Neural Network Architectures & Deep Learning

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dylanbeadle 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome back so we're talking about neural networks which is a very powerful expressive machine learning architecture to learn arbitrary input/output functions given that you have enough training data so now I want to walk through a little bit of the architecture and kind of how you build neural networks what they're made of things like that so the basic building block of a neural network is a neuron which is this little functional unit kind of an input/output node or neuron and to be mathematically precise you have kind of an input signal u that goes into this node and it does some mathematical operation on you to give you some output Y and this could be something like just multiplying it by a constant or adding a constant or it can be more more sophisticated so often people use sigmoidal function z' these are called activation functions where if u is small the output is just 0 and if u as large regardless of how large it is the output might be 1 and then there's some smooth activation function from 0 to 1 this is a sigmoid 'el or a hyperbolic tangent activation function very very common also neural inspired so a lot of the neurons in your brain kind of have these sigmoid activation functions so this is really really commonly used increasingly now people use this kind of this rel u linear kind of it's it's 0 up until a point and then it grows linearly with you this is a very useful useful building blocks that people are using in modern machine learning architecture and I could give a whole lecture on all of these different activation functions there's tons of them some are better for something some are better for others the rel U is very common so is the sigmoid 'el so you take that that neuron that unit and you start to stack it either in series or in parallel or both so I can put two neurons next to each other and do a more complicated function this function this function followed by this function I can have middle layers I can for example do three different functions from this output and then I can add all of those up or multiply them or do some other function downstream and so I can build up this kind of complexity in what's known as an artificial neural network so here I built up this neural network it's a network with nodes and edges describing the topology of how it's connected but it's artificial so neural networks you know you have neural networks in your head this is an artificial one built up out of these building blocks and the different nodes can have different activation functions you they can add up linear combinations of their the previous layer and things like that okay and then if you keep stacking more and more and more of these layers so each layer is doing some kind of sequential processing if you start to add a lot of these then you have what's known as a deep neural network and this is the basis of deep learning today okay and so there are a ton of things you can do with these neural network architectures I'm just going to show you a few here so this is this is kind of the neural networks zoom my colleague Nathan cuts made this image it was inspired by the Asimov Institute's neural network zoom this is in our textbook data driven science and engineering and this just gives you an idea of some of the the massive variety of neural network architectures that you can design and so each color for the different nodes means different types of nodes different types of computations that are happening there's also the different topology of whether or not information is getting compressed in a bottleneck and expanded or in all of these different architectures and this is only a few of kind of the the architectures out there in neural network so really there there are tons of different and every every year there are dozens of new architectures being proposed to solve different problems so it really is a zoo there's a ton of a ton of different things you can do and we're increasingly learning through trial and error and study and analysis and lots of hard work by many researchers which architectures are good for which problems and so again this is just just a few of them so a couple of key ones I want to point out convolutional neural networks CN NS are really really important these are used a lot in image recognition the basic idea is if I have a big image this array here I don't know if you can see but there's a smiley face I took this from Wikipedia what a con the new convolutional neural network does is it has these convolutional layers that basically take a mask and slide it across the image doing local computations in local patches and so what you might be able to do is pull out edges or features and you would run that through a convolutional layer and pull out these these edges and then you might run those through another convolution at layer and another convolutional layer and you stack these convolutional layers and then you do some processing on them and so convolutional neural network CN NS are really important for image recognition anything where there is a translation invariant so you know if I have a picture of a cat the cat could be over here or it could be over here CN NS can start to pull out kind of this translational invariance that exists in images recurrent neural networks are really useful for audio and temporal signal signals that vary in time like if you look at the the acoustic signature of speech in time and what these do I didn't actually draw it but what you can do is you can add these kind of feedback loops so you can have the neurons feeding back to themselves or I can have different layers kind of feeding back and so this allows you to have this kind of temporal feedback where there's some memory in the system it's not just a feed-forward Network which is what I showed you before where all the information just flows from left to right here you have this kind of feedback network this recurrent neural network that gives you this memory so LS TMS long short term memory networks are really useful for audio processing and dynamical systems anything that varies in time because they have these kind of feedback signals which allow you to have kind of memory so there's information that it's just living here kind of getting recirculated through this network so that's pretty cool very very interesting architecture another one that I really liked a lot and I use a lot is the auto-encoder so here I'm showing you kind of what I think of as a shallow linear auto-encoder meaning that my nodes are doing linear combinations just taking linear combinations of the input layer and what the auto encoder is trying to do is take a high dimensional signal compress it down to some latent space this is Z variable that's all the information I need to keep track of in a way that that Z information can be relisted back to the high dimensional image so that X hat is approximately equal to X okay so this is kind of a compression decompression or an encoder decoder architecture where you can take big data high dimensional data and figure out what is the kind of the late in space what are the degrees of freedom that matter and so researchers showed a long time ago that you could reconstruct the famous principal component analysis which has been around for a hundred years in this neural network architecture this shallow linear auto encoder network and since then researchers have massively generalized this too deep autoencoders where now the the nodes can have nonlinear activation functions and I can have many many many many layers and get better compression better kind of extraction of the essential features of my high dimensional data in this late in space is Eve and that's one of the reasons I like these models is because there's some interpretability that you get when you do this kind of information bottleneck this compression down to this latent space because there might be few enough variables here that I can actually analyze and try to understand what these mean with respect to the data so I think these are kind of just some neat architectures you have convolutional neural networks recurrent neural networks you have these auto encoder networks and there's many many more kind of as much as you can imagine you can build a network to do it and maybe that's the last thing I want to point out is that designing and implementing these architectures is becoming extremely simple because of the explosion of open source software put out by Google and Facebook and others so you have Tenzer flow and pi torch and caris which are these incredibly powerful environments where you can design neural network architectures and then train them with with training data to build these very very powerful and expressive models so it's a really neat and also increasingly easy to design and use okay thank you
Channel: Steve Brunton
Views: 544,184
Rating: 4.9526253 out of 5
Keywords: Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization, Regression, Modeling, Neural Networks, Classification, Visualization, Data Analytics, Data, Data-driven science, Big Data, deep learning, artificial intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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