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roxtor Games has finally done it they put a formula 1 slash IndyCar in Grand Theft Auto 5 I've been waiting for this moment for six years now yes and we're gonna buy it three million dollars we're gonna customize it another three million dollars and then we're gonna drive it which is free but then we're gonna crash it and we'll have to pay for a new one this video actually costs with me a lot of money to make so please leave a like on this video if you want to see more of the Formula One car also I forgot to wear my jelly hoodie so make sure you are by going to jelly store I can't believe it's Grand Theft Auto it's not the safest game but Wow broke your car guys listen these cars are super fragile but also my god super fast look at that guy's I did say they're fragile okay Craner no I didn't where's your spoiler I want this boy does good side yeah my body fell on my engine is exposed whoa there's so much glue to the ground it is glued to the ground man is there glue on these tires this is crazy is it crater is it really Wow oh I lost my front door a spoiler Tulip Emily's gonna be very good on jump oh no it's not so it's not driving oh yeah I'm kind of following you but uh seriously oh my - do try to crash this to be very failed dude this car doesn't fly well we're gonna customize these cars and make them look extra special right craner's here guys careful first things first we got to repair this Formula One car for $58 oh I cannot wait to see what we can do with this thing it looks amazing already it's obviously not green yet but let's have a look at the bodywork we can remove some panels okay actually I kind of like the panel there it makes it look I can add the mk2 body which cut it closes that section off I can lighten the car we get rid of some back panels or we can just put a whole new body on oh okay well we add more vents and then we can make it lighter again and then a new body again Wow this car is weird man this car is super cool but with oh so now we have the vent again I don't really understand what the differences are I can see them but they're not very different so far I think the mk3 body looks the best with the vents at the top let's buy that for the brakes obviously we're gonna go with the super brakes I've never seen super brakes before the front bumper which technically is a spoiler in this case we can change as well we can change it to a medium front wing to a circuit track front wing the championship front wing the maximum grip which just adds like tiny little things and then the legendary whoa okay well there is quite a big difference between a legendary and the stock one not exactly worth $15,000 but we're gonna buy it anyway the engine deserves an upgrade too even though this is definitely the fastest car I've ever driven the exhaust currently it's just a normal stock exhaust we can change to a turbo exhaust I don't really know if that exists turbo exhausts I never heard of those and then the spoiler now currently the stock one really looks like a 2013 2014 Formula One wing we can change it though we can make it shorter we can make it rectangular we can make it a t9 spec the cut off the words okay just kind of like adds tiny little things to the wing here and there well what makes it bigger wow that's that's kind of cool the 91 the large rectangular the Lord's which I wish we could make it wider can we make it wider and then the extreme there is definitely difference but I wouldn't say the difference is like drastically improving the transmission Supah your turbo $30,000 water the wheels now currently we have slick tires on this car which is very important on a car like this wait we have a new type of a new type of wheel race wheels oh my goodness I've never seen this before I've never seen this we keep the slick tire but we can actually change the trim what I didn't know that I didn't know that even existed in this game now I need the thing is something that looks cool the snowflake maybe the grid line I like that oh the GP 19 let's go with that no I think we can change the color as well oh yes now obviously the colors I always do at the end but for now let's make these guys green and the entire design we can put logos on it Wow all kinds of different logos never seen that before ooh something green let's go with that we can make him bulletproof just in case Josh will shoot them and then put some crew smoke on Windows there is a way no on this thing are you kidding me five thousand dollars to make that one a little up little bit darker are you kidding me okay we'll do it windshields what and then we can just basically get rid of it okay and we make it clipped oh oh we'll make it cooler that looks that's really cool the paint it or the raised Oh aerodynamic I actually kind of like this one more I think this one looks better super going to that one let's have a look what we can do with the secondary color on this car first the secondary color changed the front wing and the back wing and then obviously the primary color will change the entire body of the car even though I love my color green it can be pick too overpowering sometimes so let's have a look if we change the color of the bodywork something else matte black whoa that looks sweet matte ice white Wow okay I am actually digging that now I haven't actually looked at the liveries yet so let's have a look what we can do here basically liveries are stickers oh there are green stickers I want to find something that is not too overpowering but that still reminds me of myself this is a really cool one however the cool one doesn't have as much green as I like but what if we now change the color the primary color to crew oh that looks insane because I love this car so much I'm gonna have a look around again to see what I can change and you guys will see the final result when I see Craner and Josh I have a lot of guys I'm sure you can see it very well Creina what you go with oh wait wait a minute a really nice one too great I got sponsored by a tobacco company hey don't smoke hey okay bad so I have really cool wheels uh-huh hang on I've got an idea Creina what what are you gonna do Josh don't blow it up what are you doing no Josh Josh didn't gas in my car yeah it all said so I'm just believe it or not I was gonna join with that livery but then I realized what it was about and I didn't go with it seriously Josh you're gonna blow this car is already accelerators cause fire alright should we start with the equator again okay tell us something Wow can you get out actually take us around the V okay welcome to my car that was just on fire he's really mad at these he's very bad just realized something god this guy change the secondary color so this is yellow and that's orange what he didn't quit are you suck man crater no don't shoot your car it's not falling off alright should we move on to mine guys I think we need to be one quick all right so I went with the most beautiful color no it's it's actually a normal paint not even matter makes matted yeah a Formula One car is all about being visible this car is so fast it's really hard to spawn so you need to make it as really angry seriously he got rid of like a piece on my spoiler also yeah something something really cool is that we have a little bit of black tints on the spoilers yeah Wow change that myself okay tires on this one I see right branded yet sponsored for free what about the same would it be yeah oh wow Josh tell us about yours so you know I like to just go crazy weird with my I can't see myself it's a mirror car it's like we're recording I decided to go close off another thing I did is see you guys like took the back bit off expose the end right yes kept that all intact and hey went for the top Vince yeah well it looks alright Josh alright but your engine will overheat Josh that's how it works oh really this sectional stainless steel incredibly heavy really cool coffee you know like these cars is supposed to be really lightweight yes darshan is slow this is a flexed cost okay should we test guys crater stop talking into your car so we have literally upgraded the engine the transmission turbo it's gonna be fast boys let's give it a little try all bye guys oh wow it's got a boost on it it's gotta buy already crashed it IO on crash this thing is super either yeah it's definitely nitro man nitro nitro is this a normal thing this is dippin I need to fix mine again I got rid of a spoiler I'm so dumb fixed it guys where are we headed what should we do a little race somewhere I don't know if I'm boosting it correct is it lipstick oh my yes it is crater here we come okay boys here we're gonna make a jump the grip is wait I lost Craner already go left here Josh left right here oh why wow this is actually cool you've got some little detour Josh we've got some speed this thing does not fly let's try it on the fridge oh my goodness oh my goodness oh it's starting to rain guys boys because this is not the right day right ages good right here under the bridge way to go guys Oh me I just completely underestimated how quickly that would do you do not have to break interns it goes yeah so quick well I'm nearly at the airport we've got to do the jump to get in or we're gonna go no I'm not doing the jump that will break lost my look at the lot of the car broke my car I was saving it and now I can't I can't I literally lost all the red jump it's insane okay I'll try that I'll try that coax oh wait cry way to the cranium by the way ha beer guys I'm gonna do with the boost I'm gonna do with the boost yeah okay now I didn't want it to be slippy no I don't like the rain get rid of the rain do anything not safe to drive in the rain guys yes again hit it so it tries to flip sideways Johnny it won't go upside down kind of cool without any of the pieces okay I think it looks better with the pieces but okay go for it in an odd way should we do a little trip a draft what's the track a drag race started right over here guys yeah right down here yeah right over here where Josh is oh you still managed to get here before crane Oh what is he doing what is he what he what do you do perfect wait guys what try and shoot me oh I can't you caught you okay no I didn't mean like that crane don't get out of coffee okay to get back in the car crane I want me to shoot you all right guys get those wheels warm yeah on on craters mark three two one go the belly oh you guys I love the boots Oh see you later Lee I ran out of this booth too quickly oh wow crater is I guess it's better to use the boost later in I don't know so far behind there's no better kept oh oh my god I think because jellies Carlos we should do the damage check on his oh I think so chili mine's like the most I've got the little pieces on it still that's the rules don't be a bad smokey just make up those rules yeah fine fine fine get on the ramp Craner get on the ramp it'll be good fun all right just for safety you know just for safety's a little okay ours are a little bit closer together I think what explosion right yeah one explosion and it's gone and all goner it landed though landing pretty quick oh oh you just got rid of the front spoiler huh we put armor on it so it's gonna take a lot of a bullet down oh oh what'd you say I just blew out mine too well guys these were the most insane cars ever thanks for watching this insane car review video click here to watch two more well actually it's not possible to click both but you can click one you can at least try to click one this one maybe or you decide
Channel: Jelly
Views: 6,537,163
Rating: 4.9035425 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, gta 5, f1, f1 dlc, f1 car, gta 5 f1 car, new, update, gta 5 dlc, funny, customizing, game, games, gaming, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 update, new car, *NEW* 1000MPH FORMULA 1 RACE CAR In GTA 5
Id: 6W7sY0tesv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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