Neil Patrick Harris: Ellen Show Magic Trick REVEALED

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he was up guy's at his card Schaeffler in 99 here and today we are going to be revealing Neil Patrick Harris his performance on The Ellen Show that he did not too long ago I believe it was today that it was posted on The Ellen Show if you guys haven't seen the performance we'll put a link down below in the description so it be free to check that out this is a pretty simple trick so we're gonna run through it as quick as we can I'm not gonna perform it so once again if you do want to see the performance go check that out he did a pretty great job obviously he's not a magician or anything like that but he does have his own deck in this case we have this deck right here these are the Neil Patrick Harris cards by theory 11 if you guys want to check these out you can check them out on Theory 11 website or you can go on Amazon I believe they have it there as well anyway let's just talk about what he did so he's gonna have a couple different stages to the trick he's gonna start out with a deck of cards and he's also going to have a notepad so we got a notepad here and we got a deck of cards right here so all your he's going to do essentially for this part of the trick is you're going to need sort of a gimmick I guess you could call it but it's just a cart that's cut short okay so you can see here all I did was cut the border off the top of one of the cards in this case we just use the Joker it doesn't matter what card this is because this is not the card they're going to select so keep that in mind so you're just cutting off that little bit right there and yeah if you have the advertisement card or anything like that you could always use that instead of the Joker I wouldn't recommend using any other cards obviously so you're not destroying your deck so all I did was use an exacto knife you could also use for example a pair of scissors it doesn't matter what you want to use for this now keep in mind that if you guys are going to use sharp objects like that make sure you guys have some parental supervision especially if you guys are younger you don't want to get cut or anything like that once again we're not responsible if you guys actually do get hurt okay so be very careful with those especially the exacto knife you can definitely get cut with that so once again all I do is I cut off the edge just like that and this is going to go into the middle of the deck now this is going to go right over the card you to force so let's say for example let's say I wanted to force let's go with the East of Spades okay if I wanted to force the Ace of Spades this is how you're going to set it up all you're going to do is you're going to take that ace of spades and you're going to put it right over top of your little cut card okay so that's all you're going to do this is going to be the ace of spades here you have your cut card and once again you're gonna have the cut edge on the top and this is going to go somewhere to the middle the deck okay now you can show that all the cards are different obviously nothing's like suspicious about the cards whatever obviously you do have this cut card here and really all that's going to happen here is there's going to be this sort of gap now it's kind of hard to see I can see if I could put that up to the camera there there's a slight gap it's probably really hard to see but that's obviously good if you can't see it because you don't want the spectator to see it but there is going to be the small gap right up here I'm sure you can probably see that little break right yeah that's where the cut card is essentially because once again the card is slightly shorter than the rest what happens is when you riffle through it's going to stop you right at that cut card just right there it's going to have you force the ace of spades so there's a couple ways you can go about doing this for example let's let me take this out really quick one other way you can do this if you don't want to cut a card is you could take a card just like this and you can hold it down just like this if you had a card and you held it just like this you could go about the same thing because you are gonna have that little break up here so that works as well but this is slightly easier to go about doing because obviously with that you would have to sort of take a card and sort of stick it through the middle and make sure that it's slightly in jog just like that okay so that's what you're gonna have to do once again get the cut card cut edge on the top put the card you want to force every top of it you can put this somewhere in the middle you can show all the cards show all the cards just like Neil Patrick Harris did and obviously all you're going to do is you can tough to say stopping it's just a timing thing let's just go a stop right there right obviously you're just going to stop there either way but yeah it's a pretty simple thing obviously if you're going through pretty quick they're going to be more inclined to start saying stop a little bit sooner but yeah all you have to do is will ripple through and you're going to end up stop here you don't actually have to try cuz there is that little gap there so once again all you do is you riffle through it'll stop you right there and you're good to go so that's how that part of the trick works now at that point he's gonna do some sort of shuffle where he pretends like he's sort of messing up where he drops like all the cards all over the floor but obviously he's not actually messing up here this is going to be ready for another part of the trick okay so all you're going to have to do after this is you're going to need a notepad now you can do this a couple different ways in terms of the notepad itself all you're going to need to do here is you're going to have something a little sort of like a setup like this now this is how it's going to work he's going to show everybody that all the letters are different right obviously got all different letters okay so we're gonna have all different letters here can you see that yeah all the different letters but if you're going to lift up somewhere you're always going to lift up to the same letter B B B right so this is a sort of a little principle that you're going to apply here and all you're going to need to do now obviously if you're gonna use a post to pad like this don't use a sharpie marker because it complete through obviously but all you're going to do is you're going to take a notepad whether it's person that's whatever you use and every other post-it is going to be cut slightly short now these short post-its are actually going to be the post-it that or the the page that they're actually going to stop too so what this allows you can see here first page is obviously long second pages cut you don't cut it this short obviously this is just for sort of you guys to see how this is going to work so don't obviously cut it that short you only need to kind of like a millimeter or maybe even a centimeter if you really had to it's not very noticeable so you're just gonna cut it short once again don't cut it this short and what this allows is if you riffle down on the cards or on the packet it's going to sort of reveal different cards and it's not because your thumb isn't actually rippling by the short cards right just like that but if you were to lift up you're only going to be lifting up at the break which is basically where the short cards are going to be so if they were to riffle through like this they're always going to see a B so basically what Neil Patrick Harris said was riffle up and then look at your selection rain obviously they can see that they're going to get the same one every single time right so once again all you're going to do take a notepad start with the lung you know post it here the second one you're going to take and you're gonna cut this one short so I'm just gonna take some scissors and I'm gonna cut this one short you're gonna keep another long one another short one here and you're gonna go through all the way through your notepad until you're done now this obviously doesn't have to be perfect but you're going to be end up lifting up on these short ones so once again the short piece of paper is the piece of paper that's going to be the forced so once again on every short piece of paper sorry every short piece of paper you're going to want the same letter or the same in his situation the same object in this case Ellen would select hottub now he did actually have a box okay and the box is basically what's his prediction so let's just assume that this is my prediction obviously I wrote B because I'm forcing B right so what he's going to do is he's going to have in his box he's going to have another one of his books right so that's that's obviously not a hot tub right and that's what Ellen everybody thought because obviously he brought the impression that he actually messed up the first part of his trick which he once again he did not actually mess up the first part of his trick that was just sort of to you know bring attention away from the card but really all that happened was he took the book and you know he talked about the cover he talked about the cover and once again when he talks about the covered throughout the trick it's going to bring that idea that bring the idea back that you know let's look at the cover and that's where he's going to reveal the object that she selected in this case a hot tub and then it's gonna go back to the card and that's a really smart idea is going from the second part of the trick and then flashing it back to the very first part and people are gonna sort of remember that they're gonna be like wow that was pretty cool so this is a pretty cool routine I hope you guys enjoyed this now once again it's not the most complex routine so keep that in mind it is not the most complex so I'm gonna run through this one last time to see you guys know exactly how to run through this okay once again you're going to need your little short card here I don't recommend using a normal card put that in the cart that goes above the cut card is actually going to be so in this case this car right here six space is what we're forcing all you're going to do here is you're going to riffle down you're gonna time it so once again you're gonna have them try to say stop somewhere stop and it's gonna stop there either way so just try to time in as well as you can but that's how you're going to force the card at least and then obviously he does a shuffle the cards fly all over the place he's gonna do this once again every other card is cut to a different length right all the short pieces of paper are going to have the same letter or the same in this case object on it and if you riffle down like this all the letters are different okay so that is essentially how this is going to run through and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this one if you guys want any more reveals once again we do like to do reveals on this channel be sure to subscribe to the channel tree not already subscribed okay guys I hope you guys enjoyed this one hope you made it clear for you guys and this card shuffler 99 peace out
Channel: CardShuffler99
Views: 64,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neil, Patrick, harris, neil patrick harris, ellen, ellen show, magic, tricks, card, trick, 2017, revealed, tutorial, explained, reveal, neil patrick harris magic trick, neil patrick harris magic trick revealed, neil patrick harris ellen show, neil patrick harris ellen show revealed, neil patrick harris card Trick revealed, neil patrick harris card Trick, neil patrick harris ellen, neil patrick harris ellen revealed, neil patrick harris revealed
Id: SN_xwaqpkkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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