"NEVER Take a Road Trip Alone" Creepypasta

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taking long drives has always been enjoyable to me I simply love the freedom one has when it's just them in the open road once I had received my driver's license the very first thing I did was drive two hours away to another city just so I could enjoy the trip I didn't do anything of importance in the city itself just traveled there drove around for a bit then made my way back some people view driving as a means to an end just a tool used to get from point A to B some low the driving altogether having to deal with other incompetent drivers on the road and having to navigate cities can definitely annoy some people not me though sure there are some times where I get cut off or people not using their blinkers but every day is a new day and at the end of the day it's just me in the road that was until a few months ago I had spent all of last year working round the clock to save up enough cash to do a cross-country road trip I wanted to see the sights visit places I had never been and enjoy the serenity of the drive my plan was to drive from one side of the United States to the other and back once I had finally saved up enough I loaded up my car with a few travel essentials and headed out onto the open road the beginning of the drive was as normal as it could be exiting the city I live in was somewhat of a chore but after about a half an hour of driving it was only me in the country road it never ceases to amaze me the views one can see while driving some people often look out on long drives and see nothing but flatland and emptiness when I look out over the vast country before me a sort of peacefulness falls upon my shoulders the first hour of the drive was just as uneventful as the first half-hour the road seemed to stretch on endlessly into the distance I didn't mind this of course though I was becoming somewhat concerned at the lack of towns I had seen another hour had passed before I finally came upon a small town in the distance if you could even call it that really it was a single gas station a fast-food restaurant in a small motel I quickly pulled into the gas station to fill up my tank while I was standing there I watched the Sun in the distance slowly start to dip on the edge of the horizon that's when I noticed something strange there were no people as far as I could tell my eyes quickly glanced around the road the fast-food restaurant and the motel each place was vacant I thought I spied one car in the drive-through but it was only a collection of bushes at least the gas pump is working I thought to myself as I finished up and climb back into my car as I pulled my vehicle to the gas station's edge i sat there for a moment glancing at my phone I'm not sure why I was surprised to find that I had zero service in this neck of the woods but I was after looking at my phone I turned on my blinker and looked down the road the feeling that arose within me at that moment was screaming to turn back and go home but my desire to continue the drive that I worked so hard for overpowered that doubt I made the turn and headed back onto the road as the Sun finally set I started to become increasingly uneasy it was like something was watching me as I drove down this road I tried to distract my brain by turning on the radio however scanning through multiple channels on the radio provided only a dull static instead of relieving my mind it only added to my concern I attempted to call myself by rationalizing that I was in a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed nothing should be able to get me that's when I saw it though it was dark outside the starlight glistened in the background of the horizon standing in the middle of what I assumed was a farm contrasting the bright backdrop was a shadowy figure it towered above everything in the vicinity I don't know why but I couldn't bring myself to break my gaze from this thing I laughed to myself as I finally realized what it was a scarecrow a silent guardian of farmland I sighed heavily in relief cursing myself for being as timid as a crow then it moved it moved fear shattered my existence like glass on concrete the towering figure took one elongated step towards the road seeing this almost caused me to swerve off the road into the nearby field but I was lucky enough to regain control after my fight with a steering wheel I looked back to where I had seen the figure it was gone vanished into thin air a trick of the mind I thought it was late and fatigue makes people see strange things when they're tired I attempted to shake off my nervousness but as I continued that feeling remained with me I kept my eyes focused on the road in front of me paying no mind to the fields on either side of my car I knew there had to be a town coming up soon as I had been driving for quite a while after about 10 minutes passed I saw it again this time it was standing directly on the side of the road ahead of me its height almost resembled a small tree my headlights flashed across its body and I almost screamed at what I saw it stood erect stiff as a board its skin was a mesh of gray and patchy hair it wasn't wearing any clothing its arms were rigid at its side the fingers on each hand were elongated with sharp points at the ends whether these were nails or not I couldn't tell what disturbed me the most about the creatures appearance was its face it's not how it looked but what it was doing the creatures face was looking directly upwards emotionless massive creature staring at the sky unmoving chilled me to the core it seemed like something straight out of Silent Hill as I was drawing closer to this creature I floored the gas pedal and attempted to barrel on past it just as I was crossing the threshold I gripped the wheel as tightly as I could when I was mere inches from the creature a sharp thought sounded from the back right of my car and I lost control my car skidded off the road and trampled nearby crops as I finally came to arrest in the dirt breathing was the only thing I could do at this point I couldn't move couldn't think couldn't drive all I could do was breathe as I sat there white knuckling the steering wheel when I finally got the courage to look out of my window I saw it standing on the road still as stiff as a board it took one giant step towards me and I felt myself lose consciousness I was woken up to agressive knocking on my window by a police officer he asked me what the hell I was doing but I was far too panicked to think straight he asked me to step outside of the car and I hesitantly did as I was told when I finally came to my senses I realized where I was I was still at that gas station I had previously stopped at though this time it was full of people in cars had I dreamt the whole ordeal I thought to myself just then the officer told me something that gave me pause he said that I needed to get my brake light fixed or else I'll be receiving a ticket when I rounded my car to inspect it I saw that my back right light had been completely ripped off upon further inspection I saw three long thin scratch marks trailing from my gas tank to my brake light i sat there for a moment in shock staring at the claw marks before the officer asked me if everything was all right I nodded to him and he got back into his car and drove away but the truth is I was far from all right I'm not sure what happened if what I experienced was simply a dream or not but as I drove to the edge of the gas station and glanced on the road I couldn't help but feel like I wouldn't survive the next encounter if I made the same choice again so I turned the other way and I didn't stop until I finally made it back home I don't think I'll be going on any long drives any time soon if any of you plan on going on a road trip in the near future take a friend with you or at the very least stay off the road at night [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 238,836
Rating: 4.8796759 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, narration, nightmare, real, real scary horror, scary, scary story, storytelling, true, true creepy story, true scary story, Scary Road Trip, Scary Driving Story, Creepy Road Story, Horror Road Trip, Never Take a Road Trip Alone
Id: meI8GZZm-_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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