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[Music] H oh God Kane is dead there's a killer Among Us oh my someone could have done it while we were asleep who's going to be next H don't overreact kinger if we team up we can figure out who the murderer is what are you doing here relax I've got something to tell you kfmo and ratha have been meeting secretly you should be careful huh are they accomplices shouldn't you be in bed Jax you know who the Killer is or maybe it's you Jess is here to protect me no need for explanations we're voting you the murder mhm [Music] all right the verdict is guilty and Jax is going to prison hey that's not fair huh damn it nobody believes me anymore no no no how do I rescue Jax huh oh what he left me a note give me that oh so you're Jax's partner in crime huh no I didn't do anything stop denying it [Music] H huh what did you do to ragi pomy you're the murderer it's all too clear no I'm innocent please I [Music] swear huh hey ja sorry that we got you wrong pomy might actually be the killer oh no py can't be the killer this is not right hooray we've cracked the case no no the Killer's still out here could it be you CMO nope not me I I didn't huh well well sharp mind Jack kinger so it's you behind all this yep I'm fed up with being underestimated I've been waiting for this day for too [Music] long huh huh and now it's my turn oh you okay J you really nailed it uncovering the truth please punish him he's so cruel you got it h Huh huh oh H is this Kane's new trick or [Music] something [Music] yeah huh oh my God what what's happening to him check this out Jack what the hell it was just a joke calm down huh did he just teleport wao let me give it a try huh I've got an idea all [Music] right you guys saw that imagine all the things we can do with this power [Music] Jack seriously don't go too crazy I've got a bad feeling about this chill out Captain grumpy pants that thing is spreading on your hand it's just a little sparkly decoration see oh he still looks [Music] fine what the give me back my body [Laughter] parts Jesus that thing is spreading all over him that's not good we have to do something Raga no not you too oh my God someone help w a huh I'm fine guess it was the power I can take you down now bring it [Music] on no no stop oh God no no a what a beautiful night right my darling Moon tonight's sour night Kane what the heck is happening got to check that out stop wrecking my tent you you what the hell are you why is it so damn strong my [Music] scepter enough already these naughty kids Kane isn't here let's go before he uh-huh don't even think about [Music] it guess what it's time for the digital amazing prom don't forget to dress up and snag a prom mate to be crowned king and queen I'm for sure going to own that King title nah CMO is clearly the better choice here kmo where are you up to I'm going to ask pomy to go to a prom with me what do you think CMO I I want to ask if oops my bad sorry let me clean up this mess um I think you should change your [Music] outfit cmo's going to ask me out and we'll be the stars of the [Music] night [Applause] [Music] CMO what's up with your [Music] makeup yikes uh I don't think we're a match see you J definitely did this to me just you wait will Jack say yes to my invite [Music] H what do you think Jack all i r move it [Music] I'm going to get [Music] you enough ragi I was going to [Music] say what that you pervert back off ah my butt you silly rabbit and the king and queen tonight are kmo and rata I lost my king title because of you [Music] [Music] a it's all your fault Jack I should have been the prom King huh truth is I didn't want you with cfmo I I I I've got a crush on you oh so so that's why I mean we can still dance out here you know the moon's looking rather romantic tonight yay huh guess it's a happy ending huh yo we've arrived at the Treasure Land life's going to be different from now on this is so exciting hey stop jumping around or we're toast huh easy fix didn't want me sorry but this treasure isn't for [Music] you you all right there I'm good did you know there's treasure on that island really then let's go get it finally it's my time get revenge on those jerks so Jack we to First the map says [Music] left huh [Music] W oh oh hey get off [Music] her want to fly with me [Music] huh work harder I'm on it can't you see H aha [Music] the treasure I found the treasure wow wow that's our well-deserved reward ours oh ragi I don't think so ler stupid girl [Music] huh oh God ratha's in trouble no it's just that Karma [Music] gotter what happened how am I here H didn't you and Jax go treasure hunting together Jax that jerk hit me and ran off with all the loot I'll make him pay oh life is just great stick to the plan huh these obstacles won't stop me Billy rabbit stop right there what what's happening [Music] but Lord I got to get home [Music] fast no no no the boat's got a hole in it maybe I can grab some cash and swim home no [Music] don't worry we'll take care of the [Music] [Music] treasure oh boy hey py having a rough day k m Jacks disappear I can't deal with him anymore uh-oh I can't pull off Vanishing axe but I can find you a new [Music] pal a gift for you pomy [Music] what's wrong with [Music] [Applause] [Music] it hey want to hang out okay hold up there are two [Music] pomys just you wait have a seat [Music] oops forgot about the other pomy here you go [Music] H oh Santa's special delivery oh wow a teddy bear I want a present too huh sorry gifts only for the original pomy what I'm going to get rid of her what are you doing Santa said only one pomy is allowed in this tent and that's me Santa said what take [Music] [Music] this you can't hide from me oh my God where is she found you little mouse Oh by oh my bad didn't think she'd try to hurt you [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the this why does it keep popping up no please ah my hand it's glitching oh huh huh H ha my pl's working perfectly it's time to rule this [Music] world it's bedtime huh oh no oh silly Intruders you're trapped and say bye-bye to the world cuz my special red smoke will make you all [Music] sleepy this map is easier than eating cake left or right H maybe this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh boy please don't tell me you know how to use it why am I always the one being chased I hate [Music] it time to figure out what's happening here oh who are you how'd you get here I'm Kane and I'm looking for an invention hidden in these walls an injection that turns kids into monsters like you keep dreaming I'm not letting you have it nice try Kitty but I make the rules around here buddy I see through all your tricks try something new how did you do that get off me I got to stop Kane [Music] no no is is this the end is it here give it up dude if you help me you can be my lucky in my new world stop it I won't let you turn innocent kids into monsters I won't let anyone suffer the same fate as me aha who cares I just want to rule the world huh huh M if I've got it right the Prototype is the6 experiment it's mine all mine no world domination here I [Music] come how dare you looks like it's goodbye playtime I'm seeing you guys soon holy catnap just wrecked my perfect plan welcome to the amazing digital circus my name is Kane I'm your ring master and skip the talk Kane heard it a zillion times uh what just happened never mind all righty then no time to waste let's dive head first into today's adventure the game get to the highest block as fast as possible and the prize whatever your heart desires an exit door nice one pomy but how about mind control ability [Music] oh let the race begin Ready set [Music] go oh no got to go fast [Music] huh this is way too easy Kane amp it up a bit At Your [Music] Service [Music] huh having fun J thanks Kane getting better [Music] [Music] H wow [Music] this is way too hard I can't do this but I have to find the exit door [Music] [Music] way to go ja haste this last round for your super duper prize I'll win it for [Music] sure h [Music] Hy what are you doing oops my bad stop now but we might both fall okay no Jack uhuh she that was close Okay this game is getting dull let's spice it up [Music] you're such a drama queen you stupid rabbit [Music] ouch bomber J just one step away from Glory this adventure is getting weird and too old man got to go P [Music] me what stop right there Jax toss me a cane [Music] [Music] huh uh hi there I can't remember what happened but I swear tomorrow's Adventure will be the absolute [Music] best ouch why are you treating me like this you loser can't even handle an intruder in our playtime Factory so miss Delight is the one taking over for you kill him this one seems fishy or am I just imagining things that was [Music] close no no no ouch who's that show yourself I'm going to kill you monster wait please don't do that prototype ditched me now I want to help you take him down how do I know you're not lying dude I'm practically half dead it's terrible you know what together we can make the Prototype pay the price so what's your plan first let's find your friend poppy then we'll figure out our next move huh dang it who invited the monster wait wait wait catnap is on our side now hear me out we got to deal with Miss Delight first then I'll lead us to the pro type h sounds like we need an electric Source before the big fight all right after Mr lights out we'll meet up we're going to win this time's running out let's move so once I lure M Delight over just trip the lever spill the glue and stick her to the ground got it stop and behave I'm hungry for a Bight do [Music] it what katnap what are you doing oh my God my bad catnap looks like you're quite the little spy Now kill him and I might let your mistake slide catnap you tricked me do it no [Music] ow you scared huh okay watch out huh next up you annoying Intruder good hit are you okay huh catnap you're still with us right answer me please keep going you're getting there huh seems like he wasn't lying at all bu time's up we really need to go this bouquet will find me my future husband oh I just can't wait wow it's mine mine mine fine fine what a beautiful day for dating right pomy huh what's this congratulations here's your prince princess exactly what I deserve what what's happening he disappeared how dare you huh princess let's hunt him down with a big reward indeed he won't get away from me [Music] is he [Music] hiding where is he huh let's check this out suspicious huh what are you doing here P don't you dare touch her huh don't let Jack slip away come with us Jack GRE on stop huh ker you old goof let's run we made it out PNE I I need to say something yes go on um I think I love you would you marry me yes I do gotcha my [Music] love Jax is mine and I'm going to get him back today is the worst day in my [Music] life let's tost and wait for the reward money no it ain't over yet yeah get that Troublemaker back right now huh nice one pomy stop right there ah this feels like a [Music] movie woohoo this feels so good see you princess ha oh just wait and see oh what the heck py who did this to you [Music] huh the why did you do that to pomy I I didn't do anything surprise huh can you come up with a better prank this is honestly getting boring [Music] then how about [Music] [Music] this Jack you really pissed me off now go this is crazy that's what went down Kane damn it so it was ja sorry I should have stopped them uh you go deal with Jax I'm going to make sure pne's all right all right see you in a [Music] bit Jax you're in for it now quit running you better stop running bye W what the hell why are you chasing me you shoved PM me off the balcony didn't you no I did not it's time you stop with your pranks my God can you hear me out for a sec surprise huh can you come up with a better prank this is honestly getting boring [Music] then how about [Music] this ah get it off me gosh this is crazy man I feel like a fool turns out this is ratha's hair where is she she's with pomy now we got to go now [Music] a w w w w [Music] [Laughter] [Music] w what the heck hurry up very you are pomy huh hey watch out help so sorry stop huh huh R you lied to me I'm so sorry I was just panicking with everything ragot that tried to cure me her injection woke me up so everything's cool now what a freaking exhausting day huh who's screaming oh my God tnap is murdered my God who did this terrible [Music] thing look on the floor next to him is that a bell pomy it's you isn't it uh-uh not me I'm totally innocent with the fibs pomy isn't this your bell come with us to the cell you kill catnap cross my heart it wasn't me get her [Music] h Huh aha damn it she vanished let's find another [Music] way thank God they've been fooled time's up pomy no more fighting I didn't do anything please let me go lock her up it's time for pomy to think about what she did don't worry the truth will soon pop out seriously I swear it's not me w w w w [Music] w huh I didn't notice his hand earlier oh God it's not pomy it's [Music] rtha I'm sorry pomy I know it wasn't you it's ratha thank you for believing me but you got to help me get her to own up to her crime I'll help [Music] you finally my two Rivals have been wiped out you stole my bell and Pinn the blame on me uh-huh and what are you going to do about it I'm going to tell everyone the truth you won't be alive to do it [Music] ritha why do you keep making trouble I'm I'm [Applause] [Music] sorry nice one kitty I whipped up some cupcakes want to try yummy you're sure good at this pomy [Music] I'm going to be the only one he [Music] loves who did that please trust me I didn't kill catnap you're telling the truth of course I am I'm still your good bud oh please just cut the ACT ragi why are you here you're supposed to be dead oh Raga I'm seriously disappointed in you one day I will have my [Music] revenge huh Jess is that [Music] you oh my God you're [Music] dead holy this is so bral uhuh yeah huh what's that noise [Music] Jesus what happened here and here come two more [Music] victims well well well looks like everyone's going to be my prisoners [Music] what is that a space [Music] hole uh should I just enter the exit and come back home no no I got to save my friends where am [Music] I K quiet wakey wakey silly [Music] kinger [Music] h oh [Music] oh that's the moon necklace [Music] H oh gosh [Music] sh it works it really works huh uh-oh Here Comes Trouble [Music] [Music] the game is over little girl put me down you stupid cat huh huh what's wrong with my tail stop bullying my friend you Wicked cat take [Music] this we're coming [Music] home where is everyone oh there you are huh thanks a lot for your help Kane oh my God ja you're [Music] [Music] back huh ooh yummy tea for my thirsty [Music] throat we did it Kane's knocked out what magic can we pull with this [Music] scepter huh what's happening got a bounce Jack I trusted you to keep an eye on these Traders okay yeah yeah can you let us out please quit your pleading it's not going to [Music] work ja take my money and set me free [Music] please it's all I've got nah that ain't going to come got it huh maybe you're just hungry so yum this pizza is crazy good maybe I'll let you go just for [Music] that Jax hear me out I think this is my last shot to come home our plan didn't work and Kane's coming back to kill us oh my that's bad I'll give you everything I've got please just let me go don't worry about it a good girl like you deserves to go home Jack you trickster wait why is the cage open Where's Jax Jax and py ran away please let us out we'll catch those traitors for you okay woohoo [Music] damn it how do we sneak past bubble wait I have an [Music] idea [Music] huh whose Footprints are these maybe it was me oh silly bubble bubble did you see Jackson pomy the exit door huh oh huh ker did you see pomy and Jax yeah they went this way or that way I can't remember [Music] huh [Music] huh ponnie find the exit I'll catch up later huh h [Music] huh uh-oh fresh out of [Music] tomato W oh oh gotcha you sneaky rats huh K look we got him nice one ladies so we're free to go huh What the fu is going on criminals trying to break free no freaking way wa got a big one on the line and it's a monster fish huh catch him huh huh who the heck are you let me go yeah oh my God what's going on with Jack oh no we got to save him h Huh there he is huh I'm not a fan of interruptions let's bounce wait where are they and where where are we waa is this candy Canyon Kingdom everything's made of candies yay strawberries on top look a fountain of chocolate oh I love chocolate covered strawberries Who Dares disturb my beauty sleep a chocolate crocodile shoo shoo monster H chocolate yummy [Music] chocolate here's a gift for you wo sick thank you only if you hand over the tent key and become my loyal sidekick H sure thing yes finally with this key I'll be able to huh just kidding your h this huh gumu Army get him uh-oh got to [Music] run the key it's mine oops too slow princess if you won't give it to me don't come crying ragi catch it quick ragi remember who's the boss around here sorry I forgot oh what the is going on just grab that damn key it's over little bunny Just Surrender oh boy how do I deal with these gummy lizards is there anything I can use oh a match stick ah useless Bunch looks like fudge is my only hope now ouch why is it here get her this is bad aha no my beautiful dress chocolate yes Chocolate Dream Come True best chocolate party ever what a day time to head home peeps all right aim for nothing but [Music] strikes oh my God apologies but it's so funny you're such a troublemaker going to have to get punished be a waiter and serve understand huh beat me first I'm starving over here [Music] H I'm taller and way more hungry I should go first enough everyone will get their burger fit it's all right mhm what my hair's going wild good Stu wait wait what happened to my voice huh pne's voice is just too hilarious but I'm still prettier and my voice is softer than pom's how dare you you curly mess hey I think she needs some extra decoration two slices on her eyes a sausage in her mouth ha who's the clown now my turn hey got any burgers for a starving clown wow talk about fast service H how about adding some sadness seasoning oh buddy I just saw the exit door heard you've been looking for it huh exit door exit door exit door where is it where's my exit door what if we give it a bit more here try this out CMO wa uh-oh I've got a bad feeling about this yeah a my Lord he's gone abstracted huh huh is this the Cure wait or this powder or or this potion huh [Music] huh oh no nothing's working I'm in trouble hold on there's another way huh thanks a bunch GLS you're a lifesaver what the heck is this mess oh damn it he ruined everything CHS huh aha got to pull a prank on [Music] him so sorry old man I won't let you off easy this time huh you stupid rabbit just quit pomy you're going to lose anyway huh I got a bad feeling about this are we attention class what the huh where are we um it looks like we're in in a classroom you two nap so much you forget this is my anatomy class huh h Huh tell me how many bones are we talking here Jack's Focus huh I don't want to get yelled at again who cares right now I just want to do something fun [Music] aha woohoo paper [Music] plane oh knock it off with the games now ah someone's going to trip over this mess imagine the comedy have you finished your writing exercise H wait no don't look at it instead of writing you're drawing silly stuff about me huh oops well that's totally not my fault huh why did the lights go off this is just not right we have to get out of here you naughty naughty students needs to be taught a lesson where you at troublemakers whisper stay quiet or we're toast come on guys who wants some candy M Delight here has all the candy for you oh God help come out before I ruin all this stuff students where are you huh who's [Music] there do do you have any idea where we're [Music] heading uh-oh definitely not this way ouch looks like you've lost your way let me give you a hand no [Music] run you C out spart your teacher come on py got you little Jester close the door fast I won't forget this just you wait sheesh thought we were toast oh looks like we've got two unexpected guests let's come greet them [Music] gotcha buddy he's on the loose activate Plan B ouch you [Music] traitors what's the deal guys tell me come on Kane it's time for us to go back home no more fooling around [Music] W which door is the right one the left one I'm sure of it nope it's the right one like right right hurry up y'all close the door sh Kan do your thing stop them from running away no sweat bubble I'm still tailing them on every road time's ticking [Music] peeps ja watch out for hidden traps my lord it's a freaking dead end I'm opening the door brace [Music] yourself huh what does this thing do Kane they're in the PC room they're going to discover their [Music] past that's it I'll be the one to fix this mess no more goofing off in this circus you naughty kid huh looks like we're on the right path keep going guys hold up that's my name on it [Music] H bony if you can't do your job just quit [Music] it [Music] huh I um [Music] maybe so that's what my real life is we've all been through the ringer before this place that's why I made this amazing digital circus where we can be happy [Music] forever I've got this I must do [Music] this h that's my [Music] story anyone itching to leave there's the exit but sticking around means more fun you know do I really want to go back to that sad depressing life you know what no I'm not count me in for the amazing digital circus ride very well then together we'll make this place a paradise of Eternal [Music] happiness cnap please please spare us and why should I I'm starving and you guys look delicious hold up you monster it hurts ouch that hurts please get better soon miss Delight we're really worried about you H what if we try changing the color of the scar silly piggy we've got meds to fix her up I'm betting on the yellow one why not go with the blue Mr lights pleas open your eyes oh no she's getting even worse she's dead isn't she oh crap did we did we just killed her geny times up kiddos finally no more M Delight bothering me I smell Citrus in the air a what a perfect hiding spot little Bobby and what a perfect hunting trip man I feel so useless I can't do anything for Miss Delight H [Music] oh oh there's still hope wakey wakey we really need you miss F I don't like this catnap please let us go sure thing I'll let you go right into the stew pot enough monster you ruined my meal thank God you're okay I'm coming yo hustle them [Music] guys oh snap Mr the lights down this is the final blow quick give me a [Music] boost I'm [Music] coming how dare you hit hit my butt why not huh you either join me in the Prototype or face death what's your choice catnap stop it we used to be friends that thing brainwashed you let me out I'm only trying to help please that's what stubbornness gets you uh hey are you still alive H is this a picture of you and catnap were you friends before yeah long time ago we were best buds if we plug in the battery we can open the roller shutter no what did you do to him my Lord prototype I am your faithful servant oh no sorry that happened so what's your plan we got to save catnap from the monster inside him and bring our friend back he used to be a good guy it could be risky but as a friend I'll help [Music] you the roller shutter is stuck let me figure this out aha H we nailed it it's catnaps red smoke be careful pH catnap are you here come with me buddy the Prototype tricked me we got to go I'm sorry for hurting you dog day thank God you're still my Pal Dog Day wake up dog day we're running out of of time what's going on why am I passed out you inhaled some of the red smoke you okay did you have a bad dream never mind it was just a hallucination from the sleeping gas we got to go I feel like we're being watched we need to be careful thatn might be nearby [Music] please don't kill catnap catnap remember when we were friends fight your inner monster what we were we were friends time's up if we don't stop catnap he'll do the same to us attack watch out you monster no [Music] dog day are you there you remembered thank goodness cat you trainer you'll never G for me I won't give up I'll come back for you catnap we won't leave until we stop the Prototype and I know just how to do it Kane C abstract has disappeared maybe he's off chasing ratha don't fret cmo's just helping me guard my buried treasure oh ah treasure it will be mine are you sure there's an exit down here I'm sure trust me huh huh ouch that hurts shh you'll wake up kmo let me figure this out hey [Music] huh look a pointy Rock woo lucky break [Music] huh untight jacks thanks pomy I almost bit the dust no biggie Jacks H how do we get across that [Music] Chasm hey look there's a rope [Music] Jax I think we're being followed don't sweat it just some Smoky bats [Music] huhuh come on you stupid train looks like we got to put some muscle into it hooray we outsmarted kmo we make a pretty good team huh wo W wo w w where are we what's happening H ja should should we turn back I'm scared we're almost at the exit door come [Music] on it's too too risky see it's just a trick teeth verification required verification [Music] success ha my [Music] treasure wait where's my exit door oh silly pomy there no freaking exit door you tricked me how dare you dream of my treasure I was tricked I I didn't know it was yours Kane please every Intruder faces their punishment thank goodness my toothpaste is still here can't survive without it thanks CMO everything's good now [Music] [Music] yeah I'm loving this game oh no [Music] huh hey dollface you good ja I'm a someone help me I'm [Music] drowning oh oh oh oh oh just you wait pomy I'll show you that Jack belongs to [Music] me with this potion he'll fall in love with me dang it what's up with that oh forget about it aha you will finally be mine [Music] ja huh J got something for you for me ja share a nibble I'm [Music] starving no no no not this one damn it this stupid is not happening what's going on with her [Music] uh thanks pom me oh please mine's way cooler take my heart lady totally Jack [Music] [Music] [Applause] oops uh my bad didn't see that coming [Music] huh is this funny to [Applause] you cut it out you two She's Mine feel too late I fell for her first that's it I'm done with this this cure is going to stop all the [Music] problems you're the only one for [Music] me please please please stop [Music] it hey there princess want to take a spin dude you're killing me finally we're done with all this [Music] craziness oh thank God it's [Music] over hey someone dropped some tasty chocolate such a waste I'm always here for you lovely girl oh [Music] gosh for F's sake leave me alone guys catnap puppet show is happening and you know he's the Puppet Master huh come on Kane we want to see it huh all right if you [Music] insist it seems like my puppet collection needs some new faces wow so cool [Applause] Co oh what a lovely day today stop right there huh oh that's super [Applause] spooky huh she nailed it great bra that's awesome huh wow ja guess what it's a pom puppet girl you've got to win this oh my God huh [Music] attack go pomy you got this take this hooray big thanks for tuning in everyone yay y um wait where's PNE huh what bubbles gone too H where are the other members huh PNE ratha you here hey Jax let's peek in catnaps room wao that's one huge puppet collection M this one looks exactly like pomy huh [Music] my puppet collection is almost [Music] full someone's [Music] hiding who are you [Music] looks like my last two puppets decided to show up [Music] themselves I just can't wait for the Jack puppet this is so sweet of him [Music] Catch Me If You Can show yourself I'm here stupid cat huh no I'm not losing [Music] huh this flimsy disguise is freaking stupid what bubble you're behind all this chaos yes and I'm speaking of your game Kane with these puppets I'll make my own world well if you're that crazy about puppets how about becoming one yourself Kane thank you you saved us hey mind if I join you guys sorry pomy but our group is kind of [Music] full hey feeling a bit left out aren't you want to join my game wow of [Music] [Laughter] course oh no ja what are you doing Jack stop you're going to hurt me [Music] H didn't realize you weren't up for Extreme Gaming how about a safer game [Music] bingo bango your turn is right [Music] here Jack seriously ease up Pony what's the deal thought you were down for some [Music] fun H and I don't want to play your stupid games anymore huh want to skip the game not so easy girl grab some buddies to fill in your [Music] place oo [Music] you guys want to join a funny [Music] [Music] game pomy what on Earth are you doing if you want to have some fun do it yourself I'm out stupid [Music] Jester huh what's wrong with it [Music] [Applause] what's up help someone help [Music] me Jack is stuck on the tent and he can't get [Music] down please glink help me get Jax down [Music] you're a lifesaver pomy such a sweet Soul sorry for treating you badly earlier won't happen again Pinky Promise This Time It's Showtime huh what's going on H my dear pom will you marry me uh I I don't overthink it darling just follow your heart say yes say yes say yes sorry like that but I can't huh she doesn't love [Music] me oh I really enjoyed our time together [Music] H should I keep trying will she change her mind Oh What a Beautiful date huh who's there [Music] huh dang it kmo has gone too far time to show off my [Music] charm huh H bet pomy can't resist my good looks [Music] a that's so sweet of you you like [Music] that oh how great it is to see you again I knew it pomy loves me oh what's wrong with you jack stop it huh you will'll never break us apart now no she rejected me again she rejected me again huh Jack please stop you're scaring me I'll handle Jack py run kmo I'm sorry huh [Music] huh oh God where's Jack got you little missy how dare you break my heart you know I can't handle rejection I'm sorry but I only love CMO please forgive me [Music] oh it's all my fault I'm overreacting I should do this just a moment guys thank God you're okay today your last day Intruders must be killed oh God what do I do what do I do not this not this not this huh [Music] huh oh oh you're adorable I can't resist you're mine and I'll never let you go hiding here seems like a good plan they probably won't see me here's a little something to show my affection the teddy bear Ador you um thanks but I'm not really feeling it you don't like my gifts no no it's sweet I absolutely love it thanks but I I got to go got some stuff to take care of you will never leave my sight is she following me maybe I'm just imagining thing [Music] stop dailing me it's freaking me out oh God hope she can't keep up with me he's here it's my time to shine gotcha buddy wait where'd he [Music] go thanks for saving me please don't do that it's so cringy cringy you're you're rejecting me yeah why not you're a total nightmare I hate you no [Music] yeah hand him over to me he's mine quit dreaming he's mine aha they're not paying attention time to make my move oh got the power sword finally look he's running away stop right there stay back you monster ahuh there's an intruder trying to treat it's time to settle this once and for all wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to no the Smoke's going to turn you into sleepy [Music] heads [Music] huh stop you're too noisy at this hour [Music] ha a fan blows away all the Smoke Off troublemaker you naughty kiddos need punishments now ready for bed I'm going to dance the night away what the he can turn into a monster ratha will you go to bed huh where are you we'd better go check on [Music] ragi go away you monster cat [Music] if that's what you want no uh I don't think we should mess with that monster cat we must seek Kane's help [Music] now got you little Jester B now huh they tricked me oh boy Kane you [Music] awake Kane wake up we're in a bad situation uhoh no catnap knocked Kane out we're in trouble we can handle him alone all we need is a good [Music] plan H okay it said bring him [Music] over why aren't you in bed yet Jack now now we can get back to our rock band I've got a bad feeling about this shut your eyes pomy huh are you nuts trust me sleep now oh [Music] finally they're off to Dreamland my work here is done time for me to head home [Music] [Music] another sleepless night for me yo what's happening some weird chemicals is sticking to me oh man ja is getting abstracted [Music] here he comes back off or you get sliced Jack just wait I'll be back for Revenge thanks for saving our butts Jax will come back so we got to brainstorm some epic schemes okay so plan a smash him with a giant ball or Plan B lure him in with food IO we can take him down with that I don't know man abstracted Jax is way stronger and quicker than me don't worry we'll stick together and stick to the plan [Applause] yes ha I can totally handle them in a snap huh wait what's [Music] that oh no no no woohoo we crushed it someone's going to fall for this delicious [Music] trap grilled [Music] chicken these lame [Music] traps where did the food go Jack's got past the Trap how's that possible if I can cut the power then I'll be running the show those dummies w't know what hit them in the [Music] dark H oh man they're knocked out I wonder what little gangle tastes like oh no let her go you cool jerk nuts get this thing off me huh that was such a long dream can someone tell me what happened H hey why is everyone gathering around like this huh oh oh oh oh uh-oh um guys you all right oh my God that is not freaking all all right time for payback Jack no h wait is that Jax and ratha I really hope pomy and kofo don't see us what the hell Jax is cheating on [Music] me no no no this can't be true hey CMO oh we got to go Jax and ratha are going out what we got to catch him red-handed Then This Way Lady woohoo woohoo woohoo easy peasy woo my turn yes hey we make a pretty good team huh look at them all smiles so annoying I'll snap a pick so they can't deny it nice one k h they're taking off move huh um I'm not sure we can [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to win this game in your [Music] dreams you jerk what are you doing everything I can to win this game huh no it's mine huh oh huh they're right [Music] there what the they're kissing forget this I'm catching them wait cffo stop all right let's swap for prizes huh huh I'll grab the Hat then you pick the outfit seems good mhm go for it [Music] huh thanks little glink wait what where' all the coins go H you wrecked you swiped all my coins didn't you hey you think you're slick you stole them all huh easy there guys what's wrong well we're just trying to get that clown costume set so we can dress up like pomy and kofo ah guys we didn't [Music] know where do you think you're going sorry about that little thief here's your priz now let's hit up the carnival [Music] a whole stash of candies huh where are you off to [Music] Amigo come on pomy we can't blow this stupid game oh my God guys I'm in deep trouble come save me huh where you at old man he's in candy Canyon Kingdom let's [Applause] roll wow we're on a candy floss clouds huh what are you doing in my world we're here for Kane he's innocent you don't know what he did to me I wonder how this princess candy taste it's [Applause] bat oh la la she love this new [Music] look I'm done with you circus freak yum snack time huh gosh hope she's okay oh a stairway into the castle I remember you sweet Seekers and you can't sneak in uh oh we're we're wanted how about disguising ourselves stop excuse me sir we're invited to the party can you show us the way this way lady and gentlemen [Music] huh they look familiar aha they tricked me run and get Kane sorry Jack is Kane here you made it please let my friends go you can all go to jail get her huh [Music] huh [Music] no useless lizard I'll handle this help me last round frizzy hair huh we did it good job Raga let's go home guys thanks my sweet girl bubble the members memories are flooding back got to do some brainwashing magic round him up and drag him to the lab would you you got it boss this wild circus ain't wrapping up anytime soon my gosh they're losing it I need to tell everyone about this ja you're terrible at keeping secrets I'll give you a crash course [Music] no huh oh my God ja what happened to you ja you're getting abstracted a it hurt my head please tell me what's going on I'm good pomy but we really have to go now before Kane sees us huh no I'm not going anywhere I need to get back home I have a [Music] family huh he py got some FY decor for [Applause] you back off don't mess with [Music] her huh don't mess with her oh how cute you freaking ball uh-oh can't help me huh run pomy quick spill it Jack why is everyone acting so weird if our real life memories hit us they will try to brainwash us huh ja I don't think you understand the meaning of the word Secrets the members deserve to know what's going on uhhuh so I guess the solution is erasing the not so great memories Jack be a good sport will [Music] you ja and you're coming with me [Music] what a sweet family but you know it's all ancient history [Music] now huh where am I isn't this the void no I just want to go back home how dare you wreck my experiment you evil Wicked Jerk come back [Applause] [Music] here help me go you stupid rabbit huh help someone anyone help me please bomy wake up wo oh oh oh oh aha who are you and where am I you don't recognize me get it off me hello my name is pomy welcome and and I'm from I'm I'm from calm down nobody remembers that stuff forget the details the deal is you're about to have the time of your life at the amazing digital circus help someone help me huh what the hell is going on [Music] huh I'm Free Run no we have to find the exit [Music] huh no we're lost it's here the exit door it looks suspicious I don't think we should trust me what the we're getting sucked in hold my hand we have to close it does someone need a h I'm Monster Run huh I can see sunlight we'll get out soon help I'm sorry forgive me [Music] catnap I'm so glad I'm home [Music] now you okay thank you catnap can we be friends friends forever absolutely my [Music] friend I have to save [Music] him catnap are you here I'm here my friend [Music] cat what have you turned into dog day come play with me it's so much fun here no catnap we got to get out of here it's dangerous don't make me lose my patience doct day it all goes according to plan [Music] [Applause] a where am I who am I you're okay you've just been through a deadly accident I can't remember a thing don't worry I will be your companion from now on H oh my [Music] God I found it dang it where on Earth is it oh snap help [Music] me oh he's so cool py what the hell just happened I found an exit door ja then out of nowhere Cosmo crashed the scene you go and tell Kane fast now okay I'm so tired huh what is that no no no Copo is here h no no [Music] [Music] no what's going on oh no I got to go h h [Music] aha py what's the meaning of this surprise surprise came the ring Master what catch me if you can freeze why do I have to work sorry bubble combo [Music] attack just take it it's finally mine PNE you okay bubble you're pushing it fine take ITA this day has come how do I even use this stick dude stop right there Kane quit messing [Music] [Music] around and into the cellar you go back to [Music] normal thanks Kane I feel like I've been reborn and Jack's too Jack you [Music] okay all good would never been more chill but I I'd rather not do that heart pounding thing [Music] again another day another adventure but next time let's remember safety first [Music] okay stop chasing me freeze all right gang it's Easter time today's challenge is to hunt down Easter eggs how can sluggish pomy beat me at anything don't you wait accept your fate girl I'll show you who's the real Champion where are those Easter eggs hey Raga check out that giant egg let's figure out how to grab it h yeah [Music] H oh my God watch [Music] out we hit the jackpot catch it oh no it got away gotcha not so fast buddy huh dang it leave them to me ha I'm feeling pretty confident about winning this stop you stupid egg O hope my abstracted buddy is not here Jax is crazy didn't he know Kane locked kmo in that [Music] room thanks pomy I almost bit the dust here's the egg I've been searching for we're going to lose Jack look at P's eggs H not if I can [Music] [Music] help huh huh there's an egg on the box let's grab it huh what the hell all my eggs are gone how can this happen to me [Music] time's up let's see how you guys are doing egg baskets please [Music] nice and the result is in here are your rewards and [Music] penalties a trip to the beach just what we deserve huh am I going to hell go inside pom and Raga you're not the winner hold on hold on I have something to say okay look P's team managed to find some eggs show some mercy okay but this is your only chance got it yay to the beach we go thanks for helping us out you're a lifesaver hey cheer up you did well too until someone stole all your eggs how did you know my eggs were stolen I never told you that wait Mom [Music] Dad I'm really [Music] [Music] sorry so even you're leaving me huh catnap oh no oh huh thank you huh guess I'm still pretty lonely in this big old world uhhuh wow wo it's so [Music] good huh uh-huh [Music] oh these machines are seriously [Music] weird hi prototype I'm Theodore Theodore granell H yes my stuffed toy [Music] catnap you're such a nice hands can I be your friend [Music] huh H okay what's this all [Music] about no I didn't scribble on that you tricked me ouch that [Music] hurts I was way too trusting shouldn't have put so much faith in that weird hand wao this place is like a Next Level crazy prison ouch huh H the Prototype is so evil got to rescue Bubba and piggy no matter what nailed it stay there for a bit okay seriously where did it go [Music] dude let me go come on for the type let me go hang on and check out my Wicked invention no way I'm not being your labat just a little more patience we're almost there stop God please uh-huh what I'm stuck in this cat toy no give me back my body [Music] yes nailed it Jack look I just made fire put this on ratha don't want you to catch a [Music] cold what what the heck what are they [Music] doing you cheating [Music] bastard what the what was that for flirting with another girl right in front of me I didn't do anything ratha fell into the water so I just tried to shut up we're done Wy wait Wy huh no I'm sorry pomy it was it was JX that kept coming on to me really maybe maybe you got it wrong maybe he's just being friendly come on pomy it's clear as day now just get rid of him but what if it was a mistake oh pomy you're the mistake here [Music] was I wrong will pomy forgive me who sorry ratha I'm fine but but I just met PNE and she asked me to give you this dear ja I don't think we should be together [Music] anymore you okay Jack don't touch me she just dumped you she doesn't love you but I do I don't need anyone but pomy leave me the hell alone mind if I can't have you then so is she help anyone someone help you can scream your lungs out all you want no one will save you why are you doing this to me ratha what did I ever do to you because a won't be mine if you're still here stupid [Music] Jester huh Jax what's wrong py just broke up with [Music] me oh huh um are you sure this is pom's handwriting h oh God you're right how did I not realize this thank you oh what a terrible nightmare oh was it what no this is not [Music] real what the hey it's time to stop other otherwise you got to be the one in that throwing [Music] board I'm sorry Jax I shouldn't have just accused you like [Music] that don't ever throw this away again all [Music] right screw you [Music] Bal fine I'll make my own jacks like as handsome as can be and sprinkle in a bit of that bad boy [Music] Vibe [Music] oh hey there beautiful [Music] huh ouch W I can already hear it JX help me out J help me out you okay beautiful what the he's me today's adventure is going to be knife throwing folks let's dive in right away I think we all know who's the Champ here oh [Music] you what how is he so good B congrats the winner is uh another Jack yay yay woohoo seriously you've got skills oh hey pomy I bet these diamonds would suit you perfectly oh wow thank you ja take it off you're mine pomy you're stuck with me not [Music] him I'm sorry I I got a little carried away I but I got to pleas to make up for it just wait here huh you good looks like someone needs to be taught a proper lesson huh H I got to run for a bit stay here okay what the hell do you want I know I'm just your clone and now she's back by your side so it's time for me to go just just take care of her for me will you already doing [Music] it I've got a bad feeling about this huh stop it let him go please or else I won't forgive you get out I don't want to hurt you no my fo Stu [Music] who he's making a run for it got to off him now come on py we've got this no no no [Music] no goodbye ja yo stop stop chasing me whoever grabs Jax first gets to claim him back off Jax is mine got you babe nope I caught him first he's mine hold up how about we settle this with a game and the winner gets me huh huh h w be careful okay I don't want to get hurt chill babe I'm the pro here you don't know how good I am at this game dude how am I supposed to dodge this oh oops looks like we need another round of this game I'm going to wreck him so Jax is all mine h [Music] check me out you [Music] loser what the my ring hey be really careful I don't want to fall trust me darling huh silly pomy doesn't know the trick why is this so hard watch this I can't do it either who so the game's done right [Music] huh who did that ladies step aside so I can claim my Jack keep drinking we ain't letting you have him yeah we're not up for more competition huh wait then I ain't backing down there is only one way left and we each will get a piece of Jack H you really think that's going to work oh no oh please don't do this to me think it over oh let me try oh my it seems like a problem help I can't see a thing what the where's Jack why weren't you keeping an eye on him it's your fault you [Music] traitor thanks for having my back you're so kind no worries from now on I'll always be kind to [Music] [Music] you oops aha my bad sorry Jackson cut it out with the [Music] pranks what the W Catch Me If You [Music] Can such a long day time to head home folks [Music] H it's locked Kan open the door oh move over let me handle [Music] it h whatever [Music] uhuh voila a secret tunnel into the [Music] tent look at me oh silly bunny [Music] woohoo wa pomy nice takeoff aha a it's warm bye-bye idiot here Jax take this before you freeze H thanks pomy got [Music] it I'm on my [Music] way ja what are you up to [Music] wow Bravo Jack and there comes the best Fisher in the [Music] world oh [Music] uh-oh the smell attracted a polar bear run wo huh what a relief run for [Music] it h Farewell My friend [Music] oh my I totally forgot about jackon pomy [Music] oh help please stop chasing me no no no just stop [Music] already I swear I didn't do anything wrong please oh gosh princess lulala was murdered are there any clues on who did it there's a wound on her arm what a bite mark this looks familiar oh gosh it's gummy Goose huh how could you do such cruel thing leave me alone dude man up why won't you just confess I told you to leave me alone snap out of it man I need the truth huh where am I why am I tied up huh princess luluu is dead and we found your fite marks on her body please I didn't do it I was being used the evil guy is no what ja you're you're the one who sorry but yeah it's me how could you do that and why take this oh you're so naive let me Enlighten [Music] you princess Lully Lalo treated me like dirt and I couldn't take it anymore do you want Revenge Revenge how [Music] time to flex your muscles kill the princess Now kill the princess kill the princess so it was you behind all of this nah it's gummy goo doing I only help him to achieve his goals you know and for you pomy you know too much now it's time for you to go a huh go death is the end you earned [Music] Jax what is that Jax with ragged you cheating bastard oh [Music] oh my God pomy are you okay ratha explain wait wait why are there two pomy and where's ratha oh uh-oh who's the real PNE tell me now you can't recognize your own girlfriend ja I'm your pomy trust me damn it I can't tell the difference aha huh get off me how about you that hurts you [Music] jerk H isn't ragi afraid of centipedes let me give it a try oh ah you monster aha so you're ratha I'm sure pomy isn't afraid of some little centipedes [Music] right oh oh oh oh I think I need some help H py has very big and round eyes so I'm sure it's you she's prettier it must be this one come on Old Man and it's up to you you know what I have a good feeling about you oh please believe me and we have the real pomy wo yes thank you guys for choosing me oh no got to hide this let's go my darling [Music] pomy you're the most beautiful girl in this circus oh J you flattered me I just want to kiss you right [Music] now huh oh God my hair is [Music] changing omne why is she running no no no how can I keep this pomy appearance you impostor come out and face me I know how to fix this mess I'll kill the real pomy pomy let's end this you crazy you fool us I told you so wait guys I'm I'm sorry please listen to me oh ragi you seriously mess up this time let's check out how this magic potion messes with the gang that's tasty [Music] huh these guys will never suspect they're being pranked Jack is setting us up isn't he huh uh-oh I guess the Fun's over oh man it's ratha h a I'm beat damn it this race needs to be over aha you're trapped dummy ain't no way you're catching me huh H is pomy hiding behind that box let me check h catch you later huh Kane thank God you're here Kane please help me out the whole abstracted gang is after me seriously but why should I help you remember what you did to me la the best part of my day is brushing my teeth ah what the heck is happening I'm sorry I messed up big time please forgive me I won't do it again all right but the only solution is to head to the warehouse and find the Cure potion in the chest Kane you're a lifesaver today's a day I won't forget what goes around comes around Jacks oh huh oh the chest come on come on open up I'm running out of time oh yes there you go W huh oh God how did they figure out I'm here ah someone help me oh oh aha who wa easy there folks I'm sorry please don't hurt me that's it goodbye World okay I think he has enough game's over huh wait what what is happening don't you right jack [Music] exit exit exit exit [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] God hey watch where you're going pomy Jack a weird purple cat just knocked out abstracted Cosmo oh really an evil cat you got to watch out out that cat is seriously spooky nice imagination pomy I'll prove that evil cat is [Music] real I'm going to catch you purple [Laughter] cat huh where is it it must be around here silly Jester stay put what [Music] the huh what's [Music] that come here little mouth I'll catch you little [Music] M huh what's that smell [Music] gotcha you can't hide anymore H Kane look this evil cat made Jax fall asleep with its funky fumes Kane please tell her the truth oh my relax pomy catnap is a friend of mine he helps people doze off to avoid stress what fine [Music] catnap why'd you do that it's a sad story little [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] girl this place belongs to us now you can't do this it's wicked why not we need a home [Music] too ahuh please open the door just give up no one can help you now wait huh where did I fall asleep oh my God huh thank goodness I thought today was going to be our last [Music] day wow we're Mega famous [Music] yay huh The Smiling Critters [Music] dog day stop them huh something strange just popped [Music] [Applause] up where are we huh it's the amazing digital circus who are you let me guess this is a funny animal toy setup an elephant a dog and a [Music] cat yep we're The Smiling Critters and I'm catnap run hold up guys huh gotcha run that way pomy oh they can't catch me oh my God help oh ah intruder alert who dared to pull off all that wicked stuff huh in your dreams this looks like some magical scepter huh they're gone what's the plan now Kane can't help us anymore we're in trouble chill out guys don't you remember I have keys to every room in this place how do we use this thing H I'm starving whip up some food and a train for me [Music] oh oh sweet with this I can create my own [Music] world how do we snatch that scepter back hey pomy remember how to get to the void yeah there's a door at the end of the Dark [Music] Hall [Music] oh grab that stupid rabbit oh what huh [Music] mhm we've been fooled [Music] [Music] now B [Music] me we nailed [Music] it hey everyone let's toast a good times cheers cheers what's going on my head hurts so bad the princess is poisoned huh you're the main suspect old man you're going to prison this is bad Jack the cprit's running away [Music] got you murderer in your dreams oh not so fast Jack get him [Music] huh yeah sorry but I won this is where you belong M please hear me out I'm innocent you've been trying to control the candy world and mess with the princess's Authority I should have booted you out ages ago by the way love this magic [Music] scepter they can't even touch me where do you think you're going nice move PNE [Music] just wait and see hey gummy goo we can clear Kane's name huh wake up where's Kane huh huh Kane attacked me and ran away aha help my stomach's killing me you okay better than [Music] ever nobody can stop me now I'm the new king of this world Kane stop this madness huh oh oh oh oh you have two choices join me or death thought we're friends no I can't support your evil plans go away Intruder let's see how this little ghost tries to beat me I'm not your average ghost then prove it huh nice one just s I'll be back [Music] yeah I hope Jax likes these chocolate that I made for [Music] him huh ja check out what I got for you wow uh-huh huh sweet pomy but I I got to [Music] go H he hates me got to let go of this hopeless Crush what's up with you pomy huh h Huh come on spill the tea I'm pretty sure Jax can't stand me but I'm head over heels for him maybe give it another shot I'll help you out this time really all right then one last [Music] time aha Raga I'm freaking out uhuh he's there now huh huh H oh no wrong target is is this for me Cosmo don't read [Music] it no no no no it's not for you a I love you too my sweet pomy huh h [Music] got some flowers for you wo wo wo wo [Music] W goo hurry up before I lose my cool my gosh what did I do take these flowers and wait for me my sweetie pie h Huh maybe I misheard oh I miss py again got to find [Music] her whoa did she seriously leave this [Music] behind gotcha pomy you can't escape my ninja skills stop being crazy I don't love you Cosmo it's just a mistake NOP nope it can't be true you're [Music] lying oh man how do I hide from him [Music] a pomy likes me that's so sweet ja pomy is in danger please save [Music] her you go this way ratha momy are you there [Music] pH pomy where are you ja help me you okay pomy you [Applause] hurt coso don't hurt them [Music] please I never realized how pretty you are ratha I might just fall in love for sake finally you know I I do like you a lot pomy [Music] what's wrong with kmo [Music] today go back to your chair you need food can't let you be hungry for the night I won't have your disgusting food anymore so that is your [Music] choice [Music] [Music] H kmo you holding up okay aha H pomy try [Music] this hello anyone here CMO huh H what's this don't believe in Kane did kmo write [Applause] this oh my God he did it he found the exit door we can finally break free from the tent first things first though we got to break out of this Bland box yeah you're right any idea how this thing works [Music] wo where you off to Amigo you okay there buddy need a hand I know you put poison in our food you trapped us here against our will oh what will I get today for my hungry [Music] tummy what is going on all on a forgetfulness potion to wipe out the memory of this snooze best [Music] gosh bubble it's been H 100 times already so you know everything huh you will not leave this place [Music] come back [Music] here [Music] oh oh what the oh [Music] [Music] no take it boss you will pay for this oh [Music] no guys what just happened I can't remember a thing you guys had an epic adventure now it's time to savor the ultimate Digital Feast I ain't backing down remember you're just a newbie and I'm a master let's settle this girl you're crazy I'm not finished with you knock it off you twoo it's just the game guys let's settle this with rock paper and scissor F I'm a loser woohoo let's hit the slide let's do this yay summer time this is so fresh wo wo wo let's see how long the fun lasts m a no I'm seriously mad your game's too risky for an old dude sorry guys it was just a mistake we should have picked Jax earlier welcome to the trampoline game let's make cool poses for pictures this game's so fun what about me H I'm feeling dizzy you're all doing great keep it up oh I need to stop [Music] this uh-oh you okay hey everyone's here that Landing was rough has anyone seen CMO we didn't invite him his jokes are so lame and he's slow he might ruin the game those guys will pay for that look who slow and lame now huh Coo's going crazy help let's see my fighting skills get out of my way oops you missed ha try again [Applause] buddy woohoo way to go h Huh you guys have to pay for disrespecting me ELO please calm down don't hurt anyone we're friends [Applause] huh maybe it's just a misunderstanding sorry guys me me me me me me pizza's [Music] coming huh ew this pizza is like a flavor [Music] disaster did you forget something stupid cat [Music] uh-huh wow dude this is a whole new level I'm living the dream we know [Music] it huh hey stop right there huh where is he ew this is total garbage we're nothing without the Special [Music] Sauce seriously how could you come back without the sauce I tried my best but he just vanished pH Bubba here's one for you ah and one for [Music] me the dough is awful I can't eat it ouch why'd you do that we don't want you around anymore go [Music] away we're going to get the sauce back and reopening our Pizza Paradise check out the recipe for the best pizza ever [Music] [Music] oh special guests in the house come on work harder or we'll all go hungry please don't hit us we'll try [Music] harder that hurts ah it's so hot much better now oh no he's hurting my friend [Music] catnap guys Jax is a bad guy we got to stay away from him but I'm [Music] scared oh my [Music] God sh [Music] where do you think you're going kiddos we uh just stay cool guys we can handle this oh really is that so oh no there's no exit too late now buddies now be obedient and Fa your [Music] [Applause] punishment catnap catch how dare [Music] you we are so sorry for treating you badly catnap okay these naughty kids stop [Music] it huh oh he's getting mad have to teach these little jerks a lesson wrong before he does something crazy [Music] where are you [Music] hiding let's hide in here oh wow so sparkly huh oh I want to dance [Applause] Too are they hiding here chess Raga got something for you little troublemakers w w w w w he's [Music] gone what the where did they go oh there you are [Music] run H where did they run off to something's [Music] fishy uh I must be overthinking [Music] [Music] gotcha h H H oh so this is how it [Music] works it's time for payback [Music] Kane Baby Kane want to take a little flight [Music] a huh what's this H hey stop messing with Kane you guys remember that day [Music] sorry kiddos I'm not the best baker okay this is the coolest cake I've ever [Applause] seen maybe we got it wrong oh we're so sorry [Music] Kane yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn it ah how can I escape this thing what's that huh an invisible potion you know what worth a shot [Music] huh huh pne's looking for me pumy I'm right here can't you see me wait can you hear me huh uh-oh py wait up is Jax in trouble I'm so worried about him I can't stand seeing pomy like that where's that darn cure potion wait which one is the right potion or [Music] both still invisible wait maybe paint can fix this [Music] mess yes it works pomy will see me again huh huh this is so hopeless I wish pomy could see [Music] me someone's gone Picasso on the walls who are you oh yes finally we can communicate with this ja is that you finally please tell me what happened to you H maybe Kane can help I'll tell him right now just stay here okay no pomy check out the wall we got to go huh no no no Kane's going to kill us Kane Jax needs your help I don't know what happened but he turns invisible aha so you stole my map huh wait wait what map Kane I have no idea what you are saying stop Flying you traitor no how dare you attack pomy come out you sneaky Troublemaker try and catch me slowpoke you good py come on get up we got to go now huh gotcha you hiding rabbit huh huh what's happening did I get busted who where's my map huh spit it out now you'll never get your hands on it fine there you ask for this no my scepter oh grab the map from my right ear run well seems like it's not your lucky day today ja huh byebye just you wait let's grab some mushrooms for dinner soup oh I love those colorful [Music] ones I want to taste them stop pomy those are poisonous M yummy W pomy pomy you okay H here have some water might help with the pain oh oh oh oh oh hope she'll feel better let's go mushroom hunting what's going on here PNE PNE wake up PNE gosh this is bad I got to find a cure for her let's check on my baby flower where are you little one that's crazy who did that's crazy who did this huh found a footprint might lead me to the culprit let's play a matching [Music] [Applause] game a ha it's pomy time for payback got to find those mushrooms pomy at [Music] earlier no I'm so useless I'm a loser aha oh Bingo found your baby I've got the craziest plan ever oh I hope this recipe works please please [Music] please huh it's [Music] working pomy drink this potion wait what what the is happening you're trapped Jack haa ah you evil creature get [Music] lost yes I beat him you're challenging me huh take this it's over huh a let me out bubble oh let's end this drama right now no you got to beat me first H wait what's going on oh mushroom I'm all [Music] in no no my face I'm ugly now Jax won't like me anymore looks like pom's got a bit of a problem H [Music] aha py try this uhuh H oh wow yay oh gangle you're a lifesaver thank you hey Jack wao pom you look gorgeous thanks [Music] Jack don't be scared hold my hand okay he didn't catch on wo oh W oh oh no huh hold tight you look like you need some ice cream no the mask's [Music] broken [Music] huh hm uhhuh does it work no silly me what in the world am I doing hey there don't cry maybe we need a different mask wow this one's definitely not [Music] right oops [Music] H oh God help me bney bney where is she huh ja is here bney run momy [Music] wait [Music] uhhuh oh hello K got any clues about where pomy is hm hm [Music] okay h Huh something's wrong [Music] no aha gotcha pomy [Music] oh what the [Music] CMO h [Music] [Applause] uhhuh Huh don't look at me please I look goofy fine if you say so he totally thinks [Music] so see now we're officially a goofy couple I'm glad pomy can rock her real face now woo [Music] this magic perfume will make pomy fall for me W what a surprise flowers for the prettiest girl in this circus ja thank you I knew it she loves my gift why is it pomy that always gets Jax's [Music] attention D I want you what this is not what I planned aha so looks like you all want to date with me hm here take a number one at a time [Music] okay ha I'm a first last one in line as always see you later [Music] ladies gosh Waiting For Love is a real Downer spit it out you Ain a fly let's go check on Jax and pomy it feels like forever since we last saw them Jax when's my turn it's been ages what the they're gone we can't let them get away like this huh you got any ideas where to find them you know what follow me let's start by using a magnifying glass it Reveals All the [Music] clues great job Soo go today is the best day ever thank you ja haven't I told you how beautiful you look my darling PNE huh where are they uh-huh over there time time for our revenge huh JX you fooled us it's my turn to date with you no my heart belongs to pomy alone only her ja is mine you two back off as you wish what the what is wrong with them run w w w w w oh w w w ha now's our shot huh huh why did we even fall for Jack that was so silly I hope this was all just a bad dream P wake up P me m you're okay oh thank God got me worried there darling Oh you were really worried about me how sweet of [Music] you got some presents for you [Music] guys thanks Kane the toy is so darn cute glad you like it I got to bounce now I wish they could come alive and be our real friends as you [Music] wish oh we can talk now looks like this scepter can do some magic stuff who did that hey I'm not the only one who agreed to it you're our play things now oh no we became tiny [Music] got you little mouse ouch oh God those smiling critter toys are pure evil I have to save my [Music] friends woah woah woah no no [Music] no thank God I nearly got crushed look who decided to show up oh my God pomy you're still alive guys look [Music] we're going to have the best dinner ever can't believe it's game over for us I messed up trying to snatch back the scepter sorry guys no worries the scepter is still there and we can totally turn this [Music] around aha the time has come [Music] h [Music] Huh ouch stop you freaks [Music] I got this stop right there or this rabbit is getting boiled no they got jacks ouch get chill out dude this is just a a misunderstanding the situation is pretty clear now you psycho [Music] toys what's the scoop guys [Music] H oh snap ah you look so adorable [Music] zel oopsy my bad sheesh you're even more aggressive when you're an alpaca [Music] huh an egg for dinner score how dare you swipe my baby egg [Music] yeah give me back my shirt you crazy chicken oh yes take this just you wait [Music] here comes the attack ouch you messed with the wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] cat enough time to wrap up this chaos carrot alert down sit down scroll [Music] scroll corn Rin of corn yay I love corn laser why is it moving so fast Hang [Music] on uhoh we're trapped you all look Fab in the prison my [Music] friend ow she nailed it nope she definitely didn't [Music] we're almost there folks what's all that racket got to check that out Jax has woken up we have to do something huh keep fighting stupid pets [Music] JX join the candy tasting party with [Music] us no I don't want to turn into a pet haa [Applause] [Music] a this is boring as [Music] hell that's what I'm talking about oh snap I feel dizzy [Music] py what's wrong huh uh why am I here hey there you still recognize me here drink some juice let me check your temperature okay is your leg still bothering you chill out guys I'm perfectly fine oh God help py be [Music] careful they're treating me like royalty [Music] I want to read some Comics [Music] [Music] oh look who's walking now how's your day pomy huh huh oh huh wait is your left leg injured or your right one uh-oh [Music] oh mhm it's my turn now pomy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh God Raga you okay I'll fix you right [Music] up huh you feeling any better ratha huh it really hurts and this bed is killing my back as you wish much better thanks Kane so annoying she's clearly Faking It Sweet Dream [Music] [Music] ladies H H ha I knew it this is fake how dare you what the hell are you doing cut the ACT you're not sick and so are you why are you still wearing that fake leg brace huh why is it so noisy stop right now [Music] wait if you want to stay sick suit yourself [Music]
Channel: Toony Toons ESP
Views: 52,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOONY TOONS, jester, Smurf cat, AMANDA, KITTYSAURUS, Jester, choo choo charles, Digital Circus Animation, DIGITAL CIRCUS Animation, Digital Circus, ponmi, The amazing digital circus, Digital circus, Digital circus animation, Rainbow friends animation, The amazing digital circus meme, Amazing digital circus, Pomni, Ragatha, Jax, Caine, digital circus animation, pomni x jax, pomni x jax love story, candy princess, who is guilty, the amazing digital circus episode 2, episode 2
Id: BFYLsqc3rFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 7sec (12907 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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