*NEW* Bloons Update?! - The 4th of July UPDATE in Bloons Adventure Time TD?!

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what is going on everybody my name's Ryan or 2d and today's I'm actually surprised about what we're doing I opened up balloons Adventure Time to play just like a normal map or everything but then we got hit with this random like special event which is called firework fun finn and jake need your help to decode a mysterious message from long ago earned tapes by completing challenge maps the harder the difficulty the more you'll earn each uncovered square gives a bonus reward uncover them all to claim the grand prize firework challenge ramps also contain the extra special gift protect it from the balloons to claim an extra reward at the end of the map that seems pretty awesome and they all got super cool like outfits and stuff so these are like the different like tapes and stuff so we have a zero tapes so we need to we need different we need to get new tapes so does it say where we can get tapes let's see so there's only 23 days remaining so I guess we have to go play in the Candy Kingdom to get it so obviously we're gonna have to play on in poppable because that's gonna give us the most tapes that's gonna give us all 25 of them so let's go ahead we're gonna play on impalpable because obviously impalpable is fun and we're gonna see what we can do and okay so special gift this is a gift for you waiting in the track it'll open at the end of the game if you can give you a great reward be careful the balloons will destroy the gift if they get to it don't let them near it so we basically got to make sure none of the balloons get to that which we're not gonna let them that's not gonna happen and we only have one life we literally only have one life so we have to be extra careful and extra spicy so the first thing first is we're gonna put the Ice King we're gonna put the Ice King here because we're gonna put dungeon Finn here so the Ice King we're gonna place him down right here alright alright let's do this so we're gonna plan a double speed we need to get to around 75 this is gonna be quite an adventure I love this guy I don't know why I love this guy but I think I love him because he's wearing a hat I don't know why I find that so amusing alright we only need we need to get to round 75 so this is going to be quite an adventure this is going to be quite an adventure but it's gonna be fun we're gonna be able to put down we're gonna literally be able to put down like all of our characters like actually all of our characters we're gonna be able to put them down because we have to get this around 75 and there's no way we're gonna lose out on this prize this prize it's awesome like actually so cool okay and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put you we're gonna put you right there yeah yeah we're gonna make sure that this character gets right there because that way he can he's gonna be able to like hit everybody in this area and he's gonna be like the main owner okay well boom came a blue camo blue camo blue camo balloon time out let's go ahead and let's put down I want to put down wait what do you mean so I can't fit right here okay there we go now I can't believe like those showed up at like around 6:00 either way okay that was that was terrifying I was not ready to have to deal with camo balloons but there we go we are not going to lose and remember one life and we lose anyway so we need to be extra careful about the whole situation and we don't want to lose out on our present so we need to just we need to be little chill little little little careful then we're gonna be okay we're here we can put this guy can we put him like on what lays eggs just digging out he's like over here we're gonna hide him back here there we go he's just gonna be hiding you just chilling back there dude all right give a musician and now we want to go ahead and try to get superstar there we go we're gonna be doing okay how are you doing she's 160 balloons that's impressive oh there we go okay now we have superstar alright now that we have superstar we can just kind of start putting down all of our characters one by one so dungeon Finn yeah I guess we can't we can do is we can we can put him down right there in that spot and then can we put her so her and Princess Bubblegum need to go in the same spot right or at least a very similar spot so can I hear wait let's let's first off let's get this and let's get inspiring melody so we can hit everything let's see can I sell her and put let's see we can put this character like yeah so we can put this character like here so let's put her right here let's get Princess Bubblegum and can put Princess Bubblegum down let's also go ahead and let's make sure well let's get uh let's get our friend and let's get Marceline and put Marceline right there so they're in the same radius of each other so that they can get that Marceline I want you to just run at the balloon that's all I want you to do okay so Marceline's after the balloons okay now we're doing better so now with Marceline after the balloons I don't think we really need to upgrade anything right now let's grab um let's actually get warrior PB and we're gonna put warrior PB right here and then we're gonna match the royal treasury and we're gonna get born to rule that's like that's what I want to grab real fast cuz now we can get double we can get double and he's gonna be cheaper so we can put right here we can put wait can we put like like or can we put I want like I want a cool spot for him I guess we'll just put them both right here so one there we go be more upgrade hardware go beemo okay so he's doing great is doing his best all right now we can kind of work on updating so improve fly eating read telekinesis base experts ferocity and then shape-shifting is gonna be nice so we can also get full orchestra because it increases the music instrument by of her we can get rock out and what other characters do we want to focus on upgrading the we're gonna also I think what we're gonna want to do then cheese we're gonna want to put a soup our super-monkey we're probably gonna want him to be right here right there's gonna be a good spot for our super-monkey right yeah wait he gets the plane why did I give him the plane what that makes zero sense I mean I guess that is what it is here we our super-monkey um we can also get our technological terror do where do we want to put him down we can put here is there working oh wait technological terror we'll put our technological terror down right there and I guess we can start kind of working on upgrading a making sure everyone has the money they need and making sure everything's doing great I mean she's like pretty pretty powerful she's already popped ten thousand balloons here we can upgrade let's start we're already on round 42 what even oh I just realized that is about to get spicy I don't really care about focus fire for you I want unwavering loyalty like I want regal presence super intelligence let's just upgrade all of these okay there you go I wonder can we get like quadruple oh wait okay there we go now we have $8,000 okay what about let's yeah let's upgrade the Ice King and then let's get the Ice King just like maxed out there we go Ice King is maxed out no balloons are gonna stand a chance against him now now where's plain princess I want the flame princess okay flame princess can I put the flame princess like right there's gonna be nice okay hungry flames I also want raw real fury so that all these pictures can kind of get a boost all right oh no we're slightly out of money now I firetrap how much like ah costs $2,000 that's pretty expensive I mean Marceline's kind of just doing her thing over there so I'm gonna kind of just let Marceline do her thing I mean there's a that was a Moab where it still need to go 25 more rounds so we need to make sure that one we don't want to lose out on the fireworks oh the fireworks are gonna be awesome yeah let's get fire trap fire traps always really nice and now let's focus on what other characters that we want to put down and start like maxing out oh yes we want to put down these guys what you want to put down both of these guys because these guys are really cool there we go all right so we want a pleasant melody beautiful melody and encore and I want to do the same for this guy wait huh beautiful melody encore okay select first character super monkey all right let's go let's collect both of these okay so like so select our character one we're gonna want it to be the Marceline wait select select the character Marceline and then the second character super monkey all right that's the both of those characters okay and so for our characters let's also do let's do let you pin and then Flame Princess okay all right both of those are getting all of the music right I'm pretty sure right and just just so I'm not crazy we're gonna do that okay there you go so both all those characters got kind of maxed out and now they're gonna be doing a lot better so let's see a hunt Marceline she is 40 Tommy Papa I don't think any balloons are gonna get past here and we're just gonna make sure that they everybody never can so heroic aura hyper range let's do laser eyes hypersonic speed disarming charisma plasma eyes sun avatar now we want to start saving up for the Sun God as well there we go he yeah he's as mm Potts we're just need to save up now we're already at around 61 so right now I'm pretty confident that we're gonna be more than fine but I just want to make sure look at the people I love though BMO's amazing he's definitely my favorite guy he's just the way he talks and sounds is just adorable like absolutely adorable oh here's here's our first oMG at fortified zomg around 66 whoo that's pretty that is really strong I totally forgot like I can do we can do that we can send the ice bull Adam we can do that we can also use our wand like we have all of these things oh there we go we can also get the Sun god yes okay we have the Sun God now we also want to get the our super monkey friends for poor guys are gonna have to be sacrificed alright there we go so now we have the super monkey so now we can turn them into the Sun God if we need to there we go collected alright we only need to go five more rounds okay I have no idea what's gonna come out is around 70 I have no clue whatsoever but he this guy last a pretty long time so I think what we can do is we can turn them into the Sun god temple right yeah there we go what is his range his range becomes pretty crazy he becomes the dark sun temple and he just goes insane look at look at his pop look at look he's actually like look he's about to police he's about to pass Marceline that is an insane number of pops this guy is super duper powerful well I can also use that ability that makes him attack even faster yeah we're doing more than fine not many balloons don't really stay in the chance we only have one more round to go as well Liz's gone really really fast I was not expecting us to pop these balloons so crazy crazy fast but hey I'm not complaining this is awesome here we can also go ahead and just we have thirty thousand dollars we can just upgrade we can get fusion power on this guy and I mean might as wallets that we can go ahead and grab Gunther oh here's the bad balloon okay oh okay okay here we're gonna want to put our blood right there let's get okay let's turn this guy and take this guy and round 75 level complete that was not easy but okay so we got the candy throne room so we got what do we get let's see so we got 25 gems 25 secret tapes 120 coins 3 potions one bluish orb one sandwich power 40 XP that is quite quite the can we double it ah no so we get 25 gems for for not losing Haven we got oh my gosh we got a bunch of a bunch of super rare wish orbs all right let's see what we got here the flame King the wizard Lord and the soul we don't want the sort so what's the flame king the former ruler of the fire kingdom has temporarily joined forces with FP to deal with the blue Novation no blue and can stand the heat from his radial fire attack and the wizard Lord an old friend of super monkey and a master of monkey magic his energy blasts bunch around the map destroying all in their path so what does he do so he costs $1,000 what's this guy cost is this guy's gotta cost cheap I wish I could see like what they do The Wizard Lord teams really cool though I want the wizard Lord let's keep the wizard Lord What's it cost yeah so we got the wizard Lord blue is sure yeah we'll open up some blue Bush or blueish herbs are pretty cool all right royal medal for heroic bravery so plus one damage if in range of PB what's this plus one damage if I think I have that plate so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna keep that because I'm pretty sure I have the other trinket for that which is gonna be really really nice another bluish or up so wait I feel like we're getting just okay so the sausage flare fire crown we already have that Jake sword we I don't really care about any of these increases yeah let's reroll the loop because none of those seem very good at all so a trinket heal one life for every 500 damage dealt by equipted character a cryo bomb Oh a nice crook additional +2 range if equipped it to Ice King that's gonna be really cool that's like that's insane range like actually insane range alright we don't want to keep we don't really care about greenish orbs we can yeah like these are just a bunch of common with shorts I don't think we really care what about these fish herbs we can kind of just get rid of all of them there we go now we can head back home and now we can so we can just use so now there we go we got a a stick wait what did we get we got a revenge stick cool alright so there's that guys so the next map is in three hours that we got to work on but wait I'm curious so we got 25 jumps how much does it gems cost eighty gems is a dollar so you get like 25ish cents for for being able to beat it in their minds that's pretty cool I guess and so we still have that we'll guys that's a pretty cool thing that's going on hopefully we're gonna be able to do more about it look at the Statue of Liberty Oh anyways that's all the up top really hit the like button if you want to see more of this awesome game on and I'll see you guys later bye everyone hello
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 82,605
Rating: 4.9002304 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons Adventure Time TD, BTD Adventure Time, Bloons TD 6 Adventure Time, Bloons TD 6 tewtiy, Mobile, Gaming, Mobile gaming, Bloons td, Adventure Time, strategy, Bloons Adventure Time strategy, Bloons TD 6, Most expensive upgrade, expensive upgrade, most expensive tower Bloons TD 6, most expensive upgrade Bloons TD 6, update, Bloons adventure time td update, 4th of july update, bloons 4th of july update, bloons update, bloons td 6 update, Bloons adventure time td 4th of july
Id: jVWBfhelfi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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