New Ford Ranger v Toyota Hilux: OFF-ROAD RACE!

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Hi how are you Madison here from carwale so I'm sat in the new Ford Ranger and next to me is the latest Toyota Hilux and we're going to have a drag race of a slippery slope as well as that we're going to compare these two vehicles through a range of off-road challenges and today with me I've Got a Friend driving the Hilux it's yanny from yanimize hi Jan how are you I'm all right in a different venue yeah so we're having a drag race with a difference aren't we so we're going to compare both these vehicles through six different off-road challenges the vehicle that wins The Challenge gets two points the one that comes second or last gets one point and if a vehicle does not complete the challenge they'll get zero points and the truck with the most points at the end wins is as simple as that I like the fact for once we actually put our driving skills to the test rather than just hold the steering wheel straight and put up on the accelerator because we get battered for that thing is yanny I've done this before how many times have you been off-roading well I've had a Defender G wagon loads of aurises and the only off-roading I've ever done is when I drive up onto my drive out my house however you're a natural driver that's why I've given you a manual car and I've got a 10-speed Auto I'm up for the challenge let's do it right let me tell you about the ranger first it's got a two liter twin turbo diesel engine that puts out 205 horsepower and 500 newton meters of torque we've got a switchable all-wheel drive system so you can run in rear-wheel drive four-wheel drive high or four-wheel drive low it also has a locking rear differential now this thing costs from 39 000 pounds that's the starting price for the new Ford Ranger and it's quite heavy weighs in from 2400 kilos that Hilux has a 2.8 liter turbocharged diesel engine it puts out 204 horsepower and 420 newton meters of torque as I've explained that six-speed manual but it has a rear wheel drive mode High four-wheel drive high and four-wheel drive low it also has a locking rear differential that truck costs from 44 000 pounds and it's lighter than this 2100 kilos anyway let's get on with this challenge Buy sell car wow now before we race let me just tell you that if you're thinking about selling your car and you want to do an easy way and make sure you get a fair price for your car you can do it through car wow you just upload some photos give a brief description of your car point out some damage and then our dealers will bid on your car it's simple if you click on the pop-out band up there for the link in the description below you can go check that out now for the challenges we have our umpire updates Graham he will be judging each of these trucks and he'll be awarding the points and he'll also be giving us tips on driving so let's just find out the best way to set up these trucks from Graham I'm obviously running in four-wheel drive low should I put my rear locking differential on as well every little foreign [Music] that was exciting it's like I was in Full Throttle and not much was happening apart from spinning its Wheels a bit and chucking up a load of mud how about you I don't know I didn't fall throttle it so I don't know if that worked for me or against me yeah I mean I just basically flawed it and let the systems figure it out darn it I think I know the result Graham but God I want to hear it from you yes definitely one very soft throttle on that one it took a while to come in Jack and he could have just gone a bit quicker uh not really not really really well really it just is what it is would you recommend I I accelerated I come off nicely we're getting some excuses now unlike drag races there's no second attempt with this you didn't know that but there's not what is having the discussion it's two points of the Ranger and one to the Toyota Hilux for this next challenge we're gonna go back down the slope but this time the objective is to be as slow as possible so the last truck past the cone wins now we're going to put them into low range into drive and with their Hill descent control on um I'm just checking everything going in first gear am I just gonna pull my fourth accelerator you'll figure it out or you'll stall and not go anywhere and then win three two one oh here we go oh here we go I think is a massive disadvantage because it is a manual [Applause] I feel like I've stitched him up here [Applause] that's no bloody good is it and he's managed to just end up in a quagmire what's Hill descent control even working did he have it engaged yeah everything's engaged this one doesn't it yeah definitely yes I wasn't surprised at that how quick it went down because the manual gearbox yeah first gear low range would have held it do you want to just double check that it's in low range mode and he had held his sync control go and have a look just want to double check you had it you add Hill sink troll on yeah so soon I put the gear in it was like okay cool but it just it's got some reasons everything was on yeah but that went down out that like an old Defender he said it went down like an old Defender but you love an old Defender going down on you mate you're on fire today it's two points to the ranger one to the high looks that means that overall the Ford has four points and the Toyota just two I want to say a huge thanks to the guys that have lent us this Ford Ranger 4x480 so they do loads of modifications for four by fours and off-roaders and stuff for instance the wheels on this 20 inches whereas the standard ones on the ranger are 18s this next challenge is all about maneuverability so we're going to drive the trucks through this little course with the trees and we're going to have to do a U-turn around a tree and then come back through this slightly bumpy section and Graham will be timing us and the truck that does it the quickest wins it's as simple as that I should tell you one thing that affects these cars maneuverability is they're turning Circle so for the Hilux it's 12.8 meters with this 13 meters right Greg will call you in good luck hey two one [Applause] oh that was a good start it's absolutely ripping through there so can you get around there in a Warner [Music] [Applause] that's what it is like rallying in the old days foreign [Applause] that was quick good wasn't it it was very good I didn't bother anything you want the time oh I don't want to hear it it's going to be tough to beat this 28.74 28.74 really good I'm nervous okay here we go whoa whoa a Vatican no here we go it's got me psyched hey two good [Applause] I'm not gonna have to go back here [Music] come on engage oh oh [Applause] [Applause] and what was I 28 no way you stopped it early Chinese I thought it was quick you were quick just not quick enough oh look at the disappointment I'm not playing I'm going home so what's your verdict on his driving he's never done that course before I've done it loads of times done very well brilliant a very quick time and with a manual which is a bit harder than they just don't slots two points to the ranger one to the Hilux it means that overall the Ford now has six points and the Toyota re you're gonna win every single challenge to draw or to win I often just not complete one so if I win the next three yeah we'll draw and then Graeme will decide as the tie break which he thought was the best overall hi Graham you're looking very nice today mate for this next challenge we're going to drive down this step slope and then turn around and come back up it this is going to test the car's ground clearance and the grand clearance of this Ranger is 234 millimeters that Hilux is 310 millimeters it'll also test their chassis articulation so both trucks have independent front suspension and rigid Dax sauce at the rear it'll also test their stability control systems and their grip the ability for them to keep moving without spinning up wheels obviously we're going to use our diff locks for this challenge Yanni's going to go first underneath I can see that rigid axle see it working away keeping it moving dad did a good job down there nice work for a novice gotta get ditched right here low man parking sensors I'm looking to see where the bodies to turn them off I don't know where are they shut up you directed me into a hole okay you should be all right keep going download sound of this oh oh and again grime's falling over how can I trust Graham to direct me well he can't even walk down it [Applause] okay so first of all you kind of direct me slightly into a hole I was trying to avoid your front end yeah uh the bank what you heard at the Crunch and what made me fall over was your tow bar hitting the floor are they going to make it up without doing makeup all right yes all right Graham you've got to direct us at the slope now try not to direct me into a hole and try not to fall over if you'd rather watch a pickup truck battle which involves a Volkswagen amarok because you're more of a VW fan then click on the pop-out band up there for the link in the description below to go check out that video if not stay with me see if yanny can beat me over this challenge [Music] oh my God oh he's struggling now here we go my turn don't fail me now Graham [Music] it's not reaching me into the hole again of it we've got a bit of a problem going yes we've round out and I think if you keep going forward you're going to damage the side step fail on this hill I think what this just doesn't have quite the ground clearance of that so it's two points to the Hilux no points to the range on this challenge which means overall Five Points of the Hilux six to the Ford mate the side step oh my God is it in a bit of a mess it's not straight anymore let's be honest looks like we're going to be buying a new side step for this next challenge we're gonna drive both trucks down this side slope and then we're going to turn around and come up and over this slope so that will test these trucks chassis articulation yet again they're suspension travel and their approach departure and break over angles right and yanny you go ahead so the approach angle on that Hilux is 29 degrees the departure angle is 26 degrees and the breakover is 23 degrees let's see how he only gets on foreign [Applause] oh Jesus look at me on two wheels it's obviously got some weird thing on the top of it like a tent which is in his center of gravity oh graeme's on this it looks like he's Gonna Roll It foreign by comparison this range has a slightly better approach angle by one degree at 30 degrees slightly worse departure angle by one degree at 25 degrees and a slightly better breakout Wrangle this is one degree better than the Hilux 24 degrees dead straight now foreign there's a big rock down there don't hit that this did such a good job that was really smooth okay it's not over yet though we've got to get up over this slope that was proper two wheel was like I thought I was proper leaning yours didn't look that much like mine but maybe when you're in the car it's a bit more deceiving no I thought you were going a little bit too high at that bank but also you got a big weight on the top of your truck anyway concentrate you gotta get up there this is where the break every angle is going to come into play and traction Jason oh hey that's a real world in the air oh God yeah Nate oh traction issues [Applause] a little bit seesawing at the top there we go got it though Jesus don't let me bomb that again [Music] no I've lost it come on bugger mate are you trying with your eyes open in there what happened you hesitate a little bit at the top there as soon as you hesitate you start to track can I go back and have a little you can have a go back but technically that's a fail oh no let's go forward oh you won't go forward your belly out foreign [Music] so basically by driving on my part yes that's a fail that's a fail oh no oh you know what that means again that means now the Toyota's on seven points and the range is still on six now it's a battle for the ranger on the last challenge so basically if you complete the next challenge you can't lose you can only draw unless you fail I have to win it to draw let's do it it's going right to the wire come on it's not how you start it's how you finish okay now we come to the final challenge but before we do this I just want to say a huge thanks to Timeless Overland who lent us the Hilux they put on off-roading events and stuff like guided tours throughout the UK so go check them out they're on Instagram and obviously you can just Google them their final challenge then we've got to drive up this Rocky slippery slope whichever truck gets up there the best wins and if one doesn't get up there then it will fail right and yanny how you feeling about this I'm nervous but I'm excited I'm like a little kid I can't contain my excitement in here you've almost got nothing to lose unless you don't make it up there I've got to get up there and do it better than you do in order to draw I'm even nervous they said if you don't make it up then it starts backing down they say stick it in reverse keep your foot on the brake because it will just pan off to the side and we could be rolling so um I'm ready can I go good luck mate good luck [Applause] yes mate that was awesome you smashed that up there how are you beauty so I've got to get up there better than you in order to at least draw can I get a draw right diff locks on low range here we go [Applause] very close to cool oh come on I need to have beaten him in order to draw you flew up yes I think you marginally got it there better right yeah I've got some bad news he thinks I did it slightly better up there just to divide the narrative margin I'd beat you up there why explain why that's quicker I was just quicker went up there quicker and it had less wheel spin yes you can't listen Graham's verdict is final that means I got two points you've got one so it's a draw so far eight points each and it comes down to Graham overall Graham you have to decide which of these two trucks did the best overall it is a very good no I think oh that's what I mean that's this one the one I was doing yeah yeah yeah you won't yeah you won and I've never done it before yeah you're Legend and it was a manual I can't just keep rolling me oh you're just awesome anyway I hope you'll enjoy the video if you did give it a like click over yani's annoying face if you want to watch more videos and on his belly to get a car ride to sell your car it's dead easy just upload some photos give a brief description and I did a little bit on your car thanks for watching see you later
Channel: carwow
Views: 1,086,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2022, ford, ford ranger, ford ranger off-road, pick up truck off-road, off-roading, off roader, off-roading pick up, pick up off-road, best pick up off-road, hilux, toyota hilux, toyota hilux off-road, best off-roader, best off-roading 4x4, best 4x4 off-road, 4x4, 4x4 off-road, off-road challenge, off road challenge, best off-roading car, off-road cars, best off-roader 2022, best off-roader 2023
Id: Vuoact9m8do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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