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Viva AI is a brand new AI video tool and it's one of the best sorik competitors that you can actually use and best of all is it's both free and has an inbuilt 4K upscaler which allows you to upscale your videos not just from viva but from any AI video generator to 4K Viva leads the way in the quality of text to video generation and in this video I'm going to show you what it's capable of and how you can bring your text to life with AI video I collaborated with Viva on this video and I'd like to thank them for sponsoring this so let's take a look at some of the best examples coming out of Viva here we have an incredibly friendly and lifelike turtle on a beach wearing a very classy pair of sunglasses and what I love about this example is that we're getting both Motion in the camera movement and in the subject here we have a space man it seems to be quite a recurring in AI generators to create Spacemen in unusual situations and here we can see this chap is sitting in a boat and we're getting a lovely sense of motion on the waves and what I particularly admire about this example is how well the boat is moving in correlation to the undulation of the Waves below we also get some beautiful Reflections coming off of his visor reflecting his suit and the background it works particularly well that it recognizes is that it should be reflecting the same orange that is existing on the suit on the face guard now Viva is also working well with realistic humans you can see here we have this Warrior Queen in Golden hour and it picks out some fine details exceptionally well the coloring on the metallic surface of her armor is particularly evocative and engaging and just look at these single strands of being caught in the bank lit shot and what's also particularly good is the nature of the light that is sprawling over her brow here you can see as she reveals a little bit of the sun behind her it bursts through across her brow in a very cinematic way if you're new here I'm AI Samson and on this channel we reflect on the latest developments of AI technology now let's have a little look at using Viva AI what can we do to get the most out of this beautiful tool well it's important to understand that there are three main features to get your hands on inside of Viva the first is a text video tool which allows you to insert a prompt and get out a short video the second allows you to upload an image from any AI art generator you like and use that as the first frame in your video generation and the third and extremely useful feature is the 4K upscaler which allows you to enhance the quality and resolution of your videos all the way up to 4K in definition now the feature that I'm most impressed with inside of Viva is the text video feature and that allows us to take a simple prompt like a futuristic motorbike in a cyberpunk city and we can then use the magic prompt and this elaborates on our simple prompt and adds in more definitive more articulate and more nuanced details so now we have an advanced neon lit futuristic motorbike cruising through a cyberpunk cityscape skyscapers towering holographic Billboards flickering and Rogue drones buzzing overhead s quite shocking now you have the option to add in negative prompts now I suggest putting in ugly deformed and other negative words next up you can choose the aspect ratio I'm using 16 by9 which is the landscape and finally you get to set the motion strength I found around about 8 or n to be the best option now you can go ahead and generate this by clicking on generate and you have the option to generate two videos at a time this allows you to try out the same prompt twice so that you can compare the results let's take a look at the video that I got out here you can see a stunning Vivid and realistic output I particularly like the smoke billowing behind the bike so let me show you a few videos that I created using images from mid Journey here we have this nature scene of two birds and again a classic anthropomorphization of a sheep there is a sheep riding on a motorbike here is a stunning neon motorcycle and this really plays to the strengths of Viva here we have a beautiful medieval town and we're getting a nice sense of movement and depth with the panning of the camera but let's show you how to use this make sure you select the second tab image to video then you can describe the motion that you would like to see in your scene you can focus this mainly on the way that you would like your subject to move so first of all you have to click on the little plus and go to upload an image and you can select an image to work with I'm going to work with this car going to press confirm and then I'm going to type in simply car driving fast now the next step is that you can come to settings and you can put in anything that you don't want to see in your video so this is your negative prompt area you can put in ugly deformed and once you're happy on with that you can come along to camera control which is the third option and this is where we get to define the exact camera movements that our shot will take on so you can set the camera's movement and intensity just like when you're shooting the first option is moving up or down in relation to the subject so I would like a slight bit of upwards motion and then you also have the option to move left or right and I'm going to move to the right so we're going to be going up and to the right as the car moves to the left now the other camera movement that you have available is zoom and that allows you to zoom in or zoom out I'm going to have a subtle zoom out in this instance now you can play around with the motion strength the higher this slider is the more motion you're going to get out the lower it is the less motion there will be in your video now a top tip is that if you put it all the way up to the top of motion strength then it's more likely that your video will start to morph and deform however if you have it too low it's likely that you're only going to have very subtle amounts of movement so my suggestion is to keep it around six when you're happy with that all you have to do is go ahead and click on generate and that will be submitted in the queue now it takes less than a minute to generate your video and you have the opportunity to add multiple videos to the que so as that's going I'm also going to do another one with a higher motion strength uh of 20 to show you the difference of that so whilst that's loading I'll show you another example that I did earlier with different amounts of motion applied so this was with a level six amount of motion and you can see that the spaceship is moving gradually across the screen but it's fairly subtle then this is moving up to 15 this is moving up to 20 and you can start to see a little bit more morphing coming in but we are getting faster motion so it's a toss up between the amount of motion and the amount of morphing now if we go all the way up to 30 you can see that it's moving much more rapidly but it's starting to degenerate this is less evident with object work like we have here and it's very apparent when we're working on human faces because we have such a clear attentive understanding of when a human face is moving we are psychologically programmed to pay very close attention to any subtle or delicate movements in a face so it becomes extremely obvious to us even if there are only minor deformations and this is because in the biological history of humans it was incredibly evolutionarily beneficial to be able to determine the expression the mood the intentions of other humans very quickly but here is the example that I made earlier and you can see we've got this lovely shot of this car and this is with just a small amount of motion which is six but if we put that all the way up to 23 you can see that we're getting a more psychedelic experience with flashing lights in the background now the great thing about AI video is that you can keep regenerating the same image into the AI video generator and every time you're going to get a slightly different output if you want to rerun any of these you can simply come down to the icon retry at the bottom of each tile this is the second icon along and what that will do is it will put all of the settings back into the bar at the bottom and you can simply then adjust it if you want to slightly increase the motion or you can set it off exactly the same as you had it before by simply clicking on generate what type of video will you create using Viva well it be a cinematic Style video or perhaps an animation let me know what type of content you're most excited about creating with AI video so I've had a lot of fun playing about and most of all I'm impressed with the car work but it's also performing particularly well with animals you can see this of a lion is a beautiful shot it's keeping consistency with all the elements in the scene and I've also found it to work very well with animated shots as well here is a version of myself and here is another one that came out very well of a Pixar version of me smiling away now the length of the videos that you get out of Viva are currently 4 seconds long but what you can do is take the final frame of your video and use it as the first frame for generating a new video and this gives us the potential to generate exponentially long videos and here in this shot I have rain in the foreground and that allows the AI to easily identify something something to animate in a natural way so you have to very much think about how you can help the AI with its animation you can learn to understand what are naturally aesthetic stylistic and beautiful ways to work with your AI video when I'm out shooting in the field I'm always looking for subtle elements of movement that I might come across when I'm filming now this can include wonderful Shadows being cast on the floor plants that are swaying in the breeze or animals even having traffic in the background is a beautiful tool so you can see here another example of what's working really well having these cars in the background making it obvious to the AI what motion you would expect in a scene it's also useful to play with the lighting make sure that the lighting sources are obvious and clear to the AI so you can see here that we've developed a real focal point around the shining blue orb on his belt and this can really characterize the scene look at this extremely cute little hamster so you can see here this example is making use of a lot of those elements we have water we have a car we have Birds which are all obvious elements for the AI to animate and here we have the leaves in the grass surrounding this beautiful little Pooch now the initial Generations that come out of Viva AI are exported at 1024x 576 pixels now if you want to upscale these you can upscale them directly inside Viva all the way up to 4,096 pixels by 234 and it's a very easy process to do that what you have to do is come into your history tab which is your library of videos that you have generated and on in the top right hand corner of any of your Works you're going to find the button for 4K enhance and it's as simple as clicking that and this takes a little bit longer to generate but you get out some remarkable results let me show you so here is the standard output and this is the 4K version and you can see that the detail is hugely enhanced and it maintains perfect adherence to the original video and what's also great is that you can even take other videos from other sources into the tool and upscale them here and that's currently also free which which is a great benefit to this tool now I have run a few prompts through both Vivo and a number of other AI video tools and I wanted to show you the results here we have a dog on the beach looking particularly happy and enjoying his life now we have a lovely sense of the character moving in a natural way the dog is moving his head the waves are moving in the background and we've got some natural camera Shake as well now now here are the dogs from the other three versions and you can see how little Movement we get out of all of these they are extremely static so once again I would say that Vivo is providing the most realistic animation in this circumstance so let's take a look at a man eating a hamburger and here we have examples from hyper peer and Runway and you can see that both hyper and Runway struggle exceptionally with actually getting a burger to move to the face hyper makes it look as if he is eating a teacup and Runway decides that he shall smash it into his cheek P has notably small amounts of animation and if we take a closer look add the Viva example we can see that he munches on it from the side which is at least the right hole to be putting a burger into and he is holding it though I would say that he's holding it in a fairly unnatural way but you would have to say that this is actually the best out of these four options now here we have given Vivo Fair Reign and asked it to generate a image of a woman and it's come out with an anatomically correct woman she has a sense of character to her now if we take a closer look at the generations of female protagonists in each of these we can see that the motion is once again most natural out of Vivo for Pure animation Vivo is leading the way now I took a number of prompts from the Sora examples and Rand them through Vivo now it's important to note that sorum is a model that we've been teased with for a number of months but we've had no sign or no indication of when or even if this will be released in its current state to the public and my feeling is that it is likely that we will never get our hands on Sora as they have demonstrated so here is a bunch of puppies playing in the snow and you can see how beautiful and realistic the puppies have been generated they're also moving in a way that is consistent now here is a shot that looks almost like an underwater horror film and we have a squid-like creature moving with its tentacles in a beautiful way and we compare this with the Sora version obviously s has much longer and more detailed videos but I would say that these actually stand up very well in comparison here we have an aerial shot of a town that is very resemblant of Greece now here is another what is almost becoming an AI video cliche of putting boats into ridiculous situations it might be a pirate ship and a coffee cup or having a room filled with water and here we can see a magnificent ship sprawling across a interior and we get a real beautiful sense of motion there is a nice consistency of the object as it moves from left to right and the overall aesthetic stylistic nature of the shots coming out of Viva are Exquisite now Viva is able to handle a wide range of different mediums and types of content it's performing particularly well with Dynamic action content let me show you this beautiful rendering of a sports car in a urban setting and the quality of light that is coming through in Viva is particularly cinematic just look how wonderfully the reflections change through this shot it brings a real sense of immersiveness into the piece now I'm particularly impressed with this example which showcases a beautiful pirate sail which has some complex text on top and it does particularly well at animating the wind billowing through this sail whilst maintaining the cohesion in the letter forms it's also wonderful to note how it's identified the sail and isolated it effectively from the static elements in the shot now this is one of my favorite examples and this aquatic jellyfish moves with such Serenity and dreamlike nature it certainly brings out a real quality of the natural world here and it moves in a realistic and beautiful way with the sky glinting through the the surface water here now Viva is also capable of animating surrealist shots like these rainbow waterfalls and it's giving us a lovely drone-like piece of footage and here is a realistic cinematic Zoom onto this apik creature and there is a nice sense of detail in the individual hairs and a real intensity his to his gaze now we have an example of a pussycat going on a wild Night Out in IA The Prompt for this was a brown cat taking a selfie dressed in a swimsuit and glasses having a drink cheers to you caty here is another realistic shot this one of a magical elf woman elf ears and she looks particularly inviting I would take a a nice gentle walk with you through the forest my dear now Vivo is also handling an animated style very well look how excitable this little doggy is and how immersive the animations are it's really picking up on the natural way you would expect the leaves on a tree or flowers to sway in the Summer Breeze so from my experimentations Explorations and Analysis Viva is performing particularly well at creating cinematic Style videos it is also performing well at creating realistic Styles action style and animation style it's standing out in these areas Viva has a number of other useful features including text to 3D where you can generate 3D models with text prompts here you can see an example of a Spyro like character that has been generated in Viva and they're also broadening their Suite of AI tools and it's certainly an AI company to keep your eyes on what do you think of Viva let me know in the comments and I've decided to end my videos with small Snippets of wisdom related to the evolution of AI and this quote today is is from roomie the Sufi poet one of my favorite poets and the line is yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world today I am wise so I am changing myself and my invitation to you is to approach the AI Revolution with this mentality that we have the opportunity to adapt internally to make the most of this from our own perception of how we relate to AI and it gives us with that perspective the greatest opportunity that has ever been known to mankind thank you very much for watching thank you for being here and if you would like to stick around for more videos feel free to subscribe it will be a pleasure to have you support the channel and most of all I wish you a delightful day
Channel: AI Samson
Views: 24,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles, viva, ai video
Id: Z_KwXpvMmZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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