New Dedicated Chrome Browser for Automated Testing || Major Impact on Selenium || Chrome 115.x

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hey guys this is Lavinia welcome back to Nubian automation lab so big change happened with the Chrome 115 version one words you have to have a separate browser the browser is especially designed only and only for automation testing so till 114 what exactly we were doing that we were just actually using the existing browser and selenium was using the same browser and it's a kind of replica of the same browser and now we have a dedicated browser like dedicated Chrome browser for the automation testing and it's only applicable for the Chrome version or Chrome browsers not for other browsers like Firefox or Edge or Safari and all those things especially designed for Chrome good feature but couple of changes that we have to do and we have to understand that what exactly from 115 onwards what exactly we have to do and what are different configurations and everything we have to do in our system so I'll show you on the Mac machine also and in the Windows machine also that I'm already having it with me now see this carefully without wasting your time so if I'm really want to interact with let's see Chrome 114 or one one zero one one two one one three or previous version from before 114 or including 114 also so what we need we have to have the respective Chrome driver.exe file for example if I really want to have this particular uh Chrome 114 in my system for example then in that case I really need one one four dot Chrome driver.exe file so that I can interact with this particular browser without any problem okay if you are having 112 browser then you have to have 112.exe file now what happened from version 115 browser onwards selenium Chrome team they have said that okay you have to have a separate Chrome browser version only for testing point of view so how exactly this chrome driver.exe will work so in that case also the exactly same process will happen that you really need to have one one five dot exe file so in that case also if I really want to interact with this browser then I should have this 115 dot exe file and with this 115.exe I have to interact with this browser but the question here is that how will you get this 115.exe now because they have changed their location of the dot exe all the binary we use to download the binary from the chromium if you remember that chromium page now we don't have any specific chromium page from 115 onwards they have created a separate dashboard for that and that dashboard I'll show you how exactly it looked like so what we have to do now we have a dedicated dashboard okay so let's see this is my dashboard it's on online dashboard and then on this particular dashboard they have given the version a specific two things so let's see if I really want to use browser version 115 it means you have to download chrome.exe it means your browser Plus Chrome driver.exe also you can download it from here okay so this is what the major change happened now the let me write Chrome driver okay so now how exactly this dashboard look like and everything that I'll also show you in some time but let's see tomorrow after one month again one one six dot X version is available then again you have to do what exactly same thing that you really need to download that Chrome browser.exe and then Chrome driver.exe that you have to have it but what kind of browser it is this is not your regular browser that you are using for the normal internet purpose this is a spatially designed for automated uh testing purpose okay I'll show you how exactly it looks like it exactly looks like this only but it is having one notification I mean one notification uh over here that okay this is actually used for only designed for automated testing right so this is called a dashboard or provided by the chromium team or you can say a Google team not by selenium so I'll say this is my dashboard now I quickly show you how exactly this dashboard looks like and everything so what you have to do you simply go to Google and here you can see that in my Chrome also that 115 is already updated and then I simply open a new tab and then I'll write download what Chrome driver this is how we download and if you go to on this particular website and we used to have all the different versions see up to 114 they have listed but for 115 they have not listed anything see before 115113112 is available but where is one one five so now see the note here if you are using Chrome version 115 it means browser version 115 or the newer version please consult the Chrome for testing availability dashboard so that's why the dashboard name is cfta dashboard that they have created remember this Chrome for testing availability dashboard this page provides convenient Json endpoints they have given some endpoints URL for a specific Chrome driver version for downloading so now we will right click on it and go to new tab and this is the dashboard it looks like so now guys what we have to do now onward whenever you have to work with selenium you have to focus on this dashboard all the time and here you can see that this is a chrome for testing availability dashboard and they have given various endpoints here and in fact on this dashboard you will get all the future releases information also so here you can see the latest current stable version is 115. upcoming will be five seven nine zero one one zero maybe some patch is coming and then 116 beta 117 is already in the dev mode 117 in the canary release and Cannery upcoming for the 117 whenever it's available for upcoming they have given cross because right now maybe it's not available but very soon it will be available if you really want to test 116 in the beta mode you can test it with beta Dev and can release for 117 also but let's focus on 115 right now because this is the most stable version that we are having it right now the late is a stable version so I simply click on this table and then you will see a table here okay you can see the table for one one five same thing table for one one five for upcoming one one zero patch and then you can see that 116 beta 117 Dev 117 Canary releases and all the future releases endpoints also that they have given here now three two things as I told you here that Chrome DXE and driver.exe both you will get it from here not from here now here up to 114 after that it's over now we have to use 115 so here we will see that okay yeah one one five and two things here Chrome browser you can download and this what kind of browser it is this is my automated testing browser is basically designed only and only for automation purpose and then the respective Chrome driver.exe also you can download for your operating system the corresponding operating system that you are having it for example I'll show you in the windows also for example let's see I really want to download this particular Chrome for my Mac machine if you really want to use for Windows you can download this one so this is the end point I copy this endpoint and I quickly go to the new tab here let me go to the a new tab and paste it here and see it is actually downloading one zip file over here and this ZIP file will be available it's around 124 MB available in my downloads folder so I simply go to my downloads and here you can see this is a ZIP file and under the zip file I'll find a new Fresh Chrome browser see this is my original browser where exactly we are using the internet now for automation point of view with the selenium that we have to use Google Chrome for testing you can directly open from here also see I'm going to open it if it is giving you this message especially on the Mac machine it means it's a permission issue what else you can do you can just right click on it and go to show package content go to contents click on MacBook I mean Mac OS and this exe also you can open it directly from here so let's see I'll just open it with the terminal and when I open it with the terminal and it will open a browser here simple click on open are you sure you want to open and in few seconds the browser will open with this so you can just simple see it here this one and here can you see a message here Chrome for testing one one five is only for automated testing for regular browsing use a standard version of Chrome that updates automatically and you can download the standard version from here okay we don't need to download we are already having it so now from 115 onwards it's only and only for automated testing and that's why you can see the logo also got changed it's now written with one test over here on this but this is my normal browser and this is my Google Chrome for testing the tooltip are also saying the Google Chrome for testing purpose now we have to run our automation test cases on this particular browser so I hope this is first of all this basic architecture is clear or whatever the new things are there it's clear so in our source code if you are using after 460 you all are aware of that we can use selenium manager also or we can use Webdriver manager also like Bonnie Garcia API so for example the latest version of selenium is what 4.10.0 that we are using it and this 4.10.0 does not understand that what is Chrome for testing that how exactly I'm going to interact with this because this 4.10.0 has no idea that I have to download the latest.exe from this particular dashboard right so because 4.10.0 will typically go where it will typically call the chromium apis from here and whatever the browser version that you are already having it in your system for example 114 it will download it from here this is what the regular selenium works with respect to Chrome driver.exe now this 4.10.0 has no idea that I have to download 115 or 116.exe file from this particular dashboard so that is a major change will happen in selenium and that will be available Maybe by next week whenever you are getting 4.11.0 version it's already officially announced that they are going to very soon they are going to release one one zero maybe in next couple of days or maybe by next week it will be there for sure maybe but after watching this uh while while watching this video maybe it's already uploaded or uploaded or means this artifact is already available in your Maven Repository now what we have to do here we really want to test it because my browser got upgraded to 115. here you can see that my browser is now got upgraded to one one five so we have what we should have this 115.exe but before that I really want to do one experiment that can I use this 114.exe that I'm already having it can I use this for my uh I'm already having one Chrome browser right not for testing the original browser is also got upgraded to 115 so I'm already having this 115 dot X version of my Chrome the normal browser can I interact with this with this combination with 114 let's try that and then we know that okay four six zero selenium manager will automatically download all the Chrome driver.exe now you don't need to write any system.set property so in that case I quickly come back here in my caching in my cache folder you can see uh in Chrome driver how many Chrome drivers I'm having it I simply see up to 114 I'm having it but not one one five right now let's see I'll do one thing I'll open my eclipse and then run this particular program and I'm already having the latest version that is 4.10.0 and then I'm going to run this program ideally it will check while before running the browser ideally it will check right that do you have Chrome driver 115 version is available because your browser is 115 so obviously it will not find in my cache folder here in this particular folder here obviously right so in that case let's see with the 114.exe am I able to interact with 115.x or not okay not the automated testing the normal browser let's see so yes this is working so as such there is no blocker but it will be a problem in future when one word for DOT exit will not support let's see 116 or the new version of Chrome browser so that's all always we should be compatible it means we have to make it a compatibility that whatever the browser version that you are having it the same dot exe you should have it right now what we are doing we are doing this experiment that yes 114.exe is still working with one one vote so fine no worries but it might be a problem and definitely it will be a problem in future also so in that case what I need I need this guy one one five dot exe how will you get this particular 115.exe now so we will do one thing because selenium cannot download one one for 5.exe because regime does not understand where is the dashboard so in that case what should I do in that case I manually download it this particular Chrome driver.exe and then we will give the path of chrome driver.exe with the help of system.set property just to check that my browser or my execution is running on this particular browser or not so how will we do that so let's go to that dashboard here this is a dashboard that I shown you so Chrome that we have downloaded now the corresponding Chrome driver.exe also that I have to download so I'll just simply copy this particular zip once again URL endpoint URL and paste it here when I paste it here see it will give you Chrome driver dot zip file so I quickly go to my downloads folder okay let's click on downloads and see this this is a chrome driver 115.exe that I have manually downloaded and this is the one okay so this is 115.exe and then I'll do one thing I simply right click on it and give the path get the path of this chrome driver.exe and come back to your eclipse and then before that what exactly I'm gonna do that here I'm going to write that system dot set a property method and then the key that I'm going to write that is a Webdriver dot Chrome dot driver and the value of that 115.exe file that I am going to write so this is my Chrome driver here we don't need to write.exe in the Mac machine same thing you can do with the windows also that also I will show you so what I'm doing see my browser is here I'm writing especially for a reference my browser is one one five okay and this exe is also one one five dot exe fine so both are obviously compatible so let's see which browser version it is actually opening or okay ideally it will not work I'll show you why so let's run it and see on the console output it's giving me the error that session could not create it it says that cannot find your Chrome binary why because as I mentioned that 115.exe says that I need the Chrome browser which Chrome browser for the automated testing that's uh Google Chrome guys that they have given now you have this 115.exe you have actually downloaded then this chrome 115.exe can interact with only and only the Chrome for testing browser that we have it over here okay so obviously that's why it says that this 115.exe won't be able to interact with this browser so that is what I'm trying to say this will not interact with this browser that's why we are getting the error right so this says okay hey I could not find that where exactly your Chrome for testing or automated testing Chrome browser version that is this with this new logo where exactly is that so how exactly we can do there are two ways what we can do if you are using uh this one this chrome driver.exe I'll do one thing I'll just uh quickly this Chrome browser this entire Chrome for testing that you have used what I can do here is that whatever the dot exe file is available I just right click on it and go to copy and I'll move it in the same directory okay so let's quickly come back here and move it over here it means this is your 115.exe and this is your uh the automated testing browser also this is also available it means the Chrome new Chrome version or new Chrome browser is also available for testing both are in the same directory then if I keep it in the same directory let's see is it really picking or not so let's right click on it and go to run as Java application once again and let's see this time it's really opening or not so I'll open the console again it's saying the same error that cannot find the Chrome binary so this solution is also not working then in that case I'll do one thing that whatever the okay so see this what we have do because it's not able to understand that where exactly this Google Chrome for testing is available because this driver equal to new Chrome driver that line that we have written it will always try to open the the normal browser that you are already having it and this 115.exe will not support the normal browser so in that case what we can do see this in that case we can use Chrome options and we can set the binary for that so how to set the binary for this just me show you that as well so see here I'm writing I'm creating the object of chrome options which is equal to new Chrome options okay and then import this chrome options and then I'm writing Co dot set binary method is available this binary and it says you can give me the file path also or a string path also so let me give you let me give the path of this okay and let's write it the exact path here and uh what is the name again I'll go to my downloads and uh come back here right click go to show package content open contents Mac OS and this is a name you can rename also if you really want to write a short name so I simply say that let's see rename and then copy this entire file name and here we have to give the file name no need to write.exe let it be like this and this new Chrome options is uh this is the actually dot set binary we have to use it here not here so cut it and over here this is the path actually Sorry by mistake I actually copy paste it there okay this one so this is the path let's see that we are using it and now let's see run it what happens so now we have given the co dot set binary and then CEO also we have to supply it over here so I'm going to run it and let's see is it really opening the automated testing browser or not now can you see the automated testing browser is getting opened and the Google Chrome got launched there nice it means now we are actually successfully running our test or whatever the script that we are running on the 115 version with the 115.exe and one one five version means which version the automated testing browser version that's why you can see Chrome for testing for 115 and this chrome is being controlled by automated test software kind of had a little bit complication unnecessary that just because of this it's not the fault of selenium it's problem actually coming from the Google Chrome site because one one five one word they have changed things so obviously selenium has to update it accordingly so what is the latest update from the selenium selenium guy says that okay from 4.11.0 onwards this selenium manager will automatically download Chrome driver.exe so now from one one 0 onwards it will start interacting with this dashboard with these endpoints it will download chrome.exe and the Chrome driver.exe near cache folder the way earlier it was just downloading this particular 114 along this particular 115 folder will be created inside that you will see chromedriver.exe as well as the browser the automated test Chrome browser.exe also you will get it at the same place and then after that you again don't need to set any system.set property and all those things okay so that will be the solution maybe in next couple of days it will be available nice so I hope you get it now after that whatever you want to enter it will enter so let's quickly enter let's see driver uh dot find element rest of the script will remain same so let's see I think by dot name is there and then I'm writing QA Q dot send keys and here I'm writing let's see Naveen automation Labs okay and that's it so let's quickly run it run as this once again see the new browser this is my can you see the logo here this is my automated testing browser and see it's opening here and then and then once the page is loaded completely after that see this is still in the okay I think it's still okay got executed nice so let me just quickly run it again because it could not load the properly so let's run it again okay now it's coming and then see Naveen automation Labs got entered maybe last time the page could not be loaded properly but still we have to test it that my entire execution is working or not properly so I would advise you please wait for next couple of days definitely the four one one zero is available I'll definitely I'm going to update you I'll show you one um official tweet also okay so this is the operation I mean the Titus phone is one of the selenium um I would say the committer sorry for everything struggling with the Chrome driver for one one five four one one is almost ready it will fix all the current issue created by Chromebox and outdated Drive managers it is also going to manage Chrome downloads as well as the driver download see exactly I told you the same thing and I've also done here so let's wait for 4.11.0 okay so I hope this is uh this configuration is clear now so make sure that okay you please bookmark this I'll share this URL also with you guys now onwards we always have to download or check the Chrome and the Chrome driver from here but Salim guys will take care of it you don't need to open it and download it again and again selenium manager will automatically download both dot exe as well as the browser.exe for you this is just for our reference point of view now I'll show you exactly same thing in the Windows machine also that how exactly it is working so let me share my windows now so now you can see on my screen this is my Windows system when is also having a chrome latest version 115. so what I'll do again I'll go to the dashboard URL so for that I simply write it once again download Chrome driver and open the first link from here and uh I'll start downloading that part as well so again go to this availability dashboard click on this table and now this is a Windows machine so in that case on the Windows machine that I'm going to uh download Chrome Windows 64-bit or 32-bit so my machine is 64-bit so I just copy this and then open in a new okay just a second open it in a here okay so now you can see that is Chrome Windows 64. zip file is getting downloaded and then the same thing that I'm going to download is respective Chrome driver.exe also so again Windows 64-bit so copy this and open it a new tab and then paste it and this dot zip file we are going to download it here as well okay and then I'll go to my downloads folder and here you can see that Chrome 64 in Windows 64 driver and both are available okay actually I downloaded again that's why it's giving the one also in the bracket so this is the Chrome browser and you can see that Chrome windows 64 and here this is a Chrome browser that you have to open in Windows 64 is slightly different just open that and here you can see that Chrome for testing especially designed for automated testing okay let me just close this again come back to my downloads and let me check the dot exe file also here so the Chrome driver.exe file is here and that is Chrome driver.exe which is 115.exe that we have downloaded here okay so now let's check it how will you test it in the windows again go back to your eclipse and the first thing that we have to write what system dot set property just to check this particular feature because the DVR is still using 4.10.0 and selenium manager will work only till 114 as of now so once uh four one one is available that time we don't need to write the system.set property so here I'm writing a Webdriver dot again Chrome dot driver and the path of the driver also we have to write it here the path of the driver is uh here that is copy this path and this is the Chrome driver path make sure that you are extracting this folder also and the file name is what Chrome driver dot exe in Windows machine you have to write.exe otherwise it will not work okay so that is the first thing let me just maximize it and also I'll show you in my palm XML file I'm using up to 4.10.0 selenium Java version okay now that is the first thing second thing is what second thing again we have to create the Chrome options Co is equal to new Chrome options and then we have to set the binary so first of all let's import this chrome options and then see your dot set a binary method that I'm going to use with the string path and the path of that particular binary that is also we have to give it over here so what we will do we will again go to the downloads folder and let's go to Chrome windows 64 up to here and this is a chrome dot exe file is available so copy this and come back here backslash and this is the binary dot exe my Chrome browser version.exe okay not driver version and once the binary is set then after that I'm going to write my web driver driver is equal to new Chrome driver and then Supply the co here and whatever the step that you really want to write after that you can just simply let me import this let's launch normal browser driver.get and the URL is let's say HTTP s w w dot and let me enter one small value also driver Dot find element by dot a name that I'm using it and I'm supplying Q here dot send keys and then I'm writing Naveen automation labs okay I'm not creating it but let me write system dot out dot println also that I really want to print driver dot the title of this particular page also perfect so let's see is it really working or not it should open what it should open one one five browser the Chrome browser that is for automated browser the testing browser it should open that okay so let's quickly run as Java application okay let's wait for that so it has started nice can you see here it got entered and then after that it will enter Naveen automation labs and it's printing the title also on my console Google is a title and you can see that this is Chrome for testing 115 something here okay it's only for automated testing so in Windows also exactly same process that uh if you are using it you have to use it the dashboard so and this is the availability Chrome for testing availability dashboard remember this particular name bookmark it also okay so once the one one uh 4.11.0 is available we don't need to worry about it it will automatically download in Windows where exactly it will download in Windows it will download in go to your C drive and after that you have to go to the users folder go to the users that you are having it and go to dot cache folder under selenium see it's maintaining all the drivers here so window 32 and then 114 is already available see it did not download 115 why because right now it has no idea that where exactly the dashboard endpoints are available or not so with one one 4.11 it is available that's why it is not able to pick the things from here so what will happen in Windows also it will create a new one one five folder after 4.11 and then it will download both the things from the dashboard from these endpoints one is the Chrome browser also and the dot exe file also in the same folder and then after that you don't need to give this a set binary and then system.set property as such so I'll prepare a search video on this a new video also whenever the 4.11.0 is available meanwhile if you are blocked and if you really want to use a 115 the automated testing browser you can use it with this particular thing I hope this is clear now so that's all for this video guys uh please share this video with others on social media and your groups so that people are actually aware of it because it's not very much well documented this is just experiment that I did and I really want to share it with you guys so I hope it's clear now thank you and thank you so much
Channel: Naveen AutomationLabs
Views: 52,080
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Id: OlMX0gxyL58
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Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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