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why hello everybody we got a belt so today we got some fun ones in store there's still a few chaser traits we've got to bust on out spell we get an absolute blast with that one yo imagine nine hellion one day they should definitely do that champion wise i guess we're rocking the redeeming mcdreamy baby this guy can solo maybe we'd let him chill for a sec it's a butt clencher though don't get too uh don't get too scared if he doesn't if if he pulls it close all right it's gonna be close and yeah okay honestly i thought it was way closer i swear once upon a time it was but if we don't get gold we're chilling with both of these i suppose i like that i like that a lot decent star where's the legionnaire when you just don't care you know what i'm saying i will pre-level if we get enough gold which we probably should i just gotta be quick to do it oh god i wanted the veins okay you know what it's fine we can work with this we can work with this we can work with this all right i don't necessarily love it but we got two two stars so that should carry us to victory slam double dog jamming amarellos on cannon would probably be pretty nice but pretty nice i mean very nice yay dude cinder still casts or still does her motions while she's uh stunned on up that is nice very very nice thank you very much okay we'll take the vladimir away we go okay we just picked up the renewer we got a spooky belt i've got a plan i've got a plan okay it's gonna work it's gonna be great it's gonna be lovely putting in redeemed would be slick i want to slam this on somebody now dude screw it mega tank atrox you know what that means baby renewer where are you at we're going to call this one renunu all right if you don't drop a thumbs up for that then i don't know what you're going to drop thumbs up for seriously if you take the time to do it it helps more than you even know with the youtube algorithm even dropping a comment helps as well okay and kha'zix sharpening my claws let's do this and i think we need to sell for econ here i really don't want to but i think it's the move i also think we should probably do this let's see six gold seven gold nine gold we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we're actually gonna do it don't you got any trucks this guy's stealing her brawlers i don't like that now one bit bingo we'll drop the flat if we have to i know it's renewer but we'll get there this is kind of weird because i feel like these guys get so much stronger if this champion dies but the champion just does die i don't know what else there is to say about it okay we got econ thank goodness last pick not surprised is there a new new in the mix we lost our sweet spatula i'm curious if this would be better than war monkey mongers i guess we'll just keep wrong with these oh boy there are some renewers maybe we try to get lucky with some scion action i could actually see it working out really well i can see this clearly now once we get new the whole comp is changing and maybe just for that we actually do that okay i think i like it i think i like it a lot so is our goal four brawlers would give us crazy crazy hp guys what we're trying to pull off is the new six renewer gives eight percent health or ten percent mana wait what ten percent health or ten percent mana which is disgusting okay it's a chaser trait which where uh it means you need a spatula for it no longer have chosen to hold your hand and we have to keep winning these early matches or else we're screwed we have two tier twos with some decent items though so actually three tier twos forgot about the deer all right two stars sometimes i mix up tier two with two star i'm an idiot all right i know but morgana huh i don't think we care about her we care much more about econ how are we gonna get it i suppose we're gonna drop one of these guys i care about this more sorry son if we find the nunu we can actually make something pretty disgusting speaking of our team comps disgusting dude aatrox is a dirty tank i like it all right all right all right okay another renewer we can put on in i say this is probably the way to go hmm oh boy running ash with draconic is probably a little nicer if i'm being honest we can drop the atrox maybe hand it on over to the deer this is interesting lots of different ways to go on this one i think we like those i'm not too sure bye bye to you and hello to two gold oh dude we need to find this new now i am spooked his taco would be sick as well let me think this is something we can use we have a five win streak ultimately i just want to keep the win streak alive so in order to do that maybe this is the play random ash in the back what go wrong oh my god this guy's already got a board of kaiser mort is kind of fun to play champs grown at me a lot oh god i wanted to stack my champs so nobody could get to ash but i ended up just getting all three of them arrowed oh the sidestep dude we're smurfing all right all right all right bf sword oh boy i actually don't think we care about the spf i think we want the normal bf if i'm being honest let's give it a whirl to give it a twirl dude we gotta find this stupid yeti whether it's the last thing we do maybe we keep focusing on levels we're making a lot of gold right now so that's good our econ game is fire i'm ready i'm ready i am so oh so ready we have the most random team comp on the planet i wonder if uh no don't put in draconic this isn't fortune from last set by the way if you guys miss fortune in the comments please let me know i will bond with you on a very deep emotional level here we go here we go there's the new baby that's what i'm talking about since this guy's kind of useless maybe we just send it on this now honestly i think i like it look at the hp on this dude huh now i'm trying to think if we do this instead as well i think it's not bad especially if we can get econ so we'll say bye bye to all of this i'm gonna say worth it i don't know about you guys i'ma say worth it so this war mogs you take uh 60 true damage each second but if we make him a renewer who knows what's gonna happen baby who knows oh no oh yes oh no the beautiful beautiful win streak dude that stupid that stupid belt that i could have put on him could have made all the difference i'm so sad i'm so there's a new new doesn't have the item we want though so probably should say bye bye bye would have been juicy now that our win streak days are over folks what the heck are we gonna care about i should have just slammed jammed some items dude what am i thinking what am i thinking what am i thinking huh speaking of slam jamming items maybe we do that with this guy vicky show us what you got here goes nothing baby we're going for levels and probably gonna stabilize at seven even though we're pretty stable already renewers lots of late game uh people in that comp so i say we send it on over there shall we yo this ash is slinging arrows slingshot slinging thank you i mean yes i guess we can keep buying the vlad works for me i don't care um as for this kind of sucks dude i don't know if we're going to be able to pull off what we need we got to get so lucky from this point onward to make it happen i think we hold on to this coming on through baby ninja's munching for days dude this victor shield is puny on this nunu does this shield i have a question does he know how you take 60 damage a second with this war monks if victor shields him does the damage get taken out of the shield or out of his hp under the shield these are things we got to know people 500 health i love how nunu still has way more health than the enemy even though he was that low all right well that one doesn't count and you know what does count i'm not too sure do we dare put a filius back in ranger with nightbringer with vlad sounds kind of nice and by kind of nice i mean really nice you know what forget about it i like this forget about it scion has arrived that's why i like keeping space on our bench so we can get champs if we were full we would not have gotten that nude which is huge speaking of um what the heck else do we put in folks i don't know with nunu what are we gonna want huh huh i suppose we're just going to sell spree if i'm being honest one more renewer would be nice i say we get nude to tier two maybe brand too then we're going to sell cell city baby we're going to shell city spongebob style all right now we're starting to take some damage we should definitely try to slam jam some items on um our boy oh boy let's think oof load of dust man no remover i actually think i like this i actually think i like this now we need to find the new i'm not going crazy right we lose scion if we do that we lose nightbringer as well but for renewer i can't turn that down i just can't do it let's find this new there we go okay that was easy son i couldn't say goodbye to you buddy i just couldn't do it sink all right wow i thought our callisto spirit was going to kill him i was very not correct we got to get so lucky on this carousel or else we are dunzo we're rolling at level eight it's gonna be the move for us by the way actually we can re-roll at seven as well but maybe eight is better so we'll actually have a chance of getting someone we care about aka the last renewer heimerdong dude that's what we really need ammerdong is within our grasp baby level eight we put in two synergies that we like a lot aka graggy ice so we are chilling for now we are chilling we are big chilling how are we going to find this last spatula guys i'm worried i'm actually worried nunu will one shot every one and everything if we can get him to it with the hp regen he's gonna have oh my god let's hope we can pull this off honestly i believe i believe i've come back from worst to get what we need to make the video and let's just say i spent a long time trying to make this video already i don't know uh if you guys have been watching a lot of the videos or not oh my god there's this freaking tula out there what the heck um i've been trying oh god i can't watch i can't watch since we made the 9000 hp nunu oh my gosh baby come on baby come on don't mind if i do we'll take those we'll take those watch us get a one percent heimerdinger that's when you know it's fate dude here we go here we go renewer on in say hello to renew new new baby um huh can we get econ no that looks beautiful um let's think for a sec morelos don't want that on our boy let's do this instead beautiful beautiful this item on rise is actually really good real real real good but check out the regen this guy is going to be having okay this is disgusting he doesn't die he legitimately doesn't die come on eat them eat them eat them keep on eating them munch this is gnarly bro 10 000 damage yes yes yes yes yes all right we'll sell you and we should probably huh maybe we dropped scion for four brawlers i could see that being a thing so we'll hold on to these guys okay but for now i definitely care about the nunes the most renunu baby where's the dong we gotta find him we're gonna reach in even more but look how much we're gonna be dealing with our his taco once we go level three mode with this thing as well i'm so excited i've this is probably gonna be one of my favorite videos honestly i love like the random combinations you can make that actually work out so so crazily well there goes your kale there goes your late game damage say hello to your boy go my friend go munch do we heal for a thousand come on munch come on no no no no no oh my god we sold him i don't think we got econ for that i feel like an idiot oh god if we put in for brawler i think it actually might be better than this scion if we find a set i think i'm going to do it actually actually actually just because uh we heal for a percentage of our health right and so yo imagine renewer sound that actually sounds even more sweet than the freaking nunu hello come on come on come on come on come on give us something that we need i just don't know what we do need um you know what we can work with that sorry buddy we're not we're not dropping you today oh we got the brawlers we got the brawlers i think this is actually sick nunu has way more health i think it's legitimately good oh boy i should've bought that karma she can actually go on her comp oh barely in the nick of time i like it the real question is who the heck do we give this to for now i want to give it to um heimerdinger wow i really want to go to nine i really want to go to level nine that way we can keep in four brawler have that crazy health and put in our heimerdinger and just have better chances of finding him as well to this champion's ridiculous it's 10k damage every round i love it uh give me a second to think i'm gonna need a i'm gonna i'm gonna need a quick second this is actually growing on me is the thing um this has taco on him i think i like it a lot as well we could give him more hp but i'm gonna heal so much once we hit tier three as well i don't know i really don't i'm leaning towards this screw it we're sending it and we just slam jam everything on our iron or what i like this on ivory because he's a renewer so he can get a lot of his hp back that he uses to heal with and these two items on the dong are gonna be insane as well bruh bruh i think we just broke team fight tactics oh my gosh this is exciting i'm curious what carousel has in store for us honestly if we find oh i believe in the future of dragon kind bruh you love to see it noodle here we come dude we'll stick with two brawler for now once we go nine we're swapping it on up we'll put you there carousel i see you i see you [Music] yo the healing on this just got even more crazy i literally instantly go back to fold for with this oh my god dude this is so six renewer on noon who's memetastic and he's not even level three yet um maybe we reroll and see if we get lucky with him hmm there's another dong kind of like the zekes redemption is also good there's so many good items for us i say we take it whatever can buff our noon is all we care about baby i love it the true damage hash slinging slasher we're so close to him oh wow um oh wow i like that yes i do let's do this kindred i don't think he has a spot with us dude it's happening wobbly wow huh all right two more nudes we gotta roll for it we've we've gotta roll for it we just we just have to all right hello buddy how you doing how you doing how you doing what does merch guy want from me right now hot diggity dog guys by the way tomorrow i have a special video coming out that if you guys want to check out non-gaming related videos that i make the bunny foo foo club is going to be the spot for you guys all right i'll explain more that another day but uh it may or may not be me taking my driver's test vlog style which i did my best to make absolutely hilarious we don't care about anything besides nunu right now literally anything besides nunu not even ivern all right don't even care about screw you ivern [Music] yo bruh we're going nine and putting in four brawler as well to make him even tankier to have him regen even more now that he has this much hp let's see what the heck he heals he just perfectly stays full hp wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute [Music] he doesn't die he's back to fall we're back online what is this champion bro [Laughter] is the out do kale the out does kale this is craziness guys if this doesn't deserve a thumbs up i'm not really too sure what does all right i'm being totally honest 30 000 true damage gobbler that's what we're calling them i absolutely love it we can make him even better as well hot diggity dog we can get even stronger too if we find a volley boob down the road that'll be helpful and nice thank you thank you thank you very much oh oh we got the boober dude we might as well send it you know sometimes you just got to push it to the limit you've got to be kidding me mate oh my gosh oh my gosh um i suppose this is the move i suppose i suppose for brawler six renunu the 5.7 k hp monster one shots everyone if we're full hp we're basically like instantly getting our ability back as well because that's how renewer works that guy's out of here this is so ridiculous the fact that i'm just like destroying this kale like this is the funniest thing to me speaking of this hecarim is quite the uh champion as well yo does this dude die okay apparently that dude can bleed as well we got a ball game folks we've got a ball game do we want to take anything off of anyone i don't think so i'm pretty sure we're mega chilling right now i say we put we swap sides i want nunu to eat dude can i eat this horse in one bite there's no way right let's give it a whirl let's give it a whirl oh man i'm excited for this dude i am so very excited for this honestly i think putting the turret here versus the spell cuz could be helpful all right here comes the hecarim oh we almost one shot him dude and he's gone dude we get our we get our ability back so fast so fast i don't know what to say about this this champion can just kill everyone everyone these guys are duking it out back and forth meanwhile i'm just battling ghosts over here does the hecarim win this time no not even close all right not gonna lie that was pretty close let's see let's see how strong we can make this champion fellas all right we'll do that i i passed a vladimir i feel like an idiot we can do that what else what else can we do to show off the sheer power of nanu um okay so i know that didn't make it stronger but i had to buy it just in case things went south we could be ready so yeah now this is awkward huh level two bear not that big of a deal bingo that's a knock-up we're big chillin i'm curious how much work hymer did for us last time because i don't think it matters dude i literally don't think it matters this is ridiculous guys please play this team comp you will laugh at how stupid it is what are you supposed to do against this if you damage him you give him health if you don't he gets manna [Laughter] 32 000 dude think we beat a boat there what's something else we could snag and grab i like the idea of this is there another item we can slam on i honestly love the items we've got hmm garen no thanks another one of these sure sure sure i'm a dong we don't need them we don't need them stop giving it to me we don't we do not need them all right what we do need there we go there we go there we go there we go we're getting a little carried away now okay we're getting real carried away now oh my god did that go through no okay we're chilling we got the a roster on the bench the starting roster on the bench and it it's fine it doesn't even matter i i want to see this new to lose dude it's not possible it's literally not possible that's the best part about this literally this one champion with these items doesn't matter what team comp you have will win you the game as long as you have these traits on them are you kids hey nunu lux goodbye what that is so ridiculous he's out of the game he's pissed oh my gosh this guy's been barely winning all day wait actually hold the phone wait a minute this is actually wait what oh wow yo lux be smurfing oh my goodness all right let's see here um is there anything else we can do oh yeah the ivor i forgot there you go i've roaned dude everything else is one star one star one star one star one star the lisandra i've never wanted a listener so badly in my life lisandra lisandra no not you lisandra lassander well we tried our best folks dude it don't even matter we lost our ivern that's actually huge and we got zephard are you kidding me if we win this round this is the greatest creation of all time i saw someone talking about in the comments a few days ago saying you better give me credit listen i've been working on this for weeks now okay before you were born we were working on this because i knew the sheer power of gobble and noodle would take over the world eat faster than stupid freaking oh my god oh my god oh my gosh he goes back to full hp he doesn't even care two we're gonna find our osandra whether it's the last thing we do baby okay who almost messed me up there for a second that got real scary katarina has anti-healing that's that's spooky look how many three stars we beat versus this you're talking you're telling me this gets beat by this what dude this is hilarious actually hilarious the a-team's chilling on the side saying bonds we're good to go don't you worry about a thing baby make them all crispy yo we got two magnetic removers hot dog um i'm actually down to get zephyr again that was pretty fun i'm actually down as for this let's do this that's for you that's for you i think we take this champion out of the game the katarina scares me a lot eat it beautiful okay we got zephyr our whole team's gonna die i think we're chilling guys please play this team comp you're gonna have so much fun yes eat the catering eat the calories and eat the caterina munch dude she died over here yeah we're good we're good guys fattiest thumbs up and uh if you want a closer look into my personal life i'm starting to get a very personal with you guys on the bunny fufu club hence toss up this thumbnail that's a video we posted over there if you want to get a grasp of that slash see vlogs that i'm posting the bunny poop club is going to be for you what a game thumbs up helps a lot thank you all so much for watching give me more team comp ideas to bust out i've been waiting to show this one to you guys it's been an absolute blast thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 107,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, 1v9, nunu, renewer
Id: ipQZbUOjn1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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