Neo4j (Graph Database) Crash Course

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hello everybody and welcome back to the channel in this video we're gonna cover neo4j which is an extremely popular graph database now let's quickly explain exactly what a graph database is let's begin with the database portion a database is somewhere where we are going to store our applications data so for example let's say well we own twitter twitter is our application we need a place to store the tweets we need a place to store the pictures the accounts etc and of course we're gonna do that inside of a database so inside of our database we're gonna store our data we're going to also retrieve data from our database we're going to update data we're going to delete data and we're also going to create data inside of our database now what is a graph database well in the database community we have hundreds if not thousands of different databases that we can utilize and there's different types of databases for example over here for postgres and sql we have sql databases over here we have document databases such as mongodb and dynamodb and here we have key value pair databases like redis and each each database even though they are storing data our applications data the way that they store is a little bit different and thus their functionality and their purpose is a little bit different for example sql databases they store their data in tables and they have a very strict schema whereas document databases they store them in documents and their schema lists key value pair databases while they store their data in key value pairs and thus they allow us for fast retrieval of data so you really have to think about you know what your application's need is before you utilize whatever database for example if you want to cache your data somewhere you're probably not going to use a sql database to do that instead you're going to use a very quick key value pair database if you want to store very sensitive data and you need to make sure that the schema is correct well you're probably going to want to use a sql database for this so what does this have to do with graph databases well graph databases are a different type of databases and they're databases that are used when our application has a lot of relationships and twitter is actually a great example of this so we can have twitter we can have a tweet and then people can actually like that tweet so we have a relationship between the user that liked that tweet and that tweet and also that tweet belongs to a specific account so we have that relationship as well so there's so many different relationships now of course we can utilize sql databases or even nosql databases for these types of relationships but sometimes the relationships are so cumbersome that we might want to use a different databases different database that really focus on storing data as well as their relationships and that is what graph databases are for and that is exactly what neo4j is going to do so now that we understand what a graph database is let's actually look at how data is stored inside of a graph database inside of graph databases things are stored inside of something called nodes and over here we have this circle that is representative of a node and inside of that node we can have any one thing now you might be thinking what is this thing well this thing can be anything that we define this could be a food item this could be a laptop this could be a building this could be a person but again we're going to store that thing inside of that node for example let's say that thing is an nba player then what we would do is we would store well let's say lebron inside of this node so we would store it inside of this node and now if we wanted to store multiple mba players then what we would do is we would have multiple nodes and we would store those nba players in those nodes so over here we have lebron anthony davis russell westbrook james harden and kevin durant obviously you don't have to know them but if you watch this channel i always have basketball everywhere you guys probably know i'm a huge basketball fan but again those things which are mba players are stored inside of nodes so that is how things are stored inside of graph databases now of course we can also store multiple things so over here we can have a node that is storing the team the the team los angeles lakers over here we can also have another node that is storing the team brooklyn nets so we can store multiple things they don't all have to be you know players we can have players we can have teams we can have coaches etc we could have a bunch of different things now the special part about graph databases is that we are going to be able to relate these nodes together so for example over here we have this node and then we have this relationship so we have this relationship so this node lebron james has this relationship with this other node los angeles lakers and what is this relationship well this relationship is place for so lebron plays for the los angeles lakers and notice that this relationship is directional and it's only one direction it's only moving in one direction lebron he plays for the los angeles lakers not the lakers plays for lebron james similarly over here we have russell westbrook he plays for the los angeles lakers and over here we also have anthony davis he plays for the los angeles lakers so over here we can also define these relationships and over here we have kevin durant and james harden they play for the brooklyn nets and of course we can have multiple different types of relationships for example we can also have lebron james is a teammate to russell westbrook russell westbrook is also a teammate to lebron james now notice that this is going two ways but these are two separate relationships so this is going one way and then this is going the other way and then over here we have you guys probably get the point russell westbrook is a teammate to anthony davis anthony davis is a teammate to russell westbrook so you can see here we can actually have a bunch of these relationships across these different nodes and if you're familiar with data structures this awfully looks like a graph data structure where we have nodes that are attached to a bunch of other nodes with edges and that's exactly why it's called a graph database because it simulates the graph data structure and that again is how data is stored in neo4j which is a graph database and this is going to make you know when we have applications that are heavily related there's data that are heavily related it's going to make querying for that data adding that data retrieving that data deleting that data a lot simpler than maybe dealing with a traditional sql database okay cool so i got one question for myself right now so over here we have this node how do we know that this node has you know how do we know that this node belongs to lebron james well each node we can actually put different properties inside of it and really it's not going to look like this it's going to look something like this so over here we have a node and then over here we have different properties we have the name lebron and we could also have multiple different properties it doesn't just have to be the name we can have the weight which is you know 120 kilograms the height which is 2.2 meters so we can have different types of properties inside of our node and that's how we store data for a specific node now let's actually talk about the los angeles lakers so okay we understand that now we can have different properties inside of the nodes over here we have the name lebron weight 120 height 2.2 and then over here we have the los angeles lakers which is named you know los angeles lakers now my question is is how do we know that this node belongs to well is a team whereas this node over here is a player well what we can do actually to kind of distinguish the two is give each node a label so we can give this node the player label and then over here we can give this node the team label so in order to separate our nodes because they might be different entities we give them labels so over here player label and over here we have the team label now the last thing i want to talk about is the relationship remember relationships are only going to go in one direction so we have one direction now if we want to have you know two directions we would have to create two different relationships we have to create a relationship here and then a relationship here but now let's say though i want to say that okay this guy plays for the los angeles lakers but what's great about it is i can also add properties inside of the relationship itself so maybe i can add lebron's salary inside of this relationship and we can add of course multiple other ones but that's what's nice about neo4j and graph databases you can actually add properties to the relationship itself so if i wanted to get lebron salary i can just go to this relationship and get okay he makes 40 million dollars a year so that is how data is stored inside of graph databases and specifically neo4j now that we have a good understanding of that let's actually go ahead and get our hands dirty and start coding out neo4j code in order to get started with neo4j we need to install it on our local machine so to do that we need to go to download and i'll have this link in the description below the first thing that we need to do is just accept all cookies i'm just going to go ahead and do that now over here it's going to say well download neo4j and it's going to say version 4.3 or greater for you guys probably nonetheless this is the one that you want to download so you're going to go ahead over here and click download now i am on a mac but the process for windows is going to be pretty much the same 90 percent the same was just going to be a little bit of differences that you guys can probably spot relatively easily so over here the first thing it's going to say is okay well i want some of our information so i'm just going to put in my first name my last name let me just zoom in here for you guys or maybe i should zoom out because i don't want you to see any of this stuff whatever it's fine and then over here i'm just gonna say me i am in canada so i'm going to say canada if i can find it and i'm in i'm in ontario all right so i'm going to go ahead and download this and this should uh give us a little bit of so what this should do is redirect us to this page over here and over here you can see that we have this key and this key is really really important and we actually need this in order to download neo4j and activate it to our account now the other thing is is if you look over here you can see that neo4j desktop is downloading so let's just wait for that and then we're going to go ahead and click it once it's done downloading which should be in like five seconds so let's give it a quick wait and then we can click on it all right so once that is done uh we should get this over here and this is where it's a little bit different for you guys on windows the process might be a little bit different it probably is going to be some sort of wizard if you're on mac all you have to do is just simply move this into your application directory so we're going to go ahead and we're going to move that in there and then on windows it's going to ask you to run it once you're done installing it on mac what you have to do is specifically go and search for neo4j click on it and then it's going to go ahead and run so that's really the only difference between windows and mac otherwise it's exactly the same and again we're going to need this key so let's just go ahead and copy it to our clipboard so let's just wait right now the first thing we have to do is read this licensing agreement so go ahead and read it i read the whole thing i'm joking i didn't read any of it i just agreed and then i'm gonna go over here and you can either register with your email or with that key that you were provided we're gonna go ahead and paste in that key and we're gonna activate our account let's get rid of this all right so now it's just gonna do a little bit of checking you know it's gonna check our system requirements it's gonna download the runtime which i'm not gonna pause for because it seems like it's going really fast that's gonna look for neo4j et cetera blah blah blah you guys kind of get the point this is just a download process so let's just wait for this to finish up all right so how was your day guys i'm trying to stall as much as possible okay it seems like this is going to take a while so i'm just going to pause the video once the download procedure is done you should get redirected to a page that looks like this you'll probably see something regarding movie databases and what i want to do is i want to just go ahead and delete that project so just go ahead and delete it and let's create a brand new one and so this project is going to be storing a lot of mba data that's what we're going to be working with within this crash course to learn neo4j so what we're going to do is we're going to change this project name to mba and what we want to do is we want to add a neo4j database management system so what we're going to do here is we're going to click add here we're going to say local dbms for database management system let me just zoom in here click over here we're going to do this and then over here what we're going to do is we're going to give our database a name let's just call it mba neo4j and then we're going to give it a password i'm going to call it well password and you have to remember this password let me just go over here again password you have to remember it remember we're going to go ahead and we're going to create this database management system so let's just give it a while this this will take maybe you know a few seconds i don't suspect that it will take a minute or two but it should take a few seconds so tick tock mba stands for national basketball association and so now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and start this so let's go ahead and start it and again this should take a few seconds not a minute or two but a few seconds i hope let's just wait this out now that we started our database management system you can see that inside of our database management systems we have two databases we have the system database and we have this default neo4j database remember the database is where we are going to store our nodes as well as our relationships okay so now what i want to do is i want to connect to this database and start writing some queries in order to add nodes as well as retrieve nodes etc so in order to do this what we're going to do is we're going to go to this over here graph apps we're going to click on neo4j browser and what it should do is redirect us right over here and now what we want to do is connect to our database so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to write a quick query let me just zoom in here you don't have to understand this query i'm just going to go ahead and write this and what we should get back is nothing and what's happening is it's actually already pre-connected to our query so you can see here that this is the database information is called neo4j and is connected to the mba app so it's automatically connected to it isn't that amazing so right in here this is where we are going to start executing our neo4j code so you know what let's just get right into it in this section of the course what we're going to learn about is querying data that is retrieving nodes as well as their relationships however in order to do this we need to have data inside of our database and as of yet we have no data so we're going to learn about how we can add and create data inside of our database but for now what i want you to do is i want you to go to my github page and go to o1 initial data and i'll have this somewhere linked in the description below and what this is going to do is run a mutation that is going to create a bunch of nodes as well as their relationships and all this data pertains to something related to the mba so over here we have nba players we have coaches and then over here we also have some teams and then over here we have a bunch of relationships so if this code doesn't make any sense to you that's completely fine we'll learn about how we can create data a little bit later but for now i want to focus in on how we can query data so let's just quickly copy all this code let's copy all this awesome and what we're going to do is we're going to paste it right in here now this right here is actually known as cipher code so neo4j uses cipher so just like postgres uses the sql query language this is another language called cipher it's not really important but just for you guys to know so we're going to go ahead here we're going to execute this and we should see this window right over here saying that hey we have added 25 labels we'll talk about what labels are but you probably know what they are already because i explained them to you and then over here we have 25 nodes that were added we have a bunch of properties and relationships and so what we can do is we can just get rid of that we have data inside of our database so let's begin with querying data now let's remember inside of neo4j we have two different types of things that we can store we can store a node which you can think of as an entity a thing so in this case it's either going to be an nba player an nba coach or an nba team and then we have the relationships between those nodes so let's forget about the relationships let's first learn how we can query nodes themselves now using the cipher language what we need to do in order to query for something is state that we need to query for something and we state that by using the keyword match so let me just zoom in here for you guys just so you can see match is the keyword that we utilize in order to query for things so that's exactly what we're always going to start with when we want to fetch data and then well we want to fetch a node a node in cypher is always going to be representative as two parentheses so two parenthesis so we want what we want to do is we want to match a node and then in here we can give this node a specific variable so we can just call this node we can call it whatever it is that we want but we can call this node and it seems like node is actually a keyword let's just yeah let's just use n for for for node and then what we want to do is well we want to return those nodes because okay this matches the nodes but now what we want to do is we want to return that node we eventually want to get that node back so what we can do is we can do control shift to uh or ctrl enter to go to the other line and then we can say return and return n and what this is going to do what this very simple query is going to do is going to take all of the nodes inside of our application and return it so let's go ahead and execute this and there we go let's actually zoom out a little bit so i'm going to be zooming in and out quite a bit and over here you can see that well we have a bunch of different nodes we got all of our nodes so you can see here we have the player nodes you can see that they're all organized in different colors so over here we have the players and also we have these crazy relationships even though we didn't ask for the relationships from this graph format we always get the relationships if there are relationships between notes so over here you can see that we got anthony davis we got russell westbrook we got frank vogel which is the coach we got the grizzlies so we got a bunch of different notes and that was the query to get those notes so now let's actually think about how we can maybe filter for specific nodes for example maybe i don't care about the coach maybe i don't care about the team i just want to get all of the different players so let's zoom back in here and let's think about how we can run this query so i can get all of the player nodes rather than you know the team nodes and the coach nodes so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to say match then we're going to say we want to get a node so we're going to represent that with these two parentheses and then we're going to say return and what we want to do is we want to return whatever the variable we add in here so let's just say n n so what we want to do right now is this is going to match every single node and give it to us now we want to specify that we only want the player nodes now remember all nodes have different labels attached to them so we can actually attach labels to them and if actually if i hover over lebron james you can see that to the right we have these node node properties and it says player this one says team this one over here says coach and so what we can actually do is inside of these parentheses that are that is representative of the node we can say colon and specify what label we want to get in this case we're saying that hey we want to get all of the nodes that have the player property and we can actually change this right now this variable name this is variable so we can call it whatever it is that we want you can change it to player if we want to because now it's more indicative of being a player so we can go over here say player we want to return player and if i were to execute this and let's zoom out again you can see now we get all of the players as well as their relationships so over here you can see we have kevin durant we also have james harden their teammates giannis and then chris middleton luca doncic and then we have all of these relationships and of course we can do this for coach as well as for team so we can go over here and if we want what we can do and let me zoom right back in we can say match and we can say coach and then over here we can say i want to the coach and i'm going to say return coach return coach so let's go ahead and execute this and you can see now we get all of our coaches and there's no relationship between coaches so that's completely fine now i highly encourage try this on your own get all of the team nodes so i'll give you guys five seconds to pause the video and do it on your own all right hopefully you guys tried this this is going to be relatively simple we're going to say well we want to get a node we're going to call this team and then over here we're going to give it the label team and then we're gonna go here and we're gonna say return team and then over here you can see that we get all of our teams how terrific is that okay so let's actually go back a bit and let's go to all of the players now what i want to do is i want to click on a particular player so when i click on this particular player you can see that this player has the label player and then over here we have a bunch of different properties so remember a node is going to have a label as well as a bunch of different properties it has an id it has well i added an age it has a height it has a name it has a number and also has a weight so what we can actually do is we can actually fetch for specific properties we don't have to fetch for the node itself so in order to do this what we can do is well we can do match we can do this query but instead of returning the whole player node what we can do is we can return a specific property on that player so we can return maybe their name and if we were to execute this what we get is we get this table format because at this point we're not returning nodes we're returning properties but you can see here that well we have russell westbrook lebron john rand luca and all these names and that's all we're getting and we can actually get more if we want to we can get more properties all we have to do is say comma and then player dot and then whatever property we want so for example we can also get their height so if you were to execute this you can see here we get their name as well as their height now over here you can see at the table it's called the player dot name over here also this is called player dot height we might not like this name at all so what we can do is we can actually change this name by using an alias so in order to use that we say as and then we can say i don't know mba player name or we can call this whatever it is that we want we can just call it name if we want to and then over here we can say as and we can say as height so if you were to execute this let's just execute it here you can see that the names are now different rather than they're called name and height all right cool so i hope this makes sense and that's really how we can query for specific uh specific uh nodes now one thing that i want to note is that of course you can filter your nodes so we actually started filtering our nodes by utilizing the label and maybe that's not enough for us maybe we want to filter for you know nodes within the player label so let's start talking about how we can filter our nodes so for example let's begin with a very very simple thing let's say we want to query for lebron james's node we just want to get this node right over here we don't want to get any of the other ones we just want to get this node how do we go about doing that well let's zoom in here in order to do this what we're going to say is very simply match and then of course we want to match a node now this node we can actually just call lebron and we could specify that this is going to be a player node and now what we're going to do is let's do shift enter let's just say we want to return lebron so return lebron so here what we're saying is we want to get all of the nodes that have a player and we want to return it now at this at the end of the day what this is going to do is just return us every single node that has the player label of course this is not what we want so what we want to do is we want to get just a lebron node so in order to do this what we need to do is start filtering out for this node based on some of its properties so the best property that i think of utilizing is the name because it's going to be unique across every single individual now if we have a large database maybe there might be two lebron james's so maybe in in that case we could use the id but i'm going to use the name so how do i filter for all of the nodes where the name is lebron james well it's actually pretty easy so in between the match and the return what we're going to do is we're going to do another shift enter and then here we're going to say the keyword where so we're going to utilize this in order to filter for specific nodes so we're going to say where and then we're going to say where the player or sorry where the lebron dot name and maybe over here what we can do is we can change this to player just so it makes a little bit more sense so we're gonna say player and then over here we're going to say where the player dot name and we're going to say where the is equal to lebron james and the capital case is really important we can't just have something like lebron james or whatever make sure that the capitalization is correct because cipher detects this so because there is a difference between this and this just to let you know so now what we can do is we can execute this query and now all we get is lebron james how awesome is that and of course now we can click on it and see all of the properties one thing is right now we're getting the graph aspect of it and this is the visualization but when we actually get our data back inside of our application it's going to look a little something like this so it's going to look something like this but this is again representative of a node all right cool so that is how we can do the first filtration now there's actually another way we can do the exact same thing so instead of doing the where clause just like we did here what we can do is we can get rid of this and then inside of this node what we can do is what we can do is we can say space space oh my goodness space and then we can add these curly braces and then in here what we can do is we can have a key value pair system so we can say here name and then here we can say lebron james and this is going to do the exact same thing what this is going to do is it's going to filter for the player where the name is lebron james so we can go ahead over here and we can execute this and of course for both commands we can have multiple multiple different things over here we can say lebron james we can say here height is two point i don't know one at this point if i were to click on this his height is 2.06 so we should get nothing and we get nothing however if i were to change this to this we should get lebron back and we do all right cool so that is how we can filter for specific things but well maybe this is not enough maybe we want to get all of the players that are not named lebron james so let's actually go back to the where so we can say here where uh and we can say player dot name is equal to lebron james so that's what we had before and now what we want to do is we want to query for the players that are not named lebron james in order to do this what we can say is instead of having equal we can have two square or two triangle brackets over here this is just simply saying that i want all of the players where the name is not equal to lebron james and so if you were to execute this you can see here we got kevin durant james harden giannis we get absolutely no lebron james so over here lebron should be here because he's tame teammates with these people okay cool so the next thing that i want to teach you is some other conditions so maybe now we want something more reasonable maybe we want to query for nba players based on their height and we want to see all of the players that are taller than two feet so earth's are not two feet i hope that every nba player is taller than two feet but taller than two meters and honestly i'm i'm in canada i use a feet in inches and then i also use pounds instead of kilograms but when i search for these players on on google it just shows me them in meters and kilograms so that's what i'm utilizing all right so we want to get the players that are taller than two meters so in order to do this we're going to say match we're going to say player we're also going to say that we want to get the the player label and then let's go over here and let's just say return player and then in here we're gonna have a where clause so in here we're gonna have a where clause and then inside of this where clause we're gonna simply say where player dot height is greater than or equal to two so if we were to execute this you can see that now we don't have john morant i think john morant was the only player that was under two feet and i think we don't have him at this point okay yeah okay cool now we can of course do the same thing for any players that are less than two feet so we can run this exact same query and by the way what i'm doing to get this query back is i'm just clicking on this and then clicking the up keyword and this gets me my query back so now what we can say here we can get rid of that get rid of this we can say it's less than two feet and if you were to execute this oh we get james harden we get we got a bunch of players actually not just john marant all right awesome and what we can actually do in here is do some arithmetic so for example maybe i want to get um players that have a bmi that is greater than 25 and if you don't know what the bmi is it is the weight of the individual divided by the height squared and what it's supposed to do is just tell you if you're you know if you're obese or you're too skinny or you're just right now a lot of these players are going to have a bmi that is greater than 25 which it means that hey they're obese but they're nba players and they're extremely muscular so they're actually not that obese but you know let's just go ahead and calculate it so over here what we can say is we can match player and we're going to say player colon player and then let's go ahead and just return the player and then in here so in the where clause in the where clause what we can say is we can have a little bit of an arithmetic statement so what we can say is we want to get the player dot weight and remember we want to mult we want to divide it by and we want to divide it by the player dot height squared so what we can do here is player dot height and then over here times player dot height and what we can do is we can actually wrap this whole thing in parentheses and we can say that this we want this to be greater than 25 so we want to essentially do this calculation over here and then we want to filter for the players that have this be greater than 25 so let's go ahead and let's execute this and of course we get you know the heavier players so luka doncic we get you know joel embiid we got james harden these three players are actually kind of considered almost out of shape all the time so this actually kind of makes sense and then over here lebron a.d and then kevin durant well they're just freaks of nature that are very muscular i'm actually surprised kevin durant is there but these are very fit people okay cool so we actually did the arithmetic correctly okay so now one thing that i want to note is we have been querying for specific players based on one condition so you know whether their height is greater than two feet or whether their name is lebron james or whether their bmi is greater than 25. but what if we have multiple conditions what if for example we want to get all of the players that weigh more than 100 kilograms but are shorter than 2 meters long how do we do a query like this well let's just get right into it so in here what we're going to say is we're going to say match and we're going to match of course player we're going to say colon player here and of course let's just have our return we're going to return this player the player nodes and over here what we want to do is we want to query for all of the players that are heavier than 100 kilograms so let's just say player dot weight is greater than or equal to 100 kilograms now what we also want to do is we want to make sure that these players are also under two meters long so in order to do this what we can do to to add additional conditions what we can say is and so you can say we want the player to be greater than 100 kilograms and we want the player to have a height that is less than 2 meters we can say less than or equal to and by the way in order to show you what i'm doing here i'm doing less than and then the equal sign and what this is doing is just simply changing the changing the syntax but that's exactly what i'm doing here okay cool so if i were to execute this right now all i get is james harden james harden is the only person that is under two feet and weighs you know equal more or equal to 100 kilograms all right and that's exactly how we can do multiple conditions now of course what we can do is we can do the um we can also do a or clause so maybe we want to get all of the players that weigh more than 120 kilograms or all of the players that are taller than 2.1 meters so we want to kind of get the freaks of nature so what we can do here is we can say match player match player and then we're going to say we want a player and then we're going to say return player and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to copy this command because it seems like we always write this out and then in here we're going to say where and then what we want here is we want all of the players that are way more so greater than or equal to 120 and then we're going to say or the player's height is greater than or equal to and we're going to say 2.1 this is just going to get us you know the freaks of nature in the nba if you were to execute this we get joel embiid who is well more than 120 and the height is this so he actually matches both conditions you get giannis you get chris happs porzingis i think that's that's it it seems at this point uh all the players that we get back actually match both conditions so maybe if i were to change this to see this is kristaps so maybe if i were to change this to something like 2.25 so at this point this condition over here is going to and not match actually wait yeah so actually maybe if i change this to like something like this 2.15 so at this point giannis attitude he's not going to match this condition however he is going to well he's going to also not going to match this condition yeah so this is actually a perfect example so giannis doesn't match the first condition but he matches the second condition so he's in here same with porzingis the only person that actually matches both conditions is joel embiid and we get him back of course all right awesome but now what if we wanted to get all the players that did not meet this condition well in order to do this what we can do is we can just flip these arrows instead of saying greater than or equal to we can just say less than and over here less than as well but instead what we can do is we can say not so what we can say is here where not this condition so where they don't meet this condition and at this point what we should get back are all the nodes except for joelle embiid so if you were to execute this you can see here we don't have joel and b to buy his hairs doesn't have a teammate and so remember the knot is just how we can flip things if we wanted to do that all right that's awesome so what's the next thing that we want to learn well right now what we're doing is we're getting back a lot of players so let's go here and let's just say where player dot height is greater than or equal to greater than or equal to two and we want to return all these players and right now actually this is not at that many players we have what um six eight nine players but what if our database is humongous and we're getting so many different players maybe thousands of different nba players how do we limit it so we get you know maybe 10 nba players in order to do this what we need to do is right after the return what we can do is we can say limit and then we can say limit well however nodes we want to get back over here we can say limit five which will give us five different nodes over here you can see now we only get five nodes and we can actually utilize this if you want to do something like pagination so instead of getting all of the different nodes we can say limit 10 show the first 10 if the person scrolls down some more then we can show the next 10. so for example let's just go back over here let's just say limit 2. so limit to 2 and what this is going to do is it's going to actually give us uh all the players in a particular order so you can see here that we're getting anthony davis and then we're also getting lebron james so we get these two players but what if maybe we wanted to get the next two players well what we can do at this point is utilize another keyword called skip so we can say hey we want to skip the first two we want to get the next two and of course we want to limit it to two so we want to skip the first two and then get the just the next two so at this point if i were to execute this we don't get anthony davis and lebron we get chris tapps and luca and just to really explain this let's get rid of the skip and then over here we're going to say limit four so you can see here that we're getting back if we limit it to four we get back lebron and anthony davis and lebron and anthony davis were the first two that we got back and then over here we get back the next two are luca and kristaps so essentially what we're saying here is what we want to do is well we don't want to get the first two which is uh which is lebron and anthony davis we want to get the next two because again we're limiting it to two so if you were to execute this again we get back those two players so the next thing that we can actually do is act order by specific players so maybe what we want to do here is well we want to get all of these players and instead what we want to do is instead of ordering by whatever the whatever neo4j is ordering these players by we want to specify that we want to order these players by maybe their height we want to get the tallest players first so we're going to say order by player dot height and we want it in descending order so we start from the tallest and we descend down to the lowest so if you were to execute this in the node format it doesn't seem like it we're ordering them in any way but remember the node format over here is just showing us how the data is going to look what we ultimately get back is something like this and you can see here if i were to zoom out we get kristaps posing as first who is the tallest player and you can see here that now we're you know we're descending we're descending of course what we can do is ascend so we can get the shortest player first you can do ascending order and at that point we get luka doncic and you can see now we're ascending all right awesome and that really pretty much concludes filtering for notes we've actually learned quite a bit as to how we can filter notes the only thing that i haven't really taught you is how we can filter for multiple nodes at the same time so in order to do this what we can very simply do is say match and then we can say match and of course we have these parentheses to specify that we want a player so we're going to say player we're going to say player but what if we also wanted to get the coaches in order to do this all we have to do is say comma and then we say another set of parentheses because we want to get another set of nodes so over here we can say coach and then over here we can specify that we want the coach label and then right down here we can return both the player as well as the coach and if i were to execute this if we were to execute this you can see here now we get both the player as well as the uh as well as the uh coaches nodes and we also get their relationships now of course we can also add where clauses in here just the same so we can say where the player dot height where the player dot height is greater than or equal to two meters and we can of course add additional where clauses for the coaches as well so that's just something that you guys should probably know so now we don't have the shorter players so for example taylor jenkins doesn't have his player because he's too short and now steve nash only has one player because james harden was too short so i hope this is making sense and of course i'm gonna highly suggest that maybe try to query for the team as well how do we go about doing that well we would go here and we would say team and then we can say something like we can label it team and then over here we can just return team at this point we get everything back now this is looking very similar to what we had at the very beginning and remember we had something like this at the very beginning so if we don't specify a label we get all of the notes back regardless of the label and that is exactly what we did in the very beginning and that's what we got all right cool so the next thing that i want to teach you guys is querying for relationships so remember all of these nodes have these relationships and let's actually start querying for specific relationships in this section what we're going to start doing is querying for specific nodes based on their relationship and probably the best example of this is if we wanted to query for all of the players that play for a specific team for example maybe we want all of the players that play for the los angeles lakers now you might be thinking okay well lebron james he plays for the los angeles lakers so maybe we can query for all the players based on their properties but there's no properties that links lebron james to the los angeles lakers instead this relationship right over here it's the one that links lebron to the lakers so how are we going to query for specific nodes based on their relationship well let's get into it let's actually write a query where we query for all of the players that play for the lakers so the first thing that we have to do is specify the keyword match that is well that's a given we want to query we always have to specify match and then we want to query for the players so let's say that we want the player nodes and let's specify that we want the player however what we want is we want the players that play for the los angeles lakers and so really what we need here is two nodes and then this is going to be the team and this we can label it as team so we can over here say that this node is team and we want to specify the relationship between these nodes and we actually specify the relationship between these nodes with an arrow so we do a minus sign and then square brackets and then another minus sign and then the uh the triangle the right triangle and over here what we're saying is we have this player node we have this team node and then we have this relationship between the player node and the team node and then inside of this square bracket we can specify anything that we want we can specify what relationship we can have because over here if i do colon we have different labels for these relationships like play four played against played whatever we can specify exactly what relationship we want in this case we want the place for relationship so this is how we specify a relationship again we have the player node and then over here we have the team node and over here we have this relationship and remember this is going to be a minus sign minus sign arrow and then over here in the square brackets we're going to define exactly what we need and we can also call this whatever it is that we want we can give this a varying variable name called relationship so the other thing that i want to note is remember this is one directional a player has a place for relationship with a team not the other way around and that's why the arrow is going this way we could also move the arrow over here like this if we wanted to but of course then we're gonna have to change this to team and we're gonna have to change the other one to player so remember we're moving in one direction we have to specify the direction all right cool so let's go ahead and we have this thus far now what we want to do is we want to return all of the players that play for a specific team so now what we can do is simply say where team dot name is equal to los angeles lakers and this is also going to filter the team as well as the players so the players also have to play for the los angeles lakers and then what we're going to do is we're going to return we're going to return the player so it's going to return the player and if you were to execute this you can see now we get all of the players that play for the los angeles lakers okay i hope that makes sense so again we have a node here for the player we have the relationship we have the team over here we have our where clause over here we're returning the players that play for the los angeles lakers which are all of these and of course if we wanted to we can also return the team itself so we can go here and now we have this relationship and it looks kind of wacky but again we have russell that plays for all of these teams so russell lebron ad okay cool and of course we can have more complex queries if we want to we can have here you know we want or the team dot name is maybe the mavericks maybe we want to get the lakers and the mavericks so we can say dallas mavericks mavrix and if i were to execute this then we get where are the mavericks let's zoom out here okay maybe we made a typo because we should have the dallas mavericks in here as well uh dallas yeah i misspelled this so dallas mavericks if i were to spell that correctly you can see now we have these relationships cool all right that is awesome so now what i actually want to look at is if you go to the play for if you click on any play for a relationship you can actually see that this relationship itself has a property called salary so remember nodes can have properties relationships can also have properties and you know these properties can have whatever it is that they want in them now over here for the place for we have the salary property so let's actually write a query where we query for all of the players that have a salary that is greater than 35 million dollars so we want to see who's like the richest players now all these players are making incredible money but let's just get the ones that are making more than 35 million dollars a year so let's go ahead and let's do this so we're going to do this from scratch so we're going to say well we want the player node and we want to get the uh we want to get the play for relationship because that's where the property salary property exists so let's specify this with the label we're going to say we want to get the team so we're going to say over here team and we're going to say colon team and over here what we want is we want the place for uh relationship and we can actually give this a variable name i'm going to call it contract so i'm going to call this contract so now what we can do is we can simply say where contract dot salary is greater than or equal to 35 million so let's make sure that i have the right zeros and then what we can do is simply just return the player and because we're not using team here we can just simply omit this over here so let's go ahead and execute this and now you can see we get kevin durant we get luca we get russell we get a d chris middleton and giannis surprised lebron's not here oh well i guess lebron's not making 35 million so that is the query and if we wanted to know exactly how much they're making then we need the relationship so this time we might need the team so we can see the relationship between the team as well as the player so now we have giannis who plays so this is plays against so played again so this is not place four this has another set of uh properties which is like the actual points that they got the minutes or whatever if you go go to place four okay giannis is making 47 million if i go over here chris milton's making 43. lucas making 50 million i wish i could make 15 million oh my goodness we got kevin durant he makes 45 million and we have anthony anthony davis is probably the poorest one out of them we might need to make a gofundme page for anthony davis only 38 million wow while everyone else is making 45 million plus okay so you guys get the point so that is that is well pretty much it so let's actually make one last relatively complex query let's now do something and i highly encourage you to try to do this on your own this is a little bit tougher i want you to get all of lebron's teammates so all of lebron's teammates that make more than 40 million dollars so let's actually try that query out so i'm gonna give you guys five seconds to try it on your own five four three two one hopefully you guys paused the video and gave that a go remember the problem is we want to get to all of lebron's teammates to make more than 40 million dollars so this is a relatively complex problem but we can actually simplify this problem into many well smaller problems that we can solve pretty easily for example the first thing that we probably want to do is figure out a way to query for lebron's teammates and then once we get lebron's teammates we can query for the players that make over 40 million dollars so let's begin by just getting all of lebron's teammates so to do this what we're going to do is we're going to say match and what we want to do is we want to have two nodes so the first node is going to represent lebron james and the second node is going to represent his teammates we're gonna have a relationship between them which is the teammates relationship right over here so the first one is going to be lebron and this is going to be a player and we're going to have lebron the lebron node have a teammate's relationship with the well with another player that we're going to call them a teammate and now what we can simply do is just return the teammate and if we were to execute this we would get nothing so this is not what we're getting and the reason for this is right now lebron is anybody we have to actually filter for the actual lebron so what we can do here is we can say simply name lebron james and now we can we only get russell westbrook and anthony davis which are lebron's teammates so now what we want to do is we want to get the salaries of these two players so let's go back here click the up key and remember the salaries lives in the relationship between the uh the player node as well as the team node the place for relationship so what we need to do is we need to get the uh we need to get the players so we need sorry we need to get the team so we can actually do this by having another match so this is the first time we've actually done this we can actually have as much matches as we want to query for specific things and over here we can say that we want the teammate node to have a relationship or we want to query for the teammate node that has a place for relationship with the team node so with the team node and we can actually call this over here the contract and now what we can simply do is just filter where the contract dot salary is a greater than or equal to 40 million so let's let's make sure i have enough zeros in there one two three one two three forty million so let's execute this and if we were to execute this we only get russell westbrook who's making more than 40 million so i hope that query makes sense over here we're getting all of lebron's teammates here we're just getting access to that contracts relationship here we're doing the filter and then we're returning those teammates the last thing that we need to learn when it comes to querying data is aggregation so aggregation is the process where we have multiple data sets and we aggregate them into one value and the best way to actually learn it is to just go through an example so we're going to go through an example where what we want to do is return the players names as well as the number of games they played so in order to determine the number of games a specific player has played there is this played against relationship so what we want to do is we want to go get a specific player and then we want to get all of these played against because as you can see we have multiple it might be difficult to see but we have played against here played against here played against here and we just simply want to sum them or just count how many we have and that right there is aggregation we're getting all these played against relationship for that specific player and we are aggregating it into one value which in this case is the sum or the count so let's actually do that right now so the first thing that we want to do is well we want to specify that we want to get the player so of course we want to get the player because we want to get the player node and the played against relationship is going to be with the team node so over here we can specify that we want the played against relationship and then this is going to be on the team node itself so the team node and so now all we simply have to do is return the player dot name because we want the name and then what we can do is we can give this relationship a variable name called i don't know games played so games played or game played and then over here all we need to do is very simply say count game play so how many game played does this specific player have and if we were to execute this you can see here we have uh the name as well as the number of games that that player has played so you can see you know porzingis has three milton has two giannis has two etc so that right there so this right here is an aggregation because we're aggregating the number of games played uh into one specific specific value which is the count all right awesome so now because we know aggregation we can actually do some really cool things so this played against so let's go back over here this played against property actually has different or played against relationship has different properties within it it has the minutes it has the assist it has the points it has the rebounds it has the turnovers so actually now what we can do is we can aggregate these properties as well so we don't have to aggregate the relationship itself we can aggregate the properties into a specific value so maybe what we wanted to do is well we want to get uh we want to get uh all all the players names as well as how much they average per game so how much points they average per game so we can actually do that very easily by switching out this from average and what we want to do is we want to get the average of their points because remember the game's played is a property that has or the game is played is a relationship that has the points property so if you were to query for this and if we were to scroll all the way up you can see here we get their average points per game all right awesome so now of course we can do some really cool things if we wanted to get maybe the highest uh highest uh uh person that scores the most points highest points per game what we could do is we can actually aliase this so we can say as points per game and then and down here what we can do is we can actually order by and we can make this whole capital case order by points per game and we can make a descending order and then very simply we can just limit it to the first person and if we were to execute this we should get kevin durant who is averaging 37 points a game now there's a bunch of different methods that we can utilize such as sum which sums up well you guys probably get the point it sums up a bunch of values we also have max and min that we won't get into because i don't want to make this course too too long but you probably get the point max is going to get the maximum value min is going to get the minimum value okay my good friends in this part of the course what we're going to do is we're going to learn how we can delete nodes so the first thing i want to do is let's just return every single node that we have and let's say what we want to do is delete john morant let's say for some reason he's out of the league or we don't want him inside of our database so in order to delete jaw morant the first thing that we need to do is find jaw morant node that john morant node so over here we can specify match node we can also say that the name is going to be john marant so we can say jaw mo rent so you can say john rant and then what we can simply do here is say delete jaw now if we were to execute this we are going to get an error and the reason why we're getting an error is because jaw has relationships and so if i were to go here you can see jaw still has the the played against relationship as well as the played for relationship so what we need to do is we need to delete the we need to delete the node as well as those relationships and a very quick way to do this is by prepending the detach keyword and what this is going to do is going to detach all of the relationships thus deleting them and then it's also going to delete that jaw node so now if we were to execute this it has been deleted so we have one node deleted as well as five relationships so if we were to try to do a match you know get all the nodes let's do that again here let's do match n [Music] match and return n return n and if you were to execute this you can see here jaw doesn't exist anywhere okay so now let's actually talk about another thing that i want to delete let's say we don't want to delete the actual node itself but we want to delete the relationship so for example let's say uh joelle embiid got traded or he decided to retire or whatever and thus he doesn't play for the philadelphia 76ers and so we want to actually keep joel embiid but we do want to just delete this relationship in order to do this this is going to be very simple we have to find that relationship so we're gonna say over here joel and then we're gonna say that the name name is joelle embiid and then over here we're going to say that we want the place for relationship and we can give this a relationship of rel and then over here we're going to say that this is going to be with the team and now what we can simply do is delete we don't have to add the detach because here we're just deleting a relationship and we can just simply delete the relationship and remember this relationship is only going to be the place for relationship which is going to be one if we have multiple relationships we can actually just filter for whatever relationship that we want for example maybe we wanted to delete a plate again so we can filter for maybe with the id that we want and then that would get deleted so if you were to execute this you can see here that no node was deleted but now we have a relationship deleted okay cool so that is really all we have to know with um deleting nodes so it's not very difficult at all and now what i want to do is i want to delete every single node in our application and i highly encourage you to try to do this yourself so five four three two one hopefully you pause the video so to do this what we're going to do is we're going to get every single node and then we're going to detach everything so we're going to detach all the relationships and then we're just going to do delete end so execute that and now we get 24 nodes deleted we got 75 relationships deleted and the reason why we did this is now we're going to start learning about how to create data and then later on we're going to learn how to update data and so i want to just have a nice clean slate let's start adding back some of the data that we deleted because right now if we did a match n return n return n we're going to get nothing back this is going to be deleted absolutely everything so the first thing that i want to do is what i want to do is create a node that is going to be representative of lebron james so we deleted everything let's just add a node that is going to be player and it's going to be lebron james so let's go ahead and in order to do this we're going to utilize the create a keyword and then we're going to specify the node itself so the first thing we can do is we can specify the label so we can say that the label is going to be player but of course this is lebron james so we're going to say label player and we can also specify multiple labels onto a node this is something that we haven't seen before but a node can have multiple labels so over here we have a player we have coach let's also give him a general manager label so general manager now of course a node can have a label but it can also have properties so let's go over here and we can also specify the property properties with these curly braces so we can say name and then we can say lebron james lebron james and then we can also say the height is you know 2.01 uh meters and of course we can continuously add more and more but this is the only query that we need in order to create a brand new node so what we can do here is we can actually get the query assign it a variable name and we can simply return it so we can say return lebron and if we were to execute this you can see here that we get this lebron node he has these three labels and if you click on the properties he has height as well as name all right cool so let's actually just go ahead and let's delete this node because now what we want to do is actually know what let's just leave this node and now what we want to do is we want to create a node as well as the relationship so let's create anthony davis and let's create a relationship as well to another node that we're also going to create which is the los angeles lakers so in order to do this what we're going to do is specify create and then over here we're going to give anthony the player tag or player label so we're going to say player and then just like we did match we're going to have our our relationship and of course because this doesn't exist and we have the create keyword we're going to create it and then over here we can say simply plays for so simply place force over here we can add that and we can also add properties in as well so we can say salary of 34 million dollars 34 million dollars and then we can have another node that we can create and this is going to be called team and we can give this the name give it some properties name of let's give it la lakers so if we were to execute this this is going to pass we have created uh two labels we've created some nodes and everything so the two labels are for the los angeles lakers and for anthony the two nodes are again for the team and the player and then we have some other properties so now what we can do is very simply do match n return n to get all of the nodes as well as their relationships and we should see this now the only issue that we're facing and that's actually my bad is i forgot to give the uh this particular node the property of anthony davis but uh i hope that's kind of clear that was my my apologies i completely forgot about that so let's just assume that i i did this remember the same way we do it the same way that i showed you with the curly braces but now let's say we have existing data so we have lebron james and what i want to do is i want to add a relationship between these two nodes so i don't want to completely delete the lakers and lebron james and create them all at once i already have the relationship and i just already have the nodes and i want to create the relationship so in order to do this all we need to do is very simply get the node that is representative of lebron james so we can say this is going to be we can just say simply well again he's everything so we could just say player and we can call this lebron and then we can say that the name is going to be lebron james and now we also need to get the team the lakers so we can do comma we can have another node here and we can say well the lakers which is a team and over here we can say that the name is the lakers so l a lakers so now what we can do is create the relationship between the already existing lebron node so we can say lebron and then what we can do here is say hey we want a relationship between the already existing lebron node and the already existing lakers node and we want a place for relationship and we want to give this a salary of 40 million i think that's 40 million let's double check yes and now if we were to execute this it has worked so we didn't create any new nodes all we did was create a relationship so now if we did match and return n and execute this you can see that we have that relationship and that's really all we need to know about well uh uh creating data the last thing that we are going to learn about is how we can update our nodes and relationship now this right here we want to add the name of anthony davis because we missed this now of course we don't want to completely delete the node and then re-add it we just want to update it so in order to update it the first thing that we need to do is find that specific node now this node right here has no specific attributes but the id so we're gonna have to query for this node by the id now you might be thinking okay well that's relatively easy what we can say here is anthony or we can call this whatever note it is that we want and then we can say that we want the id of 0 in this case so of 0 in this case however if i went ahead and i returned anthony what's gonna happen is if i scroll all the way up there's nothing there so the way that we actually query using an id is going to be a little bit different than the way that we would query using other properties so in order to query using an id and this is only using an id this is just the only difference we're going to say anthony we're going to say anthony is also a player and then what we're going to say is where the id of anthony so the id of the anthony node is equal to and i think it was zero and then we can very simply just return anthony so anthony so let's go ahead and return that and now we get anthony so what i want to do is i want to set a property in here called name anthony davis so in order to do this what we're going to do is right after the where clause we're going to use another keyword called set and then in here we're going to get our node and then we're going to do dot and then whatever we want to say so and that's going to be equal to anthony davis and then we're going to return anthony so if you were to actually execute this you can see that now we actually created and updated our node by adding this particular property so of course we can add properties we can also update properties so let's actually kind of do things on the lebron lebron node so let's say here lebron we're going to say lebron's a player and then we're gonna say let's just use the where as well so we're gonna say where the lebron node has an id lebron node has an id that's equal to three that's what it was and then in here what we're going to do is we are going to update lebron's height so we're going to update lebron's height to be just a little bit taller maybe we we miscalculated lebron's height we're going to update it to 0.0 or 2.02 before it was 0.01 and what we can also do is we can also add another property if you want to so we can update a property and add another property at the same time by simply doing and we should call this lebron not n lebron and we could do that by having a comma and then have lebron dot age and i think lebron is 36 and then we can return lebron the lebron node so if we were to execute this there we go everything seems all fine and dandy now of course we can also update the labels so let's actually go ahead and we're going to re-execute this query but instead this time i'm going to add another label right now lebron has the coach general manager and player label let's also give him a ref label and so all we have to do is say set and then lebron and then whatever that label is so call in that label so now if you were to execute this you can see that now he has three different labels all right isn't that terrific so we can of course do the exact same thing with the relationships so what if we have remember that playful relationship has a salary and we want to update that salary to be you know a little bit larger than what it was before so just to quickly show you we're gonna have a match and let's say we want to update lebron salaries we're gonna say lebron where the name is lebron james and then what we want to do is we want to get the salary so we want to get the salary so we can say contract here and this is going to be place four and then over here we can specify that this is a team we don't really need to get the team but we want it we will we will just say that it is a team so we need we don't need a variable here and then here we can simply just say actually you know what let's just return the team itself so we can also see the relationship between lebron and the team so we're going to say lebron and then team so if we were to do this we were to get this and let's say what i wanted to do is i wanted to update this so i want to update this label so that the salary is maybe 60 million a year and this is actually very easy it's very similar to what we've done before so now what we can very simply do is say we want the contract dot salary to equal instead of 40 million 60 million so let's add the appropriate number of zeros and of course here we need to add the set keyword and if we were to execute this and now if you were to click on here you can see we have 60 million so now we talked about how we can update our data as well as add you know different properties to our nodes let's talk about how we can start removing stuff maybe i want to remove the ref label maybe i want to remove the age property from lebron how do i do that well really simple so let's first actually find lebron and i guess i'm gonna have to rewrite this query so we're going to say we're going to find the lebron node and let's just use its name so we're going to say lebron james and then what we are going to do is very simply just say remove and we don't want to remove lebron itself what we want to do is we want to remove lebron dot whatever property we want to remove in this case it's going to be lebron dot age now if you were to execute this and just return lebron himself now you can see here he doesn't have that age property now we can of course do the exact same thing with a label so let's say we want to remove that ref label execute that now he doesn't have that ref label all right that's pretty much it that's a good introductory beginner friendly course for neo4j hopefully you guys learned a lot and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Laith Harb
Views: 2,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8jNPelugC2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 7sec (4987 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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