Network Security Tools to stop hackers

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so how do you not get hacked how do you protect your network whether it's your home network or your business Network in this video we're going to go through the fundamentals of network security firewalls intrusion prevention and things that everyone can and should do and the first thing to understand is in order to secure your network you need to secure your connection to the internet and that begins with your router now many of you may be using the default router that has been provided by your internet service provider so we'll start right there first off in order to access it you want to go to and you should be greeted with a screen like this if you don't know what the username and password should be just go to your router physically where it's located check the physical box and the labels should tell you the username and password if you haven't changed it and that's where the first tip comes in so if you haven't changed it and the password is something as simple as password or something that's just preset with your device you probably want to go into your device settings in this case it's going to be under access management and then just change your password right away because otherwise anybody near your house maybe your neighbors could just use your internet and you wouldn't even know so you could literally have a van down the street hack into your Wi-Fi simple as that just by guessing that the password's password another setting you might want to look into here is your firewall now depending on the sophistication of the router you're using this may be a very detailed page very simple page this case it's kind of intermediate so we've got a firewall level which is set to Middle that's recommended but if we go into the filter criteria we can now set up a custom Blacklist what this means is I can now decide what websites can and cannot be visited on this network so I could just type in a new entry saying Microsoft and then URL and this would basically ban any computer on my entire network from visiting this website and you could actually use it to stop Windows from spying on you if you've been watching the channel you know I did a very popular video I think it's got almost a million views Now using Wireshark to look at the network traffic all the spying or Telemetry websites a new laptop was connecting to and what you could do is you could take the domains from that video pop them in here click apply and they would be blocked throughout your network not just your PC your phone everything now you could also do the same thing for IP addresses so if you have a destination IP specifically that you want to block or a range of ips that you want to block you can easily Blacklist that by entering it here and hitting apply now this is all stuff you can do with your default router no equipment required you don't even have to install anything but now we're going to level it up so the next thing we're going to look at is a real firewall now there's various ways of using a more powerful firewall than what's included on your router you could buy a hardware firewall or you could just use your own router that you can change the operating system of to install a firewall of your choice over here I have the free sofos home firewall installed that you can just go ahead and download for free right here and you can install it on a Mini PC on a compatible router and then you would have industry level control of your network keep in mind this is an entire operating system it's not a small application that you just install on your Windows PC so you'd need a dedicated device to install this on but again it can give you control over your whole network and you can even Institute Network level VPN so you don't have to install VPN on your device automatically your entire network would be connected via VPN we've also got zero day protection intrusion prevention lots of categories for blocking things on the web so if you wanted to filter specific types of things like risky download loads adult content we could easily do that another big advantage of having a dedicated firewall like this is the ability to block inbound attacks and even notice malware in your network so for example if a crypto Miner is making an outbound connection you might be able to block it with your firewall same thing if a ransomware is connecting to a command and control server another thing that you absolutely should install is some kind of intrusion detection system and this is what is actively going to prevent Hackers from infiltrating your network so for example remote desktop and various other features can allow people to brute force your computer's password try to lock in and then take control of your system implant malware you'll be surprised how much attackers can do with a simple net scan if a machine is not sufficiently protected an IDs can prevent that and in this video I'm going to show you how to install crowdsack which is an open source community-based intrusion detection system you can install it in 2 min it's in its cross-platform so you can do it on Windows Linux whatever you use and they're also the sponsors of this video so thank you crowdsack in order to use this well firstly you just need to sign up it's pretty simple and that's going to give you access to the web console and after that you just have to install the agent to detect attacks on whatever systems you want to install it on as you can see there are lots of options you can do it on Linux FreeBSD windows and my personal favorite Docker and this is the option I'm going to be using today so if you don't know what Docker is Docker is basically a virtualization environment for cross-platform software so it's an environment where I could have server grade software running on any system that I want to be at Windows Linux and right here I've got a Windows system you can download and install Docker and then it just runs on your taskbar and then you can just do a search for crowdsack and then all you have to do is choose this option crowd security slash crowd back and click on run and that's going to install crowdsec on your system like I mentioned this is cross-platform so it doesn't really matter whether it's Linux or Windows now if you want you can give this a container name so I'm just going to call it crowdsack for convenience it doesn't really matter if you don't do that it's just going to be randomly generated and then it's installed and running on the system and now we just have to go back to our main UI here and enroll that particular device into our web Management console and the way to do that is just to copy the simple command go back into Docker click on Terminal and then just paste that there just remove the sudo don't need that press enter and it should be all good now if we go back to our web UI you can see we've got this enrollment request just have to accept that and boom now it's all set up now we have our intrusion detection set up on that system now if you did want to install this natively you can also do that by going through the documentation here to install crowdstack on Windows and some of the things it can do for you is Brute Force detection so again if somebody's trying to Brute Force through your network using SMB that is what wannacry did by the way or RDP again very commonly used by ransomware to infiltrate networks this would be able to detect and block those attempts it would also be able to block HTTP attacks if you're hosting a server and can also do Network scan detection so again even if an attacker is looking for vulnerabilities in your network you can kind of detect that all of that setup and ready to go in two minutes now I'll also be doing some additional workshops for this so if you're interested in that make sure to join our Discord now another thing you might want to look at is thread intelligence this is going to allow you to verify if a particular IP is currently involved in malicious activity so if you scroll down you can see some of the most aggressive ones so this one is trying to Brute Force SSH so this would be an attempt to hack into a Linux server probably we can see an HTTP Brute Force here coming from India another SSH brute force from the US so if you do notice any kind of inbound traffic from these IPS you just want to block it right away from your firewall if you don't want to dabble too much into the network side of things just want to download some things trading easy on your Windows system you could try Komodo firewall it's going to give you a great level of control if you want something that's not necessarily as powerful but prettier to look at you can check out glasswire and hopefully this helps you understand a little bit about the steps that you could be taking to protect your network from hackers let me know your thoughts in the comments below please like and share this video If you enjoyed it and again big thanks to crowdsack for sponsoring these educational videos do give them a shot using the link in description and check out some of the other videos on the PC security Channel subscribe because we've got a lot of awesome stuff coming up especially since I'm at the RSA Conference next week thank you all so much for watching this is Leo and as always stay informed stay secure
Channel: The PC Security Channel
Views: 147,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The PC Security Channel, TPSC, cybersecurity, cyber security, computer security, internet security, antivirus, anti malware, ransomware, trojan, virus, best antivirus, best internet security, learn cybersecurity, hacking, hack, security, technology, cyber insurance, cybersecurity degree, best EDR, EDR, How to not get hacked, network security guide, firewall tutorial, is your network hacked, stop hackers in your network, network hacking, firewall, tutorial, guide, how to secure your network
Id: t7IK-2Cace8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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