NEW DLC! Wall World: Deep Threat Ep. 1 on HARD

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hello what it all this is luckless love locks and I am very excited to be playing the wall World deep threat DLC thank you to alawar for the early copy to play with all of you and I'm gonna be on the steam store Page alawar is uh sponsoring me to be on there so hello everyone on Steam the DLC comes out August 9th 2023 there's new biomes relics blueprints enemies bosses and more story or lore if you want to call it that um it suggests so I'm gonna click on play the DLC oh my grandpa spent his whole life searching for the edge of the wall but that search broke him and when I inherited his spider I gradually got obsessed with it myself without even noticing here's some new story that's cool um it suggests that you um complete the game before going into the DLC I completed it on hard so I'm playing on the hard difficulty not the hardest but hard so um this might be pretty tough to begin with at one point I thought I'd made it yes but it turns out I was vying for the wrong price yeah we found like a forest spoiler we found like a forest at the top of the wall however the village was delighted with my find we haven't been able to find any cores for several hundred years and with its help I could set foot beyond the rift where no man has gone before and maybe I'll find the answers there and we yeah we did see that the wall continued up above so cool World deep thread everybody oh it looks like there could be some enemy Robo spiders just looking at this so curious to see how this is gonna play out whoa okay well did the bridge hold up yes I'm already on the other side of the rift how are you aren't you afraid of staying here alone you're kidding I have a whole core at my fingertips she's in the car now okay and the bridge is the most innocuous thing I can do to it how do you know so much about this I'm a tech gal which means what that's right I expect you to bring me new tech Marvels what we found in the core enough for you do you think it's enough well there's always room to grow yeah and I think we're beginning so I have a bunch of upgrades from when I played uh my my um hard play through and we're at 20 minutes looks like there's a new whoa here we go cool oh it's thick pretty thick there's a new shiny thing okay I gotta I gotta get back into into my groove so the first thing you want to do because I'm assuming we're starting with um without like we're starting just like we normally do what is this stuff magnetic homing with the machine gun that's the is that some kind of new currency bullets are drawn to nearby enemies within a short range cool this is explosive casing every bullet has a 30 chance to deal double damage to enemies got boosted repulsors plus three percent movement speed in the mine smash mining when a block is destroyed the adjacent blocks lose 10 of their durability Cascade drill resonator once every five seconds the drill deals five times more damage Robo spider upgrade shock coupling by connecting with a mine releases a shock wave that deals damage and pushes back the nearby enemies so those are all new to the DLC I like to start off with plasma cutter plus five drilling efficiency I don't know if they've made any balance changes or anything I guess we'll find out as we play definitely getting that Drilling makes a big difference in this little thing that you're seeing does give me some additional drilling uh that's from a blueprint upgrade that we got it also gives me some additional movement speed okay this is like very tunnily so I have like yeah I have all of the upgrades from this level of shiny still there which includes like the extra vacuum capacity oh yeah it said I kind of got interrupted it said uh when I switch over to the DLC before that um it's it's a lot more difficult this section so you're going to want to have completed the game already but it seemed like you could just start from the DLC if you wanted to I don't know maybe maybe oh that's new there it is okay we're getting close we're gonna get a time here I don't know what kind of enemies I'm going to be dealing with in here so let's go back luckily I didn't play that long ago so like I've kind of got my uh I've got my um muscle memory still is still fresh so I could get the Repulsor plus 20 movement speed in the mine I definitely want to get plasma cutter two I need four of these so I have four so we just need some of the basic resource [Music] go with machine gun belt plus 25 machine gun fire rate yeah to start with okay let's see and I've got um combat capacitor depth scanner and I have my rocket launcher fully upgraded let's see how tough this is gonna be remember oh God I am playing on hard so it's possible like I might oh and I have the I have the claws too eh oh damn okay and I have the shield is that like a jumping brain all right first new enemy I should have used Q this is a media mindset oh anomalies two that's right I even have the um upgrade that shows me anomalies oh I really dig the pixel art [Music] I know I needed I said I needed to save up this basic resource I I don't know I can't iron I can't remember what I was calling it um to get the mining upgrade but I also wanted to get a bit of a bit of damage thank you so there's um so that jumping brain tactical brain also shot like a big fireballish bullet oh this is getting real thick there's another what do you what do you guys think this is like a a yellow orange Rock of some kind this is a new song too great but at least I don't remember this song We definitely want to pick those up all right this is very amazed like there might be some other openings but we're getting close to needing to go back okay we're full now if you guys have been playing a bunch of this game oh okay there we go I want that [Music] um or if you guys haven't played a bunch of this game there is something you can do when your vacuum's full and I'll I'll show you later on you can kind of suck the resources back As you move and then pick them up again when you're close to the spider which I like to lovingly call Carl k.a.r.l you found the overdrive every 60 seconds it allows you to accelerate for a short time okay let's connect upgrade I think we have enough for plasma cutter two but we do need to mind our weapons because since we're playing on hard we're gonna die pretty fast if the enemies survive long enough they start doing more more damage I could get explosive casing every bullet has a 30 chance to deal double damage enemies you know what this is a new thing maybe we should just get it but or I could save up for this [Music] I think I'm gonna let's just get it let's just get it let's just get it we're we're figuring stuff out right I like to disconnect oops I like to disconnect from the mine so I can move around the only issue is that it'll take a little bit longer oh God they're doing a lot of damage oh they're tough I'm already taking Health damage oh my god oh yeah I should be walking into the let's go let's go let's go oh the only issue is that it then takes uh you have to do this again right you gotta re-enter the mine so if I hit hit shift I could turn it overdrive and get through faster there we go you can see the um the bar for the overdrive at the top now we have additional cutting strength on any of this yet I wonder I wonder in what biome we get that uh that's different isn't it okay this is bigger than I thought it was it is a medium one for those foreign so these are things that you can buy in between runs so we're gonna keep fighting until we die and then we go back and we spend these shinies to unlock stuff that are yeah I have a ton of them I could hold on like a bunch of stuff because I had some from the last run that I did for the hard playthrough this is combat capacitor level four damage plus 30 percent discharge frequency plus 20 cooldown minus 20. so that's this here combat capacity you'll see like some lightning coming out of old Carl there is this the end of the mine looks like it so it is worth it to cut these um because you get those shinies so it's really not it could be a bit of a waste of time because you got to keep moving because you're always at a time constraint as you can see uh either like because another way is Gonna Come or the bosses are gonna be attacking you okay let's go to the next one and we'll check our upgrades I could get this I like to get the um conscious mining get my economy going as quickly as possible resource blocks have a 10 chance to drop one additional resource but you gotta balance these things out you can't just put it all into resource Gathering especially early on show range now I think I'm gonna do it though and hope that I can do some mine okay we've got uh expanding bullets so um our bolts will do 35 damage extra damage let's get in there I can do a bit of mining oh cool oh there's actually a purse here take whatever you want but please get back to where you came from oh usually we would encounter down below computers without people in them say anything else okay I I was so excited I didn't even pay attention to what I picked up we got three of the emeralds and we got four of the one I could never remember the day above it's not it's not but salt it's the other one [Music] another wave coming in look at the side of those bullets might as well do this but we have time but I am gonna oh that's new too got him okay oh there's more down here okay these guys are pretty easy to kill that was a really easy wave okay good I don't mind that at all oh I didn't check to see how big it is size two anomalies all right and we got another one of these [Music] those uh yellow orange gems um I guess I could look up actually maybe I can't look up the names for them right because I've got this before other people it probably there's no names online or anything you should put like a legend in the game that'd be a good suggestion [Music] maybe maybe it does say somewhere in the game and I just never found it I like to come up with my own names anyways one two three four five six okay so they're they're uh they're hexagons right that's six there we go there's one of the anomalies so I guess before the anomaly was um oh oh okay oh that might have been one of the anomalies we got one of those whatever that is it's the other like meta resource um so the this core is one of them that's what that's called and I don't know if the blueprint was the other anomaly or if those things are considered anomalies I guess I got a core a blueprint and one of those so it said two anomalies at the previous one [Music] so this is what I mean you can like drag some of these now I'm gonna take this though and not drag the resources back I call it the Blacklist maneuver because I invented it I probably didn't but I keep just pretending like I did [Music] a uh a breaker generator portable seismic generator every 90 seconds the spider produces a portable generator that can be placed in the mine where it will gradually destroy the blocks in its range not my favorite but who knows maybe they maybe they changed it for this [Music] because I find oh also I should do some upgrades I find that I usually once I upgrade my mining I can destroy the blocks before that really has an impact okay we haven't found another weapon yet you can find additional weapons and you can also upgrade the breaker generator and the overdrive um I don't want to upgrade this or damage on the bullets we could do enhanced bearings I think it's a good idea to upgrade the gun um let's go with compensator bearings and I I really should upgrade the speed though that's going to help us to mine as well and with this three um three of the emeralds we can actually repair once we need to resource 15 HP okay let's go oh there's two of these this time okay they haven't really gotten to us before oh it shoots some of that crap you gotta keep ahead of it I'm gonna let the missile take care of it now um so yeah if you're playing this game for the first time um you're gonna be moving much slower than me aware of that I'm still gonna grab this by the way if you can't pick it up at first just left click and then right click um or like dude do a do like a a a suck spit and then a sack I guess I'll just draw I'll drop this here and it'll it'll work on that yeah do you like a laser shot and then another suck and it kind of resets the sucking so then you can you can suck that sucker up okay it's breaking those two so I think if you're gonna get that it's good to get it early on blueprint because it does have more power early on before you have your mining upgraded induction amplifier uh level four area of effect plus 25 drilling efficiency plus 200 moving speed in the in the mine plus twenty percent the induction amplifier is I think that that laser beam the EC that's uh making me stronger closer to the robo spider peace [Music] I like to make it harder myself and not pause when I sneeze because you know just too good at this game I encourage you guys to do the same let's do some suck uh one of the problems with this yeah you can accidentally like suck it up and then you can't pick up anything you can't you can't do any vacuuming you can pick that thing up and you're dragging it around okay so here's the lockless maneuver kind of see if I can execute it you kind of like there we go move it like back and forth quickly you can kind of keep it going you hold your mouse closer I think we emptied it right yeah um oh what is that I don't like that I just kind of want to kill it these things oh God oh God we're in trouble guys let's let's do some upgrades let's not panic yet [Music] I I want to get the damage and the speed so plus 20 moving speed in the mine we can actually get uh plus 25 movement speed in the line also what is happening with these things are they just are they spreaded so if you if you disconnected you move around a bit um you're gonna be able to avoid some of the shots especially with the level of speed that I have doesn't look like I had to kill those maybe they just block your path large with two anomalies okay oh this is a different biome too oh my God it's thick maybe I come back for this let's grab this too because we don't have like any of the basic Minds to start us off with just gonna feel thick right away bismuth it's bismuth right did I get it right guys not Basalt I always confuse bismuth and basalt there we go that's what this one is now since this is thicker I'm kind of I'm not digging everything I'm kind of digging just some paths to go in to see how like how the line um see if I can find some resources without taking every block see how it's configured too but I definitely want to stay um within this uh laser it's like so I can bind more effectively okay and we got some ball bearings that's what I call them that's what I call the uh the the new resources that I just picked up that one there and we got another um with their core or Relic whatever it's called it's a drone system that auto adrenaline Auto targets enemies will appear next to the robo spider okay we've got another combat thing coming up I could upgrade that because even if I get a different weapon that will remain so right as I might not use the machine gun for much longer I think that's probably a good idea but hold on and I upgraded the exosuit we need one more of the emeralds okay yeah I'm gonna save them then I don't want to get this although if I find emeralds I'm gonna find a bunch of them so maybe it's worth let's get uh Barrel radiator so five shots in a burst reload speed plus 35 percent and minus 35 spread for our drone system and as we go down we can get more drones we can get uh more shots more damage we can get how many drones can you get I guess three anything else I don't think so okay I just use the missile right away it's heat seeking so okay these guys oh no this guy's the worst for the weapons that I have you have to kill these pustules oh the missiles are really good at killing them though oh I got two and one sweet step on him step one and step on him are Shields still use that use the combat capacitor are Shield's holding up though just barely all right and as you're going along it's a good idea to mine the stuff that you're going past right because it's just you're weakening it so it might it doesn't slow you down or anything I'm gonna grab this this we're gonna move it up here okay then I'm gonna move back down here where I was going so I want to go deeper because usually the weapons and stuff are at the end of the mines and I it would be cool to find a new weapon right I said new biomes relics blueprints I wrote this down enemies bosses maybe I don't know if there's more new weapons too didn't say that they'll find that out together I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it through the first boss also I wonder if it'll be a totally different boss from the original game there was I I did read new bosses so actually you can drop down yeah also there's a whole other area here oh there is okay so let's drop this in here it may help now that I'm away from that laser I also think maybe I should uh go to the next cave to see if it's easier to oh yeah let's let's detach from this and just see what the next cave holds for us maybe it'll be an easier one to dig or the uh the green gems actually should log today 554 the emeralds analysis of the black coating so this is how we uncover the story there's the dialogue with our tactical lady friend and also from these like logs and different people that you talk to along the way uh the black Coating in patience has shown it to be Shiva matter okay somehow it never occurred to anyone that if he could split off the xyrex does the enemies that are attacking us on the wall to attack us on the wall there was nothing to stop him from creating even smaller life forms to attack us from within we must warn the hives [Music] even matter so Shiva what's I think that's the first time we've heard about Shiva we should be able to upgrade oh I don't have enough of the basic iron or whatever it is um is there anything else I could spend oh we have five of these now okay so I I could get the magnetic homing maybe I get this just to deal with the boss because I don't know what it's gonna be like I guess I could wait though overdrive is another option two section tank grants an additional overdrive charge but reduces its duration by four seconds smash mining when a block is destroyed the adjacent block moves to 10 of their uh durability let's save it up then and we'll see we'll see uh because the we got well actually I don't know what's gonna happen when the timer expires in the DLC I assume it'll be a boss fight but who knows well the developers know oh oh that's why you need the freaking jumping get around those oh God oh God it's burden me I don't have the jumping oh okay okay okay I see but I can kill them too and they just they go away after okay let's see what this is so this is more like the first mine right I don't need that right now I didn't check the size that's okay now you can see with our upgrades it's like we're destroying these okay I'm gonna go back because with these resources oh there's another hex be able to upgrade or mining again and I can pick this up [Music] um I need a bit more I need two more [Music] that kind of sucks two there we go okay this is almost done I'm gonna bring this up here so it does some work drop it spit it [Music] definitely still learning to be more efficient though with the tools that I have so now we could do plasma cutter plus 25 plasma cutter three plus 25 drilling efficiency I think that's gonna be it because we're out of the iron [Music] I can use my Boost I didn't check the size again thank you that's okay oh nice there's two of those also I didn't see if there was any anomalies I definitely want those we're running out of time so I'm gonna drop this here okay okay okay okay okay okay I'm gonna get I'm gonna get this bullets are drawn to nearby since we don't have another weapon yet and the belt so more um fire rate and oh shoot I can't repair this could be uh this could be it we'll see [Music] oh God that's different okay look at the Homing okay that's sweet oh God drag some crap I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead hahaha okay not bad though 30 minutes for the first run let's let's upgrade see what we could do and get into another run you have a ton of news I can see it in your eyes have you seen something exciting beyond the rift well given your lack of trust in my previous stories I don't even know where to begin remember the horror stories about the others from our childhood oh come off it yep there's a gazillion of them beyond the rift so what do they look like well they're like us but different and they have weird outfits you think we could do something about this Leviathan Jill so there's a different Leviathan that's their cult down below built it looks like I hadn't the Beast came back even angrier maybe it's some other Leviathan no it's definitely the same one it has a wound from the core that's right okay so when we got to the top of the wall we inserted these uh crypto Keys we had to collect five of them and uh the Leviathan came after us there's this big dome that like opened up and shot a laser into the eye of the Leviathan and I think we we yeah we like opened up the eye so that's the wound that he's talking about tough bastard so what now any ideas I can't very well carry the core all over the wall with me well in order to do something about it I need to study it more thoroughly and since you mentioned the core I went through the tech data that you had found there and I think I'd be able to make a spy drone that can quietly follow the Leviathan to its layer that way we can gather more Intel on it and maybe discover some kind of vulnerability thanks okay we're already playing the DLC oh I think I do I guess I select on each run what to play the regular game or the DLC okay interesting and I guess I need to find new blueprints there's probably another set these are the ones from the base game so what do I ever get with all this money um I still don't know if I want to upgrade the jumping aside from being able to jump over those spikes that are in the way I guess I do I'll get so we can hook which allows the spider to make a quick Dash down the wall and we can get turbines which allows us to dash up the wall maybe I'll get these maxed out [Music] it's so it's increasing the travel distance and the cooldown decreasing the cooldown sold 96 090. we don't have any additional Movement we got the vacuum cleaner the plasma drill that's the thing that you see shoots into the mine when we first attach [Music] the outer shell for sure maxed out [Music] and the vacuum cleaner in the drill okay what about some of these other things so we got force field level two let's do that the claws yeah let's get that the armored claws leveled up to you for the amplifier and I saw five thousand I think that's it to jump back into the DLC so wait is it gonna do this every time something 100 sure how this all works out okay okay okay this is our second run in the DLC everybody um it didn't like play The Cinematic like it did before so I'm doing I'm doing the right thing left them a little bit stronger a little bit smarter we got okay yeah we've got the The Hook and the turbines well I don't know about smarter and this this is so much fun um also this in Dome keeper I've really enjoyed playing a ton of with you guys you can see things are a little bit different this time it's a different mine well same same uh starting blocks but a bit of a different configuration it looks like [Music] okay so we got one of our hexes let's go back and we'll do uh I'm used to having the uh the Boost speed boost the last run as always I kind of I kind of gotten into a routine maybe you guys have suggestions on the ways I should I should switch it up that are smarter but I I just go for digging as quickly as possible digging and uh moving speed in the mine that was it right oh no there's more what am I talking about this is probably okay I thought maybe that would be a uh like a room okay let's get this and go back because we're running out of time and that would I'm so slow right now it would sucked to take a bunch of damage on the first wave just getting back late we found a force field umbrella replicator that's new allows you to build towers at the force field on top of the entrances of unoccupied mines either I never got this before or it's new to the DLC the field protects the spider from projectiles until its durability is exhausted the field will have um restore durability by the start of the next battle umbrella maximum five so that's this we can hit B to build stuff I don't think I will right now because I already have a shield that's this blue bar is so we can upgrade uh our movement speed also we'll get conscious mining which increases our chance to drop additional resource ten percent every time we might have block if they have a resource in it already I think it's worth it just go ahead and like charge into these guys the claws are doing work I think oh how tough are these two these dudes holy crap wow that is pretty fast actually okay I could use that to help my movement I I never really upgraded that all the way because I always prioritized just raw movement speed does it just seem more helpful but now that we have um different bosses and stuff that actually blocks us from moving down the wall I think that's a smart investment [Music] I didn't check the size of the line again yes I do yes I do make the same mistakes over and over again until I don't I definitely want these I feel like we're right now we can just vacuum up the resources oh this could be a weapon nope also they could be oh man this this one's really blinding they might change up how they distribute the weapons the DLC before it was like a long Corridor would lead to them okay another blueprint accelerated generator oh seismic generator level three okay that's the thing that's um well do it like setting like pulses out but you can hear every once in a while from the from Carl the Robos fighter so much sure if you do extra damage if you're at the tip of the um the laser I've never really been able to like test it I've never spent the time like timing it out I don't think so might just be a little bit like um this might be in my imagination okay we gotta get back I kind of lost track of time there go luck let's go you fool foreign I think I need some damage so let's nobody else need this I'm getting that first let's do the every bullet 30 chance to do double damage again oh nice and I can get um fire rate okay I think we need this now I'm already taking Health damage oh get them together that's you want to do with the uh with the oops I don't know why I'm hitting e to do that oh it's disconnect from spider that's why um let's do Q it's medium then there's one anomaly so we got the anomaly it was um The Shield thing [Music] okay I'm gonna go to the next one I might regret that but medium and two numbers now I kind of missed that that seismic generator and it was pretty helpful early on [Music] we're looking for the emeralds to upgrade our laser Max but maybe this game maybe maybe with the DLC we have to change things up right like about things differently or maybe I go like up higher and find a biome that drops the emeralds and not just go like one mine at a time I mean to be honest with you I might not actually do better this time than the last time it just based on it's based off of what we get what order we get them in oh blueprint okay and there is another anomaly let's just see if it says one now seismic generator level four once again we don't get that right away or I guess it's gonna say to you right uh we have to we have to get those upgrades in between runs so now it should say zero oh there's the groundbreaker okay or the breaker generator that's the thing that we had before okay we don't have any other guns right now [Music] expanding bullets can't do both of these that's spread though oh I'm gonna get the conscious mining yep and what about these upgrades the force field umbrella replicator so we can lower the cost we can increase the durability of the shields the size is there any kind of offensive capability no just the limit and the size and how strong it is oh God I'm gonna Crush these guys in my claws and I'm gonna shoot up maximize my damage you top of a wave see how he didn't suck it up that time so I had to like left click if you're using a controller I can't remember what it is I started out by using a controller but I find the mouse and keyboard to be much better I'm gonna put this here I didn't check the anomalies see I make the same mistakes over and over again guys don't be like me okay I think that's the end of that oh this is kind of weird oh I couldn't see that foreign drop that over there that's the thing about those things you grab at the vacuum they can help but they can also like slow you down if you start sucking them up and then you can't use your laser okay I think I'm pretty happy I just want to see if there's any additional anomalies still says one [Music] okay did this and well I'm gonna I'm gonna go to the next one we're gonna get a taxi in anyways because this might be just like one of these smaller more caves let's upgrade I think I'm gonna watch um the compensator now let's go Repulsor so we're faster in the mine and we're at 10 minutes until the Leviathan comes back and I got burnt yeah this doesn't seem to be going as well or acided I don't know what that is that's the last one eh holy crap these things are tough oh my it occurred to me I'm not gonna go in there it occurred to me for a second there that maybe I was going um I'd hit it in the brain or something so this does say one anomaly [Music] are you a real outer this encounter is the only reason I chose this job tell me about your people how did you manage to survive on the wall do you have any records at the time before the Escape maybe something on the early settlement period of the wall you have so many gaps in our knowledge of that era please tell me you know something nope sorry okay we need more of the the iron X [Music] see what this one has to offer that said anomaly one it says dude the basic one uh uh okay I guess I need to dig down it's like that hole's weird huh I thought it was like uh what foreign even though you're carrying it I haven't really noticed that's the case let me let me know if you guys notice that okay I'm gonna grab these [Music] I'm gonna place this here so it's gonna continue digging [Music] let's go back and I just want to see like when I pick this up it's gonna say anomalies one right a resource radar once you're once every suit emits a pulse that briefly highlights resources in a small radius [Music] there we go uh plasma cutter three [Music] and I have three of these I can actually upgrade that I can't build any right now so I should definitely build some for the boss two other one missiles up staying away from the shots oh God I gotta aim ahead aim ahead like this they're moving with me too huh they're an enemy down here I guess it died okay I know there is more to get down below oh this is a small one okay zero anomalies on this one let's just quickly do this and then we'll go back down I'm really curious to see like I like I said I don't have a lot of experience with that anomalies upgrade does it literally mean they're like what is it considered anomaly and what doesn't it is it just anything diff anything special did the blueprints come out yeah this just has nothing okay let's save up um was there was there an empty mine down here did I go buy one that one has one okay let's go went all through up here I'll drop this one down here we'll pick this one up that's that resource uh scanner thing I don't know if it's worth the time to even go down here keep moving it around there's a lot of those hexes there you go there's the other one depth scanner level three collects information on the number of resources in the Mayan that uh the spider is connected to that's really cool okay so I think I'm gonna go back down with this one might be more to pick up down there see if we can get a weapon or just something else [Music] those guys do a lot of damage oh God okay they changed the way those guys work oh we had trouble guys oh God oh God they're gonna munch on me let's go expanding bullets okay yeah you have to kill those pustules on them and the missile without like something that's exploding it's really freaking hard oh man I might have to change some tactics give me some give me some green good Expedition log day 637 the spiders have returned from the third Expedition they claim to have encountered a mining spider the driver introduced himself as l e and said he was from a settlement Far Below on the wall in order to avoid infection they forbade him to climb higher but the encounter itself is shocking is it possible that our ancestors were not the only ones from the ark to survive but how did they survive all these centuries being on the surface we've got three minutes and 36 seconds left I think I'm gonna have to uh do a repair for sure and I think I'm gonna have to build these shields on a spot the problem is is it's like it's not that good for the for the cost three though I just gotta remember to save up do I upgrade them radar highlights objects in the mines of different colors oh cool relics orange Blueprints and schematics purple I can't quite read that essentially exit see if that goes away there we go uh blueprints this guy's purple resources green or you can go back to the magnetic homing I think magnetic homing oh and I can get the uh get that pick get some well that's new still here EDM um I love one thing I love about these games is just the discovery like finding something new is always fun got those orange oh there we go okay I need as many of those as possible so I can repair unfortunately this is pretty heavy thank you also different blocks have different densities like that one's more dense than this okay oh man I might need to go to another mine because it's just like slow oh at least we have that detector oh I got stuck I can like jump over oh there's the clouds okay now we know guys that works the same there's gonna be cloud cover and then there's going to be different biomes down below oh that's actually hurting me I guess that makes sense right there's spikes okay let's just check what this is because we're getting ready for the boss now I won't buy it then thank you nice okay we're still getting supported Carl there I'm digging the new music okay oh my God I was looking at the bar and I wasn't looking at uh that timer okay first of all let's build the force field umbrella uh shoot I've upgraded it first oh no that's shot coupling when connecting with Mine released Shockwave that deals damage and pushes back the nearby enemies oh that's neat I didn't I didn't really uh I didn't really absorb that when I read it before excuse me I thought that was the umbrella that we were upgrading oh these are the umbrella okay [Music] um we've got seven I say I do everything I can to survive so let's um do I could just keep entering into this underneath the umbrella and sending the the enemies away I assume I can shoot through this I think I'm gonna get these the density and the size um see I could get this which increases uh efficiency of all Repairs by five percent that's gonna leave me with um 11. nine three nine I think bath [Music] so it's it's it makes more sense for me to use so it's gonna cost five that's one repair one one in a bit almost two I think it makes more sense for me to just do the repair okay maybe it would have been worth it um anything else okay I can get fire rate or damage let's go damage because it's more expensive and I already built the thing I don't know how this is gonna work I'm gonna go out of the way just in case okay oh God I'm gonna focus on the eye uh oh I see I see okay so that's showing you what oh it's already dead [Music] so it's gonna drag down okay gotcha so it's gonna drag up I don't think there's much I could do about that we want to get it we want to force it down not in the middle so maybe I couldn't really see if I jumped out of the way of it nope okay maybe that was good yeah oh I love that this is it's so much more useful much oh my God it's tough also don't forget I'm playing on hard [Applause] okay doesn't look like that's just staying on the ground like the other yes please [Music] let's go down um shoot what do I want to do what do I want to do there was um there's a higher level mine that I kind of just ignored right probably some other game that I'm playing you guys ever played multiple games and you just like keep getting the controls confused oh I like the backgrounds I'm so like absorbing the gameplay I didn't notice the new backgrounds okay this is this is gonna be tough but this is the ball bearing one right which we definitely want I think that's the next isn't that the next um digging upgrade [Music] wait to see yeah it is [Music] and of course we have this I'm just gonna bring it because it could help us what we're doing here drone system okay you got that before it's gonna help in our fights see where the resources are I think I'm gonna upgrade the resource detector I think that could be really helpful especially like the earlier we get it because we can focus a little bit more need to get that mining upgraded I'm just gonna mine around okay we gotta go back around the seismic generator thing will fall down I still need more of the basic one okay I think I will save up maybe I upgrade the breaker generator though for now plus 50 damage for five is like pretty good that'll help us um and I'll get the multi detector I think energy barrier for the Drone system energy barrier forms around the spider shielding it from enemy missiles rocket launcher every 10 seconds the Drone will fire a Rocket Man the Drone seems really good I'm gonna get this multi detector okay this is not so bad so far yeah I would highly recommend completing the game before doing the DLC it seems pretty tough uh although I am on Hard so maybe maybe on normal you can just jump into the DLC do you have to complete the game once though to be able to do it that I'm not sure of okay let me drop that there let's go down around with it okay so there was a there's a non oh it's a different colors for resources and non-resources different different color for anomalies maybe it's like Advanced non-advanced resources aha there's one anomaly what's this thing that's going to be for whatever like advanced blueprints oh it's green I know I read them before but I don't honestly don't remember blue is just the crappy iron it's not crap you want to talk about you need it all the way through didn't call it crappy I take it back God so slow you should probably dig out that area and maybe we should go up just to see what's there but I think I still need to upgrade mining three more yeah see the same thing happened what's up Bill worthy Shields oh God okay that thing does a ton of damage that that um I think it has the bugs around it these ones you can like run through easily you can't just shoot anywhere with oops I Did It Again guys you can't just shoot anywhere with that you do have to shoot at the enemy thank you okay I'm just going to drop this up here that's way down as it breaks stuff I need a few more of the of the iron there we go that's oh man I could have luckless maneuvered those back now I can upgrade our Drilling this should go a lot better good so now we're looking for that stuff [Music] I want it on cool okay 13 minutes I feel like like I just want to make progress every time so I'm kind of already happy with what we've done we beat we beat the first Leviathan oh this this generator went away I brought the other one green the green is the the better resource I don't see what's over here often the entrances to the next area or like in Corners like that God it's taking forever to get through this and I'm pretty slow maybe I should go to another um cave because oh God get under there fuckless you fool that's the shield score buddy okay it's doing work okay now I gotta move foreign I kind of want to see what's up above so I don't like I know like I'm probably gonna die in the clouds still an anomaly here but I do kind of want to see what's above can I miss oh there's all this okay let's do this too [Music] um okay no no anomalies maybe that's maybe just didn't count it down oh didn't decrease it by one when I picked a pill okay or maybe I'm I missed like a wall is there invisible walls oh this is the okay yeah yeah this is the one with the green the emeralds I think it's worth mining more of this then because I could survive a little bit longer I know I'm totally like changing my mind but we're you know we're figuring stuff out guys also this is not this isn't so bad to dig now maybe I should maybe I should go through this before going through the the clouds even though I don't know how much longer I'm gonna survive get in you fool I don't like you oh they're killing me oh my God I'm so dead jump I forgot about the jump I had one right there whoops they're so tough I could jump to you fools did I just crush them I don't want to go too high up oh my God they're so tough there doesn't seem to be a lot more game play now this is for fun [Music] oh man it's more it's a lot more dynamic so I need as many greens as possible just so I can fake it well the sizing thing is working down below I could I could work on this I just need a pulse so I can see where the stuff is there's some foreign get anything there I meant to Resource pulse I don't think there's anything here because it's not it's not showing me anything [Music] wait is this a different place this is a different cave isn't it yeah whoops yeah I don't want that green there's three there's some more you know oh nice blueprint combat capacitor level five I don't know why I was whistling there damage was 30 discharge frequency plus 20 cooldown minus 20. if seven minutes left until the next Leviathan all right guys it's not the next one it's the same Leviathan just a more powerful version oh God I got stuck I have seven of these I should be uh getting these upgrades huh wave frequency with the breaker generator [Music] I think I'll get the smash mining when a block isn't straight the adjacent blocks is 10 of their durability and I definitely want to um so I have three so this is it like if I get this I get three upgrades at 15 or I can get this which would allow me to do one upgrade at twenty percent right so but if I had invested earlier in that I would have gotten more prepared this time they say upgrades and that repairs the Drone system yeah let's do bursts can do all of these the Drone take care of those guys I'm just gonna shoot the uh enemies on the wall oh that's gonna be so helpful the uh the curving big boys okay wait wait wait wait yes got him oh no oh no oh I'm so lucky that didn't hit me I want to use that though oh nice nice there's still more okay I think I played that played that pretty well um let's get in there I got this seismic thing I can use this time pretty hopeful music [Music] ah there's a bunch down here I just I really don't think I'm gonna be able to beat this uh the second Leviathan maybe I will though stranger things have happened I want to get as much of the green as possible that's for sure and maybe some of these hexes [Music] oh yeah we got the anomaly [Music] let's drop that there okay I left that hex behind but I kind of want to go up [Music] if I want to upgrade see you once again I should have maybe upgraded this a while back but I didn't know um I could agreed fire rate the machine gun how many takes two let's repair twice let's do that [Music] and I think what I'm going to do is I love that effect the the snow falling off oh God already bastard oh my God there's a lot of them does that do additional damage when I stomp on them it might oh my God that hurts so much I do want to go up through the clouds let's go ahead I want to see what's above us it's gonna oh I warned you to stay on your side of the rift that's not the voice I've warned you to stay on your side of the rift here we go what who the hell are you Let me refresh your memory okay this is freaking cool oh oh my God this is so cool get out of here oh I'm stuck here now no we tried everybody okay so it's not like a big wave they freaking Robo spiders from the guys up here stop you the others I guess is what they're called oh I'm so excited to play some more guys that was so much fun let's um let's do our unlocks to get ready for the next one yeah got anything more to tell looks like these others are defended by a spider you made like yours yes but theirs is not a minor it's some kind of combat mod never seen one like it so how did it go did you manage to talk no these others are really not happy to see us okay let's do some upgrades um poof like just everything it relaxed pretty much maxed out here except for these two the induction amplifier is movement speed in the Mayans and drilling efficiency armored claws I think for sure depth scanner collects information on the number of resources right and force field oh and I don't have enough for the force field I maybe should have upgraded that all right I'm gonna wrap up this first episode of the DLC here uh don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like the videos and if you're watching on Steam come to uh and give me a subscription and uh you'll be able to know when I post my next video this is Reckless Love locks signing off on wall World deep threat DLC episode one thank you to alawar again they're awesome I'll see you on the next one and I love you all [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Luckless Lovelocks
Views: 1,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wall world, wall world lets play, lets play wall world, wall world luckless lovelocks, luckless, lovelocks, luckless lovelocks, wall world 4k, wall world 4k 60fps, wall world playthrough, wall world reaction, wall world play through, wall world blind, wall world walkthrough, wall world part 1, wall world episode 1, wall world hard, wall world update, wall world dlc, wall world deep threat, deep threat dlc, wall world deep threat dlc
Id: naQ8vpO9qHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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