New AI coding environment for Python and Node.js with VS Code|Cursor, Miniconda, Copilot & Copilot++

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in this video we're going to set up a fresh new AI coding setup using miniconda we will install vs code and cursor we'll learn how we can install python with a miniconda environment which makes our life so much easier we'll take a look at useful extensions we'll also install node.js for full stack web app development we'll learn how to manage content environments and most importantly we will learn how we can use install AI tools such as GI up copilot and chat cursor copilot Plus+ and chat if you like to explore my other llm related coding videos you can find them at my website echo. live link will be in the description we're going to start by installing miniconda I'll put the link in the description I am on windows so I have found the minond download link and I'm just going to click this and download it once it is downloaded to my downloads folder I'm going to double click on it and just go through the setup process now the important thing here is to select the admin cont to my path environment variables make sure they selected even though it says not recommended you can follow the recommended option but I'm going to check this and install it okay our miniconda installation is complete I'm going to test this by starting a command prompt by type in command prompt in the uh search bar and in the command prompt I'm going to type in found the list to make sure this from that was installed and I can see that it was I can also do k-v and I see that cond has been installed next up is vs code installation so I'm going to search for vs code download and click on the download visual studio code for Windows once it is downloaded I'm going to click on the installer and go ahead with the installation I'm going to check this ad open with code action to Windows File expl uh file context menu and directory context menu so if I have a python file or code file or a directory I can right click and open it with the vs code and the rest of it is the same and I'm going to just install it like this and right after this we'll check out some extensions and install cursor and see about cond environments and how to install python yeah our vs code installation is complete let's launch it when it first starts it gives you some options to customize I'm actually going to skip this process I'm going to go to my extensions Tab and I'm going to install this first uh Python language support and then I'm going to install performance featur server for Python and vs code they're both installing at the same time anyway I will also install live server to serve HTML pages and then I believe I'm going to search for a debugger or python debugger and that is also being installed with the original extension we've selected so this should be uh enough for now maybe uh we'll check out if you run into any that we need so I'm going to create a new cond environment with a python installation I'm going to go and click on new terminal and here I'm going to go to this drop down and click on command prompt and here I'm going to type in cond create dasn this is the command to create a new environment and then my name of my environment I'm just going to going to call it basic and I'm going to specify python version 3.10 can choose actually when I first ran this it said that gai is not recognized uh so I actually had to restart my visual studio code uh and then it worked so remember that also I've searched for vs code in my search bar and right click and said pin to taskbar so I can easily access it so now I'm going to go ahead and say yes and so this environment can be installed soon we'll also look at how we can enable uh GitHub co-pilot and things like that too okay now our environment is installed we can say cond activate basic and we see that our basic environment has been activated we can say cond deactivate from the terminal and we can deactivate it we can also do control shift p and search for python interpreter and we select this one select python interpreter and refresh the environment and now we see that we have a basic environment so now our ID is pointing to that python installation with an isolated environment when we do pip installations in this environment this will be separate than other environments if you need to create a new environment we'll just repeat up this process so the things to keep in mind is that you can activate your environment here by typing Conta activate name of the environment and let me go ahead and create a new command promp it automatically when I create a new command promp from here as you can see that it switched automatically to using the basic environment because I have already selected the environment in my IDE by doing control shift p and selecting the basic in the past year and a half I worked on over 200 interesting and unique projects each featuring large language models and python applications sometimes full stake web apps and made a free video about all of them but I also offer exclusive code downloads to my patrons for all the projects and you do become a patron then you'll have access to all the code downloads plus exclusive videos that I create and more live streams and chats in the future you will also be supporting my project and I also have some teers if you wanted to get in touch with me on a one-on-one basis take a look and thank you for your support let's go ahead and quickly set up cursor as well as you know you don't need cursor ABS use Visual Studio code but if you want cursor a first Cod code editor which do help a lot then uh let's go ahead and install it you do have to sign up for it and you can find their pricing but uh you can also use the free version once we install cursor we'll see how we can import our extensions and stuff like that so I believe this will be useful once the cursor is downloaded I'm going to start the installation I'm going to for keyboard I'm going to leave it at default PS code you can specify a non English language we're going to leave codebase wi and Bings enabled and for command line we want to choose install cursor so it doesn't clash with Visual Studio code this is we can this is how we can launch cursor if you need to from the command line command successfully installed we're going to continue it's going to ask us import our Visual Studio code extensions and we're going to actually import them and as you can see now our Visual Studio code extensions which we installed is are being imported and then it asks you data preferences to help INF cursor share your data or not I'll select privacy mode and I continue and now I we need to log in so it's going to uh prompt us to log in cursor I'm going to go ahead and do that once I have logged in uh I can go back to cursor and now I am actually logged in with the chat already popped open but if it is not you can actually toggle the AI pan pan at this top right me zoom in so you can see it better right here there are also some settings you can manage for example you can turn on and off models going to turn on cloud 3 Opus so I can refer to it I'm going to turn on GPT 4 Turbo and once you do that let's say you can also use your open a API key uh aside from using your cursor subscription uh maybe I'll make another video for how to use cursor but here once we enabled we can see all the models now available for us we can choose and pick from them at this point let's go ahead and install GitHub co-pilot as well I'm going to search mvs code for GitHub co-pilot and just click install once install gab copilot the gab copilot chat should be installed too after that we need to sign in using you do I believe it's the first month threee but after that uh you need to I believe it's $10 a month or something like that and now we have GitHub co-pilot and the co-pilot chat installed and the chat appears right here and we can chat with it just like that so now we uh have installed and are able to use copilot chat and when we have a python file let's open a f so now that I have a folder I should get uh code completions from GitHub function add ads two numbers and now it's going to automatically write this is vs code let's go ahead and do the same in cursor but we're going to go to extensions and search for co-pilot and once we install co-pilot the chat is being installed automatically you can see your additional extensions once they installed here uh in the drop down right here so not at the very left but it is drop down we again have to gith now we have to copy this code I believe paste it here and continue and give authorization and then we should be all set up here now there's a a little bit of a caveat here with let's let's actually make it test. P file and as you can see now a function that adds two numbers works just as well here so top compile is completing but we also have copilot Plus+ completions which comes with cursor uh as you can see now this is the suggestion a cursor made so they and you both accept their completions with the tab key so cursor suggest to turn off get up compile it and you can do that by clicking on it and disable completions you can always turn it back on and off it's really up to you and if you want to have a chat available should usually show up right here but it didn't perhaps it needs a restart let's go ahead and do that and actually let's go ahead and find cursor and pin it to our test bar as well right next to vs code and start it from there yeah as you can see the chat has appeared here this is for co-pilot chat I can pin it here and actually talk with copilot chat so I have two separate completion end points uh in the middle I have copilot and copilot plus plus on the right I have C chat and on the left it have copilot chat so it's really a convenient place let's go ahead and select our python environment as well select python interpreter python interpreter and let's select base and once we start prom we should also see basic is now activated so now I believe the only thing left to do is to install njs so we can run JavaScript files as well for that I did an OJs download I I'll put these links in the description just going to download nodejs from the during the installation process we want to ensure that npm package manager and at the path is selected and mpm package manager manager is included once it is downloaded I'm going to run it let me go ahead and close my ID just in case all right and I'm going to say next accept the terms next and the PM package manager is selected I believe will be installed okay and add path selected as well it seems and here it says automatically install the necessary tools uh install chocolot for example I'm just going to go ahead and select that as well for this chocolot that we selected it's taking a long time to install I'm not exactly sure if you absolutely need it uh you may not so you may wish to skip it but we we can check if node and mpm are installed by doing node DV and mpm DV and we have both of them installed so go back to our cursor that we should actually have the node.js install and in our cursor we can actually run this script.js which is going to console.log test and when we run it we see that no JS has been successfully installed the sh installation a bit of an issue for nodejs so you can maybe skip that everything is working now I can work on my projects both from vs code and cursor so everything's looking good so we have covered how to use miniconda with vs code and cursor to specify Pyon environment and we looked at the useful extensions along with copilot and copilot jat and how to install nodejs in the remaining minutes of the video I'd like to talk about my latest app Auto streamer live version Auto streamer allows you to create courses about anything you like for example we just installed nodejs we can say nodejs since actually I'm of course I don't have my environment variable set up with open API key but I just got that and I can actually show you how to set up your API keys in the environment variables just go to search type in EMV click on edit this system environment variables and here click on environment variables and here you're going to say n AI API key and then I'm just going to paste it and click okay and then I'm going to say okay and back out of that so I have set my open API key so next time I start this app it should pick it up but I can also paste it right here and then generate Cod we said about node.js it could have been about anything we can also adjust how many chapters we would like to generate so now we are generating course out L also I like to mention once you have your API key in your environment variables you can import OS and easily access it with getan whatever the name that you have given to that key so you don't have to expose your uh API Keys okay our curriculum is been created we can actually go and take a look this is the node.js curriculum it is actually looking good now that we've created it I can actually select it and then I can say generate course and a whole new course website is going to launch and in just a few seconds we'll be able to both listen and learn about node.js in a structured course likee manner understanding nodejs is foundational for I can also pause it and stop this generation and I can development so if I was actually recording maybe making an educational video I can record this or live stream it I can also generation and I can launch my other courses that I have created for example how about all great of the world it's going to launch now and this whole course is available Socratic method and play you can also of course I'm going to go ahead and stop the server and uh just to show you can actually generate different voices that and once these courses are generated uh actually you can go to Open folder and this is uh everything that you need index.html and all the files for you to be able to deploy this course online uh by using Auto streamer I have actually deployed multiple courses online one of them is Learn Python fast I'll put this link in the description too python 2 versus Python 3 so so this really helps you learn anything that you're looking for very quickly you wanted a short course you can set the chapters to one so you can actually download a demo of Auto streamer from the autost streamer. live website link will be in the description can watch a short video on it and you click on the free download it will open up a Google Drive where you can download it by using this button and you you use Auto streamer demo. exe it also comes with a guide video if you want to download the full app and go to click on that and it will take you to my patreon shop currently it's available for $200 thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: echohive
Views: 864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S-tWpKf7GSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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