A few years back, I discovered this
little magic trick. What you’re about to learn is how to become a
TIME MULTIMILLIONAIRE! But first, I have a really really important
question for you. Are you ready for it? Hey it’s Marie Forleo and WELCOME to another
episode of The Marie Forleo Podcast and MarieTV, the place to be to create a business
and life you love. If you’re new, I’m SO happy that you joined us today. Because THIS is going to be a fast and powerful
episode that, NO KIDDING, will change your life. You know one of the things that
can hold SO many of us back from reaching our biggest goals and dreams
is that we TELL ourselves a pervasive and destructive story that we just
don’t have the time. You might say… “Oh, I’d love to write that book Marie — but
I don’t have the time right now. Between my job and my family, I just can't’!
There’s no way, I can’t fit it in.” Or —”I’d LOVE to take better care of my
body! My dream is to get into the strongest, best shape of my life. But work is bonker
pants right now, I’ve got 7 different projects, all overdue – there is NO extra time
or bandwidth to make that happen.” Or, “OH — I’d love to finally launch
that business, or non-profit, or course, or event or take that trip — but I’m
just so busy. I don’t have the time.” Now, if any of that sounds familiar,
raise your hand – my hand is raised! You are definitely not alone. I’ve
said those kinds of things to myself a gazillion times too. There’s no shame, no
judgment. We all do it from time to time. But here’s what’s super cool. A few
years back, I discovered this little magic trick — if you will. It’s a mindset shift
that can turn you into a TIME MULTIMILLIONAIRE. Not kidding. And I’ll explain exactly
what that means in a minute. But first, I have a REALLY really important question
for you. Are you ready for it? And I need you to really pause, and think and feel
what’s in your heart before you answer it. If you could WAVE a magic wand and make ANY
important change in your life happen over the next 12 months, what would that change be?
In other words, what’s the SPECIFIC project, or goal that you would love to reach?
And even if it didn't get 100% complete, you saw MAJOR MAJOR progress
on it — what would that be? I want you to say it out loud.
I want you to write it in the comments below. I want you to write
it down in your journal. Whether it’s: Finish my book.
Launch my course. Get into the best shape of my life.
Live debt free. I don’t care what it is, what
topic big or small, write it down. Did you do it? If not, pause
this, go back, and DO IT! NOW, I want you to write
this sentence underneath it. I ALREADY have the time to make this happen! Now I know you might not believe that in
this moment, but I’m about to show you exactly how you do. In fact, I’m going to help
you become a TIME MULTIMILLIONAIRE right now. So here’s the deal. In this framework, being a
time millionaire means that you can magically create an extra 1 MILLION seconds to spend on
any dream or goal you like, over the next year. So I know that 1 Million seconds is a
little hard for our brains to comprehend. But what that equals is 11 days, 13 hours 46
minutes and 40 seconds. Way easier to grasp. So for simplicity’s sake, let’s say you get
an EXTRA 11 days over the next year to totally devote to your dream. Don’t you think that if you
spent 11 days giving your time, energy and focus to your most important project in your heart,
you’d see some progress? OF COURSE you would. But let’s not stop there! Because I promised
you’d become a time MULTIMILLIONAIRE. Let’s get you 2 million more seconds to devote to your
biggest goal or dream this year. Which, when you do the math, 2 million seconds …equals 23 days,
3 hours, 33 minutes and 20 seconds to be exact. So again, just to simplify, let's call it over
23 days!!! That’s more than 3 weeks devoted to your biggest dream. I mean, C’mon now. You and I
both know that if you spent anywhere NEAR 3 weeks on your most important goal or project,
you’d see major friggin progress, right? So now you might be wondering, “All
right Marie, this is all well and good, we can all do math. But how am I supposed to
find 3 free weeks a year?! That’s impossible!” And that my friend, is where I say no, it’s not.
In fact, I’m 100% certain, RIGHT NOW, that you can start carving out this kind of dedicated time
for your dream. I want you to check this out. If you spend 30 minutes a day on
doing random shit on your phone, looking at social media, or getting caught up
with news, or watching TV, guess what — you’re wasting the equivalent of 22 days a year on
crap that DOES NOT ultimately matter to you. Don’t believe me? Here’s the math. 30 minutes a day X 365 EQUALS 182.5 hours a year
OR….wait for it. 22 FULL 8 Hour Work Days
BOOM. Now look. I don’t care who you are or what
you do, I KNOW in my bones you can find an extra 30 minutes a day. You could wake up
30 minutes earlier. You could go to bed 30 minutes later. You could take any number of
apps off your phone, and if you’re someone who likes to watch a lot of TV, pull the
damn TV off the wall for a few months. All of us…myself included. We
ALL waste at least 30 minutes a day on something that just doesn’t
create lasting change in our lives, or that we don’t really value. For all
of us, there’s something we could easily SWAP out and create the equivalent of 22 FREE
days a year to devote to our biggest dreams! SO my challenge to you today is a 3-parter. Number 1: First, I need you to answer that
question I asked above. If you could WAVE a magic wand and make ANY important
change in your life happen over the next 12 months, what would that change
be? What’s the SPECIFIC project, or goal that you would LOVE to make
progress on. Remember to write it down, and also write down the sentence. “I ALREADY have
the time to make this happen!” because it’s true. 2. Make yourself a Time MULTIMILLIONAIRE by finding just 30 minutes a
day to devote to that dream. 3. Finally, if you want me to help
you get MORE done in less time with less stress, this kind of stuff, go to
JoinTimeGenius.com right now. I’ve got some great free productivity training coming
up that I think you’ll really get a lot out of. Make no mistake. Your time on
this earth is THE most PRECIOUS, non renewable resource you have.
And you deserve to use it wisely. Until next time, stay on your game and
keep going for YOUR big dreams. Because the world really does need that very
very special gift that only YOU have!! Hey, did you enjoy that episode? If so, do
me a favor and hit the subscribe button right now. It’ll make sure that you NEVER miss an
episode coming up, and more importantly it helps us reach more incredible people just like
you. So subscribe now, and thank you so much. Don’t click away because I’ve got even more
productivity tips coming to you, right now!