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all right guys listen all of y'all consider yourself lucky because i don't normally do intros but i got something so amazing that i wanted to tell you about it we found ourselves a custom modder and we got a new role added to the game that's right one of the crewmates is now the vigilante but what is a vigilante well i'm glad you asked he's basically a crewmate with a kill button his only job is to kill the imposters however if he chooses wrong and accidentally kills a crewmate he dies himself it led to some truly hilarious moments and we had an absolute blast playing it so hopefully you enjoy it as much as we did we can also get whatever custom mods we think about made so if you got any ideas for them leave them in the comments down below but without further ado let's kill some imposters hello i'm the vigilante no you're not i'm the vigilante i'm the vigilante are you really the vigilante if i would i would kill you right now no no don't don't no no we have yet to get a good vigilante thing i want to let's figure out who are you really it because let's figure out who the killer is oh [ __ ] graham's grams has been something every round anthony why did you say come here what are we doing oh no you're here cartoons i can't i'm right here kyle what's up what's going on hi dizzy what's going on in here nothing at all i'm chilling i'm sure no i'm not i'm at the vigilante oh god damn it no hey dizzy what's going on i'm not the magician who's the vigilante i want to know i want to help the vigilante get a kill we've yet to see a good vigilante kill mm-hmm are you vigilante no it's squirrel is it really squirrel squirrel or squirrel graham's is it you he's either or he's the vigilante oh i'm rocking over here can you still hear me can you still hear me can you still hear me it worked it worked i thought i had super powers i was like you were whispering it was so slush and [ __ ] no one knows i'm over here we're like you're like cramps come here grams come here give me grass come here and then they double kill me right oh my god i'm batman [ __ ] let's go find the other one kyle hang on kyle what what explain to me what just happened okay come here look at all these bodies okay i was delirious and i was falling uh i was falling home and then i saw the kill and he tried to vet and i killed him i went right here and i popped and he died so the white this was 100 i guess 100 yes this white yes well who was the other one there's two bodies i think it's squirrel let's go [ __ ] kill squirrel are you gonna he's a vigilante i'll scroll yeah yeah if we can get this win this would be absolutely epic we need to find squirrels squirrel's got the killer home kyle's going to kill us hang on get out of the stack what all right can you move out of stack really quick hang on go go go hang on hang on kyle said he killed dizzy on top of events no no oh yeah oh my god kyle was vigilante in school kyle was the vigilante he said he killed dizzy jumping in a vent and then he said he saw a squirrel and so he hunted squirrel down to kill him and obviously he was wrong was not it was not it dude yeah i just found her body with grimm's body with delirious bodies yeah there was three bodies and lower engine one the white body was on top of the vent so one impossible yes yeah and uh kyle was sure that the other one was squirrel that he saw leaving but apparently he was wrong okay so we ain't guessing well let me tell you this i spent a lot of time scrolling reactor but we know we have one killer though yeah yeah that's what we need yes there's for sure one killer because it's still a good uh a good driver so we're good yeah he was a good vigilante before he met his dude there was a lot of dead bodies on that it was hilarious why did he [ __ ] up on school why would he do that i don't know i guess he thought he saw squirrel even yeah i don't know who it is at this point we have nothing right now we have nothing it's fine we're at five we don't have one imposter left well that's fine i don't think it's anthony because he could have killed me so hey at least the vigilante finally got a kill on the killer yeah exactly yes yeah that's shooting 50 here i have done literally nothing i was following kyle's dumb ass around cause he was so sure it was squirrel and i was like i gotta see this tinker switch a ruiner yeah yeah it's like switcheroo but it's a ruiner gorilla how old did you turn today 35 damn that's all the [ __ ] really well i mean it's not as it was you though so no but i'm old as dirt you're old as [ __ ] [ __ ] turns into dirt right i mean right everything everything turns to dirt eventually vent i was checking the bottom before i came in here i got it okay i was checking the bottom of the room i couldn't see down there i was checking for bodies right here where's home didn't come for the [ __ ] for anything together how did you get up above ah i walked good good call pretty sure did because anthony got here no no no over when we were at engines anthony do you remember that no i did i had the task in the bottom engine you know when you go to the bottom you do the lining i know but anthony got here to the bottom where was the body i know i saw a report button right after that yeah there's a report button it was in electrical i guess was it old or was it new i didn't see it it had to be no it had to be happening because i was an electrical i faced a [ __ ] light what do you mean i didn't see a body i didn't see anybody either i didn't see your body either i saw a report button all i know is i remember all i'm saying he keep talking or anthony did no anthony was saying that and i stayed away from the light yeah i left i didn't want to go because i know someone's gonna die there who died i ran left just in case i was covering up the body or something but there's nothing there what do you mean like if it flopped on a stack i was trying to see if it was flopped over next to us there was no i didn't see a body gorilla you chop him on his face and birthday bro happy you know what i got you for your birthday murder yeah all right i know g he wouldn't do that for his birthday no no would you he that's [ __ ] some demented [ __ ] is that why you stopped talking so we wouldn't think you were around huh i was kidding oh [ __ ] oh god i'll go to the top you go to the bottom oh there you go gee there you go jiggy he's here lulu i think i'm the only person that can see you really where all right we know it's not us poor we're good what's going on huh what's going on oh you're so defensive when we just started anthony yeah get his ass out of here get his ass out of here now listen the feud between anthony grooms needs to stop yeah what would you vote for listen right right quick who out here can see really in game i can't i can't i can okay i'm trolling you the most amazing yeah everyone okay everyone's standing in a circle everyone stop signing up don't move down the circle okay i'm not going to circle everyone go in the circle don't move you're playing musical chairs all right all right really get in a circle you don't want to point oh yeah here we go you tried kyle you tried kyle you you're up to your ankles and dead [ __ ] kyle that was fun crazy guys i can't believe that happened happy birthday to you i was like how did that person die and i was like there's too dead i was like how'd that happen i was like oh i gotta kill somebody all right i was like maybe i'll win if i kill this person then he killed himself again right yeah did he why did because i'm feeling sauce you're feeling serious if you're feeling kind of sucks you know it's it's one of those things i'm feeling confident are you the imposter squirrel are you the imposter no it's obviously jihi what why you why it's obviously me give us a moon walk uh wait i'm doing the log hold on what's the temperature the log you're dropping a log oh this isn't the best place to do it oh no no one is over here on the tip of this with me no one is on the tip of this except for me hi i'm here i'm here okay i am not on the tip i am off the tip i'm on the temperature thing okay so we're going to do lights nope oh wait this is our life now guys we're yeah we've got plenty of light here why does it look like we're cuddled like we're stacked into each other's holding the person in front of them all right all right i think i got it yeah did you see who teleported forward i believe it's dizzy right um wait what it's disney or tunes i didn't move either oh man for me disney and cartoons didn't move only you screw no i didn't move either i saw the kill happen i honestly i didn't see anyone move [ __ ] i know yeah i didn't really see anybody move either i saw oh his body flop g was behind so i know she did not move because she would have glitched into us right i mean you were stacked because i saw orange with horns so i saw just red in front but i didn't see you move at all that's why i thought it was dizzy because i didn't see you move at all squirrel are you gonna get it are you gonna get this win squirrel are you voting for you're going for dizzy because i'm about to vote for dude you're innocent you're the innocent one you can skip i mean we can continue the game just captain let's just vote let's just get this [ __ ] over with we got six people that are ready to [ __ ] go very good point who'd you vote for he voted dizzy i'm not saying you gotta say because they kill it no no okay is it who you vote for oh my god listen ghost i tried to get us out of the [ __ ] lobby but look at these these [ __ ] these procrastinators voted i voted good i voted i've gone to this is getting thrown on me i'm turning this [ __ ] light on all right all right you turn on the lights y'all wait i'll be right back i heard the noises he timed that perfectly all right now we can all agree because i hit button right no nobody died yeah but i wouldn't have hit the button i would have just won the game how would you want i would uh okay this is probably what i would have did all right i actually don't know what i would have done yeah would you like to kill a voter score dizzy mo disney dizzy trust me if the game's gonna last long you idiot you guys don't want the damn game to end this game's gonna last forever i hope no one gets voted out i hope it glitches and all your computers breaks oh no oh god dizzy is it you guys wait we know is it you heard me it's not it's not me it would never be me but you're really good at it listen i'm going to give y'all one bit of advice you should call reactor right now but you didn't so it's not me it's one of y'all i don't know anything y'all figure it out i'll figure it out i would have just killed and won a game figured out figured out one of y'all who is it i'm voting dizzy i'm just saying that right now g he just both just vote dizzy or me i really don't give a [ __ ] but get us out of here it's dizzy i don't know rg i don't know i don't care it doesn't matter it doesn't matter somebody's dying oh my god i don't know i don't know it's not it's either g he it's either you or dizzy so understand that i don't know and i voted dizzy so if it's you you vote dizzy and win if it's not you you vote dizzy and win so you win either way you win either way g he if you vote dizzy period because i'm not i'm not the opposite you're making me really nervous oh dizzy you have no idea gee vote dizzy i promise you win either way you're either the imposter or you're a crewmate you win either way if you vote dizzy 100 100 win rate there's no way to lose there's no way to lose i promise i promise you there's no way to lose if you vote dizzy you cannot lose g he if you vote this we're so helping on this oh my god oh my god why did you give me that listen we had a 50 50 on squirrel and disney both times and neither time you voted for me so why would it be me now that's right 100 g you can't lose you did good you did good see i only voted squirrel because you hit the damn button squirrel i want to quit i think you're screwing guys i'm gonna quit why'd you say squirrel's name oh i'm gonna hide no he said crew he said crew not squirrel cartoons cartoons squirrel i don't believe you anymore what squirrel what i'm doing in there but i'm i'm the v you say you're doing a nipple yeah where is i thought we were doing numbers i'm the one [ __ ] i messed up my testimony are you really are you no no i'm not i'm not are you thank you no i'm not because i feel like you probably are and that's why you really act because you were going to kill me and i almost ruined your rounds holy [ __ ] in my ear it means a lot to me six feet six feet and everyone's sick comes up to me right and he goes back up teddy bear what does that mean what's my kill word teddy bear what is it what kyle are you snitching kyle are you [ __ ] snitching are you [ __ ] i don't know what is oh my god what just happened this is what the hell just happened okay all right i'm standing on the right side of the table listening to some about a teddy bear and a kill word from squirrel kyle and delirious clearly one of them tried to kill each other as the what you call it failed [ __ ] up and then there was a double kill i am protecting disney the whole time six feet hundred percent what the hell would he even suss me listen she can confirm let me also say this four bodies on the ground i'm the one that reported it yet i'm the one that killed two there's no [ __ ] way all right so rims why'd you say me and anthony's name because i'm watching you 100 there's no way there's literally literally no way we were all there so i think and cartoons is going to vote grim so it's a split vote regardless because we can't get dizzy to vote against anthony because that's her bodyguard we can't get anthony to vote against tunes because that's his homeboy so grims is [ __ ] here go for cartoons go for grims get him out of six feet we're down we only got one though it had to be it had to be grims well did we have the uh anyone the vigilante yeah i heard a brain i heard a bank back up back up two and six feet sorry what the [ __ ] all right all right just just just that was just to make sure we didn't lose the game so that means great that was right so cartoons is right oh grams all right cool no no what oh yeah yeah yeah you're right you're the only one that's kind of sabotaging right now no he's he's got a point he's got a point if there were two impressions that they just called a sabotage and then we lose i i'm pretty sure we got grims out that which was an imposter so we have one thing and this is dude listen we can actually figure this we could big brother insane because you're like the last killer hold on listen you're starting popping like a [ __ ] right now killer right now then he doesn't want a chance to kill me he's trying to get someone out i'm not trying to get anyone out with this button this button is to confirm that we got one out anthony yes listen the [ __ ] are you talking about anthony listen listen if if grimms was wrong then all the any [ __ ] sabotage right now and one kill would win the game right it didn't happen so there's probably only one killer and it's probably somebody who doesn't really do [ __ ] like that so unfortunately who did not vote against grims that's that's that's the impossible there's two killers that mean they need to kill one person exactly yeah so they will kill them no no no i think i i'm pretty sure grims was a damn killer or else it would have been oh okay listen yeah what were you trying to say earlier anthony i was saying because like if there's two imposters they would have just called racker and won it easy one kill anyways oh you mean like that anthony oh you mean like that your damn little [ __ ] okay you son of a [ __ ] anthony wasn't you wasn't yours that's her bodyguard so many people died i don't even know who i was going to shoot you you must have seen this lights are out squirrel comes running around the table but somebody sniped lights and as the lights were coming on and i just see scroll running at me i'm like holy [ __ ] so you panic murders yes watching cartoons up in my room watching car turns up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room cartoons up in my room
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 615,314
Rating: 4.9755483 out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, among us, among us mod, vigilante, among us vigilante, h2o delirious, jihi, jihichan, jihi chan, among us jihi
Id: JdA9GcyYEdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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