Nelson City Silver King Ice Mine...See through the floor and more!

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most of it's probably mental we don't like dark places that are wet and you're claustrophobic you have a bunch of phobias of it just could be the place for you [Music] all right so we're off on a really special adventure today my house son came come up for a visit and now we wanted to go into some mines he's getting me ahead and do some editing and get really good job on that knee figured out how to edit this 360 camera so just a perfect day on the sled we're up there and this is actually in the middle of April there's no snow in our yard we're more for grass but here we are so the Silver King is up close to 6,000 feet and there's about five feet of snow here man just perfect conditions just barely sunk on the snow and it wasn't wasn't slush you're not the nice warm day so it was kind of exciting we went up there and that was the mine was totally iced off and we didn't bring an axe or anything so luckily we backtrack and got a shovel from a cabin back there we're going there and chop it out but it was kind of a - but screw up because we chopped a hole just big enough to get in there and we couldn't get out because it's straight up and down I was able to push came back up through the hole but I couldn't get my I couldn't get back up there so we had to actually rigger climbing rigging up and slowly chop the hole up so it was pretty exciting so we found a lot of really cool stuff this is really old mine goes back into some square set stop got some really cool artifacts so I'm yeah so we're just about of the mine and now we'll show you what we found once we got to the sobriquet this is over King and not my voice is a little sore but I can still talk so I'm up here at game so I'm now it's just a beautiful day here in the middle of in the springtime you know middle of April and just beautiful day to be out slidin those snow it's not soft so we're gonna have lots of fun and we'll see you down the bun I'm up here with my son cane so he's never mind before so it can be pretty exciting so what do you think about going into the Silver King oh I guess we'll see what we have to work with I mean probably need an axe to get through the right schools in the front but I got through the ice cavern in ocarina of time so I should be fine this is the hole we're looking at and I'm I was worried it was maybe gonna be a little bit plugged but lots of air coming out of there so it's keeping the kept call a snow from around there so we're gonna head down there yeah we're bigger oh it's getting there you're making any progress Tom we're having quite a challenge getting through this racin okay it was kind of stupid because if I would've brought my bloody my axon so we beat some of these icicles all the way and got a bit of a hole hair we're gonna keep working on this all right so I made her in here and it's pretty tough getting in that proposed to be a small hole there so I had to chop the ice like crazy to get in here we're just gonna do a quick little recon in here and we'll see what we're looking at here sounds like it's hollow underneath it but the floor saw that I don't so what do you think I mind cancel for her well getting in there was the paint but it was worth it yeah this is really cool - see some neat stuff in here okay hi your rear we're about to the clear ace here when he first saw this we didn't think was even frozen it was clearer than this you know a little bit cloudy but not bad [Music] cloudy in the mine oh there's some drill samples they would have been drilling for or with a diamond drill and there's the football so everything they mined would have been below that this is where the airlines could have been on now once you get in here is a pretty big mine hard to believe it when you first go down down a little hole but it opens up pretty big that looks like good order Frost a load of silver here's me where are the two don't walk too close to me because I think this is hollow and it's gonna might fall I don't think there's any Walker nut cane a crack course upon expiration [Music] you break it you pay for it that's the rule you break it you pay for it just goes up look what I should watch you bounce up clear all right so this is one who stays right here moist is here it looks like it's plugged by something up there we want to try to get your little ole up there we go now look down here but it definitely wouldn't be going on that ladder on that man way so there's another area I think we can get now look this is kind of weird because it's all like slush in here weird stuff almost like really old with this some kind of a slayer or something at the hand you should probably used it with a pulled by mules or something come through here not just ends there this is uh there's here look at this is a bucket here to this bucket yeah no we're not we're not big moist is they were that bucket when I went down there and they could brought tools and stuff up there there's higher levels up there so higher levels more levels like this is a level here there's levels above that and below this is a dynamite box right there you just stepped on see that's the case of dynamite close no damage no important things agents up like this make sure you don't touch anything because pretty rotten Deborah here just by you may be grabbing it but it caused it to collapse just gonna collapse this cuz you're walking past it but grab it you know here's your camera yeah to the left this way yeah yeah that left looks like that looks like order to me looks like a bayonet yeah silver ladder sink or something in there this is one of those things that you probably shouldn't leave them on because he take them home and I don't for some reason when the lighter date gets to another frozen are right in here in the dryer up and they just fall right apart we make them awesome she's pretty rotten never went down but maybe wouldn't be so bad the flattens up pretty quick yeah ain't gonna be problem okay want this late that's all you need yeah just take your time I'm not having the helmet on you're late on your helmet it's heard okay if you go down just a little bit further or just actually right there just turn around I'll hand you the camera nope I don't know both louder but whatever me if you slip not much gonna happen this is highly breaking that new man on the first day just something real easy [Laughter] you're young you can get up there I'm young but not stupid that lighters toast throw a truck sir yeah a whole Louisville that yeah we come down them kind of sketchy ladders and use a lot as too much is crime ate it down hearing or something couple more ladders and we're making their way down here who didn't bring any ropes but keep continuing on down here yeah that wasn't too smart yeah I thought we were gonna go up but don't it goes down so this will be out faucet more hair so this floor just more there's nothing underneath that right cuz it was it dumped so don't be no careful well that's cool yeah yeah cool what am i need or don't pop over seeing this yeah we got to go down see look at this is all square set here like a Lego set they build all these Timbers a notch on the way up there to get up there that's old-school and done that for a long time huh more square set and then there's a pretty good water pass going down oh it's pretty steep we ain't going down there without a rope warm in here eh yeah so I said let's get in here you only your coveralls that wasn't that cold outside either oh look at that shooter not cool nonetheless you try and go down there well it'll be pretty dumb yeah I see you just slide right down like that but we can get down there other ways we could crawl down this way no see this is all called gobbing this all starting here see that rocks snap there comes all the way so instead of whole rollout say how sweet that is well that's cool the new part getting too well there's big plop ones and stuff down here hopefully looks like a big square set in your hair versus shoot that shoot is down here oh the size of beans these are treated with bitumen as well so they're very erotic they don't treat stuff alone all right is he not rope being hemp than old hemp rope a yeah as soon as you grabbed it was just crumble hmm well I for looks all right no it's a false floor but I mean you think I was six approach should we stand beside each other by yeah hmm well they were doing a lot of carpentry here a also that or not or shoot just goes right in here oh that's pretty neat I want to bring in here good wonder why further does it go huh okay well this is oh we could just hop right down here from the top we wanted you yeah try to find the easiest way then they sure did a lot of work in here didn't they without nursey not much timber in a smaller area like this no that's close oh cool yeah I've never seen this section before I'm glad you came down there all right so you think that ladder was okay hey what's hundred years old it still lasted so well now imagine the worms he's up on a nickel this is a really impressive example of square sup how they used to mock and old old days you don't see that very often at all they just built all this up here all these layers well I'm really cool no this is really neato I'm really glad to keep it up here it wasn't that hard you down here yeah square so fun easy way wow there's a junction here yeah yeah so don't jump down there what does go down here with that oh well you'll be able to crawl down on that round or something you're young I'm with you there like this oh yeah that's right yeah but that is is they would have put it in the ribs there to hold that the airlines we've seen it in a few spots here that's oh that's what guard it's riveted long as you'd expect sold mine nineteen's actually think theorem turn-of-the-century look at this yeah see it's all river there's no welding on it so really it's not welded it also did it all counting that's for counting loads eh yeah that's cool we could take that with us so when they're dumping those loads over over got over this or passed down and they lose it this pegboard these that keep track of the the loads you'll not be there be ten right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah so they they just go to ten these old ox holes they don't have hurry sitting so they just had a pin in here they took that out pull the wheel out the hen greased it up I don't even know if it happens watch where you're standing though just in case resigned if false floors me I'll get a heady a bit or dump here somewhere mmm-hmm yeah it's rusted to the foundations mm-hmm oh here we got one more faults more shirts are there we're gonna be really careful okay well this doesn't go down very far here so it's okay I'm a big voice going down I know this is really dicey now oh yeah I think I can do this if you throw something like this down you scrub that weight over a larger area that's a voice that's going straight down it's a man way no holy s--t holy s--t oh wow okay walk by me if you walk on that tumor you all right see that light now don't shoot it up here I'll shoot it up there super you see up there now which waist this is hmm nobody wears now we've seen a hoist at the very bottom that might be the same voice I think there's three horses in this mine now okay throw it over in the timber yeah so there's another thing voice we following with you just three big boys here there's a little thin banging right there really then we wouldn't mind anything that but they can come out and then it could break out and the Seas getting wider and it probably broke into a real wide so that looks like we're there let me wouldn't mind come from that vein absolutely it says night it looks like it says either 1914 or women luckily I could almost take that home but really could be a lot of work be possible but not easy that was a nice work there's even a small got these big monster ones yeah we're wrong well we wouldn't be able to fit it through that hole one think so yeah oh we got more levels here killer that they used to hold the backup there's a flooded luzina war right there there's some calcium coming out of there but the pause that would remind down here but it would have brought the water back up because obviously the whore didn't go down I wouldn't be flooded right yeah explosive Forks there there's a fine see if there's a date on it maybe we're into the end of a look bombs are all my houses well there's a bottom on it so there's that oh there goes I don't see a date see exile Baltic Sea that was a cm cell okay explosives militant about the destruction Department here testing out a hemp rope that's a hundred years old yeah there you go yeah the timber is going the thing is going done time and the timber fell huh [Music] way down there is it just oh that's pretty neat pretty bright colors there must be some more in that stopper bead elite you know that dot definitely some swimmer there I would think yeah that's rich I don't know that's nice does it just end down there yeah okay okay cool I'm glad we checked this out anyways because it was snow it's the only other place that we got to check out here on this part anyways so yeah we did pretty good yeah good exercise eh yeah you got a swirl us we're going to edit all that out you know [Music] I just thought we weren't really gonna get anywhere we please seen quite a bit of cool stuff it's dark now doesn't remember that's okay if your mind gets dark who cares oh there's trucks in here so maybe you should go first yeah use that rope will tie it on there pull all that crap up oh forget over ghost causing suitors lots of snow in hurt but pretty tight oh yeah just barely fit down in here I kind of got stuck getting out a hard time getting somebody in here so all right I'm getting out there at the chip clip number I get out here I'm gonna take a while forget my phone s I hear could be pretty tricky looks like a small hole and it is thick enough you have easier chopping from the bottom I don't know why don't see much so what happen is though he's started coming down here just ran down in here saturate the top and then mid ice so that's good that means it there's not much a sir [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines
Views: 38,829
Rating: 4.9207315 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mines in bc, mine carts, old mining, antique, old mine carts, exploring abandoned mines, exploring abandoned mines in bc, frank schlichting, grand forks mines, things to do in grand forks, dangerous mines, abandoned mines, bc mines, gold, machines, explore, adventure, exciting
Id: Am1gzVdBbEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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