.NET developer reacts to the Stack Overflow survey 2021

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hello everybody i'm again in this video i want to react to the 2021 developer survey from stack overflow and this is the thing i actually look forward every year because it's very very exciting to see what people are thinking about technology but actually when this one came out i was on a holiday and i haven't actually looked at this at all so i thought it would be a fun concept to do a blind reaction to the survey now please know that i am a dot net and c shop developer primarily so i will be biased towards those technologies but i will give you my opinion on different things that i do find interesting if you like the content and you want to see more make sure you subscribe during the certification bell to get i like it when i upload a new video so let's see what we have here blah blah blah we don't really care about that so skip to the interesting things i want to point out that this actually was taken by 80 000 developers around the world well the previous one i think was 65 000 so 15 000 more which gives us a bigger pool of people hopefully more accurate results so these are the top 10 countries that participated in this surprisingly this is actually exactly how my viewership is in this channel too the only difference is i have more uk viewers than germany but it's interesting that the channel viewership aligns to this one maybe the western world is distributed in this way when it comes down to programmers then learning to code oh how interesting 60 is actually online resources like videos how mata this is a channel all about learning school and college i am assuming school also refers to uni here unless this is a like americanized version of this and then online courses 10 bootcamp i would expect this to be higher i've seen so many people actually attend or undertake a coding bootcamp and then jump into a job and it looks like a very frictionless and straightforward path sometimes lacking the deep background that uni or college can give you if you study cs or software engineering but interesting nonetheless now there's a by age tab here and i think that younger people do prefer these types of resources like online resources bootcamps and so on but i wouldn't be surprised if older people have more college and school distribution so let's see here so yeah interesting as you become older online resources become less and less prevalent however school is higher in older programmers and books likewise which i would consider the more old-fashioned ways to learn about programming so it's nice to see how younger people actually prefer the free and online stuff while all the one uh prefer the the paid or i guess at the time it was the go-to way to learn programming so it would make sense that this would be higher here pretty cool actually now developer roles 50 full stack so the interesting thing about full stack and i'm not surprised by the way that backhand is higher than uh front and this is how i see things all over these years as well now the full stack is a bit of an interesting one because i don't necessarily believe in that particular role i've seen it working but it's very rare that you're going to get a full stack developer that is equally good in front and back and usually you're getting a full stack developer who's excellent or very competent in one of the two and then passable on the other and i've certainly seen people who are very good at both but it's like one out of 20 in my experience anyway and i think that companies do that maybe for cost saving because they think they get more value for their money in my experience i've seen separating the roles be more effective long term i think it's also more cost effective but i can see how smaller companies would want to go with a full stack developer so educational attainment interesting 70 of all respondents and 80 of all professional ones have completed some form of higher education bachelor's degree being the most common so i openly say that you don't need a bachelor's or a master's or any sort of like degree to get into programming or actually get a job that being said it certainly helps and it is a very safe that of a way to get into the sector so i'm not surprised that the majority of people actually have a bachelor's i would not think that masters is actually that high but maybe in some other countries it's more of a thing that you should do again professionals is actually even higher that's that's very surprising to me the bachelor's i do expect to be honest now moving on to my favorite sector technology so let's see what's the most popular ones so what the surprise python i mean we're going to ignore this one and javascript on the top sql everybody needs to know sql java oh that's all respondents should i should i do professional developers and see how that distribution looks like well i guess i want to see what what's the difference because if you're starting and you're picking up i would expect maybe that python is a bit lower and maybe node is a bit lower for professionals and maybe java is that high because unis usually pick it up as one of their classes so i could see how all respondents would inflate that if i click on that yeah so java is lower python is lower at least lower than sql uh java is lower c sharp is higher php is here interesting go where's your rust i want to see where rust is because people make a big deal about it so that's seven percent kotlin is above that so rust and go are the two things i actually want to take a look at because these people won't turn up about them so i'm intrigued by these two and i think i'm going to actually make a couple of videos trying to make an api in those two languages completely blind so without having written a line of them so if you want to actually stay tuned for that hit the subscribe button so okay then people will apparently still write kabal whatever our f-sharp is pretty pretty low down here okay i want to see how the most loved section actually goes because people make a big deal about things like julia or clojure or f-sharp so let's see how they look databases yeah mysql no surprise there postgres again sqlite maybe i think android development inflates that i don't know why is that popular i would go with other databases instead of but okay i guess it's there and how to migrate away from redness is can be used on on anything that's the interesting thing redis is a database usually over databases so even if you have like sql or sqlite or whatever your top level caching layer will almost definitely be on radius what else are you going to use at this point i'm surprised that elastic is that low and maria is that low and that there is no cosmos db i would expect at least cosmos db here but i guess it didn't make the cut interesting now cloud platforms is next and i'll tell you what i think without actually looking at it yet i think aws is the leader in terms of popularity by maybe far then microsoft azure is a close second and then maybe gcp is a third a distant third maybe and then i don't know digital option so something like that so let's see what we have here so first is aws second wait a second so what so azure is third wait a second okay so interesting i wanna i don't know if firebase actually affects that because i can totally see someone just starting out using firebase as their database and that would inflate at gcp and yeah azure is more popular in the professional environment but it's so weird to me that even here the lead isn't bigger because i don't know many people actually using gcp i know it's a good cloud platform but i haven't looked at it in the past year stay tuned for some gcp videos i guess i have to do some research on that that's really really interesting wow aws is so so much ahead by the way that's what i'm using professionally as well aws personally i'm using azure that's wow that's really interesting so what's next web framework for frameworks react.js the top that's my framework of choice as well asp.net core is down here but it treats it as a web framework okay 18 i guess it is a web framework then flask asp.net the old version okay so if you combine them that would be under jquery jquery is just not going anywhere by the way like people are hating on it but it's just not it's more popular than angular and vue.js yes that's so funny then django down here spring okay seveld is pretty low but people make a big deal about it like i've seen threads about threads about how amazing this valdez interesting drupal is so low as well i thought that was higher wow and what's next other tools yeah what's the price get i don't know who's the seven percent not using it like what are you using like avail subversion is that what it was called tv tva i don't know yeah i mean everyone should use git now docker the reason why a new docker is 50 is because when they actually turn this into a paid product well docker desktop was turned into a paid product they referenced that stat so it's interesting i don't understand why 16.6 is using kubernetes though that goes over my head because let me see professionally should be higher yeah 20 so look i'm not saying that using kubernetes is bad i'm just saying i'm just saying that 20 of 55 000 people maybe 10 percent of that maybe half doesn't need kubernetes i don't know i mean yeah it's a bit overkill right like there's other alternatives you can use ah but then if you're on gcp it makes sense aks and eks make it really easy to jump on it so maybe you're not running your cluster i don't know i'm a bit on the fence with kubernetes i am preparing a video with kubernetes and how to run your.net application in kubernetes but i'm still a bit like maybe it's a bit too much i don't know okay interesting and then terraform okay more popular than where is blooming that's another thing that people like make a big deal about blooming everywhere polymer is amazing problem is great use balumi and then terraform just bam dominates it i personally use terraform i think it's great it's interesting to see that the technologies that people make a big deal about like you should be using that are so low in in adoption which is like the minor voices that can really make it look like it's being used interesting so ids visual studio code i mean it is a text editor that we use as an id with plugins extensions okay possible i guess this should be ids and text editors but fine yeah this is pretty high as well intellij is so high of them okay whatever tickles your pick like yes uh where is ryder 3.99 that's so low that's my id of choice for net hey jetbranch reach out i can help you promote it okay let's let's move forward operating system windows dominant i mean what can i say it is the better id i'm joking the only reason why i'm happy with windows is because a windows subsystem for linux 2 is freaking awesome like i can do everything i ever wanted so that's the reason why i'm not rolling linux and i do have a mac for traveling and moving around anyway let's go to most loved reading wanted technologies so rust is top i've seen its syntax and i've seen how it plays out i like it but then in closure there's like 1.2 k responses that say that and then if you go to something like node it's like 17 000 responses so remember that even though this is the the order it's based on the pull of the technology itself so even though julia is here with 70 percent loved it's only 755 responses python very high as well typescript is freaking amazing i really like typescript it has several features that i'd like adopted in c shop actually f-sharp i would expect higher based on how much people who advocate about it like say they love it and then c-sharp 14 000 people that's that's quite plenty actually 61 percent a long java is pretty low so is php with like the the pendulum swinging the dreaded direction interesting fine fine what's next what's next databases redis redis is such an easy technology to love because it does basically one thing but it does it perfectly like there hasn't been a time where i said oh man that index i need to create and i need to have some down time because it's locking a table it's really gonna like evaluate distribute cache go do it fine and interestingly we only have like one rdbms in the high loved postgres which is great by the way and then you have no circular sequence and then rdbms mess okay cassandra i'm not seeing so much cassandra anymore i guess cache place is a thing as well but cassandra i used to see a lot more now it's just nowhere and i'm wondering which tag actually made it obsolete or not as relevant not much to see here web frameworks it's wealth 71.47 percent asp.net core second oh wow with the same percentage but seven times more people that's awesome i'm so happy for that i think asp.net core is going like great direction and it's so good to see people actually say they love it i think it's a it's an amazing tech to use to build everything web especially apis like it's amazing at that and the team at microsoft is heavily investing in it so so great to see that it's chart topping here and if you ask me it has more responses than zvelt so it should be first but anyway by the way don't be fooled by this this is the old hp net we don't like this this is bad move away from that's the good one the core one next we have top bank technologies let's see what we have closure oh by the way this is across every country so the numbers would be all over the place i'm wondering if you can filter by country i don't think you can let's see maybe later down below so closure fine oh wow f sharp second with 81 000 dollars the five people who write it professionally must make so much money this is a joke you don't need to get angry i like fsharp hell why i guess that's why because why rust go lisp what we will still i guess is a supply and demand thing like if no one wants to write it then people will pay more maybe sharp 8 000 okay i guess kotlin fifty-five thousand at least a cool language i really like kotlin where's java 51 000 interesting how all these languages that kind of look off and feel the same are around the same area okay what else can i filter by databases dynamodb 8000 i can see that you see nosql databases are harder like like the difficulty in rdbms's is on the rdbms itself how you know where to add the index so how do you like optimize this how to optimize that the hard thing in and usually i guess these salaries are mostly dba related on the rdbms side while the nosql ones is usually the the team the software engineers who do the data modeling which is the hard thing because most of these things are managed like dynamodb is minus by aws elasticsearch yes you can roll your own cluster that's tough you're going to go with like elastic cloud or bonsai or algolia or something like that so i can see why these stars will be higher because they would attach towards the software engineering salary is more than the dba one interesting what the sky filter buying platform mws makes more money okay so money wise it's pretty close ucp is lower why would that be well i guess it's cheaper so if you're choosing the cheaper platform maybe you're paying less for the people who use the platform which will explain heroic being lost maybe i'm just trying to rationalize here i don't know web frameworks isp net core 60k great okay i just saw this why is ruby on rails 77k like who is using ruby on rails okay airbnb fine crunch base ask fm bloomberg okay it is being used interesting i had kinda like written it off of something that doesn't actually exist anymore okay let's go to work and salaries so wait a second that doesn't make much sense so so why is entering manager higher than senior executive oh okay so this is all respondents so i can see some companies not have a senior like executive for or vp for software engineering so for them it's engineering manager around the world i would expect if i click on the united states one that senior executive is way higher than engineering manager around i don't know 200 000 and while engineering monitors around 120 so let's see what that looks like oh wow i underestimated this so senior executive 177 in the us makes sense engineering manager 165 000 pretty decent engineer site reliability so yeah site reliability or devops they're getting paid a lot more than engineers from what i've seen around mainly because it's less people and it's more of a new thing that people really aggressively hiring for so they're offering high salaries because they're competing for a small pool of people so this makes a lot of sense full stack is being paid less which and where's frontend interesting so what i've seen around is yes back-end is usually the highest paid from the three and then you have front-end competing with full stack for second place i think front-ends being offered actually something closer to a back-end salary while full stack is usually lower interesting how is that around the world so if i yeah back in the full stack and then front-end is significantly lower okay i don't understand why people undermine front-end engineers in their salaries maybe bigger pool of people to choose from i can see that more people i think the front and the back end okay well and then we go into years of experience and technology yeah yeah i don't really care about that and then community that's all actually i want to touch on this video really interesting insights i will definitely take a look at go rust and gcp those three things really really pick my interest out of this survey and maybe i'm gonna make videos on them as well that's all i have for you for this video thank you very much for watching special thanks to my patreons for making videos possible if you want to support me it's probably gonna find the link in description down below leave a like if you like this video subscribe for more gonna like during the bell as well and i'll see you in the next video keep coding
Channel: Nick Chapsas
Views: 32,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elfocrash, elfo, coding, .netcore, dot net, core, C#, how to code, tutorial, development, software engineering, microsoft, microsoft mvp, .net core, nick chapsas, chapsas, dotnet, stackoverflow, stack overflow, stack overflow survey, survey, stackoverflow survey, stackoverflow survey 2021, stackoverflow survey 2020, reaction to stackoverflow, reaction, react
Id: RA7OWnqBdqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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