NEW! Fishing Rig Hack — MUST LEARN Before Your Next Trip (BIG Secret Revealed)

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[Music] this happens far too often I get a nice big hit on my rod I run to it set the hook the hook is gone the fish is gone I have to retie the entire rig it's a real pain in the butt today I'm going to show you how to tie a fishing rig that addresses this problem it's a really awesome hack and I know you guys are going to love it hey he hey hey every time I get my hooks cut off I have to retie an entire rig that is just such a waste of monofilament line that's just such a waste of line and everything if I could just retie that one little part of the hook that would be really optimal so that's why I think this rig is really awesome because you can just really quickly change that out without having to tie up a whole new rig it saves you time it saves you money this rig is really easy to tie but you got to really conceptually understand how it's tied first before you really do it so just watch me me do it first I've got 25 lb line here you can use whatever thickness you want but I want the main line to be thicker than the branches that come out because the branches attached to the hook that's what the fish are looking at if they can see the line a lot of times they're line shy they don't want to bite the line they don't want to bite because they see it's suspicious so that's why this rig is really awesome is because you can tie a light arm but have a heavier main line so if you're fishing around things that have you know sharper structure or things that might cut you off the first thing we're going to do is tie the bottom Sinker this is called a clip swivel a barrel swivel cuz this clip will clip right into a sinker going to tie this at the bottom and we're going to just do an improved clinch knot if you guys don't know how to do this this is how you do it put your finger through here you just twist it up about six times then that hole that Loop you just made put it right back in there you'll make another loop feed it through there and then just pull now we want the leader line to be about this long I'd say about 4 ft 5 ft the first step is we're going to get our leader line the second step is we're going to attach our clip swivel onto the end the third step is we're going to attach the two-way swivel to the top and I'm using the exact same knot as I was using before all right we're almost done this is the main line now here's the cool part this next part we're going to tie an overhand knot about 12 in down except instead of just one you're going to go through it twice 12 in down there's the knot there's the the swivel knot now we're going to do the same thing one in away from it so we're going to have two see this now we're going to do the same thing except right here tie two more see how there's two knots about an inch and a half 2 inches away from each other we've got that done twice here got it all evenly spaced and now I'm going to show you how to tie the hooks on now the really cool part about this is if your hooks get bitten off you can just tie another one up really quick you don't have to retie an entire rig you just keep attaching it back to this thick line when it's too thin sometimes it gets bitten off with your hook this is a nice thick line that won't get bitten off as easily that you can just keep changing out the hooks so what we're going to do is we're going to attach our main line to the two-way swivel at the top then we're going to attach a pyramid Sinker to the bottom and this is our rig Sinker we're going to put our hooks here all right here we go now the snood lines we're going to tie it with 15 lb fluorocarbon line and now I'm using these circle hooks these are size one circle hooks size one is a good size because it's good for big fish and also small fish it's good for smaller baits and we're just going to tie it on here with a snail knot now for the arm I kind of want it a little bit longer so that it can kind of flow in the surf nice and you know naturally so I'm going to tie it a little bit longer this is the really easy knot to tie now we're just going to make a circle and then tie an overhead knot keeping that Loop nice and small up here there we go now look I can tie a million of these up really quickly and just have these on my rig spool right here look at this knot real quick there we go that's our second snood I'm going to tie one or two more so that in case anything happens I can just really quickly change out my stuff all right I'm going to go real slow to show you guys how to tie this knot we're going to put one line through make sure you have enough room on the tag end it's okay if you have a little bit extra right then we're going to make a loop then we're going to pinch it like that you see this Loop right here it's along the shaft of the hook now we're going to take our tag end and we're going to go around this Loop five six times keep it tight now this tag end is going to go right back through that Loop now we're just going to slowly pull both ends see that now for this knot up here we're going to double the line over and make a loop and then we're going to make one more Loop and this time we're going to twist this finger twice and pull this first Loop through the second Loop you might want to slow that down or go back and watch it again but it's actually really simple you're basically just doing an overhand knot all right now let me show you how I attach it to the line all right you see these in between each of these knots we're going to put the dude we're going to put this circle put the hook through that Circle and then we're going to pull it so that now this is attached to here it can't move from here right you see that and it can also freely spin around without getting tangled on itself this is a real big game changer for us because first of all if it gets bitten off I can really easily replace this hook second of all fluorocarbon on the outside and tie it with monofilament on this on this line and that saves a lot of money just because you're not using fluorocarbon for both um it can freely spin all sorts of rigs that work this is just a really awesome one I wanted to share with you guys today now I'm going to take one more of these and finish out the rig see that now look at how it freely spins here look now come on and let's bait up and get fishing all right time to bait it up first of all take a look at this rig I don't know if you can see it perfectly but it's not going to get tangled it's looking really nice we're going to put these sand fleas on see these live sand fleas and we're going to hook it just like this now I'm switching it up a little bit on the top I'm going to use some of my salted baits these are our salted muscles that work really well in the surf on the pier on the jetty thing is is for it to really hold got to get bait elastic this is our bait elastic this is good because it holds your soft baits like clams muscles oops so with the bait elastic you're just going to wrap it up and it holds the bait onto the shank so that little fish can't peck it off and you won't be able to cast it off it's just a really efficient way of fishing so you don't lose out on bait and lose out on fish you see how secure this is on here now all right let's give it a [Music] [Music] cast oh another big fat Whiting that's [Music] great oh yeah we're on another fish ooh this is something a little bit bigger I'm hoping it's another big juicy whing woo oh yeah oh yeah there we go look at the way their mouths are shaped is so perfect to just inhale one of these sand fleas we doubled up on [Music] them do you think there's some bait under there what do you think that is I wish I brought my sandf flea pump I mean my my pump [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] he oh yeah it's a good one oh it's a shark it's a shark oh oh shoot just bit it off last second this little guy could bite my line off that's crazy this is a perfect example of how when a shark or something like a blue fish bites your line off well I guess could just tie it right back on here but if it got bitten off any higher up we could just literally switch this line out like this since this is not actually tied on here just unloop this take this off and it's back to this right I have this that I tied up earlier I can just take and just Loop it right back through all I have to do is make sure that the loop is in between these two knots like this and we're ready to get back into action with a new hook without having to tie anything that to me I think is worth the rig itself the convenience of that is really awesome this time I'm going to put a piece of shrimp on the top one I'll put a piece of sand flea on it's a great thing to use multiple kinds of baits too because you never know what the fish want sometimes you'll catch different kinds of species using different kinds of [Music] baits woo there's just nothing like you know casting your rig out out there have no idea what you're going to bring in I've already got enough fish for dinner so everything here is a bonus I just hope it's another one that I can uh filet up ooh another Whiting what do you think this one looks kind of small should we let this one go or would do you think this is a good size what do you think Aaron okay we'll let this one go when you're fishing it's not good to keep everything you catch all the time if it's a little bit small the same goes Let It Go Let It Grow just let them go so that they can grow to the appropriate size then next time you'll catch them it's good for [Music] dinner come on ooh Bluefish so that's probably what bit my line off earlier little Bluefish these guys are the things that bite your line off all the time if you take a look look at these teeth well you can't really see them cuz these are this is a little baby guy but they're really sharp and they always cut my my hooks off now that's a huge problem cuz every time I get my hook cut off first of all let me let this guy go every time I get my hooks cut off I have to retie an entire rig that is just such a waste of monofilament line that's just such a waste of line and everything if I could just retie that one little part of the hook that would be really optimal so that's why I think this rig is really awesome because you can just really quickly change that out without having to tie up a whole new rig it saves you time it saves you [Music] money [Music] Wooh whoa this is good this is good lots of fish here today waa that's a big lighting yeah I think because this light line this is only 15 lb line the water is looking really clear today they're very unsuspecting this line and they just really grab that piece of bait and they don't really think about it too much whereas if you have like a say you had steel leaders on there where you had really thick line on there I'm not sure that the fish would be biting as [Music] frequently [Music] [Music] yeah there we go it's just one after another it's one after another woo still cut the bait I hope you guys enjoyed learning how to tie this rig up and watching me catch some fish with it if you like videos our specialty is to help you guys get on fish we love Beach fishing and that's honestly our passion here if you want to be a good beach fisherman or you want to start getting into Beach fishing check out my website Hast sker I got a ton of awesome things for you including a bunch of already tied up rigs that all you got to do is just tie it on your hook all you have to do is just tie it on your line cast it out and start catching fish thank you guys for watching let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed learning how to tie this rig up I want to do more of this kind of things for you guys just let me know in the comments below see you guys next [Music] week yeah oh nice another big [Music] Whiting hey hey hey
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 104,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jMvOuMmIrcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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