at this table playing this with you guys because you're all crazy [Music] that also jumps out to me elysia is one of my favorite elements of the whole story it's boiled down right into that that idea of uh if you don't find a way no one will you know and like that kind of pressure but it's also like you just have to do it you have to fight through all that adversity it's such a wonderful wonderful story yeah that's one of the things that i've i've kind of like taken a little bit of a break from lord of the rings in general for the past like year and coming back to it prepping for this more than anything i'm like struck by how lovely and profound a lot of tolkien's philosophies are and that those are like some really good examples i mean just he just had a a wonderful lovely mind and it's just really lucky to get so much of it in literary form okay well now i'm i have to ask i'm so this is what i where i'm most interested to find out what is your experience with lord of the rings have you have you seen with your famous love of film surely you've seen these movies dozens of times like the rest of us i watched all six movies uh over the long thanksgiving weekend we started with the first three first three hobbits and then the three lord of the rings um over the weekend and that was my introduction to it when i grew up when you said this the first fellowship of the rings came out 20 years ago and the books came out like way longer before that but i guess that was like the pop culture resurgence of it that was kind of around the time when like i got into harry potter a little bit before that i was like 14 at the time so a little bit before that was harry potter for me but i was still in the throes of that and like when i have a thing i like i don't need another thing i'm just going to like that thing forever like so i didn't need another thing at the time it's so weird it's a market by like a couple it was like a month before like the first harry potter movie came out the month in like november 2001 is that right um i don't remember i don't remember i i read the books though before the movies came out so i was already just like in it and when the movies came out i was waiting just the same thing you were you were saying before about the lord of the rings movies like waiting to see what they're going to show and how they're going to show it and wait are you like harry potter's age you seem to be like almost dead on for like probably yeah that's probably why i like love the books and stuff because if you were 14 around when the first movie came out you're probably right about harry potter's age when oh man i when i first saw the first harry potter movie i hadn't read the books i was like if i was 12 years old when i saw this it would destroy my life i would be unable to enter back into my real life i'd be so convinced that i'm a wizard i feel like i'm committing various sins right now by like getting everyone to talk about harry potter when you asked me about lord of the rings whatever you're among friends this is our private game kate this is it's just us yeah there's nobody watching nobody cares nobody's judging you but yeah the whole time my husband he watched it with me um he's read the books and he's like way into it like um i haven't read the books and i was just asking lots of questions we ended up going to like the bar one night and like talking about it me asking more questions because the movies especially lord of the rings because this is what i learned hobbit it's based off of one book it's three movies people were mad about that i'm not mad about it i got a lot of information out of i loved those movies lord of the rings it was one book a movie and there's just like a lot of stuff that's assumed knowledge i think yeah it moves quick yeah for all that time of movie it's really tight in what it's allowing in there so so did you watch the theatrical versions not the extended versions not the extended yeah okay okay there's definitely more information the regular versions are like over three hours long i know that's a lot to ask we're not paying you enough to watch the extended versions i understand so what what is the what is your impression of lord of the rings having endured all these all these films oh it's great i mean i'm gonna go read all the books now um i have room in my brain for this it's been opened and i am going to consume it all um the movies didn't do it for me because like it just leaves you more questions especially when you don't come from reading the books just wait until you jump into the hobbit yeah it is so it's so good yeah the hobbit the hobbit is wonderful if i get through this entire series without sobbing i'll be assigned um i know you're a massive fan but i don't know if i've ever asked like where exactly did it start and what place does it kind of have in your life oh uh well actually you know my parents are both big fans it you know it had its its huge like outbreak in popularity during the 60s and that's when they kind of got into it mostly mostly because of this the weed that was a big big problem everyone assumed like it was it was marijuana it's not really but they assumed that it was so my parents were both like huge fans i actually have my my stepmom's old like foster's guy that used to carry around with me on road trips and everything 1978. um but uh no i was like uh i i read it i read the hobbit like really young and and i read my dad's copies of lord of the rings when i was a little older i actually got into hobbit then uh then d and d and then i and then i started reading the books but that's funny too because actually the second movie that i ever saw in the theater was the animated ralph baxy version of lord of the rings uh which i think is still yeah there it is playing in my background um and uh i begged my parents to take me to the movie and they were like plea i was i was i think i was five years old and i was just like please let me see this movie i saw the commercials for it and they were like i think that movie is a little too old for you because they know it's ralph bakshi directed it who just came off like fritz the cat just like x-rated like animations they're like i'm not taking the child to see this but i begged them and begged them and they finally relented and i went to go see it at the uh the colorado four on um oh it's torn down now but it was on colorado and uh and evans i think and uh i sat through the first 10 minutes and the second of ring wraith appeared i myself and i ran out of the theater and i would not go back in for any i i couldn't be dragged back in well they are terrifying the whole movie it's so weird if you haven't seen it it's like it's so bizarre and like it's just it's not directed at like children it's like it's it's made to freak out squares and i was a square kid and it's like it really it scared me so bad but like it made such an impression on me i became fascinated with it and now it's one of my favorite movies of all time like i've watched it like 200 times when when we used to play for fun just with no one listening at all skid would put it on as like the end of the night type of thing all the time so i have seen the full film once or twice but i've seen the first 30 minutes before i'm like i gotta go it's good i've seen the first thing you notice in that film at least 25 times yeah sometimes like moz or somebody would like stick around and watch the whole thing just to appease me but yeah no it's it's uh it's incredible but i've never played uh the like the middle earth role playing the iron crown enterprises game the original game i've never played it i owned all the books no one would ever play with me so this is my first time actually playing a lord of the rings game so i'm me too excited so this system is uh so we'll get into the setting first so where do you think you guys are well i'll give you a hint in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit not a nasty dirty wet hole filled with the eye ends of worms and an oozy smell nor yet a dry bare sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or eat it was a hobbit hole and that means comfort find yourselves in the shire grant who is your character who are you playing i am playing rory mack brandy buck and i was doing research on rory mack's parentage uh roy mack brandy book also known as goldfather and old rory sixth master of buckland born shy reckoning 1322 or third age 2902 um one day inheritor of buckland and related to someone else in the cast i don't want to ruin who um but an important member of the shire um has a bit of a nominal kind of leadership role eventually although i believe during the time of this adventure i'm not sure he's yet to take on that mantle of leadership [Music] yeah yeah okay cool uh joe who are who are you playing what is your character this is amazing uh i am playing paladin oh my god i'm sorry i sorry i don't know my birth year grant was more prepared than i was uh i'm playing paladin took who is a uh uh you know an adventuresome uh farmer uh who lives in the white whitwell which well whitwell witwell area of i guess tuckland uh in the west farthing and is uh will one day uh have a son named peregrine but as of now he's much younger and is just getting started out on his own in life he is 27 years old and uh yeah i'm very excited to explore this very cool very good hair for both of you guys alicia alicia who are you playing okay so tonight i'll be playing lobelia brace girdle of the old wood brace girdles here's a hobbit i just made that up she's 22 years old why am i messing up already she's 42 years old wait am i really 42 years old that's interesting okay hold on yes uh yes but do bear in mind that hobbits only come of age they only reach adulthood officially at age 33 so you may not be as old as you think you are that's right definitely knows where i look i mean she died when she was 100 she eventually will marry otho sackville baggins and if you remember the lord of the rings movies you remember the second little bag that's only in the extended version but yes okay you didn't even say it i'm so sorry you know how many hours of movies i watched that weekend my eyes still hurt my eyes still hurt it was a lot tough i'm so proud you came one day i watched nine hours of movies as to why you don't enjoy movies when you only watch them in nine hour blocks oh gosh all the information oh my god did you take notes never mind ignore that question um okay so lobelia she is kind of a okay a little bit she has already seen her ambition to enter bag end as a rightful owner disappear once when bilbo that bumbling buffoon returned from his adventure against all eyes i just added that myself no that's true that's good yeah that's great yeah actually yeah so lobelia will one day marry otho sackville baggins marrying into the baggins line and she's a she's a grasper she's always so much she wants like she's always wanted back in but she's really interesting like uh well we we don't we don't have to go she's an interesting they're her character arc is very interesting uh so that's great you look just like the art in the book alicia nice nice job uh kate who are you playing i'm from i'm playing prim moolah or pramula randy brook not sure how to pronounce that first part um but she's cousins uh with bilbo baggins on her mother's side she's the youngest daughter of gorbadoc brandy buck the master of buckland and this is the spoiler that uh grandma's reference saying she'll soon marry drogo baggins and the two will have a son frodo oh it's pronounced yeah she's pretty like prim and proper seeming and just like overall like oh that's a nice lady type of person yeah i love by the way that detail um in and of its own is amazing but like i was blown away i didn't realize that ror rory's mother was a took and the tooks and the brandy bucks and the saxville baggages and the just this hobbit kind of intermiring and the cousins are kind of distant but so close and all live in the shire it's i love it i love how like intertwined all these families are yeah it's it's really cool everyone's a cousin yes uh except rory and primula you guys are brother and sister uh which okay it's important oh that's right so joe's your brother wait we are uh grant he's your brother yeah grants grant and kate are brother and sister oh no we're gonna get married no i'm not no i'm roromack not a drogo you'll marry drogo back oh yeah yeah i thought you said you were sorry i know it's just a good friend's case i guess tennessee edition uh this is yeah so everybody everyone's everyone's really they're all these like ties their their family family history is very important so but uh uh of of utmost importance at the moment is that you all have been summoned to uh hobbiton to bag end by old mad baggins himself get out of here and after quite a long walk under the stars along hobbiton's roads the stars have come out blazing and bright after an afternoon of heavy rain you finally come to the round green door of bag baggins the home of the strange and famous bilbo baggins now this is i think this is 29 that's happening in 2960 um the of uh the regular regular on the regular calendar so this is i think 20 years after the events of the hobbit and 40 40 years before the events of lord of the rings like the the birthday party is like 40 years from now standing there upon the mat you find yourself surrounded by distant relations uh it seems as though bilbo called for a collection of cousins to join him this evening well except for lobelia just as one of you is about to ring the bell the door is pulled open and you see standing in the front hall none other than master baggins himself hello uh my cousins and lobelia please please come in come in he gives you each a big hug this is coming welcome welcome welcome he's dressed in his his finery he is like one of the wealthier persons in the shower maybe the wealthiest uh as a result he was already pretty well to do and as a result of his adventures with the dwarves that are the uh subject of constant rumor he is he is he's quite well off and before you can either gather your wits you're swept into bag end and he leads you all into the parlor and you guys can see that it's laid out with all kinds of wonderful fair there's fresh mugs of ale there's uh there's plates of like little little pastries there's chairs and sofas and it's just very very comfortable a big fire like roaring in the fireplace and he ushers you into into seats and he takes a seat to himself and he says please eat eat eat oh my goodness you must be absolutely famished after your long trip ah and he takes out um uh his pipe a little bit of pipeweed and lights it starts smoking and says any of you wish to partake i can certainly pass the duchy around the left-hand side of course i'd love to and paladin reaches into his vest and he pulls out his own like like clay pipe it's kind of like a beat up old clay pipe that he carries around and uh it'll just he'll take some ah yes oh paladin you were always one you had a fine taste for the leaf indeed always impressed you certainly you and i are cousins indeed uh and he keeps like side eyeing lobelia he's just like a little twinkle in his eye so lobelia yeah you tried you tried to buy bag end at auction basically when it was forfeited when everyone assumed bilbo was dead and he swept in at the last minute and reclaimed it so lobelia what are you feeling like now like in this in this in this setting well olivia is sort of sitting there regarding everyone and she's like dusting off her her skirt which is really impossibly clean she has a you know bonnet on and her top and she has an umbrella that's sort of next to her and she's just sort of like brushing off everything as if it was covered in dust and she uh looks at bourbon she says you know um i would say it was amazing seeing you here and being in this room with you uh bilbo but it's not so i'm not going to say that do you care to tell us why you dragged us here to have this little smoke and chat with you or whatever oh lovelier you are the living end primula how are you feeling this eve how was your journey oh it was it was so long but your your hospitality just knows no but knows no bounds uh this is wonderful i will definitely take a puff and libelia i just have to say less is more darling [Music] well before i reveal my purposes tonight let's have a bit of a celebration just for old friends gathered together i have something very special waiting and he goes into the sideboard and he pulls out a dusty old bottle who blows it off and each of you recognizes it instantly as a bottle of the old vineyard it's one of the finest wines available in in the shire decades old he pulls out the cork sniffs and it's just like particularly lovely pours you each a glass and hands it out and it says to old friends and distant relations to old friends cheers she is well and he leans in the fire light is accentuating the twinkle in his eye making it dance merrily and his hand sweeps from behind his back towards the parlor window i am hoping that you all will partake in a little adventure oh nothing so grand is my own i'm afraid but in return for your aid i will provide each of you with a place in my memoirs and a fair share of my eternal gratitude it takes the wine and takes a little sip sets it back down oh now i know what you're thinking there goes old bilbo again taking after that wizard gandalf and sending you hobbits off into the blue well i can assure you it is nothing of the sword just a little trip to mikkel delving and back to recover what one might call a family heirloom from the matham house a map of the shire supposedly made by the old took himself for the points of paladin with all sorts of precious annotations now i've sent many letters to the custodian malva slowfoot asking if i could have it back even offering fairly generous donations but for some reason she has provided no replies so i thought that we didn't tell her or her husband after all we are talking about something that belonged to my grandfather and would not be out of place here and back end most of all we need to alert that massive hound that the slow foots have to guard the place sharpest attack vicious beast sniffs me out every time i've come near besides i know some of you place more value on local gossip than others and even just being seen at night in the company of mad baggins might be enough to ruin your reputation forever but for those of you with spirits which you i know you all have in spades looks at lobelia i'd have not called you here tonight so won't you aid me on this errand of particular importance my fellow conspirators it takes a draw off his pipe well i for woman am never one to back down from an offer of any kind um you say this is a family relic and it's very important and uh worth lots of money well money what's money really anyway money is a very little importance certainly to me it is more of a sentimental value i suppose you might say i will go under one condition baggins yes rory i demand to know who exactly your builder is because this brandywine mahogany looks marvelous you know i'm about to inherit buckland and i'd love to have some of this done to myself great hall of brooklyn well it's it's surely that this uh poor amiga smeal is uh it's a it seems uh pales in the shadow of the great hall of buckland it's your taste discretion which i admire well thank you i do try to set a good table you do so you're in rory i'm in good good excellent excellent paladin [Music] it sounds great to me i just i um might i have a another uh of the wine there and he holds up his uh his empty glass which he's drank too fast well of course you're meant to savor it you know it's not meant to be gulped and he pours a little bit more into your glass i think you'll find it's uh rather good when you go but but and he waits a second and he says the old took you say dang yes that's very interesting my my father's never mentioned it oh well i don't think that the old took was uh quite uh forthcoming about his uh his his doings with this map this which is why it's so mysterious to me and why i wish to recover it right well uh not to ask you anything too personal but it's it's it's not very often we get to come and hear ourselves you know and get a look around so uh if you don't mind me asking is it true what they say and you can see he's already getting like a little uh drunk off the wine he's like my god look at this happening here are there really tunnels full of treasure in the place come on you could tell me i'd love to tell my friends i saw it myself well uh some people sound like for secret tunnels he says he kind of like looks around conspiratorially and he leans under you with a stage whisper he's just like some will say so however i couldn't possibly comment new winks [Music] he touches the side of his nose are you picking your nose again no certainly not i like it that's true so rory uh you are rustic right that's one of your traits uh are you talking to me yeah yes i'm paladin but yes i'm rustic paladin yeah sorry um right okay so bilbo uh then he offers you each a fine night's rest in one of the many spare bedrooms and bag end says said you'll be i have a hearty breakfast and uh then we'll uh we'll send you out the door after second breakfast we'll say and he says that now if you take a look and he goes into like his study and he comes back with a map of the shire like set on a frame and uh like pasted to it and he lays it down in front of you and if we look at roll 20 amazing i will bring you over to that map [Music] oh yeah oh it's so cool gorgeous there we go okay so you see in the center of the map there is hobbiton and on the north side of the river is baghdad you can see it there so he says as i say a direct route may cause more questions to be asked so my thinking was that you could make your way north uh through the west farthing along the river there's a ford uh by the bywater road find your way across the river take the bywater road oh and i've i'm up roll 20. uh let me fix that there we are billboard don't beat yourself up okay so take that and then go round the northern route and down south again to whey meat you can spend the night there and then set out again for mikkel delving and the mathem house in the morning does that suit you hey sounds like a good plan to me lovely this is all very exciting it's been a long time since i've done anything this adventurous well uh i will turn in you're all welcome to find beds on your own and we shall see you in the morning good night and he putters off to his room [Music] uh do you guys do anything over the night do you search his hobbiton for the fabled treasure or oh of course like i imagine i imagine paladin just like like in like night clothes right like he packs like pajamas that he just like gets into these like pajamas and lays down in this like beautiful comfortable bed and he's just like and he lays there for like a couple minutes like trying to to make an honest habit of himself and then he just like opens his eyes and he's just like i can't i can't not and he sits up kind of looks around lights a little candle and just like walks it over and he's just like poking around the corners on the walls like trying to see if there's some sort of secret latch somewhere or a seam that's out of place on a floorboard or or anything this is so tookish well i find bottle caps to award i would give you one for this this is perfect like this is the absolutely the two thing to do that's amazing um what about the rest of you do you guys did you just go to bed do you have any i feel like in contrast for him is like maybe having one extra tricky glass of wine like oh one more just to indulge of the old wind yeah just one more and then um goes up to whichever room was allotted to her that she goes to and just takes care to get her night clothes on have a nice rest because she's not typically doing adventures like this but she's excited to sew her wild wild oats with this adventure before she maybe tries to settle down so she wants to have a good start in the morning and that's what she's gonna do so what is what is uh what does prim look like like what what what do you what do you picture looking like so i mean there's a picture here in the character sheet but then i also kind of looked online and then used my judgment from seeing frodo so i imagine she has like either medium light brown or like maybe almost reddish hair most slash all female habits that i've seen have a curly hair yes that is very inhabited and yeah i just imagine her having just like a soft face that reflects like how soft she is personally like there's what's it in in the witches by roll doll it's like oh when you're a nice person it just like shines out of you that's kind of what i picture for her yeah um yeah yeah and she's also she she takes a lot of pride in her clothes yes she's wearing fancy garments it's noted here in my traveling gear i have fancy garments and she's very uh [Music] one of my skills that's like notable is that i have courtesy so this is the type of person she is yes yes prim and proper one might say uh lobelia what would you what do you get into um okay um in stark contrast lobelia is a feral business i'm just kidding she has a soft side but she's not known for her um affable countenance to put it in you know kind of words i think that lophelia would be first of all she would should go straight to her quarters and put out an elaborate you know sleeping gown complete with sleeping bonnet and she'll take her candle and she'll run down the hall to primly's room where premier has just started falling asleep and you hear this are you there in your bed wake up oh yeah yeah yes is is there an emergency open the door i'm standing here my night clothes oh one of the boys might see me oh okay she hurries up and lets you in and she like brushes right by you into the room and she sits down on your bed and she goes is your brother hiding here in a corner somewhere um he's not doing here is he no no don't be silly no don't marry him [Laughter] she's like oh i must say i do love your sleeping attire so tell me what's the goss what why are you here well at first i wanted to make sure your brother wasn't hiding in a corner so we jump out and scare us he does that sometimes um what do you think about all this i mean do you really trust bilbo and his weird comings and goings and his things he's sending us you think he's not sending us off to do something ridiculous we can laugh at us here oh do you no no i i trust him i i trust him and honestly i kind of might i might have been jaded on just my own want to get out of uh the shire and just explore i haven't really thought about it that deeply outside of i'm just excited to go [Music] and you think our traveling companions are worthy have you seen that took i think i saw him fall into a bathtub before i woke up you sure are playing to my judgments like i feel like she's very proper but she's also probably a little judgmental of like anyone and like the way that they act um so yeah she's probably agreeing with me being like oh yes like i bet you they're sneaking around right now looking for hidden doors and corners can you believe it uh i can't believe bilbo baggins has done this well it's all right i'll go on this little adventure but only because you're here so you better not take off or marry your brother fair warning i will never she gets up [Music] okay okay it goes back to her room have a good night excellent okay the ladies are conspiring very nice what about rory does rory uh get into any any mischief or does he does what does he do it's it's mischief but it's more uh befitting of someone who's trying to be um the picture of the man he imagines his father to be is about to be an inheritor of a place like buckland he's trying to put on a brave face and he's suspicious of all these adventures that that um bilbo got into but he is um uh also jealous of it and so he's like making a tea in the kitchen and he's pretending to look at the different paintings on the wall but he's really looking under couches and behind cabinets and things to see if he can find treasure or any unusual items on his own because he wants to live this since he's secretly really thrilled that he was invited to go on this adventure yeah yeah and the the bucklanders and the toques and the baggins like tend to get along very well because they're all for one it's considered strange by other hobbits uh for for one thing so yeah so like you guys and also yeah rory like he is the future master of bucklands which is uh like a position of high honor paladin is the future thane of the shire um to be followed one day by his son so which is more it's mostly uh ceremonial position but it's still like pretty you know pretty high honors so it used to be a really big deal yeah it was like you reported to the king yeah at the king of our north director the king and you oversaw governed the shire right but it's just been so long since the king has even been collapsed yeah there's been a king yeah since that and you're you're the father of peregrine right yes and i am the grandfather of mary so i like to think that there is a uh like diminishing return on like the stately nature that ever existed in the brandy books that totally leaves by the time the tuxmarian and like mary exists as his offspring so he's like the last serious kind of member of the family yeah and you guys are you're also you're you're wealthy and important but you're like country wealthy and important you're not like city wealthy and important so it's that's that's a short distinction i do also want to you guys to point out so you each have traveling gear uh rory what is your traveling gear on your on your sheet what's it say there let me get that up on the stream for everybody uh my traveling gear is a rabbit skinning knife hunting is the parentheses and that's all that's on there yeah that's that's your one like sort of important piece of gear uh prim we already said that you have your fancy garments that's your important traveling gear very important you never you're going to run into who you have to show face for exactly uh lobelia you have something special what do you have you're right i absolutely do i have an exquisite umbrella that allows me to persuade yes yes and what does uh what does paladin have uh paladin has like it tied onto the edge of a stick and it's in and it's in his artwork he has a tookish wayfarer bundle uh and it just says in parentheses explore so he's like ready for an adventure yes yeah very excited to just get out there and do it and it's cool so each of those like the turkish wayfarer blender ex bundle explorer uh when you use the explore skill on your sheets you will get inspiration for it and what that means yeah so if you you can you you each have a hope score so under normal circumstances you can spend a point of hope to gain a bonus success die when you're rolling um but if you're inspired like by your your equipment or whatever if you spend a point of hope you get two success dice instead of one so that's that's uh that's important do you know uh skid like what our endurance and hope is it's just it's not filled in on the character yeah your endurance uh paladin's endurance it's under your strength um your endurance oh i see it i see it's twenty-five current oh i said okay i didn't i didn't read it right all right great yeah yeah yeah um and uh yeah okay so you all um spend your evenings uh your very special evenings at bag end you wake in the morning to a an incredible breakfast and uh you sit around for a while digesting gossiping and after a couple of hours you have second breakfast and it's just as amazing and bilbo wishes you the best of luck and ushers you out the door um do you guys set off to the to the north yeah yeah oh no absolutely okay uh and i want to say like as much as paladin is excited about breakfast and second breakfast it's like he's like shaking with energy to like get out the door so like from the earliest morning when you get up he's like over planning the the adventure you know he's just like looking at the map and being like you know we could go up this way or we could do it down over here or we can and he's just like uh just so excited to to get into it and because he has this distinctive feature eager which is like once you're set on like a path or an objective you just like nothing stops you from just like focusing on that one thing and doing it yeah yeah and yeah that's got to be for all of you who are you know hobbits ordinarily are not interested in adventures like that they're homebodies but for any of you who are interested in adventure like all of you might be this is the one adventurer hobbit in generations so this is like this is a huge deal this probably is very exciting so um okay so you guys set off uh up north and um once you pass through overheal you get to the point in the river where you're meant to cross ordinarily you can wade through but it looks like that the water has become swifter with recent rain and the point where you're meant to cross looks a bit more treacherous um what do you guys do [Music] do any of you have any adventure experience at all or like have we been on adventures before here no eventually this is our first time oh most i've done is walked around the shire i can't see it you know i mean wandering this far away right after second breakfast you don't watch yourself yeah it's probably about time for luncheon honestly i'll tell you what before we cross why don't we talk about it over some lunch and uh start pulling out like a basket and like sitting down to just like eat again throw a picnic and have some lunch so we'll talk it over and then the side he'll we want to get across so um you said it's there's a rough part of the river that we need to afford yeah the narrowest part of the river that you can afford is pretty it's pretty rough right now right um so you can't i'll give you some options um you can either do a scan roll um to see if there's anything that can help you to cross the river you can do an athletic scroll to try to swim across um and you might unlock some other options depending on what happens as a result of that okay but we don't see a boat or anything like that do we well make a scan roll there's no obvious boat or anything but yeah you can you can make a scan roll to see what you do see so let's go through this let's go through these mechanics here let's talk through the rules here yeah okay so lobelia um so every character in this game has three attributes strength which is just all things physical uh awareness like is part of that too heart which is you know your your heart like your ability to to keep powering on and your wits your brains um and then you have each of those attributes has a selection of six skills underneath that are associated with that attribute so when you have a task that you want to uh come across uh like this so uh you want to you if you want to do a scan so you see that you have a check mark in the scan skill uh with one pip in it that means you can roll one six-sided dice six-sided die okay in addition to the feet die whenever you roll for anything you roll a 12-sided diet the feet die uh now they the publisher is going to have amazing really cool specialized dice for this but uh for this uh one through ten is one through ten um eleven is the eye of sauron that's a zero that's bad 12 is the runic rune for g for gandalf that is an automatic success no matter what else you roll on your on your success dice so you roll the feet die and the success dice add the number together and you try to reach your wits target number in this case which is 12. i'm only rolling one success dice though right yes you roll or if you want well sorry i what happens when you have the check mark what does that mean again that means that you have success dice that you can roll in addition to the feet die no so i can the check mark to the left doesn't that mean you like roll the feet down twice and take the better or something no oh shoot that is something uh okay i think they're the skills that you are particularly good at um um blanket on it uh looking at the rulebook right here yeah this is something oh wait does it mean does it mean i get um favorite skills favorite favorite yes favorite that's it yes so that's favorite so you roll the feet die twice and take the best results okay so i can roll two yeah two feet die keep it thin oh yeah you're right you're right okay there we go yeah get that off get a 12. i believe in you lobelia oh my gosh okay so i got a two and then i'll i'll take this six because the 11 is the the crap white okay so it's a two and a six that's eight okay so you don't spot anything that's that's a feeling did you find it concerned with the water yeah i'm too concerned with the bugs or something yeah you don't spot anything i don't see anything you're a pretty sharp character too like this is you know but yeah you're just yeah um and what what what does anyone else do anyone else want to do anything prim does not want to swim this early in the adventure um strength is probably her worst thing that she can do okay um can she also take her own look around sure okay so i don't have any check marks and scan so i'm just going to roll one feet die yeah then you just roll your feet die and try to hit your target number try really hard this is tough you yeah there's no way my target number is you would you would have had to have gotten a 12. you have to get the g oh yeah this adventuring is very very hard yes yeah you're probably more worried about your outfit than anything uh how about the boys the boys do anything yeah they're eating elevens is right now then i'll say yeah yeah he'll finish up paladin i'll see ya i'll try to get across and then um [Music] i've got a bit of rope here i could throw back over maybe let me just try to i i'll be all right ah and he just sticks like a bare hairy footed toe out and steps on like a a rock and then starts to step on like another rock that's like has a half an inch of water running over it and he's like trying to keep his balance so he's gonna try to start walking across and then eventually like swim across using athletics okay okay let's see what you get okay so he does have uh a pip in athletics and it's a favorite skill for his favorite skill yeah so he's like okay i got this uh and he starts going across come on buddy uh oh no i got a nine and a two that's an 11. which is a hill oh no what happens when i fail well that's okay because i'm in the river did i die is peregrine never born you did you did okay so you try to get across the river and the current is too strong for you and you managed to make it back to the original shore with your companions spluttering and soaked oh what was that so he comes out ah it's the river is too fast i can't get hold on the rocks and i i'm not much of a swimmer in a current like that so he'll look up and down and see if he can uh spot something he's the same situation yeah where he's got a really long shot at scanning here uh so he'll have to get a gandalf let's see uh a one on a deep okay not that great so yeah we're just picturing our pathetic party right now it's perfect we're such a first time out this is like honestly i was saying like this adventure is really aimed more towards younger players like this introductory adventure and this is so perfect that you guys encounter this like river and youtube i love it i love it um all right so what about rory you're their last best hope rory what do you do i have uh no uh i have a pip in both scan and athletics but neither of them are favored skills for me right so i have to roll really well on either one target number 14 of strength uh 14 and strength 13 and wits i was looking at all of my other skills and trying to like think of a way to you can also don't forget you can spend hope i forgot how to okay so explain how to spend hope tell me what i do if i want to do an athletics check and i i look over at paladin who's still drying off and i say a competition you'd like let me see let me try my foot at swimming okay so you each of you has a hopes that uh rory yours is 15 it's under your heart attribute and that represents your willingness to go on so you can spend a point in this circumstance to gain an extra success die so instead of rolling one six-sided die you would roll two two and the twelve-sided die or just and and the feet die yes all right but i would not be able to roll the feet die twice because it is not a skill but i'm gonna go for it see what happens okay one two oh okay that is four plus seven is thirteen one short of my oh my god what is going on with our dice oh wait now what what were you what were you rolling for rory uh athletics oh i was you were trying to swim across yeah because i i wanted to do a competition with uh with the paladin uh but i could i could do a scan i get to can i spend uh hope on another hope point on a scan yeah you can spend you can spend another whole point if you want come on getting discouraged here okay uh eight plus four plus one is thirteen and that is exactly my target you got it exactly beautiful okay so paladin tries to swim across it's too strong the current is way too strong and he ends up uh coming coming back um you however are able as you're looking across the opposite side of the river you see a large hollow log which could easily bear the weight of a hobbit um so um you can either use uh a rope and a hook we'll say that paladin has these things in his adventuring kit you can use a rope and a hook you can make a craft roll to try to hook to fish it and pull it across or um you could even shoot try to shoot an arrow at it with a line tied to it and catch it that way um so those are your options wow shoot an arrow i could help with that could you die i could well i'd like to see that oh wow so like what you would i'm having trouble understanding the rope and the and the log situation um so what you're trying to do is throw a rope across uh to the log hook it and then drag it across to your side of the river so you can get on it and use it to float you across to the side you need to be on okay um right uh i i think i got something here and he goes into his pouch and he pulls out you know the rope that you can tie to an arrow [Music] to shoot across and we'll actually does anyone else have a bose proficiency other than prim i have a i have a bow i have one pip in combat professionals for bo okay so we'll say that each of you each of prim and lobelia each have they brought their bow um just in case okay so yeah so you can attempt that or someone can try to do a craft check to try to hook uh the log that way okay this will be so fun look at us would you like to go lobelia or would you like me to go you mean to shoot the bow i've never actually got shoot before you've never shot your bow no i've only had my bow a couple over here how do you have a pip in it if you've never shut your bow i've learned things by watching people tuck do you mind everyone knows differently my old man said the brace girdles were sometimes taking a bath a few minutes ago all right so yeah so prim is a little bit better shot than lobelia so yeah she maybe she might want to take the shot or yes so i have two pips what dice do i roll oh okay so you roll the feet die and two two six sided dice the twelfth sided and two six sided and you can spend a point of hope if you want to get an additional six-sided day i'm gonna spend a point of hope damn right you are you guys are exhausting your research one of these off my sheet right here okay so she's trying to you know make a good example so that you can learn by by seeing uh lobelia and she's gonna go for it um four eight nine ten eleven thirteen to altogether okay i think that is that's too low right i have to hit my target number for strength right yeah that's four you're one short one oh my god four eight nine ten eleven [Music] yeah okay yeah all right paladin we'll try i said i'm saying lobelia you take a shower take it okay i'm sure he sort of steps forward takes her bow out which is it looks almost like her umbrella so it's really frilly and cute and everything so i have one feet diced can i and then choose i spend a hope right um if you spend a hope yes you would get two six-sided dice in addition to the 12-sided yes all right i have a really high strength target number though so this is gonna be scary oh boy let's see twelve six one yes oh you got a twelve yes that's an automatic success gandalf has blessed trump has blessed you wow like my dice really that's the first time you've ever shot a ball it's truly incredible it's just like i shook right in the it's just like legolas just like three funk you're truly gifted now what do i do okay so i do know so you guys that you have the rope like tied to the arrow you all pull it pull the log like across the water you all jump on it and it's uh it's a pretty easy going with the assistance of the log to get to the other side of the river okay it wasn't easy you exhausted a lot of your reserves but you're across amazing okay so you guys uh continue on towards waymeat yes okay so you guys set off south um and it takes a while after it took a while to get across the river and it's uh almost suns it's basically sunset by the time you arrive at wayme and you can see that there's one place to stay in waymeat it's the walking party inn and you can see that the table the outside tables are still occupied given to the fair weather and lengthening daylight hours beginning of summer um and so you guys go so what do you do um well obelie would like to walk up to the nearest like outdoor table and just look at everybody and say move dwight can i roll persuade or something i mean uh yeah okay let's see why don't you roll uh yeah you can roll persuade okay eight and three damn you have one more die you have two you have two uh you have two tips to persuade come on get it one okay you just get it okay oh no the the hobbits are sitting there like kind of with their putt with their mugs of beer they kind of look at each other and they just kind of like shrug and like stand up and like move to another table they're all looking at you i mean would you mind allowing us have your amazing table gentlemen appreciate it we're weary travelers [Music] right and uh so they so you guys are like when you sit down given lobelia's barking orders and your general appearance you're pretty bedraggled like having gotten across the river you're drawing quite a few disapproving looks um and one of the locals says like uh where are you far out from you look like hobbiton folk so oh no old time took lander here come on you don't recognize me from right down the road talk landers i don't know about you tuck landers strange folk up there in tuckland well you just haven't been enough that's how you get to come by and then have a drink and in a bite and you'll see or just the same as everybody else in fact really uh we know how to throw a fuel back how about i buy you a drink oh you drink what do you what are you trying to pull over on us with your strange hair what you're doing trying to cross a river with the waters the way they are i think my name comes up and she's like oh go ahead oh you're gonna roll something oh no okay so panic you guys are gonna have to make a riddle roll oh you try to throw them off the set so what do you what do you do and who rules i feel like she sees you struggling and prim's like oh oh no no we he just was helping um us ladies get cross the river which he did he's such a heroic strong adventurer even though it was like uh us that did it got the air it was you as you guys that did it he puffs out his chest um yeah overall just trying to be relatable and nice and also trying to find a room in this town okay can we also point out that everyone at the party is incredible at riddles we all have three pips and riddles but primola in particular has uh that is a favored skill as well so yeah amazing role yeah she's the best at it and so riddle combines bluff and it also that the riddle game is like a really important thing like anyone's like read the hobbit it's like you know it's like the riddle game is an important thing for strangers meaning for the first time who are guarded about the things they want to reveal about themselves that's the way that they kind of like communicate is through the riddle game so it's it's both of those things okay so uh prim are you gonna make that roll okay so i get to the feet and then three of the riddle yeah you're amazing at riddles feet first all right my highest was a 10. i'm gonna take okay oh that looks great three six seven so 17 and that's over my target number for a while yeah you blow your target number out of the water so that one other thing that's important if you roll a six on any of your success die dice that is an extraordinary success so it can have different bonuses depending on the situation but let me know if you roll any sixes on your success dice because that'll that'll be important are they like like uh kind of largely narrative in nature is it like it's in the lore masters hands to just like up the success a little bit yeah it depends there are certain like in in this like the beginner set of rules it it is more sort of uh like esoteric like that but when you get deeper into like the the adventures there are like specific rules that you can specific things you can spend success dye on nice um so yeah it's uh we probably won't get into it here but that yeah but they they they can definitely be important uh one thing that they can do is if uh if you get like a an outstanding success die and someone else in your party is trying the same role and they failed you can use that success side to give them a success oh great oh cool so that that can be very big okay so uh yeah so prim you're like you're kind of dazzling them with this tale of heroism and they all just kind of like nod and it's just like wait wait to look after the the lady folk well met well-met took lander and they'll turn it back to their beer okay head paladin just like that was close looking across at you okay admiring prim and hold on crafts craftsmanship with words okay so you guys uh you get dinner probably dinner and supper and um do you go into like see if you get a room yeah right we're going to stay here at this point this is the only place yeah yeah i'm not ready to sleep under the stars yet paladin i think i'd rather sleep in a warm bed if possible okay all right um so you go and you talk to the innkeeper and um he tells you oh sorry that all the rooms are taken uh there's a group of pipeweed merchants headed for long bottom uh i'm sorry i'm we're fresh out um yeah sorry i can't help you i can't help you you're saying you don't have any rooms i don't have any rooms do you really not have any rooms though are you just saying you don't know i really don't have any rooms i am saying i don't have any rooms but the reason i'm saying it is because i don't have any rooms effectively you don't have any rooms i'm quite sure i don't have any rooms are you looking for a room then we are looking for way a room no we're looking for a few rooms a few room place to sleep under a roof [Music] yes well you know who you might ask uh there's old buldo buns uh he lives down the road uh i think he might have some spare room in his stables if you talk nice to him in his is what he's got some spare room in one of his stables if you want to talk to him well that sounds nice at least it's not outside right no it's better than sleeping out under the under the stars isn't it right liberia at least you're not out sitting on the cold ground [Music] it'll be fun as a matter of fact old bouncy sitting out there one of the i think he might have been one of the people you shouted away from the table he's sitting out there right at the end oh i mean if there's nothing else we can do there's nothing maybe this can be a last resort maybe we can find some other way [Music] well i don't know what other way you'd possibly be thinking of i mean i i'd rather stay in a stable than stay under the stars i mean there's wolves about oh there's wolves probably you never know after all i wouldn't take the chance careful man i respect that i respect that yes let's let's speak to old baldo about sleeping in his stables that seems agreeable okay so uh you talk to baldo and uh say well uh you're right yeah i do invite have some room in miss stables but um uh i would ask a bit of a favor if you want to stay there if you're amenable [Music] of course where is that what do you need well you said you're adventuring type your adventurous folk uh from buckland and took turkish i i took you for well there's this great nasty owl and he's been troubling my poor gertrude she's a plow mule she's just the sweetest thing and this this nasty old owl just keeps keeps pecking at her and driving her driving her mad so uh if you can find a way to uh dissuade this owl from menacing my poor gertrude well i'd be happy to pay for your meals here and to give you a place to stay tonight oh no maybe a bottle of wine in the stables will make it seem more comfortable well i do have a bottle of wine i suppose i don't want to get into any shenanigans uh i don't want you two marrying each other in the night or anything so if you can promise me that man one of the options to play was my future husband i thought that's who he was i don't know who you'll marry i'm not here all i know is that there's this owl is bothering myself trying to set up me and rory two but you can't have more than one um so how does that sound to you folks yeah okay all right if we have to about but where is this this great scary owl at oh it's right well let me barn just a little bit down the road ah the al don't worry that owl will come to you if you're near old gertrude she loves many singer so uh here you stay here and he goes in he pays for your meals and he's just a great let's hit the road and he sets off down you follow him yes oh yes yes okay so he says like right so you know she normally comes after nightfall and she comes in here and she starts messing with gertrude so if you have anything that you can do to make that stop happening like i'd be i'd be indebted to you right so uh there's some nice lovely hay there there's gertrude you see gertrude she's this tiny little mule and she like looks up when she hears her name and she sets it back down uh it's just like uh all right uh sorry i'd put i'd offer you a room in my house but it's a tiny house it's a very tiny house so i can't but uh have a lovely night good luck with the owl and he pisses off rory lights uh some some uh pipeweed and throws the match directly into the hay by gertrude and sets the whole thing ablaze um he looks around actually he wants to see if there's any sign of him having tried to use a scarecrow first because he's seen other farmers in the shire use scarecrows to great effect to scare birds away so he's thinking about that as an option potentially uh you do see that there is a scarecrow in the field but it evidently is does not have any effect okay and as these turns to leave you here and gertrude pops up she look looks out and you can see she's like shivering oh oh sorry i will mess with this donkey like this it doesn't make any sense you think that owl will be busy hunting or something right i'm a little confused here what's going on and bun says good luck and he hustles off into his house he takes off what do owls eat anybody know well they they eat rodents and other things on the forest floors are there rodents in here oh so after a few moments you hear that and this bloody great owl perches on the door to the to the stable so you have a couple of options here oh my god um you can try a big owl it's a it's a huge owl you can either try i mean it's probably the size of almost you as a hobbit you can either try to kill the owl you can try to scare it away or you can politely ask it to leave well there's no harm in trying to be polite rory can you go try to talk to it maybe i don't know you just look like you can talk to owls i mean i've been accused of such in my day i i'll try anyway um i could attempt to uh to speak to the l using my courtesy perhaps um i i suppose i'm i'm i'm a bit of a loss as to what to do in this game system um would courtesy apply to something like that uh this would be a if you're trying to ask it politely to leave that would be a persuade check okay uh i have two pips and persuade pippa hooray uh it is not a specialty skill for me so i would only be able to roll once target number 13 which isn't that bad okay so criminal stay stay stay back allow me to treat us with this owl don't be too impressed when i scare it away oh i'll try not to worry as as he goes up to to talk to the owl paladin is still going to just kind of like lean over to lobelia and be like but best have the ball ready just in case no what what did i tell you about standing on my skirt don't get it sorry and and rory just creeps ahead hoping the owl doesn't see him maybe his his head is turned like slightly a scans from him and i i picture the scene and you tell me if this is wrong skit but like he's sneaking up to to speak to it and like it turns and makes eyes at him right as he gets like close enough to speak right yeah yeah and he just stares right into its eyes and says um who are you and the theology and it looks at you it seems like it understands what you're saying um allow me to introduce myself i'm old rory brandy buck uh soon to be the inheritor of buckland but that's neither here nor there i'm here on behalf of this sweet uh little farm animal gertrude and she's shaking in the corners though yes yeah you can see um gertrude um is a feared of you and i was wondering if either you'd be willing to introduce yourself to gertrude or leave and never come back again at least for tonight anyway okay make a persuade check do you want to spend any any hope on this roll i do not i rolled a ten so one away from just total failure and two threes for a 16 total against my 13 okay so rory addresses uh this owl with courtesy and it takes in what you're saying seems to understand bows its head and turns and full flaps off into the night that was incredible rory it was amazing how did you do it i've never spoken to an owl before the the rather understanding chaps i found so this is interesting so that was that was the right way to approach this if you had tried to use a hunting check or an aw check to intimidate it actually that's what you should use early lobelia probably um then you if the word would have gotten around the animal community how rude you are and any dealings that you have with animals for the rest of this adventure would be disfavored i love the deal wow i love that the owl still responded like a hunting owl would like i didn't want to get to know gertrude it was just like i'll see you and you because you're asking nicely but if you'd asked the wrong way things would have gone bad wow love that i like owls okay owls are awesome amazing okay so you guys all spend the night in the stables it's quite comfortable on the hay it's it's a nice warm evening with a little breeze you wake up in the morning and farmer buns comes in and uh he's amazed at your success with with the owl he goes over to gertrude gives her a big hug around the neck he has a some some milk and and some eggs that he's made up for you like a nice uh hearty breakfast and he says i can't believe what a what what an amazing owl success that's really tremendous thank you so much you really are really incredible you've outdone yourselves um now uh as soon as you're done with your breakfast i really do need you to leave um thank you very much what and he politely but firmly leaves and expects that you will do the same uh okay so could you uh switch our roll 20 back to the shire map oh yes um yeah no problem i just i want to get a i want to know where we are what's the name of this town again uh right now you're in waymeat wow so you were down is lacking it's well that's uh yeah that's the that's the reputation so now um you have to travel over towards mikkel delving um which is down the road well it looks like a road the whole way yeah it does yeah yeah it's it's a 30 feet according to the roll 20. fantastic all right measure if that's not scaled appropriately one round of combat it'll take us at least three days to get there so you should get there right around uh right around um sunset probably okay so it's another day of travel another day of travel okay maybe we can get sucking breakfast to go it's a wonderful idea yeah he tosses a bucket of breakfast second breakfast out the window he says good day thank you again about the owl just to the wolves as soon as we do it is bidding i don't need to get that nice bottle of wine there didn't we oh yes he does yeah he throws another bottle of wine outside a good house hey that was good well done prim well done take back what i said it's a bit of a stiff sleep kind of like working the kinks out as you head west down the road and you finally reach the edges of nickel delving upon the white downs you pass the spot where the southwards path leads off from the main course of the east road just as the sun sets and the first stars begin to reveal themselves ahead you get a good look at nickel delving upon the white downs quite a bit larger than hobbiton it is tightly packed it is a tightly packed collection of homes built of wood brick and stone and the occasional hobbit hole but as the last of its people go about their evening business your eye cannot help but be drawn to the massive smeal to one side of the great cobblestone thoroughfare running through the center of town the town hall a seat of the mayor of the shire but more important to your business it would lie south of the town hole on an adjacent hillock not quite so tall and green it is a large wooden building with a great red round door that is connected to the main road by way of a small stone path this is the mathem house the museum of the shire your destination as candles flicker to life behind windows and hobbit folks settle in for the evening you notice a handful of hobbits carrying stout cudgels and tiny lanterns strolling about bounders undoubtedly making their usual rounds best to avoid them though lest your mischief be discovered and thwarted so if you want to make your way to the mathem house to complete your task you will have to each make a successful stealth check okay does anyone have that as a favorite skill i do i do too i [Music] you're getting your don't okay maybe my shoes are really nice and they're maybe a little clacky yeah you probably got this for the bustle of your dress probably you're not wearing shoes you're not wearing shoes maybe i have a toe ring on i don't know so if any of you who are good at stealth if you get a six on your success thought you can lend the success to the other two like you might be good at it so all right here we go all right come let's do this one at a time so let's uh paladin let's do paladin first you have three three pips in in the skill here we go uh i got gandalf whoa okay awesome gandalf light in my way and uh i did not get a six on a success day unfortunately okay so paladin is quiet as the night uh what about well let's see let's do rory you're stealthy right yeah let's do rory let's do roy roy rory will follow paladin's lead stepping in all the same places uh a six this way this way 16 total beating my target number by uh three okay and no no sixes on the success anyone else was sadly okay all right let's see if prim uh okay so it's not a favorite check for you but you do have three pips in it for stealth so let's see if what premier can do see what i can do oh i got a gandalf also oh nice no sixes again okay oh yes okay all right come on so you're moving silently under the uh the dimming sky all right and actually lobelia yeah you're super sneaky too you this is a favorite skill for you as well and you have three pips in it so cool do i need to roll still or do i take one yes yes you need to roll roll the 12 sided die twice take the better result and roll three six sided dice okay i'll take the four because yeah there's the eleven right oh yes okay four is better than the ipad oh yeah okay okay and then i had oh i got a six three one six twelve i just hit no one over my target number okay and you got an extraordinary success yes so yeah so you move with uh incredible stealth you actually are able to point out uh like uh twigs on the ground that the others might have otherwise stepped on and you move with as a group incredible stealth and you make your way to the madame house lovely okay so uh yeah so you get up to the madman house because you were stealthy um the door is ordinarily unlocked yeah i i just got to take a second here to geek out because okay this is amazing and let's be clear hobbits don't do this like these bound uh what did you call the bounders like yeah they're they're mostly concerned with like a runaway cow or something yeah that's their they this is not something that anyone does uh and but we're doing it on this errand for the most famous famous hobbit like you know in all of the shire we're doing this for it so it seems like maybe it's the thing we should be doing but it's like no one ever does this it's so bad his bravery created such a ripple within all of hofiton like if he had died and never returned we wouldn't be leaving today we saw him come back and we saw how in the mystery of his riches we were all looking for at night and just like maybe we could get a piece of that action too it's amazing yeah he had an adventure in that case as well so yeah that's fair and that's fair uh all right so we sneak in okay okay you sneak in so now you've been warned uh uh you've been warned that there is a vicious massive hound here that guards the place so um you're going to have to do another self check as you get in okay hey let's see okay i i'm good two god same thing oh no sixes yay okay [Music] yeah you made it okay great i got a six and yeah and i got um what do you got six and i went two over okay awesome all right i got a 19 but no sixes okay so it's successful i got a 20 and a six so i can help someone if it's an extraordinary success excellent okay so you all again it's like you the the round door of the building just like drifts open without a sound and you look inside and you can see um we can say that paladin you might have some candles or a lantern that you can light in your in your in your pack of course why wouldn't they [Laughter] so you light this the light the lantern you say and you can see this for a hobbits this enormous building with this impressive display of artifacts from across the history of the shire this is great high ceiling series of rooms with shelves of books chronicling family genealogies and recipes passed down for generations you can see there is a perfectly polished diamond stud set in a pedestal under glass there's a pair of strange walking sticks set on a pillow countless other knick-knacks and madames and as you cast the lantern across there's this there's this brilliant glitter and you look and you see a shirt a male shirt made of the most incredibly beautiful reflective silvery metal that you've ever seen in your favorites sent it to the museum that's right that would soon be passed on one day be passed on to frodo and save his life you see it there like sitting in its in his thing that the hobbit's here they have no idea how much it's worth you also see the hound and if you'll refer to roll 20 i will show you a picture of this beast oh amazing can i just say that uh you were talking recent i don't even know if it's if it's out yet i don't think it is but uh you were talking on uh raiders about like combining movies right like two things you two different movies you watch together that work well together and i was just thinking how like playing this right after alicia you weren't there but right after skid grant kate and i played twilight 2000 oh my god yeah what a refreshing change into we played a war game that was like so intense and so dark and so real and like and so it's so nice and refreshing to just like play something yeah where it's like what is the terrible beast and it's just and it's a terrier and it's so funny and adorable and amazing it's all fun no stress exactly it's christmas can't we just say it's chris can we just enjoy ourselves around the table for once [Music] are we familiar with dogs where we're from like maybe it might be a little like oh this is an adventure and this might be a little terrifying little beast to us no no no i think yeah to the hobbits i think it is scary i think but um but no no it's like it's not this uh the stories have been exaggerated about this dog got it okay okay so the danger is not in the physical danger for the dog i'll say that okay i mean you can see it it's a little terrier it's very cute right um okay so they make a great bit of noise don't they they do so you guys are going to have to search for this for the map for the map of the shire laid down by the old took so this is going to take three successful scan rolls between you oh my gosh but none of us are good at scaling how how i have where does awareness spend hope versus scan uh awareness is passive awareness where scan is like actively looking for something awareness is like someone is sneaking up on you or trying to jump at you or you know something's coming at you that makes sense can you spend more than one hope on a roll no you can only you can only spend one hope on any roll okay well i'm gonna have to spend a hope because i have no pips in in scan yeah please here we go why do i keep rolling 11's i'll take the eight oh boy nope i got a nine okay so that's a failed roll yep okay you might have to hit 13. okay all right come on i believe in you i did it what'd you do okay i rolled a ten and a six yeah oh go nice to die okay so that can take away uh prim's failure okay so you have one success and okay i got an eight and and then um six one one so yeah i went over my target number okay all right that's two successes and another extraordinary success so doesn't that give somebody else a success no no uh in this case it there's penalties for making a failed check got it it takes a while it takes away and it takes away the penalty yeah like i'm maybe look going in the complete wrong direction you're both like no no no no you're just like shattering the glass of every exhibit you look at search i believe this is how you scan she has a louisville slugger yeah this is scam the first [Music] um okay so who has yet to roll is it rory are you the last rory got a success of 14 over 13. is that three is that three successes i can't believe we actually did that i needed the hope though i wouldn't have made it without the hope and an extra extraordinary for the record and no penalty okay amazing so yeah you guys are like we're going through these shelves and trying to do it as quietly as you can and at one point fireworks like like you see uh you hear like a little like yip from the where she's sleeping but you look over and she's just just having a dream and who do you think finds it who do you think actually finds the map i think tuck finds it yeah i think to i think uh paladin finds old yeah it's your your grandfather's map so yeah so yes you find it and you recognize your grandfather's handwriting the annotations there's there's tons of like notes all over this map and you see it and your your grandfather's like cribbed handwriting that you've seen like growing up and it's it's definitely the map uh great grandfather i believe a great grandfather yes sorry don't want to embarrass you in front of the tolkien fans i mean i think he would be like completely wowed like just chills go down his spine you know it's like there it is and it's also i think it's funny because it's right here it's not even far from where he he actually did come a little bit far to get to uh whitwell i believe it's or white well however you pronounce it where he's starting this new farm yeah it's not far from here at all but he hasn't been there very long and i think it it's so funny to me because i'm like you uh it's like saying like i can't believe this museum is right here and i never go you know like that's kind of like he lives that close you live in mickel delving your whole life you never go to the map and you never go to the map room yeah so he's never actually seen it and he's just like in awe um awesome all right ah well how do we get it out we just take it is it easy or is it like behind something no no it's like it's it's like uh it's in like a sheaf of paper it's in the middle of like a bunch of old like took family recipes oh okay then he'll he'll take it you know it might be a little complicated is it's dark we're probably gonna have to sleep in this town and if they find out that this is stolen somehow and we're still here in the morning you have a devious mind primula you're excellent you're drinking your way out of trouble i love riddles while we're here anybody got a sudoku we don't need this what do you do when you steal an item that the whole town's looking for um yeah so you you would know that there are this is like not something that would immediately be noticed as missing it'll probably be eventually noticed as missing but not immediately and also that this this isn't this isn't by water like this is a real this is the biggest town in the shire there's plenty of places to stay you can stay at a real end tonight if you want oh wow let's get the presidential suite do they have presidents in this land they probably don't uh the the thane suite you could say in the things we sell them up we'll have all the money we need to stay in the best room in the house yeah oh wait no no yeah you could easily steal enough valuable stuff that you could buy the biggest in uh all right so he'll take the map and roll it up uh carefully uh and place it into his explorer's pack okay um all right so and let's go and you guys like sneak out again yep yes unless yeah unless there's there was never part of the can i do a flashback could we could could could we get bilbo or maybe it was his idea to to give us like a forgery like a fake that is you know something we could just put in its place oh okay that isn't very detailed and on close inspection would obviously be a fake but uh just something to throw people off of it being missing for a little bit longer sure i'll give you one in exchange for a hope point oh i'll take it i'll take it okay i'll take that deal okay so yeah slides in the the yeah the fake yeah you take one of like bilbo's like old maps of the shire right just like lying around exactly yeah you just need to slip it perfectly with bilbo's permission of course i wouldn't steal it yeah um okay all right all right so you you slip it in you spend a little more hope and and you leave and uh let's get one more stealth check from everybody but i'll tell you what these stealth checks are fun because man our hobbit's good at stealth [Music] okay got 20 man oh beautiful no sixes though surprisingly okay oh six yes uh oh yeah okay six four one one yep awesome okay you got an extraordinary success amazing uh i totally failed you did oh i did what did i do i got a one and a five on my feet die and then i got two ones out of my three sixes oh wow uh brutal i end up with a 10 under 14. okay well we can use a one of uh the extraordinary you got someone else got a six right one of you okay so we can use that extraordinary success to give you a success in the next you're about to trip and fall on your face and she catches you yeah she's your umbrella thank you back again wait do you have any extra food in your in your bag paladin any food extra nibbles in your bag anything i curse always give me something a little thing anything ah all right goes in his bag and just like painfully parts with a couple crackers that he looks at longingly you snap them away and she tiptoes over to the dog and puts it like next to his death a little treat for firework okay such a good job guarding you know yeah i love this now i can sneak up let's go okay uh and rory did you succeed i got a 21 so let's drink that wine and get up tonight playing [Music] listen to me i i don't want to play spin the bottle with primula she every time we have a little bit to drink yeah it's like truth or dare you're like dare marry me [Laughter] i spit all over angel's wigs oh sorry angel okay so you guys uh you leave a little treat for firework you slip out soundlessly and you if uh if you like you can make your way to the bird and baby uh the the best in the biggest inn in all the shire yes um so if you make your way over there you get in a celebratory mood probably get a room for the night and you set out in the morning and this is interesting too this is uh canonically uh the the inn that's in mickel delving and the bird and baby was the nickname for the pub in oxford where tolkien and the includes used to drink when they're the the eagle and child they called it the burden amazing so it's very very it's very sweet so you guys uh spend uh the rest of the next day heading back to hobbiton can i ask a question here uh just a geeky talking question [Music] i've gotta know over the years a couple of the like uh linguistic sort of uh explanations behind things in the shire things like farthing and bag end and stuff like where those come from but i don't know mikkel delving at all like do you know like what what is that name is like an old english word or something yeah it actually is it is an old english word it's an old i think it's an old anglo-saxon word so uh delving is like adopted into uh modern english it's just a a dig site and nickel mickel means is uh anglo-saxon for big so it's just like big dick site big excavation yeah yeah there's actually another town nearby that's like little little delving so it's like yeah i think it's a little dark but yeah there's this yeah nickel is an old english word that just means large it's a big yeah okay oh cool um because it always looked to me like a person's name i was like michelle i always pronounce it michael delving like i grew up pronouncing michael delfing and i i it's actually it is nickel but but yeah it's it's it's cool and yeah the mayor of michael delving is sort of tacitly the political leader of the shire just because it's the most important like actual political job in the shire he also has an amazing name his name is pot something oh the mayor's name it's like pot oh i forget his life oh i don't i don't know i can't remember i have to look it up all right look it up um okay so uh after your recovery of the map and your relatively swift journey home you approach bag end and the green door opens like it's being shot from a gun and bilbo is there and he says like ah did you find it i we did oh and it goes in like eagerly into his pack and like pulls it out and it's just so happy to uh to impress bilbo uh his name is mayor pot whitfoot oh yeah okay that's awesome he says oh this is marvis come in come in uh we'll need to review my grandfather's map quickly tonight if it is set off on our next journey please come in come in and he ushers you in there is a spectacular meal like laid out he was he was expecting you and um he asks you about like to your whole adventure like everything that happened in the river could have been lost forever but uh uh luckily uh uh rory was there to pull me out and then and then you should have seen lobelia with the arrow and my rope tied to it she just first shot was unbelievable right in the log and we all pulled it across it was exciting bilbo tremendous tremendous oh i spoke to an al bilbo who's absolutely phenomenal it made up for the yes there were there were some awful people at the bar who were frankly a little prejudiced against the tooks but we were able to sleep on a barn floor after i convinced an owl to leave a small farm animal alone oh tremendous that's really lovely it is stable can you believe that stable we truly adventured there was horses in there and there were some hey we slept on it and like they said there were some uh folk there at uh the in the in there at uh what was the name of that town that halfway town that we got to uh was it by water uh no i why am i blind i don't know i'm like uh we were drinking it too did you follow something oh my god it's like we're just off my map screen uh we meet we meet whey meets and he's just he's getting excited to tell him about like there was some folk there that uh that started to to sniff that something was up with us and they were asking us what are you doing down here and how did you get across the river like that and why uh a busy adventuring and and it was and prim's stepped up and then got them all awake and confused and and it was it was impressive it was quite easy to dazzle them their hospitality certainly is not what it is here they had no clue what i was saying oh yes with the babies they can be a bit provincial you know then this is not not as well traveled as us well traveled now what a grand adventure what a grand adventure indeed this is so any and he leans back and he's like he's got his pipe and it's just like i tell you you've really reminded me of my old days and i think that i'm about ready for another adventure myself what dragons what bilbo baggins will be a playable character in the next episode of the one ring will one of our players here take up the mantle we'll see join us next time amazing oh my gosh the adventure continues yes this has been so this is so great i can't wait today we got three more of these i'm so excited wow uh you guys were incredible i i love this system this was this was great thank you grant thank you alyssia uh thank you kate joe this is this is awesome thank you skid this is great to see his character sheet i know i want to see his numbers yeah i see his numbers myself give me those numbers back and show me those packages thanks everybody for watching and congrats to our winners tonight congrats to our winners and thanks again to free league for this so this is awesome i can't wait i can't either [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Glass Cannon Network
Views: 26,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troy lavallee, joe obrien, skid maher, new game who dis, ttrpg, dungeons and dragons, d&d, rpg, role playing game, twitch, stream, character creation, improv, comedy, glass cannon network, glass cannon podcast, patreon, androids and aliens, grant berger, how to, how to play, the one ring, the one ring rpg, alicia marie, kate stamas, how to play the one ring, lord of the rings, lord of the rings rpg, loremaster, free league publishing
Id: 4hI1VBm9UfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 33sec (7113 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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