NEW Claude 3.5 Sonnet API: Build a Handwriting Analyzer Web App from Scratch

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In this video, we'll explore the fascinating  world of handwriting analysis using Claude 3.5   Sonnet's advanced vision capabilities.  We'll build a powerful web application   with Streamlit that lets you upload images of  handwriting and receive insightful personality   interpretations. We'll walk through the entire  process, from setting up the API to designing   an intuitive user interface. By the end of  this video, you'll have the knowledge to   create your own handwriting analysis tool.  We'll also discuss whether the claims that   Sonnet outperforms GPT-4 in quality, speed, and  cost are accurate and put them head-to-head. Why is everyone talking about 3.5 Sonnet? You've  probably noticed the buzz around Claude 3.5   Sonnet lately, and for good reason. This latest  iteration from Anthropic represents a significant   leap forward in AI capabilities. Claude Sonnet is  the most advanced vision model available on the   market. Its improvements shine in tasks requiring  visual reasoning, such as interpreting charts and   graphs. How does it compare to GPT-4? Let's start  the comparison by looking at the speed of both   models side by side. We asked each model to write  a 500-word blog article. As you can see, even   though both models start almost simultaneously,  Claude seems to be much faster. Claude Sonnet's   speed shines in real-world use, often outpacing  GPT-4 in text generation and data analysis. Sonnet generally scores higher than GPT-4 in most  categories for graduate-level reasoning. Claude   3.5 Sonnet comes out on top, showing stronger  performance in undergraduate knowledge. Both   models are neck and neck, performing exceptionally  well in zero-shot tests. When it comes to coding,   Claude has a slight edge over GPT-4, but both  are quite impressive. In multilingual math,   Claude slightly outperforms GPT-4; however,  GPT-4 takes the lead in math problem-solving.   For reasoning over text, Claude scores  a bit higher than GPT-4. In summary,   Claude 3.5 Sonnet generally has a slight  edge, but GPT-4 remains very competitive. What does Claude 3.5 cost? Claude  Sonnet is available for free on Claude,   but if you're a Claude Pro or Team Plan  subscriber, you get it with much higher   rate limits. You can also access it via the  Anthropic API, where it costs $3 per million   input tokens and $15 per million output tokens,  with a 200k token context window. For comparison,   GPT-4 costs $15 per million output tokens  but has a smaller 128k token context window. How user-friendly is the API? The Anthropic  API is very beginner-friendly thanks to its   comprehensive documentation and its similarity to  the OpenAI API. This means that if you're already   familiar with the OpenAI API, you'll find the  transition to using the Anthropic API seamless. What are artifacts? Claude has introduced  a cool new feature called artifacts. When   you ask Claude to generate content like code  snippets, text documents, or website designs,   these artifacts appear in a dedicated window  alongside your conversation. This creates a   dynamic workspace where you can see, edit, and  build upon Claude's creations in real-time,   seamlessly integrating AI-generated content  into your projects. This marks a significant   evolution from Claude being just a conversational  AI to becoming a collaborative work environment. But enough theory, let's dive into our project  where we use this great new model and its API   to build a handwriting analyzer with a fully  functional web interface. If you haven't worked   with Python and Visual Studio Code yet, please  check out the introduction video series on AI for, where we explain in detail for absolute  beginners how to work with Python and APIs. As always, we start by creating a virtual  environment and activating it to keep   dependencies cleanly separated from each other.  Then we install Anthropic with pip. We create   a new file named using the touch  command. Here we first import Anthropic,   then create a client that we use to  interact with the Anthropic API. For this,   we call client.messages.create and pass the model  as a parameter, in this case, Claude 3.5, and   set the maximum number of tokens to 1,000. We can  define the messages we want to send to the model,   starting with the user role. Here we want to send  a simple text message with the content "Hi." The   result of this call should be printed to the  console, for which we use the print command. Now we can already test the script by opening the  terminal. To authenticate with the Claude API,   we need to set the Anthropic API key. For this, we  go to the Anthropic website and create an API key   in the internal area in the API key section. We  simply click on "Create key," give the key a name,   copy it, and then paste it into the terminal.  Now we can start the script with python   Unfortunately, we get an error message because  I misspelled the model name. We quickly fix this   by removing the dashes. Let's try it again, and it  looks great! We get a message back from the model. Next, we want to actually analyze an image, so we  first take this nice picture here of an ant and   convert it to base64. This line of code fetches  an image from a given URL using the httpx library,   encodes the image content to base64, and then  decodes it into a utf-8 string. This string can   then be sent to the Anthropic API for further  processing or analysis. We specify the type as   image and pass the following parameters: type as  base64, media type as image/jpeg, and data as the   base64 encoded string. Now we change the prompt to  describe the image and can already run the script.   We see that the image is correctly analyzed, and  it's impressive how detailed the description is. However, our actual goal is not to analyze animal  pictures but to analyze handwriting. For this,   we first change the user prompt and specify  exactly what to look for, such as pressure,   size, spacing, length, etc. As an example, we want  to use the handwriting of Matisse and specify the   image above. Now we try it out. Wonderful! We  get a detailed analysis indicating that it's   a cursive style and suggesting that this might  point to an outgoing personality. Furthermore,   it possibly indicates an artistic flair, which  is not wrong for Matisse. As a second example, we   want to examine the handwriting of Stephen Hawking  as a contrast. Here we get the analysis that it is   a more deliberate writer style. It is very neat  and precise, suggesting an attention to detail. Now we want to build a user interface. For  this, we first install Streamlit. We import   Streamlit and start with a simple title.  We can easily use the title function of   Streamlit. We give it the title "Handwriting  Analyzer" and to make it a bit more personal,   we use a nice emoji. This single line  is enough to start the interface with   streamlit run, and we see  we have a webpage with a title. Next, we want to add the upload feature. Here we  use a file uploader, and when a file is selected,   we want to display the uploaded image directly  on the webpage. For this, we need to import Image   from the PIL library. We have a button that  starts the analysis and calls our logic as a   method. Therefore, we need to wrap our logic into  a method called analyze_handwriting, to which we   pass an image. We create the new function with  the keyword def and name it analyze_handwriting.   We then indent all the logic with the call to  Claude so that it's only executed when we run   the method. We create an in-memory byte buffer  using BytesIO. We import BytesIO from io and save   the image into this buffer in PNG format. Then the  buffer's content is encoded into a base64 string,   which is ready to be used or sent to another  service. In summary, we convert the given uploaded   image into a base64 string. We need to adapt  the return result of the method to return the   analysis. For this, we access message.content,  the first element of which is the text. Now we have everything we need, and we can go  back to the page and try out our analysis. Let's   upload a handwritten note from Freud. The  image is displayed correctly, and we start   the analysis and see the detailed analysis  of the image. Wonderful! Everything worked,   and this could be turned into a service where  people might be willing to pay a few euros.
Channel: AI FOR DEVS
Views: 8,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claude ai, gpt4o, claude api, claude sonnet, antrohpic ai, anthropic ai, claude 3.5 sonnet, claude vs chatgpt
Id: tPq_W1WZ4_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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