New Archeological Discovery

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[Music] we are here in sakara we took about 4 500 years old it's one of the most famous cemeteries in egypt here we talk about civilization when you ask about history it means egypt ready steady go yeah what a great discovery [Music] we need to keep this in good condition to take it for all the order to season [Music] i'm very happy guys that's that's what we were expecting this coffin was will sealed no chemical reaction no air inside nothing that's why it's all in perfect condition of preservation wow it's not something really very common to find every day the guys are asking how many coffins did we find the answer is i don't know yet when i dig every second i find something this one was a masterpiece that we have found i feel very proud egyptian workers egyptian ecologists egyptian conservators fewer egyptian missions but beautiful eyes what we found in the last two years in this area not represent 10 percent of what we are going to find congratulations sir wait and you will see such a lovely surprise me and my team we have such a great feeling about what we are doing it's not finished yet no it is just the beginning you
Channel: Experience Egypt
Views: 10,582
Rating: 4.8552036 out of 5
Id: zHFsojSJIbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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