Network Analyst - Creating Service Areas

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hi in this exercise we're going to talk about using the Network Analyst toolbar the network is an analyst toolbar is an effective set of tools in which we can compute driving times look at distances driving distance and other things like that in this scenario we're going to put a pizza place pizza shop in the Dow at first floor of the merry town Science Complex and we're going to deliver to all places within 5-minute driving time of our campus right here you can see Alston Street Fayetteville Street Concord Street and we're going to be located right over here so that's going to be a little bit distantly different than using our geoprocessing tools with our geoprocessing tools and buffers we just create a five-mile buffer and that's going to be just look like a gigantic circle in essence okay this is going to live with driving comp it's going to look a little bit different so we're going to take advantage of our Network Analyst toolbars in order to do this before we even look at these Network Analyst toolbars we're going to have to create a network and even before we create a network I've gone through the help right here in terms of creating a network data set and I follow the directions myself and I've created some fields here that'll make us do this analyst analysis a little bit quicker you can see these the attributes for all my for all of my roads here and I have one here called minutes and miles and I actually copy this from travel miles travels and minutes travel and I have a field an attribute one called minutes one called miles so when I went through the wizard that tries to extract these different opinon tenses in terms of what is it going to cost me to drive on this road kind of like our least cost analysis that we may have talked about in our class you'll see this because what we're going to do in our geography 4010 class is we're going to try to compute this driving time we're going to try to fight site fire stations throughout the county and Euclidean distance isn't going to be a really big deal even your driving distance is going to be a big deal your driving time is going to be a big deal and you can see here using our formula distance equals rate times time you can see my distance of this particular segment of road is one point seven five eight seven eight five and our driving time is going to be twice that because our be limit here is 30 and we can look at some different examples right here with four we can look at the different relationship between the minutes travel and the miles traveled and you can see those there's probably a couple instances where we have driving to a speed limit of 60 and you'll see that's equal to the driving time since there's 60 minutes and an hour in 60 minutes in an hour okay so driving one mile per minute is the same as driving 60 miles per hour using that conversion factor there okay so it's important that you have minutes and you have miles so my wizard to go through and capture those so right mouse click here on my transportation and you'll see here I have a transportation feature data set and a census in a census feature data set if I right mouse click here and click on new you notice I can't create a transportation network here our network so it has to be done within the feature dataset so I have a network data set here I'm just going to call it network data set underscore MD I'm going to use my roads click Next do I want to model turn sure next do I want a metal elevation probably not that's not going to be important for drive time you'll see here it captured different attributes here one's called miles the units are going to be miles that's going to be some of the cost and others called minutes and the units are going to be minutes so that's going to be my cost now when I drive along a segment of road I want to drive up to five minutes or up to five miles or a certain distance okay or a certain time what we care more about is driving time there's one way here we have I'll probably just remove this since it is important do I want to establish directions probably not in this instance here click Next and finish and it's going to create my network data set I'm going to give it a second here do I want to build it now sure and when we add it we're going to be you're going to see it's going to be added into my table of contents we're here and I've got a couple things I need to do and I can easily run this okay I'll give it a second sure alright do I want to add all these of course and you can see the vertices for my for this here you can see my roads and you can see the edges that I've added here and I'll just kind of unclick those so now my Network Analyst toolbar what I want to do is create a new service area you can see I can create a new route between two things find the closest facility do a new vehicle routing problem do a location allocation here I'm just going to look at a new service area okay and what I'm going to do is highlight my Network Analyst window and you can see I'm going to have to add facilities there's a couple way that a couple ways that I can add them here so if you're working in my geography 4010 class I can just right mouse click on my facilities and load location from an existing feature data set such as such as a fire stations or I can create my own here okay so I can add facilities from something that's already existing or I can kind of create my own what I'm going to do here is just I'm going to put my pizza place right here so I can see right here this is con a Fayetteville Street here this is Concord Street here and then our campus is right at the sea right here there's our buildings right at the sea so I'm going to just create a network location tool right here I want to stick it right there okay and you can see it's been highlighted right here and now in my facilities I it's been graphic pick one if we were to load these locations from fire stations we load in the names now I can right mouse click on my service area bring up this context menu and I can look at a lot of different layer properties for this I can look at a general layers my source analysis settings and I'm going to set my impedance is going to be minutes I can also set it to be miles but we talked about the five minute driving time so my break is going to be five and I'm looking at polygon generation here so I can create these different polygons that overlap we can look at broken polygons so we can break them into like multiple rings like kind of like we did with buffering I'm just going to leave everything for default now and I'll let you kind of play with it later click OK here and then when I'm ready to go I'm just going to click on the solve button okay so what just happened here okay well I'm not going out a little bit here okay but what you see here this is the area that's within a five minute driving time of my new pizza shop in downtown in first-floor Mary Town Science Complex you can see it kind of juts out really far in this direction because this goes around Austin Street route 55 it juts out pretty far in this direction here because this is going along one 147 the downtown Expressway now it doesn't go as far out in these areas here because these are city streets here but you notice here this isn't a perfect circle okay it's going to be kind of elongated in certain directions where we're able to travel further in that five-minute time based on the speed limit based on our formula distance equals rate times time so this is a really powerful tool here you can imagine with say 20 fire stations they're going to be a lot of these overlapping polygons and if I were you I'd probably look at places where these polygons don't overlap or maybe do a little bit of research to say well what's the optimal fire response time for something like this and look for these biggest gaps here but this is a pretty simple example where we can calculate a service area here because in reality they're not going to be circles generated by a buffer tool they're going to geographic reality is going to more mimic this here so in conclusion here Network handles really powerful tool here we looked at it just a couple just one thing that we can do right here but we did so because of good data preparation and then when we brought it in it was pretty easy to do okay but we can also create facilities routes vehicle routing problems so take advantage of these effective and powerful tools
Views: 45,725
Rating: 4.98 out of 5
Keywords: NCCU, GIS, Network Analyst, Networking, GIS Processing
Id: WteWbivNGNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2013
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