Never Again! Start Being Smart With Your Money!

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when I was 28 years old I was a millionaire making $250,000 a year but I had done a lot of stupid stuff ever done something stupid with money yeah I've done a lot of stupid stuff with money I borrowed too much money and the bank got sold to another bank and they called her notes and a brand new baby toddler a young marriage I was so scared I couldn't breathe I didn't know what to do you ever been there I remember distinctly and it's 30 years ago I still remember distinctly trying to balance the checkbook now this is old school there was no internet so I had the little checkbook register out with my calculator and I was trying to balance the checkbook and I realized I had not entered a check meaning that I had operated off of a false balance and I was going into overdraft and there's gonna be overdraft charges in the cheque was gonna bounce you know you know that feeling my heart rate changes a little sweat right on the top of your upper lip right above your eyebrows and summer in the palm of your hand it's called stress fear anxiety looking at the mountain of bills piled up on the desk can't breathe they I'm gonna sit down and talk to my wife and say that money I thought we have for groceries it's not there what are we gonna do they're going to cut the lights off on Tuesday honey Electric Company's coming on Tuesday the net last notice of the last notice of the last notice as an outcome since it's the third time they're cutting off the electricity this time they're going to take the meter out and it's going to cost us an extra several hundred dollars to get it put back in yeah I know it's cold outside I know we have babies to keep warm you ever had those kinds of discussions those conversations I hope you never do but most people have some degree or another maybe you didn't know millions of dollars and maybe you weren't stupid as I was maybe you were slightly stupid as compared to my PhD in D UMB but if you've ever done something really dumb and been so scared you couldn't breathe you're listening to the right show that's why I start doing this radio show to take people that were like that and show them how to get their feet back under them and actually become wealthy and live their dreams go from stressed-out and can't breathe with my heart racing to multi-millionaire with my family tree changed to where I'm the last Ramsey in this branch of the tree that will have to worry about money my kids and my grandkids have really got to screw this up to go through how much money we've piled up now because when I hit that bottom I hit it so hard I said never again not only am I going to never again sit here and have this conversation inside my head not only am I gonna have to have this conversation with my wife this is it it stops here with the Ramsey family this branch of the tree it stops here as for me and my house we're gonna serve the Lord it stops here as for me and my house we don't borrow money anymore ever for any thing because you see when you don't have any payments it's fairly easy to build wealth when you don't have any payments your stress level goes almost to zero when you don't have any payments you're able to give and be generous and not even think about it you don't have to worry when you're not broke about your generosity you're not making a choice between taking care of your own household first or being generous when you're not broke you can do both but it's an intentional act to not be broke you can get broke by no fault of your own or you can get broke like I did a fault of your own sometimes things happen to you that are out of your control and it's not your fault staying there however is your fault staying there would have been my fault but I said never again never again at our fifth grandchild born this week never again he will not have that experience the only way he'll have that experience is if he misbehaves and gets cut out of the family fortune because he's gonna be okay if he behaves he's covered and his brother sister and his two cousins they're covered because I said never again you can say never again you can decide to change your family tree starting right now if you're sitting there like that lady who started the show off today from Idaho she's so scared with a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in debt and a forty thousand dollar income and brand new jobs just got those jobs and they're not even great jobs and she's scared overwhelmed can't breathe if that's you it'll take you some time it'll be hard no discipline seems Pleasant at the time but it yields a harvest of righteousness but I will make you a promise if you will live like no one else I will show you how that by living like no one else later you can live and give like no one else you can not only change your life you can not only change your destiny not only change the quality of your retirement personally but you can change your entire family tree and if you really want to think big you can get yourself in a position to change your community with your generosity and never miss a dime of it what if you could give away millions of dollars a year could you do some good with that there's a prerequisite to that you'd have to first have millions of dollars a year tada here's the trick anyone can do it I don't care what your education level is I don't care what your background is I don't care where you come from how your family acted I don't care what your race is I I don't care I have met people of every region background race education level that have turned this financial thing around by a sheer act of their will some get a head start based on the family they come from the education that's provided to them some get a head start based on their race some get a head start based on their sex but just cuz you got a head start doesn't mean you can't run the race just because somebody else got a head start doesn't mean you can't run the race is it harder for some than others yes some of us aren't as smart as some of you makes it harder when you're dumb but when you're dumb and you keep doing dumb things that's just stupid that's different than just not having the raw material that just means I'm making bad choices so I don't know how you got there and I'm not blaming you for being there but five years from now if you're still there that's your fault because I can show you how to get out step by step I've shown millions millions and millions of families how to turn their financial life around get out of debt and be on the road to being millionaires meaning that you changed your family tree and you insured your financial destiny for retirement I know some of you are scared been there done that got the t-shirt let's trade it for a different t-shirt or you say this is the Dave Ramsey show
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 654,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Never Again! - Dave Ramsey Rant, Never Again! Start Being Smart With Your Money!, dave ramsey rant, dave ramsey, ramsey, the dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show, money, dave ramsey rants, dave, debt, show, dave rant, budget, ramsey solutions, best dave ramsey rants, how to save money, save money, saving money, money saving tips, budgeting, money tricks, how to be rich, savings, ways to save money, save, saving money tips, never, net worth
Id: rh6qxpP8nxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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