Neville's Birthday

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"I'm pretty sure that's everybody!"

I want one where Nevile goes from a potato to a sexy beast who kills a snake, that would be pretty awesome

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/douchebag_karren 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2011 🗫︎ replies

That. was. Hilarious. Best one since mysterious ticking noise by far.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2011 🗫︎ replies

Party Happy Birthday!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/synimbricate_samael 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2011 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I'm so excited for tonight I'm going to see insane known posse yeah I'm going to a Richard Dawkins book signing it's going to be great and I'm trying out for the lead part and Annie wish me luck don't tell me what a wish wrong may I have your attention please you can have my fist in your face I'm sorry Dumbledore go on I have exciting news you're all attending a birthday party being held for our beloved students never lunch button has a new student call me do you mean Neville Longbottom oh yes my mistake what's a birthday party I'm sure I'll see all of you there tonight oh actually I've got a lot of homework I need to because if I don't you'll be expelled au revoir little biscuit what the / Vic Neville is the worst I'm already uncomfortable Goblin crotch well at least it's not for three hours I need to stop taking my three hour naps how wrong dolls are you're having fun no I'm having dark disturbing thoughts that I don't like to talk about oh how would your tell formal jokes Roja Marla I never I tried to write you a birthday card you're so kind one of them alright where's all the wizard booze rots or young for grownup water how whose mug runs mobile I don't care about why do we celebrate birth we mark the dates of her own violent exiles from the warmth of room to the cold of life I once saw cats give birth or Stillson during the show and then he got tired of pinching me lovely story Ron hey guys I found a door let's leave through it attention goddammit bobble it's time for our boat boat dongs ooh what game shall we play our first donors called rotten circles awful about the raxil circles a world apart what that sounds stupid I refuse a lot rotten circles almost the pleasure of my parents before Snape did you bring a present what about the gift of Education of wisdom well I got some an enchanted yo-yo that walls away girls government tube man I can't believe Dumbledore's forcing us to do this I like mandatory things yeah well at least the host school is here like look over there it's Cedric Diggory he's so hot right now and look there's wrong Wow he's here too small world my bad fall totals are a little cake maybe this party doesn't have to suck did somebody say cake even I enjoy cake in moderation whoa late fall or more because to that cake will close but lost my old friends oh my god hurry up what does a march of half below supper well Olaf 1 so I can't remember why we're doing this just bathroo it will be fed sweet spongy bread and butter milk frosting a delicacy roll well that's whilst we're hey kids checking out the cake oh yeah you smell funny Snape you smell great our bowl work at the milk tote that's so beautiful it's just ok I get the first slice um why is it shaking oh happy Hogwarts birthday magic wizard birthday fun wizard happy birthday fun fun fun fun magic flavour birthday cake wizard wishes you will make happy birthday dance with every 1 2 3 4 birthday magic wizard stuff no pretty sure that's everybody happy they was at school parties children eating cake inside of my Hogwarts lesson number one never not be having fun children eating cake inside them Wow it's my birthday wait this is the cake was supposed to put no mouth and get myself or anything oh no it's wrong this party is ruining my excellent life first I had to miss insane known posse then I had to talk directly to Neville and now the cake is tainted literally tainted I'm going to crap a castle if I have to endure any more of this lameness yeah pop la grandma blame look Neville I speak from the heart nobody likes you it's to never it's a fact even I look down on you me what did I tell you never no one likes you well a bottle will roll for novel softest what what the bloody hell was that I didn't know that that can happen can that happen Oh students shame on you you just wanted to be your friend and you exploded him shame on you I'm sorry I guess I feel a little bad oh my god I killed him the power of words the power of words it was here and now he's just chunks chunks this isn't bad come on you gotta try this guys come on it's not bad really honest a delicacy
Channel: potterpuppetpals
Views: 11,480,327
Rating: 4.9108176 out of 5
Keywords: Potter Puppet Pals, Harry Potter, Neville, Ron, Hermione
Id: JzPoz2safPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2011
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