Never ending Nujabes
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Channel: Nary Ynar
Views: 5,930,060
Rating: 4.9384503 out of 5
Keywords: Nujabes, junseba, aruarian, dance, mystline, lady, brown, far, fowls, windspeaks, spiral, luv(sic), with, rainy, wyes, prayer, another, reflection, spiritual, state, Never, Chris, Again, You, Wolf, Warriors, Chris Brown, Rain, You (film), Samurai, Ninja, Cats, Wolves, Dynasty, Swords, Music, Cat (Animal), Day, Erin, Went, Battle, Medieval
Id: 2sML2bq_WGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2012
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If you like Nujabes check out this amazing playlist of 200 videos by similar artists created by /u/Bob42jh. Here
R.I.P. Jun Seba
RIP Nujabes
Watch Samurai Champloo! You'll love it, thats how I got introduced to Nujebes.
I love Nujabes, he was one of the most influential people in instrumental hip hop. The feeling he brings to every track he produced is so unique and inspiring, there will truly never be a producer like him.
Sad that he died so young. His tracks from Samurai Champloo were second to none.
Here are some recommendations from Nujabes Discography:
With Rainy Eyes
Far Fowls
Another Reflection
And my all time favourite
After Hanabi
And if your into this type of stuff check out The Avalanches:
Since I left you
Black Sands
We Could forever
This belongs in r/music.
That being said.. Metaphorical Music is one of my favorite albums
Download Ristorante Sides A and B. Its dope-as-fuck.