Nelly - Just A Dream (Official Music Video)
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Channel: NellyVEVO
Views: 560,516,621
Rating: 4.8868856 out of 5
Keywords: just a dream nelly, nelly just a dream official video, nelly just a dream video, nelly videos, nelly youtube channel, nelly 5.0, nelly rapper, nelly rapper hit songs, nelly songs, nelly 5.0 songs, nelly justa dream, NELLY JUST A DREAM, JUST A DREAM, JUST A DREAM NELLY, JUST A DREAM official music video, JUST A DREAM remastered video, NELLY remastered, NELLY remastered videos, #remastered, hd music videos, remastered music videos
Id: N6O2ncUKvlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2010
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Nah, 'Everything You Want' by Vertical Horizon is the anthem of friend zoned "Nice Guys"TM .
Thought this was a fan made video because of how bad the "floating car" looks.
Imagine my reaction when I saw the video had 200+ million views.
Oh man, I remember this was my jam back in school.
... yeah, you can probably guess how old I am.
I love this song, but I cant watch it without thinking of its hilarious parody