(NEW) 🖥️The BEST Web Hosting For WordPress (2024)! 🖥️

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[Applause] [Music] you've all heard the question right what is the best web hosting but this usually leads to either a shouting match on a Facebook group or on Reddit poost right so today I'll show you guys some of the best web hosting based on our one-year web hosting speed result test we purchased WordPress hosting plans from various web host and monitor their progress we recorded the page speed and uptime for an entire year for this test we use pingdom pingdom is a web service that will record the up time and pay speed for a website 24 hours a day and to make this test Fair we use the same PHP version and the same size starter website on all the domains to make sure this is a fair and accurate test we use one of the elementary template kits with contents colors a page builder and several plugins to utilize the web host server to really see what it can do on a live website I'll be grading these web hosts just like a school a being the best and F being the worst also it's hard to know exactly what you're getting when you purchase a web hosting plan right I'm sure you guys have bought a plan before and you're like what did I even get in this plan right uh really quickly if you guys do want to jump to the speed results test we have time stamps in the description if you guys want to jump to those results you guys can go ahead and check that out but before we begin let me go ahead and educate you guys a little bit about web hosting so with every web host you guys should always be getting specific services that are free and I'll explaining what those are also you guys might not be familiar with terms like nvme storage or SSL so before we even get into this speed results test let me explain what all these hosting terms mean and clarify them just a little bit first let's talk about free services that you should always receive When shopping for web hosting this includes free ssls free emails free support free backups and a money back guarantee now an SSL stands for a secure sockets layer companies and businesses need to add an SSL certificate to their websit to secure online transactions and keep customer information private and secure next are emails every company should offer 50 free email email accounts this allows you to create free business emails for your website like darl google.com or johnf facebook.com now let's talk about support every website should always offer free support if you guys see white screens or 44 errors you guys should always expect your webhost to fix these problems even if it's WordPress related next is backups now a majority of web hosting companies will automatically create backups just in case something bad happens to your websites you should always ask the host when they create backups and how to access them so you can always back up your websites lastly refunds if you guys are choosing a web host without a refund policy just run away this is something every web host should offer to give you a chance to test out their web hosting services so these are the services that you guys should always be getting when you guys purchase a web hosting plan but what about bonuses a good web hosting bonus is a free domain others don't offer this but it can always save you a few bucks if they do next a free CDN a free CDN will distribute copies of your website to various servers all around the world this will lead to reduce and low times they also decrease web traffic to your web server reduce bandwith consumption and they improve the user experience by loading your website faster now a rare freebie that I want to mention is malware cleanup very few web hosting companies offer this and is probably one of the best free services you guys can get when signing up for web hosting Mal refers to any software developed by cyber criminals often called hackers which can steal your data and damage your website or even sometimes destroy it Mal removal will get rid of these files and restore your website back to perfect Health When shopping for web hosting It's always important to look out for those extra Services because that might be the edge to convince you to go with those companies now I did mention that you guys might not be familiar with specific terms like nvme storage and stuff like that so let me go and clarify what those mean basic storage refers mainly to HDD or hard disk drives HDD drives are slower to load information because they have many moving Parts they are good if you want to sore a lot of data but just keep in mind there are faster hard drives next up SSD SSD refers to a solid stage Drive ssds are typically faster than HD because this type of storage contains no moving Parts it also loads information faster than ACD lastly nvme storage or non-volatile Memory Express this is the fastest type of storage instead of loading the memory drive into a specific slant nvme loads directly from the motherboard this results in a higher data transfer rate than SSD or HD drives now we have discount codes and links to all of these web hosting companies that we'll be talking about in the description below this video if you guys do use our link it does help us out we do get a small commission and it helps us because these tests do cost us thousands of dollars every year to bring you guys Great Value so let me go and introduce you guys to the web hosting companies that we monitor this year we recorded the speed times and up times of these 20 web hosts 10 web A2 hosting blue host chem Cloud dream host fast Comet GoDaddy green Geeks host Armada host Gator hostinger liquid web name hero pressible cyr TMD hosting WP engine and wpx hosting we also tested cloudways and all the providers such as Amazon AWS digital ocean and vulture so we'll be showcasing the uptime and pay speed of all these web hosts so what's a good uptime a study done by Dunn and Brad street shows that anything above a 99.95% uptime is an acceptable web host and meets the web hosting industry standard next is Page speed Google recommends your website should be loading at under 2 seconds anything faster than 2 seconds meets solid web hosting standards now for these tests we purchased the recommended hosting plan that the company recommends so the specs of the server won't be 100% the same but this will give you a general idea about the web hosts I'll also give you my personal recommendation of web hosting companies to go with at the end of the video you guys ready let's take a look at these web hosting results first up kinsta kinsta had an annual uptime of 99.99% with only 24 minutes of downtime the average low time stood around 1.26 seconds slightly above 1 second Mark but that's still very impressive it's worth noting that their packages might be on the pricier side which starts at $30 a month it's a drawback for those on a tight budget or for those just getting started out we use their starter plan I would give kinsa an a rating for its outstanding performance next up 10 web 10 web had a buy annual uptime of 99.98% with 60 Minutes of downtime 10 web had an average low time of 921 Ms which is under 1 second however 10 web is more geared for higher-end clients and not really suitable for beginners with their packages starting at just $10 for only one websites we use their AI term business plan I would give 10 web a solid a minus the service stats are good just not the price next A2 hosting A2 hosting showcased an annual uptime of 99.98% with a downtime of 2 hours their average low time was 2.98 seconds though A2 hosting is known for scalability the longer low time might be a problem for heavy websites or those requiring instant loading we use their turbo web hosting plan given these factors A2 hosting earns AB they do get points for reliability but docked for Speed next blue host oh blue host blue host delivered an annual uptime of 99.92% accompanied by 6 hours of downtime the average low time was 6.72 seconds while blue host's pricing is dir cheap the slower low times and lower uptime will have a negative impact on high performance and user experience Blu host receives a d sure their website might be easy to use but these results suck next dream host dream host had an annual uptime of 99.91% with a total of 7 hours of downtime the average low time was at 3.94 seconds despite its lower low time dream host is also known for long delays of support requests we use their shared starter plan for this test I would give dream host a c minus rating the service is bad and I don't see reason to use them next fast Comet fast Comet achieved a 6-month up time of 99.97% with only 1 hour of downtime which is actually not bad their average low time clocked in at 3.29 seconds although not the fastest is performance is reliable and the added benefits make it a good choice for small businesses we use their shared hosting plan for this test fast comment receives a B rating it is reliable but its loading time exceeds 2 seconds next GoDaddy go Daddy had an annual uptime of 99.85% with 11 hours of downtime GoDaddy also had an average low time of 2.97 seconds we got their web hosting Deluxe plan while GoDaddy does offer a very robust platform for growing businesses its performance metrics are not what we wanted to see nevertheless they do offer tons of services and they do have phone support for this I give GoDaddy a c it's a so so web host at best next Green Geeks green Geeks impressed me with a an ual up time of 99.98% with only 2 hours of downtime it also had an average low time of 2.49 seconds combining excellent uptime decent speed I would say that they're an attractive option for those looking to get started with their first websites we use their light shared hosting plan for this test green Geeks earns a b it stands as one of the top choice for beginners just getting started out next host Gator over a period of 6 months HostGator showed an annual uptime of 99.94% with 3 hours of down time their average low time was a bit slower at 4.12 seconds I know these are terrible results but this is actually better than last year last year they did a lot worse although the low times are on the slower side I would say this makes them a okay option we use their hatchling plan I would give HostGator a B minus they have improved their user reliability and their user panel but their speed isn't that good either next hostinger hosting or posted an annual uptime of 99.96% with 3 hours of downtime and they actually had an impressive low time of 1.32 seconds with a strong balance of speed uptime and cost I would say hostinger is an excellent choice for those looking to get started with their website without breaking the bank we use their WordPress Pro Plan for this test for this good performance and value I would give them man a I would say this is a top recommended choice on this list next liquid web liquid web achieved an annual uptime of 99.98% with only 1 hours of downtime with an average low time of 1.38 8 seconds we use the Nexus spark plan for this kind of quality and performance it needs a bit of investment these plans start at around $21 a month I would give liquid web an A+ for a superior speed and reliability this is a solid choice for businesses who need top tier manage hosting next name hero over the span of 6 months name hero had an annual uptime of 99.98% with only 34 minutes of downtime this really does showcase their reliability they manage an average low time of 1.62 seconds and we use their turbo Cloud plan this kind of focus on high-speed hosting Solutions and really good customer service makes them a strong Contender I would give name hero a solid a they have great results for the right price next up pressible pressible is a new company to the list and it really did not disappoint pressible had an exceptional 6-month up time of 99.99% with only a mere 10 minutes of downtime they also had an average low time of 1.08 seconds and this is just on their personal plan despite having automatic updates and really strong security measures you need to invest at least $25 a month to get started however with these results I would give pressible a solid A+ for its outstanding uptime speed and WordPress Centric features next UPSR pyr achieved an annual uptime of 99.99% with just an hour of downtime and an average low time of 1.73 seconds on their grow big plan though they had few issues on the previous years with their pricing they have a range of hosting services that are both reliable and rich in features this includes daily backups free cdns and manage WordPress hosting I would give pyr a solid a for being a reliable host and a userfriendly solution next up TMD hosting TMD hosting showcased an annual uptime of 99.90% with 8 hours of downtime they also had an average lad time of 2.15 seconds using their starter package despite lower uptime compared to its peers TMD does make up for this with competitive pricing stting at just $2.99 a month I would give TMD hosting a solid B I think they appeal to users who want to be more cost effective next WP engine WP engine had an annual uptime of 99.97% with Just 2 hours of downtime maintaining an average low time of 1.36 seconds on their startup manage hosting plan WP engine has always been a reliable and fast web host and that's always something to note I would give WP engine a solid a they've always been a great web post with great speed great uptime but they are a little pricey next up wpx hosting wpx hosting had a great annual uptime of 99.99% with only 22 minutes of downtime they also had an average low time of 1.93 seconds on their business plan although their low time is slightly higher compared to some of its competitors the overall package of services definitely makes them stand out I would give wpx a solid a they've always been a solid web post on all my tests they've always performed well no matter what the situation so next we're going to be talking about cloudways now before we begin with cloudways I just want to let you guys know that cloudways is not suitable for beginners right if you guys are brand new to making websites you know it's just not for you because you have to migrate your website you got to point your domains and you probably will mess something up I mean that's just my that's just my honest guess right so we tested out various servers with cloudway so we tested out Amazon AWS digital ocean Len no and also vulture so in this part of the video I'll be giving you guys my results of the speed test results from cloudways and don't forget we also have a discount for cloudways in the description so if you guys do like the results you guys can use our code in the description first cloudways AWS cloudways leverage an annual uptime of 99.99% with only 3 minutes of downtime they showcase exceptional reliability the average low time on this platform was 1.45 seconds naturally cloudways AWS definitely gets an a they are the perfect solution for Enterprise businesses next up cloudway digital ocean with cloudway hosting on digital ocean the uptime was 99.99% with only 1 minute of downtime the average low time is recorded at 1.59 seconds digital ocean is known for its Simplicity and cost Effectiveness making it an excellent choice for startups and medium-sized businesses I would give cloudway digital ocean an A+ there is no reason not to use it if you are a large Enterprise business next up cloudway lenoe Leno also bust an up time of 99.99% with only 7 minutes of downtime we also got a low time of 970 Ms which is the fastest among the cloudways offerings I would give this hosting a solid A+ it has exceptional speed consistent uptime and this is recommended for larger companies lastly cway vulture cloudways hosting on vulture achieves an annual uptime of 99.99% with an hour of downtime the average low time was 1.63 seconds volure is recognized for its versatile Cloud hosting solutions that cater to pretty much any type of audience I would give cloudways vulture a solid A+ cloudways vulture has always been a reliable and skillable Cloud hosting service all right party people thank you guys so much for watching our best web hosting video now if you guys are looking for web hosting and you're asking me darl who should I go with right now if you guys are on a budget or if it's your first website I would definitely go with hostinger hostinger is among one of the cheapest shared hosting you guys can get also known host and cyron are also good choices as well now if you guys have a moderate amount of money and you guys want to vest I would definitely go with either wpx hosting they're a good web host also uh 10 web 10 web is also pretty good and lastly we have obviously cloudways cloudways with the cloud vulture plan is like really really fast it's a no-brainer so any one of those are good right so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope it brought a lot of value you know I know when you guys go online to look for web hosting reviews it's just these like crappy Affiliates just saying everything is good and it's not right we do actually badmouth some companies in this video you know not badmouth but just giving our real opinion based off the results that we got right so I did hope you guys enjoyed this video so make sure to like this video and let me know in the comments how we did my name is Gerald Wilson and I will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 5,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wordpress hosting, best web hosting, wordpress 2024, wordpress hosting, hosting for bloggers, reliable web hosting, top web hosting, web hosting comparison, web hosting 2024, top hosting services, best hosting provider, fast web hosting, hosting for ecommerce, hosting for affiliate marketing, hosting for wordpress, web hosting for beginners, hosting for small business, best web hosting for wordpress, best hosting for wordpress, wordpress best web hosting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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