Never Forget When Carmelo Anthony Was a SUPERSTAR! 2012-13 Highlights | GOAT SZN
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Channel: MaxaMillion711
Views: 221,514
Rating: 4.9492807 out of 5
Keywords: nba highlights, basketball highlights, top nba plays, best nba plays, best nba highlights, full game highlights, full players highlights, Carmelo anthony, Carmelo Anthony knicks, Carmelo Anthony 2012-13, Carmelo Anthony 2013, New York knicks, best Carmelo Anthony highlights, new york
Id: jFVG81rdXno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
He dominated this year. Melo was the best thing to happen to the Knicks in years, anyone who hates on him is trash.
Such a beautiful repertoire, Melo did it all on offense.
It was refreshing to look back at these highlights and watch how versatile he was.
None of that triple step back shit we see every player doing nowadays LOL.
NY media & the fans should've treated Melo better while he was here.
There's so many fouls that should have been called in this video man, refs never respected Melo once he came to NY.
My favorite Knicks season that I’ve seen. Loved Melo, JR, J Kidd, Copeland, and everyone else