NEVER use a Garden SPRINKLER Again!!! Installing Drip Irrigation!

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hey everybody welcome back to living Trish's homestead another day for us to work in the garden we've gotten some things done earlier in the day that we want to share with you but then we're starting new parts of getting the garden ready to start planting and hopefully things will go really well and we'll be able to start planting today so let's take a walk around the garden real quickly and then we're going to get started hooking up our drip tape irrigation system and after that we can get started putting some tomatoes in the ground well last time we were in the garden with you all we were laying down all of this woven weed fabric if you haven't had a chance to check that out and learn how we do that make sure you check out that video also in that video we started burning holes in the fabric so that we could start planting the plants so make sure you check that out if you're wondering how in the world we plant in this woven weed fabric we got all the holes burned this morning that we weren't able to do last time because we were rained out and then we put up all of the trellises here we grow a lot of our vegetables on trellises like this this is just field fencing some animal fencing here with T posts that we drive into the ground the trellis is we will be using for our pinto beans because they grow straight up and we use them to support our peppers our tomato plants we grow our cucumbers up to trellises as well as butternut squash so we got all of these put up this morning they look fantastic and now we're just ready to get our drip system in we always have questions about the drip system so we wanted to make sure to bring you along to that today and hopefully we'll be able to plant some tomatoes like we had said before and get this garden underway all right it's time to start putting up our drip tape irrigation system now this is a really easy way to water your garden in a very effective way because you're watering right at the ground level you're not wasting a lot of water by spraying it overhead with spring and things like that and you're avoiding a lot of those problems that overhead watering can cause like powdery mildew and different blights and things this will do a much better job of watering your garden now when we first started using this I thought it was very confusing but I promise it's a very simple system to setup only a few different parts and once you know what you're doing it's really a fast system so the first thing that you're going to have is what's called mainline tubing this is a heavier gauge tube looks like this and this year we're actually putting down a new piece you can reuse this year after year even if you need to move your rows around they've got little plugs you can put in here and then you can move your row to a different spot but this year because we've reused our other piece so many times now we're just going to put down a new piece so the first thing we're gonna do is just roll this out to the length of the garden on one end we'll be putting a an adapter that looks like this this is so our garden hose can hook to it that'll just slide on like this and on the other end is just a cap so that it just the water stops there and that just slides on so we're gonna get that down first we'll just roll this out and then we'll use some of our landscape staples that we use to hold down the plastic we'll put a few of those in place just to hold this along the side of the garden all right now that we have our main line laid out here along the side of the garden I'm going to just pull it tight and our last row of plants is going to be right here we're going to be planting some sunflowers back here so I'm going to cut this just a little bit longer than the last row of plants and now that we've got that cut we'll just take the end cap and these just push on like that and now we'll use one of our staples we'll make the sure that this is running in the right spot here take one of our staples found that in we've got our mainline all installed the next step is going to be actually running our drip tape out of this that's what we'll work on next so the next step is to actually start installing our drip tape if you're not familiar with what drip tape is drip tape looks like this it comes on a big roll it's a real thin plastic and every 12 inches there's a little slit in the plastic and there's a little emitter where water will come out when you're running your drip system the water will literally just drip out of each one of those and water your row of plants now we get a lot of questions about do we need to make sure that our plants line up with all of the emitters on the drip tape and the answer is no you do not when you run it you'll run it long enough that it waters and the the water spreads out everywhere and waters all of your plants even if they're not right next to an emitter so don't worry about that at all I promise it'll do a good job the other thing we get a lot of questions about is whether or not the tape the drip tape should go on top of the woven weed fabric or below and there's a lot of debate about that and both ways will work we always run our drip tape on top of the woven ground cover the water will still go through just fine and get to your plants the reason we like it on top of the weed is because if there's a problem or your your lines shift at all they're on top and you can see that there's a problem if they're underneath you'll just never know until you're maybe you start to have a problem with your plants so for us we always like to put it on top but again both ways work you do what you are comfortable with all right these are really easy to hook up which is another really great thing about them you're gonna have just a couple of parts you're going to start with a little thing that looks like this this actually connects to the piece of drip tape and it also connects to your mainline on this end is just a little nipple right there and you're going to use a tool a little punch to make a hole in your mainline where this will slide in so we're going to use our punch now our first row here is for beans and you can see here's all the holes where the beans are gonna go so I'm going to just go try to go a little bit off-center from that and I'll just take my punch I'll just literally make a hole in the tube and then this will just slide right in like that and we're ready to connect our drip tape the drip tape will slide on like that and then you'll slide that up and over and your piece of drip tape is all connected now we'll just stretch this out down the row and secure it with some more of the staples what I like to do personally is to take two of the staples and put them one on each side of the drip tape on the mainline and that way you have a good way to be able to pull this down your row and keep it nice and secure now we'll just stretch this out down the row now we're using the same drip tape that we used last year so our pieces are already cut like I said when you buy this new it'll come on a roll and you just roll it out and then cut your ends so we'll stretch this out to the far and secure it probably three or four staples you don't have to put a lot of staples in and you don't want them super tight so that they're not pinching off your so that you know the water can still flow okay so we'll just do that we'll put this down on the other end it will move on to the next row so down on this end I'm just going to pull the piece of drip tape a little bit I'm not going to yank on it but and I'm going to look down my roll of plants make sure that it's running where I want it to go now if this were a brand-new piece you'd cut this and there's these little clips that you you fold the end of the drip tape over and slide this on and that makes the end so that no water can come out ours are already done since we're reusing pieces from last year so I'll just pull that make sure it looks good where my row of plants is and then I'll take another staple pound that in to hold it in place and I'll just go back and put a few along the row to make sure it stays where we want it we'll move on to the next row of beans [Music] and you want to make sure that you have your emitters side up not down [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we've got the drip irrigation system completely in we've got one running down every row of the garden that we're going to be planting and now is one of the most exciting times a year almost as good as the day you pick your first tomato of the summer it is we're gonna start planting tomato plants we're gonna start by planting two of our absolute favorites which are the Jetstar and jetsedder we're gonna do an entire row of those let's get started now when we plant our Tomatoes we like to use one of these drill augers we started using this last year and this thing is great basically I'll go down the row and I will drill the hole where all of the tomato plants are going to go Sarah will follow behind putting in the tomatoes and will work as a team and we'll be able to get a row done in no time at all now if you guys haven't seen these before I hadn't used one before last year and I absolutely fell in love with it it's basically an auger you can drill as deep as you want and it just makes it super fast so much faster than digging with a shovel let's do the first hole and I'll show you what I mean [Music] and there's our hole we'll just go down the row and do every hole that way and start planting our Tomatoes okay let's get started planting our Tomatoes I love to grow tomatoes it's probably one of the my favorite things to grow besides peppers they're my number one we're starting off with Jetstar this is our favorite slicing tomato I also use it too can diced tomatoes and tomato juice it is a hybrid tomato but it's very consistent gorgeous size gorgeous color nice solid on the inside so we're gonna plant this in the hole that have been made for me now with tomato plants you want to plant them very deep so I'm going to start by removing a lot of these leaves because planting them deep in the hole will allow roots to grow all up the stem into the ground and make a very healthy sturdy plant so I'm going to tip it out of this pot here I'm going to ruffle up these roots a little bit now we're gonna put a deep in the hole but first my secret to growing amazing tomato plants and really most of the plant starts that we put into the garden is to start off with a handful of rabbit manure down in the hole it gives it some really nice nutrients and fertilizer down in there and then we're just gonna put this down in the hole all the way down and we're gonna start covering it up with the dirt backfilling so you can see that you can start off with a pretty tall plant and by the time you put a date deep down in that hole it's pretty short but that's okay it's going to make a very healthy sturdy plant it might take a while for you to see this plant really starting to put on some growth but that's because most of the growth is happening underground with all of the roots establishing itself so don't worry if for the first few weeks they don't really do much just keep taking good care of them and watering them and they will do great now if you want to also you can put some rabbit manure on top you can sprinkle some on there and this is kind of like time-released fertilizer for them and then for at least a month or so these will continue to give nutrients down through the soil into the new root system planting tomatoes is as easy as that now we just got to move on and plant all of the rest of them [Music] well the first row in the garden is planted thankfully they are tomatoes which is the most exciting part of plant in the garden absolutely those of you who know me know that I love tomatoes and I love that time of year when I can walk around with a salt shaker right in my pocket and just eat while I'm working it's been a long day you guys it's uh it's been about 10 hours we finished up all the holes in the garden put up eight rows of trellises the entire watering system and the one row of tomatoes we still have a lot of work to do in here as far as getting things planted do you guys want to see what else we're planting in this garden if you do leave it in the comments below and we'll bring you along as we get everything else planted we've got a lot of great things that we're growing this year our theme this year for our garden is back to basics it's planting those things that produce really well that we know we love to eat and that we'll be able to store and provide good food all winter long you guys if you're enjoying what you're seeing here make sure you subscribe and the best way that you can help us here is to share our videos in all your social media with like-minded people until next time thank you so much for stopping by our homestead take care and God bless god bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 286,589
Rating: 4.9448838 out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, growingpotatoes, how to grow potatoes, homestead family, how to grow your own food, how to grow a garden, gardening, weed fabric, woven weed fabric, plastic ground cover, garden sprinkler, drip tape for garden, garden irrigation, garden sprinkler solution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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