New Downtown Los Angeles Tour w/ Brigham Yen

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- A walking tour of new Downtown Los Angeles. I'm Chris, this is Yellow Productions, I do travel guides that are fun, informative, entertaining and on this video I'm joined by special guest Brigham Yen he's been involved in Downtown Los Angeles since 2004 he blogs about Downtown LA and I have not met anybody who loves Downtown Los Angeles more than Brigham so I'm super excited for this walk today. - Thank you Chris, thanks for having me on your show I'm so excited about showing you the new Downtown LA there's so many things that have happened if you haven't been here in the last five years we're gonna see all the new hotels, the retail, we're gonna take a tour down Broadway, come Downtown. If you haven't been here, you're gonna love the new changes that have happened. - So we're gonna start our walking tour at the intersection of 8th and Grand at Joes Public Parking right here it's right next to CVS, why are we starting here well it's because I drove to come to DT LA and Brigham said Chris you should park there it's six dollars all day on weekends and I've been to Downtown LA a number of times but this is the first time I've found such a cheap parking lot. And we're gonna go this way, because there's a Whole Foods right here and this is why we're starting right here this is like a great part of LA to start in but well you're gonna walk with us this way over to Wholefoods and so Brigham, why are we starting here at Whole Foods? - Whole Foods is the anchor here in the Southern part of the Financial District it's a wonderful kind of representation of the new Downtown LA. It's a really, obviously, great market and for the longest time, I think, we here in Downtown thought we couldn't get it and to get Whole Foods to actually open up here was a huge statement and I hear right now it's one of the highest-grossing Whole Foods in all of LA. - Yeah, that's really cool. - We are gonna head down to 8th Street and we're gonna check out one of the coolest new hotels - Alright! In Downtown LA Let's check it out. - Called the Free hand hotel. 8th Street is one of my favorite streets in Downtown LA it's got so much history and beautiful architecture. One of my favorite buildings in Downtown LA are some of these smaller ones here where the Hotel Bristol is and the Golden Gopher it's got Victorian elements to it and to me it kind of reminds me a little bit of San Francisco even. Next door is this beautiful art deco building the Garfield building, there's so much history on this street. - So what do we have across from the Hotel Bristol we have this Freehand Hotel right? - We have the Freehand hotel, this is actually one of my favorite buildings in Downtown LA, it has one of the tallest neon signs in Los Angeles the Commercial Exchange building here. - (Chris) It's probably no longer the Commercial Exchange building is it. - It isn't but it was actually an office building before it was a hotel this was back in the day this building was built in 1926 one of the most famous tenants here was Edgar Burroughs who's the author of Tarzan. - Cool! And so what's cool about the Freehand hotel? - The Freehand is trendy, it's a hostel for those looking for maybe a little bit more less expensive option to stay in Downtown LA this is an option that they can choose it's a hostel but it actually has hotel rooms too so it's not all just hostels. - (Chris) An upscale hostel, let's check it out. - Come into the lobby and make a left, go up the historic elevators to one of the coolest rooftop bars in Downtown LA, the Broken Shaker. And it's got a pool and it's got this awesome theme going on here it's like basically like Tiki here right? Mid-century Tiki. And people really don't even know that it's here it's one of the coolest secrets about Downtown LA is that you can go up this elevator and be in this completely different place that, you know, really is just awesome to be here. - So I think is most interesting about this place is you wouldn't know this place was here unless you knew this place was here. That's so cool about walking around with Brigham it's like he knows these things cos he lives here, but you saw the door, 8th, just come in the door, go up that elevator, this rooftop bar is kinda like Tiki-ish and it's like it's this super-neat vibe cos you see the views of all the high-rise buildings around and you can get some neat pictures of the view down below from up here as well. So just walking out of the Freehand Hotel there's three new eating places around here, one that I really like is Shake Shack on the corner, but there's two other ones over here too. - You got Paris Baguette and Sweetgreen what's really exciting about all of this is less than a year ago, if you were walking down 8th Street there would have been nothing here because this basically is brand new both of these, or actually all three of these restaurants opened up within the last year. Just across the street from Shake Shack at 8th and Hill is this enormous historic building once called the Hamburger Department store it's this beautiful, terracotta structure that's 1.1 million square feet, it's gimungous, this is gonna be the next big thing in Downtown LA the developer is planning to convert it to retail, office, restaurants, hotel, a giant rooftop park and this is gonna be finished somewhere around like 2021/22 so when you're in Downtown LA in the future be sure to check this out. - So we're just rounding the corner from the Hamburger Department store and we are on Broadway now. Brigham, tell us a little bit about Broadway. - Broadway is pretty much the most magnificent street in Los Angeles it's got the most rich history in all of Southern California I mean this was the highstreet of Los Angeles at one point, every single major retailer had a flagship presence here on Broadway. It has the most historic movie palaces of any street in America. There are 12 historic movie palaces on Broadway. - Yeah and speaking of these movie palaces and I've always thought they're cool and if we look down this way the Rialto here you know when I came here before a lot of these movie palaces they were just rundown and kind of decrepit and so it's actually great to see a lot of them being rehabilitated, some of them as theaters, the other ones that couldn't be rehabilitated as theaters coming back as stores. But Brigham what's happening to this one back here? - So this is really really exciting this is gonna be the new Apple flagship store for Los Angeles this is the Tower theater it's one of those original 12 movie palaces that are on Broadway but because of all the disrepair that's happened in the last several decades before it was really used Apple has leased the entire building and it's so exciting that it's gonna be the new Apple store. - Apple store is coming to Downtown LA. - Absolutely yeah, yeah. - Do we know when like tomorrow should I get in line to get my new Iphone. - Probably next year. I mean it's got a lot of work that's needed. - Yeah, and I'm glad I did not get run over by that bus. Alright, where we heading to now Brigham? - We're gonna head to the Harold Examiner Building down the street here, and while we're walking I wanna point out some of the cool things happening on Broadway so, - Okay! there's been a lot of retailers that have now opened up here on Broadway such as Mykita from Germany, Theory, the global flagship store for Acne Studios, you have Aesop and Paul Smith just rented a space here, and what that says is Downtown LA is really on the map now these brands are very exclusive, many of them would have opened up only on the West side of Los Angeles at one point but now Downtown LA is a major player and it's actually a place people wanna do business now. - Yeah that's pretty cool, do business and I also see like this is new in Downtown LA and like eat outside too I mean take a look at these like tables and chairs that are out here. How long have these things been here? - This has been here for a while, it's basically they're called pedestrian plazas and it was really modeled after New York city, yeah. - Pretty cool. So before we move on something that I find really interesting about Downtown LA and what makes it pretty unique is that like, all these stores, and this German store Brigham was just talking about like, it's not in a shopping mall, in a cheap strip mall, it's in these like amazing grand buildings of times of old. Brigham, what is this building? - This is the Eastern Columbia Building built in 1930 it's one of the most beautiful buildings in Los Angeles it's this beautiful art deco edifice here with this amazing sun burst here you can see the gold relief here and this is one of the other reasons why I love Downtown LA it's just filled with just amazing architecture like this that you're not gonna find anywhere else in the region. And so this whole building was a department store at one point and it was converted to high-end condos and one of its most famous residents here was Johnny Depp he owned four penthouses up on the top of this building with amazing views. If you google Johnny Depp in Eastern Columbia you'll be able to see inside of what these units used to look like. - Wow that's cool, yeah and when you said there's no other place to find building like this when I look at this I think it comes from like the Wizard of Oz so if you're not in Downtown LA maybe check out, Oz? Alright so just down the street from that green building is this brown building right here it's got this sign that says United Artists which I think is like a movie theater chain, is there a movie theater in there Brigham? - It's not a movie theater it's a movie palace and this is one of the original movie palaces that we were talking about earlier and Ace Hotel came in and converted it into a hotel in 2013 and it has one of the coolest rooftop bars in Downtown LA just called Upstairs. And many people here in Los Angeles really attribute all the exciting changes to Broadway because Ace Hotel came here and it became the solid anchor and brought in so many new businesses to the area. - (Chris) So when did Ace Hotel open? - (Brigham) 2013. - 2013 and so if you wanna go into that rooftop bar there's this little random door that says hotel it doesn't actually look that welcoming but you go in there and you can walk through the hotel restaurant you take the elevator up to the roof, which is all the way up there, and then there's this like really neat rooftop bar, a rooftop swimming pool, and there's some pretty epic views of Downtown LA up there. This is another one of those places that if you didn't know, you wouldn't know. But now you know Brigham, and so now you know. So just a couple of blocks from the Ace Hotel now we're leaving what's known as the historic core and we're kind of on the border between the Fashion District and South Park and so Brigham tell us about what we see here. - Well Chris this is kind of like what you would have seen in Downtown LA kind of all over the place this is what most people think of when they think of Downtown LA. So at one point when we were standing by Whole Foods this is what it would've - Where we started By Whole Foods right yeah? - Yeah this is what it would've been like - Just like five or six years ago right? - Five or six years ago it would've been dead not a single person on the street, tumbleweeds blowing by - You missed the tumbleweed it just flew by here. - (laughs) And then now look at it where we were standing before, Whole Foods, the whole area is just vibrant and reactivated and so this part of Downtown LA is kind of the next up-and-coming area we're standing across the street from the Herald Examiner Building designed by one of the most famous female architects in American History, Julia Morgan, you might have known her as the architect who designed the Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. And this is one of her best, prime examples of her work it's beautiful, I actually think it looks like something out of Star Wars especially from the air I mean you can't really tell right now but the roof really looks like something out of the movies. They're, right now, currently changing it into the new Arizona State University campus and it's gonna be filled with students in about a couple of years. - So we're walking our way through South Park on the way to the Financial District and we had to get this scene for those who of you who watch this channel a lot know I love hamburgers and Brigham do you know anything about this place? - I don't know much about it but this mural always stands out when I do walk past this place. - And I think like this is just about the character of Downtown LA like graffiti art, things like that and there's a ton of it throughout Downtown LA. Walking over to the financial district and what do we have here we have a Target. Brigham what is this a Target in Downtown LA. - Yes this Target is actually a really huge deal for us in Downtown because when it first opened back in like 2012 it was like one of the only places we can get anything in Downtown because prior to Target opening if you had to buy anything you had to leave Downtown so it's such a huge deal and it's part of this really cool shopping complex called FiGat7th. - So Brigham how long have you lived here in Downtown LA? - I've lived here, well I moved here first in 2005 when all of this revitalization was first starting and I did do a little stint in Pasadena but on and off I've been here for over ten years. - Wow very cool, what do you like best about living in Downtown LA? - I love Downtown LA for its walkability it's like nowhere else in Los Angeles. Every else in LA you have to get in your car to do everything to mail a letter, to go to the store, buy something in Downtown LA I feel like it's so cool, so special, because our experience living here is very much like what somebody in New York would be like, or Tokyo, you're walking. You're walking to your barber, your dentist, your work, getting you chores done, your errands and I love that. I don't have to get in my car for everything here. - So for people who are planning to visit LA how long do you think they should spend in Downtown LA compared to the rest of LA. - I would say you want to spend at least a couple of days here because we do have a bunch of museums like the Broad Museum on Bunker Hill, the MOCA Museum, you have the Walt Disney Concert Hall so all that cultural stuff, you have like the STAPLES Center down in South Park so you know you wanna spend at least a couple of days here in Downtown LA to see all of that and of course being in Downtown it's the hub of the transit system so you can take the train to the beach, the Expo Line to Santa Monica, the Red Line to Hollywood, the Gold Line to Pasadena, the Blue Line to Long Beach all from Downtown LA so you don't even have to rent a car. - And this actually, can you take the subway from here? - Yeah, actually there's a subway station across the street from us, the 7th and Metro subway stop. - Alright, hey but he said he likes walking so let's walk over to our last destination. Alright? - Awesome. - Alright you go that way I'll go this way. Alright so we made it to the Financial District and Brigham saved the best for last, Brigham what is this building behind us? - This is the Wilshire Grand Tower it is the new tallest building on the West coast. Including the spire on top it is 1100 feet tall which makes it taller than the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco. - Sorry we had to pause for the fire engine going by this is the thing about shooting a live video in Downtown Los Angeles but you were just telling us how this is the tallest building on the best coast. - Yeah this is 1100 feet tall so it's basically taller than the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, it's taller than the U.S. Bank Tower here in LA, and on the very top of this tower is the Intercontinental Hotel so it has a really special sky lobby on the 70th floor which makes it one of, I think the tallest hotel lobby in the U.S. - Yeah and I'll say the view up there, it's totally amazing like it's a great view and you might be thinking hey go up to the U.S. Bank Tower they've got the sky sight that costs money and this view from this lobby is totally free and by the way - (Brigham) that's a secret (laughs). - Yeah so we didn't tell you, you didn't hear that from me, or from here, or anywhere, but also if you go up there and if you're a man go check out the men's restroom it has some of the most interesting urinals I've ever seen. I'll just leave for that you have to come, and you have to see it. Hey, well Brigham I really enjoyed this tour with you today. - Awesome thank you so much Chris. - Thanks for showing us around, hey, if people wanna follow you and they wanna find out more about your blogging, your stuff, where should they check you out? - Check out which you'll find our social media on there DTLA Rising on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. - Alright, well we won't say goodbye because we're gonna see you in the next video, one of our other LA videos, or Brigham will see you over at you'll find links in the description below as well.
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 39,246
Rating: 4.8502674 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Travel Guide, Yellow Productions, downtown la, downtown los angeles, new los angeles, new la, new dtla, dtla walking tour, downtown los angeles travel, la, la travel, travel la, los angeles travel, travel los angeles, dtla rising, los angeles (city/town/village), brigham yen, los angeles tour, los angeles walking tour, walking tour los angeles
Id: B714ZKQaXAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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