Neville Goddard: Breathing Technique For Manifesting | Andrew's Story The

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as we told you last Monday these characters of scripture states of consciousness that you and I are personified as persons and we have mistaken the persons for that is the state for the person tonight I will play the part of Andrew and show you what Andrew means in Scripture and who is always playing the same part all the characters played the same run over and over again and who is always leading others to Christ forever and forever that character is always leading others to Christ so when he asked the question where are you staying and jesus replied come and see he first found his brother Peter and then he brought Peter to Jesus friend there were five thousand to be fed and there was no food and who found the lad with the five barley loaves and the two fish and he brought him to Jesus when the Greeks wanted to see Jesus they went first to Philip but Philip thought that was the job of Andrew and Philip went to Andrew and Andrew then took the Greeks to Jesus so he is always taking others to Jesus the true Jesus tonight I pay the thought of bringing you to the true Jesus if when you hear the word Jesus or Jesus Christ or the word God or the word Lord if in any way whatsoever it conveys to you the sense of something existent outside of you you have the wrong concept of God of Jesus of Jesus Christ of the Lord I don't care what the world over here you if if any way walk to up when you hear the word it conveys the sense of something that is really existent outside of yourself you have the wrong concept of Jesus Christ so I'll bring you now to the true Jesus Christ through him all things were made and without him was not anything made that was made now we speak of God he said with God all things are possible now we identify God with men all things are possible to him who believes I now tell you that God is men and exist in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the human imagination that is God himself do I not say that you're going to accept it I am bringing you to the true God to the true Lord Jesus Christ now I ask you to examine yourself to see whether you have this God choose this day whom you will serve and the Prophet answered Joshua answered we choose the Lord and then the people said we choose the Lord he said you are now witnesses against your own selves now keep on examining yourselves to see whether you're holding to the faith you say you choose the Lord I'm telling who the Lord is the Lord is your own wonderful human imagination that is God that is the Lord Jesus Christ if you really accept him then all things should be possible to you because with God all things are possible providing you really true truly serve the one Lord if the name conveys in any way our external being called Jesus Christ you do not have the true Jesus Christ this is what Andrew is saying to all he brings everyone to the Lord Jesus Christ it doesn't mean they're going to accept him for we are told most of them left never to walk with him again and he turned to the few who remain and he said wouldst thou go also and Peter answered to whom would we go thou hast the words of eternal life to whom will be go if you really have the words of eternal life then where would we go it's difficult to accept what you tell us it's difficult now this is not another being speaking it's all within you I bring you to your own imagination you can imagine anything in the world and all things are possible to Christ and Christ is your imagination do you mean that is really true I tell you if you really accept it as true and do not waver in your assumption I dare to assume that I am the man that I want to be demanded at the moment of my assumption reason denies my senses deny if I persist in that assumption read it hardened into fact both tested insane we are told examine yourselves to see whether you are holding to the faith do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you unless of course you fail to meet the test if he is in you and where is he if through him all things are made would you not agree with me that there isn't one thing made in this world that was not first imagined the clothes you're wearing had to be imagined before it became the thing you call now a dress or suit the chair on which were seated the house that in doubt houses us everything was once only imagined now we call it a reality but it began as an imaginal act I'm bringing you to the only true Jesus that is the Lord now you don't have to accept it and that tell you scripture tells us that the majority refused to accept it today there are 1 billion people who call themselves Christians and when they hear the word Jesus Christ they think of something outside of themselves and to that being their turn and they worship that being some little thing on the wall is a picture maybe some little statue they do all kinds of things to something outside themselves and I am telling you if at any time you hear the word and it conveys the sense of something external to your own being you have the wrong Jesus you have the wrong Lord tonight I hope I can bring you to the true Lord and that Lord is your own wonderful human imagination man is all imagination and God is man and exist in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God Himself the divine body Jesus that is the divine Lord buried in this cross called the human he is crucified on this he will rise in this not coming from without he rises within when the whole beam begins to awaken and may I tell you it's no beginning process when he actually awakens within you you awaken it's not another you are actually awakening from a profound sleep you have no idea of Sunda sleep is it is out of the grave that men truly Rises and the grave is his own wonderful skull that's where God is belly so here I bring you tonight and introduce you to yourself and that self is Jesus Christ now try it tonight and try it and see if it will not prove itself in performance in the not distant future there is no limit attached to it now let me give you one most encouraging thought from John's first letter we know that whatever we ask and matter what it is whatever we ask of him it will be accomplished but who is the one of whom I ask we know that no matter what it is in this world that we ask of him it will be accomplished you wanted the fifth chapter the fifteenth verse of John's first letter we know it do you really know but how do I ask when I ask of him or he is my imagination I bring before my mind's eye a scene which would imply that I am the one that I want to be or that my friend or others aah as I would like them to be I try to confine it within the framework of the golden rule that is doing unto others what I would love them to do unto me and not to go outside of that room it's an easy thing to practice what I like the goods that I ask of them yes like it for myself or I don't ask it for them bring them before your mind's eye and dare to assume that what you are seeing in your mind's eye is true now there is a definite technique to it a simple simple technique if I can share with you what I do and it works I bring them into my mind's eye and I work myself up into an emotional state it's like a peculiar rhythm I breathe in and breathe out and breathe in and breathe out and suddenly I reach a certain point and then one deep inhalation as though I am setting it up in a time exposure before my own mind I set it up and all of a sudden I have a deep deep inhalation and every pore of my being explodes and then I do nothing beyond that it's taking that scene and setting it up in a time explosion before the eternal event and then I explode it and then that life developing and life develop it and then I get the call or I get the water or I get a letter confirming that which I did and I do nothing to make itself I simply believe implicitly in Jesus Christ but I have found him I have found him as my own wonderful human imagination I believe that all things are possible to him he has raised and means that the mortal mind knows not of so I do not care if I do not see clearly how it could possibly be it makes no difference to me I simply bring it in my mind's eye what I want to see see it clearly explode it and then let it be now it could be tomorrow it could be a month it even years I am NOT concerned I have done it that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned everything has its own appointed hour see the vision that was my vision the vision has its own the pontedera it ripens eight little flower if it be long wait it is sure and it will not be late a little chicken 21 days a man nine months a horse twelve months a little lamb five months and there is a time interval between that impregnation and the acts were embodiment of that state and I do not know the time intervals I only know that all I do I do it and at that time interval is a day well it's a day if it's gonna be a month let it be a month I do not know the time intervals between my vision of you be the one that you want to be and you'll be coming there which I have assumed that you are I do not know the time interval but their time intervals between the impregnation and the birth of that impregnation but I tell you it works as your child in the thirteenth chapter of second Corinthians examine yourself to see whether you are holding to the faith just yourselves do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you unless of course you fail to meet the test that which you formerly worship as someone from without you find them not only within you find them you can't even say he is within as scripture puts it he said within I can't even use the word within because worthiness in some strange way if separation I can't even say that Jesus Christ is close to me because that would imply nearness and nearness implies separation he is my very being but I say I am death is the Lord Jesus Christ well I say I am I can't say I am and point elsewhere that is the core of my being and is the name of God forever and forever and forever so I cannot say I am and in any way have the feeling of nearness for nearness implies separation and he isn't near me he is my very being he actually became as I am that I may be as he is and he is God himself so I say to everyone here I bring you this night and introduce you to Jesus Christ I cannot point outside of you if I introduce you to Jesus Christ so I will find a Peter in the room and I'll bring Peter and introduced Peter to Jesus I will find the Thomas are doubting Thomas are still bringing and introducing to Jesus I'll bring everyone and introduce them to Jesus now everyone is going to accept it the majority will simply turn their backs upon him and ignoring and go their way thinking now they must have an external dot to whom their prey well if you you must have it have it I can only tell you this night I play the part of Andrew Andrew is the first one who heard the words behold the lamb of God and when he saw he heard the lamb of God to see in Greek is the same is to know and so he saw the Lamb of God he knew the lamb Oh God I thought now you know I am talking about but I hope you know the beam that I've talked about and that being is your own wonderful human imagination so if you see me you see him who same thing if you know me you know him who sent me for he and I are one I and my father are one I and my father are one although my father is greater than I he is not greater in this act to my eyes to my essential being he is great only as to the office that I now expressed as the one that is Saint five-cent myself the father stains himself there's no one else's saying there's only God in the world so in the office of the saint I seem inferior to myself the sender but I am NOT inferior to my essential being as the sender only as to the office of the saint and so I were the cross the cross the flesh but while I wear the cross of flesh I must know who I really am and I am the one who same thing and with him all things are possible and who is he he is my own wonderful human imagination so I do not need to ask anyone or turn to anyone not that I am NOT saying to you turn to me if you have confidence that I can use it alone that you are not yet aware of or feel that you cannot quite master it I invite you to turn to me cost you nothing I charge not one nickel for it to me it's a simple technique a simple process and I look upon it just as this if this hand is itching now and the back of the hand is itching this hand is easier for me to use to scratch it and relieve the itch then to take this and try to reach it with my fingers I can get back and reach it but I can get it with this it's the same body so I call upon myself if you cannot yourself I was to alleviate the itch it may be for money it's may be for recognition they fit for something well then ask the one in whom you have confidence if you have confidence in the speaker or a Aspen I tell you I don't charge I do not charge one penny neither do I accept any money I don't you simply if you feel like it and ask me and I will to the best of my ability simply P within myself that things are as you desire them to be providing it comes within the code of my what I call my ethical code that it is not at the expense of another aspect of my being don't ask me to hurt anyone of this world because I could not I would not ask anyone to be hurt but if you want recognition in this world you want money in this world you want comfort in this world I see nothing wrong because these things I would want for myself so I put them within the frame of the Golden Rule and ask for them it's a simple simple technique so here where are you staying come and see but let me go first and get my brother and I don't I get my brother and my brother is feet out I bring Peter to Jesus and then we go and we stay all day with him because it was the tenth hour now the new translation has it four o'clock in the afternoon four pm has nothing to do with any four p.m. brain the Evangelist wrote ten hours it was the tenth hour he made the tenth hour every letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value and a symbolic value and that pink letter is yacht the beginning of the name of Jehovah yog pays bow pay it has a numerical value of kin if the symbolical value is a hand but that's kind of the creator so if we are not going to discuss how things are created so here it was the tenth hour and they stayed within that day because it was the tenth hour so let us discuss how things are brought in to me well how are the body to be by your own wonderful and magical acts and other broadens meaning because your imagination is done you're imagining that is God in action I do not observe imagining as I do objects in space because I myself am the imagining I can't observe it I can observe the effects of my imagining but not actually the thing itself that is imagining so I do not observe imagining I observe it only as I sternal eyes the activity of imagining and then I know what I've been doing when I see things happening in my will so I take you to meet Jesus and I don't take you outside of this room I take you back into your own self right into your own being and you yourself are the Lord Jesus Christ but he sleeps within you his sons asleep dreaming and I know this for my own experience I was told it so vividly one night when I fulfilled the forty-second song or Here I am walking in this enormous procession this enormous crowd and I'm leading them up to the house of God and suddenly a voice rings out and God walks with them and then I warned at my side she asked the voice saw no face just the boys and he said if God is at our side where is he boys enter at your side God walk through them she turned to her left looked into my face and she became hysterical he said what Neville Neville is done and the voice answered yes in the act of Ricky and then the voice prophet in me no one else heard it and here was a sea of humanity and then the voice from the very depths of my own lien is saying I laid myself down within you to sleep and as I slept I dreamed the dream I dreamed an exactly what he was dreaming he was dreaming that his I I also know that when he woke I am you so he the boys enter yes in the act of Wicky he is God in the act a wiki ad in that moment he was no wait but he was in the process of wiki well that same God is in you they are a bunch of little dogs running around is only one God his name is aya and he's buried in you God Himself entered death's door the humans come and laid down a grave of man to share with man his visions of eternity until he awakes and when he awakes men will see that Darwin out of which he emerges and it's this garland that garland these are the two in which she sleeps and so God is sleeping within every being in the world and dreaming the dream of life and all that he dreams new experience and then one day he awakes and the story as told in the gospel of world four Gospels you will experience and you will know who you are so I introduced you to Jesus Christ and you don't have to go to any church come here go anyplace called holy wherever you are you to be standing at a bar wherever you stand that's where he is he is your own wonderful human imagination that is Jesus Christ now this night testin come test me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing so great to have a room on earth to receive it test me well now I will take and I will name it a lady wrote me today a series of lovely things that has happened to her family first to herself and her lovely family and they memory returned and she figured you know it's been four years now I didn't have a nickel and my family were so kind to me I thought they will and I know they were and at that moment when I didn't have anything I thought well now I would love to give them something what did I give them safe to give it in imagination and so in my imagination I gave them each $500 that was a lot of money because I had nothing and now recently things have happened in a series of events that I didn't anticipate and now if I'm coming into that money and I'm touching myself each is going to receive from me a check for $500 it's not a fortune but when you have nothing and you give five for $1 each for me to three people at $1500 and you have nothing and now four years later you can do it and let's pledge yourself to do it we do not know how long it takes between the planting of the seed and the harvest unfortunately most hours for faulty memory and we cannot relate the harvest to the planting and we deny the harvest because it can't be ours I ever once did a thing like this no you did it all in imagination that's how God creates forgot is your own wonderful human imagination and whatever year magic is good to come to pass as a man imagines so he's going to reap in this world so here plainly we're told he took others and brought them to Jesus he simply brought you as I am bringing you tonight introduce you to him but if you read a sixth chapter of the book of John you'll wonder what small proportion will really accept him they all left him but a handful only invited a handful to go to the voice say to whom you have the words of eternal life so to whom will we go it's difficult to accept it that full responsibility but to me my own wonderful human imagination is God and I can't turn to something else and pray to it I can't go to church and pray to something on the world and go to a minister and pray and ask him to pray to God for me that all within me it takes place yes but that's difficult and so only a few remain and then they said we believe and we have come to know that you are the Holy One of God it starts first with believing what I've told you we believed and we have come to know that you are the Holy One of God this is the natural inevitable series you start first with believing it I tell you accept it or don't if you'll accept it that's how you start it begins with faith a faith that benches that this is a possibility that it may be true but you can't just say it's a possible that maybe - you've got to apply it you've got to accept it you do it and then something more sure than faith takes place faith now based upon your own knowledge it's your own experience you have experienced it now and something far far greater than faith comes up out of your own experience you know what Andrew told you is true you brought you to Jesus and then Jesus was out on the outside the whole drama is unfolding of the inside and I find that my own wonderful human imagination is the Jesus of Scripture that formerly I thought lived 2,000 years ago and now I have found him and is all within me I can go to bed and commune with myself and then I know what it means in that wonderful force song be still and commune with your own heart upon your being and your communion with God so our commune I will appropriate what I want in this world I appropriate it all in consciousness then I just fell over faith is nothing more than the subjective appropriation of my objective hope what did I hope for this world well my subjective appropriation of the objective Hope was my prayer that is empathy not simple thing that's empathy for if I really want it if I'm hoping for it I will rejoice in what I am doing I rejoice in my appropriation I simply appropriate the state and fall asleep in that communion with self and that's God you try it before you judge it try it and after having tried it you're going to test it and you're going to prove it and then you'll have found the Living Christ today 1 billion who claim they believe in God the Christian God and yet you back to the word God and I think of something on the outside you take 15 million Jews there believe in God mentioned the word Jehovah or the Lord odda Noi whatever would conjure their minds a sense of this Supreme Being if they feel it to be something external to themselves they have a false God if you take the hundreds of millions of Mohammedans and you use the road Mohamed and they think of a being a prophet who lived centuries ago something external to themselves they have a false prophet if the Buddhists believe that Buddha was something that lived six hundred years BC that was something different they have a false prophet any prophet outside of the beam within you any God outside living within you is false if there be any Christ other than he who was crucified upon me and who is very willingly and who rose and continues to rise within humanity he is a false Christ's and false teachers teaching as coming from without any time they are ready for him to come from without he is false simple I'll show you the very last words of the book of Matthew the very last word I am with you always even to the end of the age how on earth can I return rain I am with you always they expect him to return how can he return the very final words as he's departing from a visible state into an invisible state I am stop it now with you always even to the end of the age and they tell me he's going to return when he never departed how can he return when he is never left me I am with you always even to the end of the age well how can he return thank you see it he dwells in us he is through us if he's through us he cannot possibly return and it would he not in me I couldn't read he is my breath and survived this very moment drop from this world and I depart physically you don't see me I still I'm not away if I know the being that I am I am in you I have awakened from this dream of life there's no place for me to go but to be wood engine now one of those who are watching those in great identity who contemplate on death this world and those who contemplate them death say this what seems to be is to those to whom it seems to be and is productive of the most grateful consequences to those to whom it seems to be even of torment despair and eternal death but divine mercy steps beyond and redeems men we're in the body of Jesus there's only one body in the world and I tell you from my own experience you and I are one there's only one body one spirit one Lord one God and Father of all who is above all through all and in all accept it and you will accept the Jesus that I introduce you to tonight if you want to test him first he invites you to test it don't test the speaker no test Jesus and Jesus is within you when you say I am that he that is the Lord Jesus Christ so when you go to bed tonight put it to the extreme test do you know what you will love for yourself and for your loved ones in this world assume that you have it and that assumption though at the moment is denied by your senses denied by reason if you persist in it because you believe in him they will harden into fact I know power in the world can stop it it can't stop it but I can tell you the eating look time between your assumption and it's hardening into fact but I promise you from experience it will harden into peg but do it in love I tell you but ever you are in doubt do the loving thing and you've done the right thing if ever in doubt ask a very simple question would I like it done to me if you can answer in the affirmative then do it and you cannot go wrong if you use that as your guide so where do you live where you staying currency but let me get my brother first and let me bring my brother and introduce him to you and so throughout the story he always bring in others to Jesus and that's the story of anvil you can't change that state that state this forever you can fall in this state tonight and take a friend something that you know concerning Jesus Christ and tell him you are playing the part of Andrew if you give him the Bible and interpret scripture to him as you know it now then you are actually taking to him and you are now Andrew if you want to be filled with the joy as this lady said to me today that she could be so praiseful for the little that was done to her by her children that these three children she felt did so much for that she wants to show her appreciate you did it then she is playing the part of tereus that Asterius one of the most neglected characters in scripture for it means praise it means Thanksgiving and so few people will stop to say thanks will they not ten of you and only one return to say thank you they were king who were instantly cured and only one came back to say thank you their status and so if you actually expressed joy Express Thanksgiving for the slightest little thing done you you are actually exercising that talent that is known in Scripture as Tereus it's personified as a disciple is the tenth one and so neglected because so few people are grateful first of all they reflect upon what happened and then they gave all praise to the means employed rather than the actual cause of the phenomena but here tonight we are simply presenting Andrew so I brought you tonight to meet Jesus I do not point to any being outside of you do not look for him in any face do not look for him in any place in the world I point will be new to the Lord Jesus Christ and he is your own wonderful human imagination man is God and exists in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself now before we go into the silence let me once more try to explain this simple simple technique you will have to practice it and use your own rhythm you don't have to be in church to do it you can be sitting here tonight you can be at home listening to nice music you can be simply relaxing with a drink it doesn't matter what you are doing and where you are but want to do it get into a lovely quiet relaxed frame no so call the holy attitude forget that you're a holy when you're in love God is down so you would love it for someone else that is all that you need that move wouldn't it be wonderful if she actually had it if he had if they hadn't also you know exactly what you want now and then you imagine you're seeing him you can see them in your mind's eye and see them vividly and then read yourself into a rhythm they're telling you that they have it and you're getting yourself worked up a mostly because they're telling you that they have exactly what you know they would want in this world and then you reach a certain point and you explode something actually goes out of you its power and you'll read the words who touch me for I perceive virtue has gone out of me at that moment she was healed who touched me and they say what with the crowd how could you tell who touched you with this enormous crowd you know you did it yourself you work yourself up into a certain emotional state and then sudden you explode and you feel everything go out and you cannot repeat it there's no desire to repeat it it was an actual psychic sexual act but there's no physical act there is no evidence of any physical act but it's the same thrill that you would worry a physical act work yourself right up into that state and then let it go and do not raise one finger to make itself any more than you would after impregnation what could you do after pregnancy is taking place nothing leave it alone and let it take place in its own good time now that is going to the silence
Channel: IceBlueZen
Views: 74,912
Rating: 4.9243984 out of 5
Keywords: neville goddard, neville goddard law of attraction, neville goddard breathing technique, neville goddard andrew, neville goddard imagination, law of attraction (religion), neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard lectures, live in the end, neville goddard bible interpretation, law of attraction, bible stories, bible teachings, christ, imagination creates reality, jesus, neville goddard books, neville goddard religion, jesus christ, the secret, Neville Goddard I am
Id: A9XBspZ9Ln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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