Nelson for MCA πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯/interview watch and get inspired no one is limited πŸ™†-TENE FAMILY

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[Music] Bel daddy the you make me feel what you hello guys Welcome to our YouTube channel ten family and today my wife has forced me to talk about something I've always been avoiding but because of the public demand she will be asking me questions and I respond accordingly but she's behind the camera it is about it is about politics so can see I'm wearing wiper Democratic movement cup yes so she will be asking me about the political thing first of all tell us more about your political journey I mean why do do you love being a politician uh oh you know I don't like love being a politician to be cere seriously but politics is part of us and we we have to do politics every every day and sometime back I found myself being a politician in a way yeah 2022 I was I was an aspiran OFA World MCA MCA seat just to take you back yeah have you ever been a leader somewhere if it is all about leadership in me it is it flows like a river I have been a leader all through since my young age since I was in since I was in primary since I was in high school since I was in university I was H I always I was always the head the head I occupied the topmost position like being the president of students all through also in in church I've been the youth chairman for for the many years since 2014 until 2023 at Parish level so leadership with me it is something which just flows yeah congrats thank you I can remember back in high school you was my I was your president my president yeah yeah I was the president of stud C there Li that is 2015 yeah so you've talked about inspiring 2022 what what inspired you to be to contest or rather to to BU for okay yeah about my my aspiration I really felt that I was the the best candidate fit for that se at that AG because I felt that I had the agenda of my people I had the agenda of the people of Lima and I really wanted to represent them in the count assembly because I know that I can be I can do a quality representation and I can execute my duties as an MCA and as well do extraordinary in mobilizing resources and leading my people well in Li Lima so what inspired me to Aspire for that position is that I had the agenda of the youth because I was a youth and I had very many groups of the youth and they had they had confidence in me that I could become the best for them so that's why I decided to go for the seat MH with my agendas yeah okay would you like to tell us your manifest which one your manifestos of course I had very big list of Manifesto but what I know about Manifesto the most important thing in in Manifesto is the quality and the ability to deliver you know many politicians they are promiscuous they promise a lot of things of which they know they are not realistic and some are not even achievable others they lack the quality of innovativeness in their aspect of leadership the things which were being done by our forefathers in the field of leadership they are still the things which are being done today I felt that when I get that seat I could come up with the agenda of being Innovative in everything and change everything so I had the very five agendas of digital agriculture I was also thinking of Youth Empowerment and I was also thinking of the issue to deal with water in our society and I was thinking of the the issue of equality and bringing investors in our society so that we can make the the world become outstanding and make the world look like a city in a period of five years then when you get power you get the ability to serve I was thinking of networking for my people creating physical jobs to my people and making the world the best ever also I was thinking of taking as many bills as possible in the count assembly so that we can transform our count together I had already prepared several of them I will be sharing which I had already prepared for that wow those were so good and Chas and manifestors I I wish you could win for us to see those changes so were you in the ballot paper and if not what happened of course I was in the ballot paper I was very very qualified and I presented my papers to the high EBC and they cleared me everything was done and uh I was now good to go and uh this the politics and we continued with everything we went for the campaigns and did a lot of work yes and we did everything which is done by a contestant for us to win with my team which was very dedicated says that you dropped is that true there are things we call Necessities which are matter of invention as a leader you have to factor out some issues you have also to know when you are on the right track you have also to weigh out options and also to do the polls and know which position you are the the latest poll which was done it was it was saying that I could be in position three if the the elections was done I opted to to support wiper because it is our party and because I am a long-term supporter of my party leader Alonso skm wiper meetings I was I was convinced that I can drop for wiper for wiper candidates I accepted decided to support the wiper candidate unconditionally okay and do you think you could win if you you are given a chance to continue which party did you choose I was um I was aspiring with the party actually the party had very good agenda for the nation but the main issue as to why now we which necessitated us to to to fail to have the good support from the party is when our party leader was denied the chance to to buy as a president our party leader joined a MOA then we also decided to join okay yeah and do you think you could win where of course I was the best candidate and I was going to win okay by the time I dropped I was on the right track okay actually I disappointed my my followers mhm yeah okay all the best for the next elections of course will you V again uh let's cross the bridge when we reach there but uh I'm still ambitious and if given that opportunity okay I'll fly the ticket okay yeah and also wiper ticket if I'm given that ticket I will fly it and I will have the seat we love the seat okay if I can ask what are some of the challenges which you encountered well challenges are very many more to the aspirant challenges are there but we we must be strong to overcome them first is financial challenges for high was a youth Financial challenges was the was all always there but as inov as I said I am Innovative and very networking Personnel I used to to network and I got very good support from even abroad I could even get some financial support from even America okay and other well wishers which saw me being potential they really supported me and also my my family they supported me the other challenge which I encountered is UNC countless events and functions which I was always being invited and that was all about money so you find that you are aspiring for our an MCA se but the bun you're using is for like an H so that was another big challenge okay but it was good because it gave me a very good exposure and more me I like helping I like helping so when I was called to a function I felt good the other challenge is that you know not everyone which when sees you doing well in the set wishes you well so we could find that some people are not even supporting my aspiration even my our immediate neighbors so you found that that was another challenge which we encountered with my team we managed to overcome them MH yeah okay um if I can also ask did you you can you tell us who financed your campaigns yes no you that one I cannot say but I said that I was working first of all I was I was a bled was working in Nairobi MH and we I used to do the campaigns over the weekend when I was not in job so First Financial of my campaigns was my my job and my employer was very supportive on that that was the first employer who really supported me he used to F my car when I was going for the campaigns and she really supported me mhm is he really supported my aspiration and some colleagues there also my my extended family my uncles my they supported my aspiration and other friends they are supporting their cabins and very many others they know themselves because of other reasons I cannot mention them yes but there I was I got a very good support okay yeah that was good then my last question you you talked about dropping from V in the seed yeah did you benefit even after dropping uh I cannot say I benefited because we did not have any memorum of understanding mou but I can say my my biggest benefit is what I gained during my my campaign gain Fame said that when I go to an event I'm noticed and I'm recognized uh what else I have a name that is the biggest benefit I I got I have a name such that even today when I want to go to some offices I am not I cannot be denied access to Hender yes so when I Dred I supported the current MCM and he won I did not need I did not need anything from him actually I want I wanted to see him prosper and up to date I can't say I support him but I don't fight him I'm giving him time to work yes so I don't think I got another benefit from my aspiration party from that okay yeah that was good good you yes yeah so we wish you all the best in your political journey and we as the family we are ready to support thank you count our support thank you something I cannot fail to say to mention I had left it on the challenges I I encountered then I had not I was not married so some people used to say we cannot give a seat to someone who is not married so but my my girlfriend then who is my wife now was really although she was not for the idea she really supported me and I after a long time some day she always called me and she told me she told me in good words and I felt very encouraged and and uh I thank God for having her in my life and uh we see the future is pregnant yeah so thank you so much for the kind support you corded me with welcome and I will not fail you yeah okay thank you so much for creating time for this interview yeah yeah we appreciate so much much so as we end I still encourage you guys to keep on subscribing to my our YouTube channel and we we want to appreciate you so much for the kind support that you have already shown us and love so we we want to to promise you that we won't fail you and every day we'll be bring in a new video yes we will be coming back at back at back at back again next video loading
Channel: TeNe Family
Views: 114
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Id: NgNxDmwZw9o
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Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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