【1080P Chi-Eng】《新龙门客栈》/ New Dragon Gate Inn 武林侠士救忠良 大漠龙门客栈对战东厂高手( 张曼玉 / 林青霞 / 梁家辉 / 甄子丹 )

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In the year of King Tai, Ming Dynasty The eunuches held the real power of the development They built up different departments to reinforce their power The whole country was under their control East Chamber was the most powerful and arrogant intelligent bureau In order to get rid of those opposing power They recruited many heartless and cruel soldiers with high pay To form acold-blooded Black Arrow Troop They were under severe training secretly There was an arsenal under the East Chamber It is responsible to design new killing weapons They used the prisoners for test Let me go! You shameless bastards! God will punish you Come out I'm a government officer, you can't Kill me And you Plum Blossom Sun Shooting arrow Dogs Teeth Arrow Phoenix Tail Arrow The head Eunuch Tsao Siu Yan After appointing-himself the head on the East Chamber He controlled the Emperor'and the whole government He tried every means to get rid of those who went against him What he wanted was kingdom of himself He set up a court and collected information from many different sources Those who were against Tsao Would be arrested and executed with terrible punishment Everybody was afraid of the East Chamber The whole country was covered with frights and anxiety Who is he? Your Excellency, he is the Military Secretary, Yang Yu-hin For what offense? On the 4th of April, Yang Yu-hin submitted an impeachment against the East Chamber He pleaded the Emperor to close the East Chamber To punish Your Excellency Your Excellency, here is his impeachment Secretary Yang Damn You specially cause us troubles We're all the time faithful to the Emperor Your charge against us is slanderous Aren't you afraid of death? It's a royal order that eunuches aren't allowed to involve in politics You set up a court and kill innocent people You even deceive the Emperor This is intolerable How dare you? Execution Yang, you're getting old and stupid Give me the military power I can let you live Your gang of eunuches are obeying no law No one can take over my military power without the Emperor's permission An imperial edicts Officer Write Secretary Yang an edict as he wants Tsao, how dare you fake the Emperor He committed suicide We need an accusation against Yang for putting him to death so as to report to the Emperor Stationing troops on the frontier and plotting a rebellion Decapitate him tomorrow morning Yes,sir This is the Royal Order The traitor Ex-Military Secretary Yang Yu-hin to be executed at noon Tsao Siu Yan killed the whole family of Yang but the son and daughter of Yang were intentionally left In the Autumn of the same year, they were exiled Tsao orderd the Black Arrow Troop to tail them secretly What he wanted was to kill Yang's right hand,Chow Wai-on So as to terminate the remaining power of Yang Kiddo What the hell it is? Not even a tree It's so hot My holy God, I, Yau Mo-yin, swear in front of this sword I must save Yang's children All is ready, let's go OK Go! To get out of the boundary, we'd pass Tsi, Turk, Hai-ku 3 places You divide into 3 teams, will give order in the central They can never escape from us Your Excellency, the troops are all ready What shall we do now? From here to the boundary, we'd pass Tsi, Turk, Hai-ku 3 places There are steep atopes and cliffs! I think, Tsao must hide his troop here to trap us There is a dried river bed at the West Let's take risk, to give him a raid OK, let's go this way Your Excellency, Chow does not appear Chow has been the right hand of Yang He can be the coach of 800,000 imperial soldiers Because of Yang's recommendation We take the kids as bait Chow will show up I am thirsty Drink it Uncle, can you give us some water? Get lost, get lost Come over.....open your hands Thank you No hurry, drink it slowly Sister, drink it! No, you drink it Someone is here Set them free now No, we can't defy the government's order Or we'll kill you Wait, we're here to save Not to kill If you want to kill, let's kill the dogs of the East Chamber Set them free and leave with us Otherwise, those bastards won't let you go Stop chatting Unlock the handcuff, hurry up Sister Kiddo Protect the kids and kill the barbarians Kiddo They are small potatoes only, the large hasn't shown up yet Kiddo Your Excellency, Chow finally comes The Twin Sword?! Sister Kiddo, where are you? Sister, where are you? Just follow me The arrows are too violent. Take the kids away first Run away Your Excellency, this is not Chow Chow 's' kung-fu is up to standard Kiddo, we are safe! Chow Wai-on is such a wise man The people come for the children are robbers only Let them go first I want to make deed set at them all This is the Dragon Gate I've made a date in the Dragon Inn with Chow We're carrying the kids and the soldiers are after us I think We'd walk along the Dragon Hill path Just do what you said Yang Kwan is a main road Shang, take 500 soldiers to guard this gate Yes Yu Mun Kwan is too steep for the troops. Send the best soldiers to block all exits This is Lung Mun Kwan, the main gate to leave the border Command the guards to shut the gate You go to the west together Close all the passes of the border It' s wise ofyou, Your Excellency Go Yes, sir Spicy Meat Bun Three-taels, why don't you send me the wine? It's coming... Damn the hot weather So early, sir What? You don't like me to come early? No, it's vital to have you guard the border My good fortune in serving you Fetch me some wine OK, I'll go right now Sir, here comes the wine See, your nickname suits you well Exactly 3 taels of wine per cup. Not a drop less You're overpraising me Spicy Meat Bun Where is the shopkeeper? She is dealing some business upstairs What place do you think here is? Ruddy, I open a shop not to sell my body You get me wrong I don't "Come on" Men are all sex-oriented You want it whenever you want it and leave whenever you finish it Cut the crap Just relax Come on You want to leave the border, or have me? I want both It's too greedy of you You got to know your capability The Willow Dart? I'l get 100 taels by sending you out of the frontier But I'll get 400 taels by sending you to hell I really don't know what to choose There is stuffing in the buns Mistress, you finished so quickly Damn it! Eating mutton will make you hot And even make you sick Maybe you can help us with this? Damn you Baby I don't eat mutton I want to eat you Go to hell Why not eat me? I'm bigger in size You're always interested in men l've not yet eaten I always treat you as well as I can Good looking He is Chow, a wanted criminal, he was a coach of the imperial Army He doesn't look like a coach No, he doesn't He's in big trouble with the East Chamber They want his head East Chamber? Yes It's nothing special Mind your tongue Ruddy's head worths 500 taels? Darkie, ask the chef, Duo, to keep the head of the pig You just care about pig but not me How dare you do this? You'll give them a bad example Why is there blood on your dress? No, there is no blood What's this? You're having period? Haven't you seen it before? Ask your mother then She passed away long-long time ago Go ask your sister then Come over here, i'll teach you a good lesson Come over here... Damn it How many rooms do you want? We want 3 of your best Okay, take a rest first Your period doesn't seem to be regular Tell me earlier next time May I help you, sir? Thanks, I'll do it myself This way is cleaner Near the window, with less wind and sand Any ready-made food? Give us all Want some wine? This is my place, the goods is mine If you violate the rules You can never trade your pilfered goods here again Damn you The Dragon Mountain is famous for its rain Why? How can it rain in such a sunny day? I think you're strangers here Where are you from? We come from the south Where do you go? To the north How long will you stay? We'll leave tomorrow Spicy meat buns... Catch it Got it We don't know where they are from Watxh out for them One is soldier, one is wounded The one in black should be their leader She's a woman A woman? I can tell she is female because... She didn't show interest in me There is something wrong with the meat What is it? There is something wrong anyway Mistress Damn it Chopsticks Let's go Do you have any medicine? No It's getting dark. Light up the candles Mistress, what meat is it? Spicy Meat. What is spicy meat? Haven't you heard of it? The name of spicy meat appeared in a novel, Mrs Suen sold it Mrs Suen opened an inn which robbed But mine is Dragon Inn But you look like a shrew Really? My name is Jade King What a pity that the jade is buried in the earth You are right There're many things unworthy of the name and many people got empty brains You're pretty You too But I'm sure know you better So you should let me know you better Damn it I don't think it's a big deal actually Why not ask some men here, that'd be fun What! You think I'm afraid of men? I've messed with more men than you've seen Just look at you, you're still a virgin Aren't you? Coquet, always think of men Let's see how you light up a candle on the roof Who are you? Why are you laughing? May know where the Dragon Inn is? Here it is Are you the Mistress? Just call me Jade King Jade! What a good name Beautiful name How about me? Any room? Handsome guy Are you a businessman? I want a room How long will you stay? Do I look like I've no money? I'm just afraid that you'll leave without saying goodbye You know, Dragon Mountain is famous for its rain Even the most vigorous animal scares of it So we're the same people, we should Keep in touch Glad to make friends with you, I may need your help some day It depends on how smart you are He is here This is my inn. Please, sir. Mistress, wearing foreign dress tonight? I've told you to wash that flag See, I got mud all over me This must be a woman How do you know? As you said, only women won't be interested in you This one is different. Although he didn't look at me His heart is interested in me I don't think his heart is interested in you I can listen to your flute again Go to work Don't just play that song Uncle Chow You're scared, my kids He is Ho Fu Thank you for your help I really appreciate for all your kindness Don't mention it This is called Dog's teeth Arrow It's produced by the East Chamber For killing people So you'd better pay much attention to it When can we get out of here? As soon as possible Chun, take the money and go home Sir, I can't take this This inn is so complicated Pack up and leave here first Mistress I know you will come You're really clever I don't need you to flatter me I just want to know about the weather here Come inside This room is nice and quiet No room is nice in a deserted place like this What tea do you want to have? Tuckanhoe or something else? What kind of flower this is? It's beautiful It's turnip flower. You think it's white lotus? White lotus can only be found on Snow Mountain Try the tea When will you leave? Tonight I'm afraid you can't Why? Don't you know the weather of the desert? Please advise me This's raining season, the weather is unpredictable It'll rain cats and dogs even the sun is on You can't reach the gate even you can leave here This's the only hotel here I think you know whether it's sunny or rainy day It depends on who asks The rain'll keep you here, just stay for a few more days Though the weather is unpredictable, we can't stay forever Seems we're connected in some ways We'll be familiar with you. Please help us You're leaving? I've two children with me Are they-hostages? Mistress, please lead us the way It depends on which way you want to take The General of the border is my friend I think I can help you with my reputation But if you want to leave secretly... Let me think I'm okay. Weapons are ruthless Mistress, we meet by chance but I'll repay your kindness Come tonight to repay I have to leave tonight You can't. I'll wait Block the gate Damn you. Fool The latch is useless, move the table Move the table quickly Open the door... Who is it? We just closed the door Don't open it, let him die in the rain Open up, quick Stop knocking, bastard If you knock again, I'll... What's the matter? Are you deaf? Why didn't you open the door? 3 branch heads from the East Chamber have come We're in trouble Damn you My books are all wet! Are you blind? Just close the door! Go and shut the door Mistress He is calling you Can't you see I'm busy? Any good room? No, all full Please ask them to move out I just do whatever like Not tall enough I don't do things I don't' like Take it back You bitch How dare you? Money isn't my concern Most important of all, I want a comfortable accommodation I'm doing business too I don't care about the money You've messed up my place So what to do then? Count how much is the loss And I'll pay you triple Good room? There is one, come on It is raining cats and dogs, we can't leave now We'll wait Take the luggage in We have limited rooms but numerous guests How long will you stay? The weather is unpredictable See how long can this gold pay for? You must be tired Sir, please have some tea Any strangers checked in these days? Are you looking for someone? We businessmen should be careful and get rid of trouble I just want to know if there is any trouble around Have some tea If there is any, I won't open an inn here Sorry This is a very special tea The taste is nothing special But you have something special on your mind Don't you think Chow Wai-On will take this route? Go and check Darkie... Mistress Why you acted before my order? Shadows are found everywhere But they're not our men Go and check carefully. Watch out for the money box Yes What a troubled world it is Thieves'd watch out for other thieves, damn it What is he singing? He is barbarian. He is humming barbarian song I'll dig your eyes out So you can't see I'll peel off your skin, so you can't wear I'll chop your head off, so you can't live He is even crueler than the East Chamber Forget it We'll leave right after the rain stops Who was killed by the thunder? We are all here Good job! Kill your tribe Thank god Where are Siu Hing and Chau Biu? Go to find them Footprints will be easily left when raining The rain is so heavy, we can't' leave Neither can they Right Look at the sword under the lamp after drunk... When can we live in peace? How long we still need to wait Anxiety won't help. It depends on the weather I can't wait any more Lower your voice When the eunuches come to fight We'll be besieged Ho, I didn't pay you a penny less There are rules that we all should follow Miss Yau, my buddies and l ... Make money by risking our lives To save these two kids... We've missed many business opportunity Now the government knows who we are Damn, we've given all we have to be a good guy Well, I'll pay your loss Sir, did you sleep well? Bull shit Have a seat Shun, clean the tables and chairs Yes Waiter, serve us the food Coming Still no news from Chow Biu and Siu Tong? It's strange! We can't even find their bodies There must be something wrong Shun, give them some bread Mistress, we don't want bread Give us a roasted lamb Roasted lamb You have roasted lamb here? Yes Most are fat lambs! We just killed last night Give us two Two? Ok, coming... The fight last night was tiring enough Now again in the morning Go ang get the weapons You are good looking From your forehead There is florid I can tell you're having good luck Thank you, hope your fortune telling comes true If you don't mind, can I see your hands? Sure From your influence line You were a government officer 2 years ago Did small business What're you working now? Anywhere! When there is rough road, I'd make it flat When there is tree blocking the road, I'd remove it That's why your influence line isn't that smooth I don't have the luck to be gov't official but I think you have Why? In such a desert ordinary people won't wear officer's boots A big event happened in town Whether you know it or not What was it? The Secretary of the Military Dept., Yang, was killed His corpse was hanged and his whole family was killed too Pal, do you know who did it? I don't know I don't know Really? So hot Sir..... oh,no... Mister Can you tell if he is fated to attract women? Yes! His eyes attract female They're the gang who killed Yang ruthless weird bastards It's hot, let it cool down Mistress This is for the broken table, buy a new one I don't think it's enough Serve us the food! We're starving! Pal, you are a man of righteousness and guts May know your name? I'm a wanderer, name is meaningless to me Let's cheers for this nameless world OK! I'll drink this wine with you! Cheers! Please Here's the roasted lamb Mistress, how about our lamb? lt'd be roasted one by one But we come first Make it half then Dao Cut the lamb into half How? Straight or cross? As you like, just make it half I wonder what relationship Chow has with this inn? Let's arrest them Maybe we can't make it. Let's probe for them tonight Bravo! The rain has stopped! We may go now You're so panic, they'lll discover it easily Now it draws their attention We are not clear about the situation outside Besides, we have two kids and we can't' run fast Secret passage must be found in this wicked inn Let's search it tonight It was dangerous! If haven't fixed the mess, there'll be a fight causing great damage No, some hocus is put! Drink this Tonight, we...... What shall we do tonight? What? You are all fools! This wicked inn must has secret passage We have to investigate tonight Our location is in the middle How about the rooms on the second floor? Ho Fu, Iron, you two'll attack from both sides Check every inch of it Attention! Cha' s room is at the comer and has just one door Okay, let me do it Mr. Chow Jade, why do you come here in the middle of the night? Why do you come here then? Stop bothering my business This is my inn Who'll be responsible if someone gets killed here? But many people were killed in this inn before I tell you, I know your story very well Don't push me to make a dead set at you Who are you? Officers and thieves have their own ways Let's not bother each other But I'd ask your help How? You saw the kids. Those people are kidnappers That's none of my business $1000 taels, deal or not? To kill him? No, just delay them, make them stay one more night And leave everything with me. What do you think? Fantastic Promised? Don't scare the kids OK, sleep on the bed Uncle, where is uncle Chow? It's fine It's fine Kiddo It's cold outside. Why do you still go out so late? Here is too hot But I don't feel cold We can't find the secret passage The longer we stay, the more dangerous we'll be We can't wait Let's take a risk! Go! Ho Hu, Iron, I'll stop the enemies with Mo-yan Just take the kids away We'll meet at the Dragon Gate Wai-on, cover them Leave the inn to me Mo-yan Chun Miss Yau Chun, don't worry We'll protect you Thanks Mo-yan Wai-on, I'll leave the kids to you Wait Give it to me Don't waste time in fighting If they go, just tail them Yes I think the fire is coming Pack up now We have to move Why do you shut the door? No business today? Shut the door! Our savior comes What a windy day! Watch out!' Don't let them escape Thank god You bring us peace Even the fire will be extinguished There is sand-storm outside What peace do you mean? Where is the fire? Here! Here! Where is it? Here Where is the fire? Damn it! Can you see the fire? I want them to show up Who? What's wrong? Rebel? Who are you? Why do you bring so many weapons? For business Trade with knives? Sir, we are businessmen In this troubled world, we need to protect ourselves You look familiar Who are you? I'm talking to you It seems we don't have to do anything Just wait and see Where are you from? Are you the general guarding the border? How dare you talk to me like this? We are... Secret agents from the East Chamber This is our identity proof Don't disclose our identity Our identity proof Damn it We become thieves in return Where are you going to? Going out of the border Don't you know the gate is closed? No one can get out without the order From the President of the East Chamber You look like the wanted criminal Chow Wai-on You look almost the same I don't think so Look! There is mole on the man's' face But he hasn't But I don'remember't there's' any mole Yes, look at that guy. He came with a mole on his head But now, it disappears I also suspect them They seem to be the men we want Take them to the Capital to get merit You lucky guy, I'll leave this good job for you But you must pay me back sometime Sure You, come over here What are you looking? The one with mole on the forehead Yes, it's you Come over here You are just like a thief And you're a businessman? You can never cheat me Be carefull It may be a trick. Don't get angry Damn it! I don't like you at first sight Take them all to the camp Yes Go They are all here This general can't control them, be alert Three taels, give me wine Sir The reward from the government is just $1000 taels See, these cheques cost $1,000 taels each I'm a reasonable man There is trouble in the frontier, even birds can't fly through it You'd better stay few more days When the order is cancelled, I'll let you go Thank you, sir Stop it Chow Wai-on disappeared Lu Siu Chuen Eunuch Cha, it seems he was here Dao, the stuff is here You've stared at me so long It is the first time Mistress Go He came from the secret passage If you are willing to stare at me because of the passage How about I open all the passages So you can stare at me for the rest of your life You're in this business for such a long time You should know what I want You also know what I want Ill offer $1,000 taels for a road to leave the country $1,000 taels? If I want $1,000 taels, I wouldn't have added the... So, you don't want the money Of course I want it want not only the money but you, too Are you scared? Hero always goes with beauty Such a beautiful thing No man can refuse But on one condition I want a formal wedding So? Are you scared? Forget it! I just want to have one night stand I'm a righteous man A one night stand may bring me a notorious name OK, let's have formal wedding I'll take this as present Give it back to me Come on, go ahead Move your hand downward, then we'll save the wedding Come on I'll take it back in our wedding Your Excellency, we'll be at Dragon Gate soon Why is it a formal wedding? Jade's secret passage is the only way out Only you believe her I don't trust that bitch I can deal with you So why can't trust her? Draon Inn is a place to exchange for benefits It has its own way to survive in a desert I want Cha to be the witness of the wedding so as to hinder their act Then I'll force Jade to tell me where the secret passage is When You see put the candle on the sill You smash the cups and act together Mo-yan'll take the kids to Jade's room Then we'll escort Jade to lead us out of here Mo-yan, there is no righteousness in politics Do you understand? How can a man come out after entering the bride's room? You're right I won't give up my plan because of a woman Just follow his instruction Even Miss Yau can't understand you The more confusd we are, the easier it goes Dragon Inn I don't want to see the sunrise here How is it going on outside? The setting is almost complete Did the old man promise? There won't be any problem! Of course! Only if you stay...... The old man will promise anything How can I be the witness of the wedding? If it's not your reminder on the other day I can never marry Jade You deserve it Right, their parents are not here And you are old enough You're that honorable Okay, I'll do it Congratulations Thank you I treat you to drink wine Let's get drunk! Enjoy yourselves Your fellows don't seem to be happy Give a speech I've been a homeless businessman for years I'm so glad to be a match maker in a desert I really feel honored Why are you standing here? Today is their happy wedding Why don't you congratulate them? Smile Excuse me for being nosy It's hard to find a good man Once you get one Keep him by all means Right! What an ideal couple Wolf and tiger are a perfect match Great! Have my toast Don't get drunk on this big day But it's a big day! We should get drunk Don't drink any wine that is not ours It may be poisoned OK! I'll drink with you Fine Great! Go to the bride's room, don't let them delay us Go to bed so early? We want to play with the couples If you can defeat me, I'll let you do it OK! Come on Today is a big day, no weapons Let's compete in drinking Give us wine Sir, we won't lose as we have more people Right! We've more men. We are having advantages Water is filled into these 2 pots. You won't get drunk No worry Let's make it five What are you doing? You've tried all sorts of men. Stop pretending! I just do it for you Let's have a good chat You aren't impotent, are you? I can't wait Mr Ngai, there's still the 5th bowl Tell me the secret passage No hurry Do you have weapons on your wedding? Where is my flute? Leader, cheers Ok! let's finish a pot each Useless! Get lost Come on Be careful Come on I have brought some fruits for you Thank you Thank you Isn't it delicious? The moon is beautiful tonight Sister, tell me why...... it's not tha same moon as in our hometown? Mon said the moon is always more beautiful in hometown So this is less beautiful than the one in our hometown But, we have no home now! We can see the moon here safely It's the mercy of God indeed How do you find this place? It's great! And you are so kind to treat us fruit! Come and eat together Chung-wai, Siu-chuen We have to mark them one by one Watch them and be careful Think some ways to send me out Sure But not tonight This is the only chance, I must go I tell you, once stepping in my room You have to listen to me I say yes, then yes Jade, please help me I'll marry you when I return So we won't owe each other Haven't you fooled me enough? Sir, the President's army will arrive soon Miss Yau, this isn't water, but wine Forget me, just watch out for the signal They seem to be serious I think so Cut the crap! We've bet our lives on it You might be considered as smart. Watch carefully Np pissing There is a secret passage in Jade's room Chow'll leave through it tonight I know there is a plot No one can leave here Eunuch Cha, why not use tricks to see the condition? What do you think? Tricks? OK Where is the secret passage? In my body It's not hard to search Try it Mistress, excuse me Who is it? It's Cha Ting! Open up, please What's the matter? My servant is hurt Do you have any medicine? What's up? My servant's head is hurt Do you have any medicine? Today is my big day. What's that urgent? Give me the medicine Come over here, this way Let's talk What's up See where you can go Why do you act in such a hurry? Let's take action after this night Don't ruin my wedding But I'm afraid you ruin my plan What does that mean? know Chow is planning to leave through your secret passage He gives me much money and accompanies me What can you pay? Give me a price $100,000 taels Money doesn't count. Only your co-operation counts Give me the money, I'll give you the man Be careful that you'll lose both money and man You're back 2 more injured? I tell you, you've to pay for my medicine Have you finished your business? But our affair is not ended You can't go Mr. Ho, why don't you drink? Come on! Have some more wine Get lost! I want to piss What a coincidence! want to piss, too Then you go first The candle is blown off Bitch What's the matter? This is not our signal He forgot his duty Damn it Weapons are just for protection. It's OK Let's keep on drinking These bastards are well prepared We must fight anyway. Come on! I'll help you Take the weapon Go with the kids OK Don't be cheated Our target is Chow Wai-on Shall we wait for Chow? No! We must now make away from Dragon Gate Get up! Let's go! Where is Uncle Chow? Don't ask! Hurry up! Stop bothering me! I don't believe can't capture you Stop him! I won't let you go Jade, you're the dog of the East Chamber Chow Wai-on Damn you Rubbish of the government Chow, you've disclosed your identity Darkie Darkie Who told you to take action? We didn't, that old man. The old bastard? Darkie Damn you Jade, we've paid you Save it for you to buy coffin There is a sand-storm ahead It isn't sand storm Someone is riding a horse Coming so quickly Let's go separately, we'll join later OK It's Tsao's black Flag Arrow Troop I'm your man Iron, Ho Fu Yuk Ying, Yuk Bo Sister, I am here Where is Yuk Bo? Sister Don't be afraid, I will take you away Are you mad? Siu Chuen I'll take your skin off! Sister Mo-yan Mo-yan, hold it Tsao Siu Yan Tsao Siu Yan? Mo-yan She's fainted, it's useless to call Take her to my room, hurry! Dao Tell the general I'm in trouble, go! The medicine No matter what happened We could always escape from danger But it's an ever changing world We can't tell if we can escape this time Mo-yan Wai-on, I should not suspect you That flute I didn't mean to give it to jade I really don't know... You'd be so upset Luckily I can explain to you People said: love is not secured in a messy world Actually, love is more valuable in such a troubled world You can't get the flute back It's nothing Nothing is more important than our love Damn it Snob, why didn't you leave? This is my inn. Why should I leave? I've nearly forgotten You're like this desert Cold and heartless You're also people of this desert, only care about yourselves You don't care about others So you open this inn? You travellers, leave whenever you reach your aim So we're just the same Cold and heartless? Dao Are the helpers coming? The general refused to come They are all heartless beasts! After killing the eunuches I'll be back and teach them a good lesson Why do you come back? Who knows finally the man staying behind with me is a barbarian They are attacking in! Chow, follow Dao to leave the inn from the secret passage Hurry up! Damn it! I'll do it Go! Your flute I don't want anything that is given out of pity Your Excellency, the inn is surrounded Mo-yan, go down first Hold my hand Go! Go! There are people behind the hill Chase.. Chase to hell! I'll stop him Jade, take the kids away Wait for me at the Dragon Gate Don't hesitate! Block his way Get lost! 'll send you and Yang's Army to hell No one dares to challenge my kingdom We're on the same side But you're alone Damn it! You'll be defeated! Come on! Eunuch! Shit! We're trapped inside the drift sand What should we do? We can't move It's your end Get up! Mo-yan Mo-yan You wait! I'W hack him for you Damned eunuch Don't block my way! Mo-yan Mo-yan Bastard! I will kill you Be careful Chow, hold on! You have to take the kids out of here I'm the most powerful man in the world You choose the road to hell Don't entangle! Oh, my leg! My hand! Where else can you go? Get out! Wonder Sword Push me over there! Chow, can you hear me? Mo-yan Mo-yan Mo-yan Will you come back to Dragon Inn? When other quests come You may have already forgotten me I can't face the desert as brave as you I'm leaving now Dragon Inn Give me wine Let's leave this heartless place. Go! To chase Chow 清水湾录音室 效果邝伟雄 数码电影制作经理冯子昌 区兴昌 梁耀基
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Id: W2Vpaaog7gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 18sec (5898 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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