i wish i knew this BEFORE i started day trading 🤦‍♂️ - Small Account Challenge Ep 6

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what's up everyone alright welcome to the next episode of day trading with 500 bucks now during this episode what I'm gonna do for you guys is I'm gonna share with you the things that I wish I had known when I was getting started trading the tips and tricks that would have saved me tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary losses and sped up my learning curve by months if not years one of the things that I'll talk about during this episode is the fact that it took me nearly two years before I discovered a strategy that was consistently profitable and I had this false belief that in order to be a successful day trader I needed to know a little bit of everything I needed to be able to trade options I need to be able to trade large apps small caps penny stocks I need to be able to go long and short and that was a false belief that's simply not true when I started over in 2017 with 583 dollars in my account I set out to prove that you can become a millionaire with one strategy when I turned 583 bucks and over a million dollars in just over two years trading a momentum based strategy now I'll talk about the strategy a little bit during this episode I'm mostly to be talking about the things that I wish I had known when I was getting started so those of you guys who are scratching your head thinking all right I want to know more about this strategy how does he find these stocks where does he get in where does he get out how does it work what I'm gonna do for you guys is I'm gonna put a link right below in the description where you can register it to my next live seminar I host live seminars from time to time everyone who attends will get a copy of my book how to day trade this is sort of a supplement to it's almost like a guide to the strategy and well do during the seminars I'll break down for you to 5 criteria that I use to evaluate whether or not a stock fits within my strategy I'll walk you through where I get in and where I get out in order to minimize risk and maximize profit potential especially to a small account and I'll break down a bunch of examples of setups stocks and patterns that met my criteria and worked and some that didn't work my accuracy is right around 70 percent so in out of 100 trades I'll have 70 winners third losers and I break down a handful of both the winners and the losers so you can really get a sense of what works and and when it doesn't work so again those of you guys that want to learn more about my strategy check out that link below register to my next live seminar and now let's get into this episode of breaking down the things that I wish I had known when I was getting started trading and this is a special episode because you're gonna come with me my trip to California so pack your bags let's go what's up everyone all right well I don't know about you guys but lately I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to get done and I've been kind of operating on this level of like high stress and just burning a candle at both ends and so that means for this video we're gonna have to do it on the go but that's okay because we're gonna talk about today is a little bit of the life of being a trader and a few of things that I wish I had known about trading before I got started we're gonna talk about the ups we're gonna talk about the downs and I think you guys are gonna get a better sense of what it's like to be a day trader it's an amazing job but my job is actually a lot more than just being a trader my job is being a trader being a coach being a boss father husband's and all of that there's a lot of work probably not that much different from what a lot of you guys are doing too so let's get into this episode well it's about 9 o'clock I was in my office for about about 13 hours today now my watchlist started it about 9 a.m. so a bell rang at 9:30 I was really only focusing on trading for two hours from about 9:00 to 11:00 but then the rest of my day was meetings following up on emails doing all the stuff behind the scenes so that you guys who are my students get to have an awesome experience meeting with my tech guys my developers meeting with my support staff I try to kind of front-load my work so I have lots of meetings early in the week on Mondays and Tuesdays and then Wednesdays get stuff done Thursday's got stuff done and then if I'm lucky Fridays I might get to leave a little bit early it's not been the case recently but this is my typical routine so finishing the day here nine o'clock pulling in the driveway only a couple lights on in the house put the car in the garage go inside grab a quick bite to eat and got the Christmas lights out right here that was one of my weekend projects getting those guys set up so can we grab a bite to eat jump back on the laptop finish up some YouTube comments and then try to get to bed before midnight hey girl you happy to see daddy so I didn't get to bed early as I wanted to last night and this morning I woke up and we've got some snow outside so I'm gonna trade from the house today which is which is okay I don't really mind doing that I've got my traveling trading station ready to go so I've got my laptop and my two USB monitors so I'm gonna jump on there I gotta do my watch let's real quick start trading and then I'm gonna be out of here hard stop today is at 10:30 so I've got one hour to trade and see how much I can make we'll see how we can do all right well that's it it's just a couple minutes before 11:00 a.m. I'm finished in the morning up two thousand four hundred seven dollars trading a stock that's currently up over a hundred and eighty percent crazy we're seeing some pretty awesome momentum so I just did my recap for the chat room for YouTube and now I got switch gears and go on to the rest of things I gotta get done today [Music] so you know that's pretty much the dream to be able to make twenty four hundred twenty five hundred dollars in an hour living in Vermont where I was when I was first getting started trading that was that was enough to cover me for an entire month of living expenses I mean literally I really didn't need that much to get by a hundred dollars a day so to have a day where I'd hit twenty five hundred bucks would have been a dream and I was doing pretty much I mean I would have done pretty much anything in those days to be consistently profitable to give you guys some context where I was at was I was basically broke I had moved up to Vermont and I was trying to live a little bit of a simpler life cut my cost of living quite a lot but I was living off of credit cards and you know I had a roof over my head and I was buying groceries but all of those expenses were going onto a credit card and I was accumulating that they had five credit cards they were maxed out ended up with six total credit cards and about thirty thousand dollars of debt you know which is a pretty scary thing and I knew I was gonna have this Apex point where my cost of living with you know paying paying credit card based living off credit cards and the minimum amounts do on the credit cards was gonna cross to the point where I wasn't able to keep doing that and my hope was that my success as a trader would begin to pick up before the credit card balances ran out and that's what I was just kind of racing against and what I wish I had known that I now know is that that added pressure was only making the learning curve more difficult because I was gotten to this place of kind of scrambling to try to find something that was working and it made me much quicker to jump away from a strategy that was sort of working is something that something else and then you know just kind of like jumping back and forth I was just making things worse so one of the things I would tell myself going back is stick with one strategy I appreciate it so how do you find that one strategy that's a good fit for you that you really resonate with that you like that you understand and that you can trust is actually profitable [Music] unfortunately that's the heart most of the successful traders out there they're not sharing their strategy they're afraid they share bills most of the educators out there those classes are being taught by you get start how'd you find one strategy that's a good fit for you ten years the advice that I would give myself would be get an internship working at a hedge fund maybe a bank or something like that but you know what and guess what I think Annette calls back [Music] so I ended up starting from square one and spending 18 months developing my own strategy but even on the red days I became more and more motivated and excited to make it happen because I realized how quickly money could be made if I was on the other side of that trade so once I finally developed a strategy that was consistently profitable I decided to do something that no one else was doing I decided to really put my money where my mouth is which is when I started over I started with 583 dollars in my account and traded this one strategy that I had discovered and I turned that 583 dollars into a million dollars and then had all of those broker statements audited by an independent auditor a CPA firm down in New York City called Citrin Cooperman and that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that these games are real that the strategy works a hundred and eighty three thousand percent return think about that for a second almost a two hundred thousand percent return on my money which was wild I mean absolutely insane so unlike a lot of traders out there who were successful I decided not to keep this strategy for myself but to share it with my students and I've realized that it hasn't made the strategy any less effective I've continued to be profitable and and which really does it's given beginner traders an opportunity to learn something that is a proven way to generate profits in the market alright another morning so it's about 6 a.m. right now in California so I'm gonna do my watchlist and start trading as soon as the bell rings at 6:30 local time 9:30 Eastern Time so you guys out here on the west coast you get the opportunity to trade for two hours before potentially have to go to a nine-to-five job which is pretty cool so all right I'm gonna jump into it and see what stocks I can find this morning all right so it's 10:30 finished my one hour of trading may hit a thousand bucks and that's it done for the day one of the things to always kind of remember is that the more times you trade every single day the more you risk giving back profit so every day when you trade you're doing one two you're either leaving money on the table in other words not making as much as you could or giving back profit to the market I always feel better leaving the day knowing that maybe I left some money on the table but I walked away with money in my pocket so that's what I'm doing again today so the next piece of advice that I wish I knew 10 years ago when I was getting started the importance of trading in a simulator before trading with real money but that's not what I did when I got started when I got started I jumped in with real money and guess what happened I lost money and I justified trading real money and not using a simulator by telling myself that well I couldn't afford to spend time trading him simulator I needed to make money today to pay my bills by the end of this month and so that desperation that I needed to make money to pay my bills was what I used to justify trading with with real money and so then what ended up happening the first few trades I lost money and now I'm in the red and I'm thinking alright well you know I should probably step back and slow down but now kind of hooked because I feel like I've lost money and need to make back that money and the only way I can make that back is by trading with the real money and I think one of the things that was really hard for me was having a few early winners that maybe were just pure luck but there were some big winners so I got the taste of success and I felt like I was so close even though in reality I was actually really far away looking back if I could have started by trading a simulator that emotional cycle and that emotional spiral would have never happened remembering that emotional spiral that ended up resulting in me jumping from strategy to strategy from small caps to large caps penny stocks to you know options and just being all over the place I wouldn't have felt that need to grasp for straws and if you can almost picture this sliding down Venkman and just grasping for anything you can to hold yourself as you get closer and closer to this darkness which for me was the reality that that apex point was coming where I wasn't gonna be able to keep living off of credit cards and where I was gonna have to get a regular job now the job that I was looking at I was looking at getting a three to eleven job so that I guess that's like third shift or whatever a second I don't know I've I've never actually worked that time but that's what I was looking at is okay well if I got a three to eleven job I could work you know afternoon into the evening and then I could still trade in the morning but if I had just given myself that couple months to trade in a simulator I could have started my experience trading on such a positive note instead it's like I started the race by tripping out of the starting gate and then I spent the whole race the whole first 18 months scrambling to try to catch up and dig myself out of this hole it was totally totally unnecessary so once again it's just about my bedtime so tomorrow we're gonna talk about some of the stress related to learning how to trade and some of the stress that I still still deal with today as a professional trader all right so another day $708 before 8 a.m. local time at San Francisco over there cool thing we're trading on the west coast here is that you know yeah it's not a lot of fun to get up at 5:30 in the morning but the market opens at 6:30 local time I trade till 7:30 by 8:00 a.m. I've already made my money seven hundred bucks today you know it's it's kind of awesome if you're someone that still works a nine-to-five job because you could actually do this in the morning before you go to work today we're gonna talk about some of the reasons that trading was stressful for me one of the reasons that trading was really stressful for me was because my life circumstances when I was starting trading were stressful I was broke you know I was living on credit card debt and that essentially would have made anything stressful anything that was related to starting a new business or something where you know it it it was iffy whether or not I would be successful obviously obviously if I just started a regular job working you know you that I wanted to go back to working the gas station like I did out of college but you know even if I was working in a gas station that would have just been money coming in but we're trading it was stressful because I genuinely didn't know if I was gonna be one of the ones that figured it out or if I'd be one of the ones who you know is telling their friends ten years from now yeah I tried to do this thing day trading and I just lost a ton of money and just embarrassed right the stress for me as I was getting started was really tied in to the difference between my expectation of what would happen and what was actually happening my expectation was that I would start making ten dollars a day small money and then go up to 15 20 30 40 50 60 and that I would just continue to increase as I got better when I started losing money the difference between my expectation where I was that was growing and that was creating more stress I think that for me is kind of a stressor it's the difference between my current reality and where I want to be you know whatever wherever that happens to be you know maybe dependent you know what I'm talking about but you know as a beginner trader I think that was the big stressor it was I want to be making $100 a day he's 500 a week that's 2,500 a month that is enough to pay my bills living in Vermont and so when I was coming up short I just kept feeling more and more frustrated one of the things that I've said a million times we'll say it again now is that there's a blessing in the curse of being a day trader the curse is that you can spend 18 months struggling to make even ten dollars a day and that sounds like crazy ten dollars a day is nothing you're not asking a driver a Lamborghini or flying a private jet ten dollars a day I mean that's you know that's $250 of a month like that's a very low expectation you're not being greedy so why would it take 18 months to consistently make 10 bucks a day it would take 18 months because you won't consistently make 10 dollars a day until you have a consistent strategy it comes back to strategy and until you have the discipline to follow your rules and to stick with just one strategy because it's so easy when you feel that emotional impulse to jump to something else you know where to break a rule and trade something you're not supposed to trade to do it because it alleviates that emotional instinct and that emotional instinct is coming from okay I need a grasp for something else you know just sticking with this one thing isn't giving me the immediate result that I wanted so then on the other side the the blessing of the market is that once you're consistently making 10 dollars a day the only difference between making 10 dollars a day and $20 a day consistently is increasing your share size if you're making $10 a day for the last year and a half trading with a thousand shares you know well if I just do the numbers and I was trading with 2,000 shares you would've made twice as much then if you go to 4,000 you make twice as much you go to 8,000 you'd make twice as much and then you start seeing diminishing returns as you increase to 16,000 or 30,000 or something like that and that soon as liquidity and slippage in the market but anywhere from a hundred shares to eight or 10,000 you're gonna be a pretty linear you know pretty pretty flat trajectory moving up in profit the big stress for me when I was getting started was just that question of is this gonna work for me and a lot of that added pressure was because of my life circumstances so for you guys who are able to get started right now who can do some of the side hustles that I've talked about driving uber and I've had a couple students since I posted that video or like yeah Ross I Drive loop around Saturday and Sunday make an extra 200 bucks you know that helps me pay my bills and stuff like that I would have totally done that if I could have done that 10 years ago absolutely driving uber cuz I want to do stuff that I'm in charge that I decide when I want to work I don't want to go in on someone else's schedule I go in on my own driving uber you're on your own schedule lyft or uber eats or any of those types of jobs you're on your own schedule um you know if you're doing freelance work that starts to get into a little bit more commitment a little more responsibility you can do freelance on up work hire writers you can you know your interests in the stock market there's people there looking for writers who can write about you know stock market news and events I mean we have writers at Warrior Training MIT that do that type of stuff so like you know there's all these things that you guys can do now to kind of help supplement if you have all those things going to the point where you're let's say breaking even in terms of how much it costs your cost of living and and how much money is coming in then anything you make as a trader is icing on the cake and now the expectation is not that you need to make 200 a day to live to survive it's that if you make even 50 bucks a day it's awesome now with that pressure off and that stress gone that cycle that spiral of you know feeling more stress and I've lost money now I need to make it back when you cut that suddenly this weight is just lifted off your shoulders and you can focus on trading based on great quality setups and you might say I don't trade every day because I trade this very specific setup and if I don't see it every day there's no reason to take risk anything I make is icing on the cake and there's really no reason to get bent out of shape if I have a couple slow days or a slow week or even a slow month so I think things you can do to really make learning to trade easier and more fun is by being diversified in the income that you have so that you're not 100% dependent on training [Music] they might think since becoming a profitable trader that now I have no stress in my life and the trading is totally stress-free and totally easy if you thought that if you're wrong I still have stress as a trader but the stress has changed and the stress that I have now really resides around the wall kitties reside around expectations I've moved up my expectations I'm no longer satisfied with having today where I make a hundred bucks my daily goals mm and if I'm not consistently hitting 2,000 a day that means I'm not going to be tracking for a $500,000 a year and I'm the type of person that I like to set a goal for myself an expectation and if I come up short I'm gonna be a little disappointed myself I think that a lot of traders are like that I don't want this to sound tone-deaf because I understand it you should never feel bad if you're making only 400 grand and not 500 you know that's a very silly thing to be sad about in the grand scheme of things it's absolutely absolutely true but I think that anyone that's in a performance-based type of career whether it's sports or something like trading that is so based on your performance from a week to week month to month and certainly year to year measurement I think that we naturally are just constantly benchmarking ourselves against how we did in a previous period of time and how we're doing that and if you're an athlete you start you know dipping down and your your stats that's not a good thing it's not really a good thing as a trainer either so I think that the stress that I have now resides around that and I want to give you a really interesting example of two different months with completely different levels of stress it was August historically one of my worst months of the year and October historically one of my best months of the year so here's the funny thing in August I was I had the last few August have been terrible for me and so I basically was like I was considering not even trading for the month of August I mean I was like no I can't do that you know I got a trade so I said you know what if I make even $10,000 it's gonna be an awesome month I'll be totally happy with that it's better than nothing and so I set the bar at 10,000 bucks which is way below my monthly goal to a typical month but for the month of August set at $10,000 hey you know what happened I ended up making $40,000 and I was thrilled I mean I was like $40,000 in August $42,000 this is incredible so I set such a low expectation that even 10,000 I was happy 20,000 I was like this is awesome 30,000 40,000 best August in my career and is it because I set the expectation love I don't know but it made me think and in October typically one of my best months of the year I was hoping for 40 grand that was my expectation that I would make $40,000 you know what ended up happening well the first few days of the month I started in the red I started getting all frustrated and then when I started to pick up and go into the green I started to really swing for the fences in five days I made 45,000 I hit my monthly goal but I thought to myself this is the beginning of the hot season this is when things are really starting to pick up I should put the pedal to the metal and so I did I started to you know what happened I ended up losing everything I had made in that five-day hot streak and finished in the month down $20,000 I set an expectation that I was gonna have a huge month I started swinging for homeruns I got some really big strikeouts and it all comes back to expectations so as you can probably imagine October was a pretty stressful month I had some big ups which were awesome but then I had some really big downs which were disappointing and at the end of the month that came came up way shy of my monthly goal where is the month of August was awesome no stress just far exceeding what I expected how can I on the one hand set an expectation for myself and set a goal and allow it to be a motivator well at the same time not allowing that fixation on hitting that number become a negative influence on my trading and on my attitude it's something that I've actually struggled with from my entire career as a beginner trader I was struggling with it because I needed to make that amount of money each month to pay my bills and now as a trader who's been doing it for a while it's hard for me to separate my feeling of needing to continue to have better and better monthly returns and you know I'm just kind of continuing to chase that I need to keep improving and if you're not improving then you're either going up or going down and going sideways doesn't feel to me like you know a really reasonable thing as a trader I think one of the pieces of advice that I'm just starting to adopt that I wish I had known sooner and have been able to really embrace sooner is that I shouldn't look at my P&L every single day and this is actually the first time that I've stopped doing it and really my entire career it's not that I don't look at how much I've made on the day but I don't look at my account balance because when I would have green days you know I'm like you know my accounts going up from you know whatever mm - three - four - five - six - seven and then that day you have a big loss and you log in you're like my counseling at 4,500 yesterday was at 7 grand you just feel this sense of loss and of course you know you had the loss but when you log in and you see that number there it just amplifies it and then for me I'm always chasing to get back to that 7,500 and that's not trading the market that's trading your P&L that's trading a number that's something totally independent from what's happening in the market now the market may give you opportunities to get right back to seven or it may end up that you took a loss at the beginning of what is gonna be a cold streak and you're just gonna have to be patient and if you try to force it you're just gonna lose more money the piece of advice that I would give myself and and any of you would be to stop looking at your account balance every single morning so every day when you log in of course you want to know you know you start the day at zero and you want to hit your daily goal but to not be so fixated on where how how it affects your account balance and also where you stand on the month because something that I've been doing for pretty much my whole career is very actively tracking to the penny how much I've made each week or each month because you know I'm thinking about have I made enough to cover my bills and of course that stemmed from the circumstances I was in when I started and it was a habit that I've just maintained I've generally thought that maintaining that data has been valuable but I think it's more valuable to do it on a monthly basis at the end of the month looking back than to do it at the end of each day because what it created for me I feel sort of this television on very short term goals of weekly goals and monthly goals and the reality is sometimes you're gonna have a slow week you're gonna have a slow month and that's okay long-term being a successful traders learning to cope with some of these stressors like the difference between your expectation for the month and what actually happens and again it's it's not to say that it's not good to set expectations it's not to say that it's not good - no historically Auguste is not a good month and I should be more conservative than in a month where the market is typically stronger but the same time to be able to come in each day both with the expectation and also with the ability to simply accept the market for what it is today that's a real challenge for me even still one of the other things that I wish I had started doing sooner was to develop a really strong pre trading routine that I do every single day so my routine of you know I wake up at this time and I do my watchlist and I have a cup of coffee and I you know have a whatever something for breakfast the piece in there that I've really encourage you to add would be at the minimum a one-minute meditation and you might think that's crazy you don't need to do that but when you're in the moment of watching a stock squeezing up and you're thinking I'm just gonna jump in and give in to FOMO you need that presence of mind to hold you back because if you don't have that natural and most of us don't we'll just impulsively jump into a trade and you know what ends up happening you take a bad trade poor risk management and you take an unnecessary loss it's not worth it [Music] let's get real meditation doesn't have to look like that meditation can be as simple as taking a breath before you start trading and saying thank you for this opportunity to be able to work from home to potentially make a full-time income right here trading on my laptop I'm gonna respect the power of the market I'm going to take a quality trades and I'm not going to allow emotional impulses to influence my training today just like craving meditation requires discipline it's a muscle the more you strengthen it the better you get at it to be a successful trader long-term you need to have the discipline to follow the rules of your strategy take it from me a habitual rule breaker will save you thousands of dollars if you can learn this early on [Music] the next piece of advice that I wish I knew when I was getting started [Music] it's to call your broker and set up a max loss on your account so if you're down more than a certain amount on any given day you're done you can't keep trading and also to set a Mac share size on your account so you predetermine what that is and you can't take more than that number of shares that just helps prevent a day where emotions may get the better of you and if you didn't have those max loss and max shares sizes put into place you would go rogue get aggressive and do something you might regret [Music] so the last piece of advice that I wish I could give to myself and that I hope helps you guys is that trading is a marathon it's not a sprint it really isn't it's not about trying to make $10,000 by the end of next week so you can pay this bill when you start with that mindset you inherently become more emotionally impulsive you learn bad habits it's almost like running a marathon enthusiastically in the wrong direction you're not doing yourself any favors you're running in the wrong direction and so when you think of it as a marathon and that you need to pace yourself and that means being ok with the fact that you may not make $10,000 at the end of your first week or whatever the case is and that's alright you're really you're really building a strong foundation for long-term success so during this episode we talked about a lot of different things we talked about the importance of finding that one strategy that's a good fit for you that one strategy that really resonates right now for me my approach was to trade about 15 different strategies for 18 months and lose money and then when I was basically at rock bottom I was newly divorced with $30,000 of credit card debt and nothing to show for the last nearly two years of trying to learn how to trade I said what's been working over the last 18 months has anything been working and of course it's not like I was losing money every day I would would make money lose money make money lose money and so I pored through all my metrics and my stats and I realized that I actually was a profitable trader if I only traded one strategy I had about 14 15 different strategies I was trading but if I only traded the small cap stocks moving up more than 30 percent guess what I would have been profitable over those last 18 months so that for me was the beginning of finding that one strategy that I would just hold on to and really try to hone in on we talked about the importance of diversifying your income this is easier said than done you guys aren't all going to be in a place where you can diversify your income but you guys have a lot more option then I had when I was getting started uber lyft a higher riders up work all of these you know opportunities to potentially earn a little money on the side while you're learning how to trade we talked about the importance on the one hand of setting an expectation you gotta set expectations but on the other hand you don't want to let those expectations cloud your judgment and so being able to meditate being able to take a breath to stay focus and to be thankful every single day for just the opportunity to give this a try as a career it's not going to work for everyone but to be able to be thankful for the opportunity that you have and really try to give it your best your best shot to be focused each day on taking a quality set ups if you can do that you've got the marathon mindset if you're willing to spend a month or maybe two months trading in a simulator you've got the marathon mindset your training before you go live that's exactly what you want to do that creates a strong foundation for long-term success it's jumping into the market with real money trading and unproven strategy or trading a strategy you're just learning but just about guarantees that you will lose money and of course if you're doing that while at the same time dealing with the pressure of knowing you need to make a certain amount of money by you know the end of next week or the end of next month you're digging yourself a hole from the very beginning and it's just not the way to start then I talked about the importance of setting a max loss with your broker calling up your broker and saying hey put this max loss on my account because I don't want to ever take a loss more than you know $1,000 or whatever it is and I don't want to ever take share sizing more than 2,000 shares or whatever it is because if I do there's a really good chance I could end up making big mistake so you know it's about time for me to start working on my next episode so that means I gotta let you guys go but it doesn't mean the learning stops here if you want to keep learning about the one strategy that I use to turn $583 into over a million bucks just about two years click that link right there in the description to register to my next live seminar whether you're watching this a week from now a month from now or even a year from now I host seminars on a pretty regular basis so there's a good chance you won't have to wait too long for the next event and you'll get a copy of my best-selling book titled how to day trade this is sort of a guide that goes hand-in-hand with a strategy and make sure you bring questions to the event because we will do Q&A at the end of the seminar and I will stay until every question has been answered now if you have questions on today's episode leave them down below in the comments I personally respond to every comment posted on my channel I take great pride in that and I love hearing your feedback on some of the things that we're talking about as part of this small count challenge alright so if you've watched up until now I hope you've given the video the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel that way you'll get an alert when I upload the next episode alright so next episodes coming soon and we're gonna keep going on this journey a date trading with $500 account alright see you guys for next episode hey have you seen my most popular video on YouTube it's got over 5 million views you can check it out right here and check out one of my other videos on YouTube right here I hope you guys enjoy as always if you have questions leave them down below in the comment section I personally respond to every comment that's posted
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 819,403
Rating: 4.4689703 out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: j1tvgmKG9Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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